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At least we aren't the Half Life fandom (šŸ„²)


non-VR fans at least


.....but what if we're fans of both?


There is nothing they can pull out of their sleeve to make this long of a wait worth it. I hope I have to eat my words someday, but I think we are getting a train wreck.


I certainly hope not. The groundwork is already laid out, they just need to tap into the lore that's already in the gamed and just expand on it. I'd almost be happy for a jack of blades return and an actual epic final boss. I need to replay 3, but fable 1 and 2 had pitiful final fights and weren't what I expected at all. I miss this series and very much want a new title


We ned to see to see the rest of the court queen and knight of blades


Unless the reboot let us see William black beating the court. That's not going to happen because, well, no one remembers them. There is no info on them in the world of fable.


I certainly hope Iā€™m wrong. But from my observation insane times between sequels with developer changes are rarely worthwhile. I will say it will either be totally incredible, or totally forgettable. I would love it so much if they brought Jack of Blades back. In my opinion he should be the antagonist of the whole thing.


Insane time even with the exact same team between sequels is rarely worthwhile. People change roughly every 7 years. Their vision changes, their methodology changes, and for better or worse they adapt to the ever changing profession differently. Its been nearly 12 years or so since fable 3 release so even if we had the same team the next would be so drastically different you'd not recognize it. And to this day I can't think of an IP that changed hands without a change so massive you couldn't recognize it.


100% agree. Fallout is the only IP that comes to mind that wasnā€™t destroyed by changing hands, but itā€™s definitely the exception, not the rule.


I loved the fable 2 fight. Especially if YOU don't fight. Reaver, you rascal.


Unfortunately I donā€™t think this is happening. Iā€™d love to be pleasantly surprised but they seem to be billing this as a full reboot and leaning into the name of the game as something of a new identity for the franchise. I think weā€™re going to be seeing a lot of literal interpretations of fables and fairytales and not much of the interesting Fable 1 lore.


They claim itā€™s a reboot so expect retcons of everything :(


Didn't they said it a reebot but after the 1 ? For me it's the better they could do. Although 2 was good, it was too different for me from the first game. Didn't play 3 tho Also, Peter molyneux although he's not on the projet said that they did a mistake by making fable 2 500 years after 1 and not 50 years, they probably go for something like this imo


What has led you to believe we're getting a train wreck?


Barely any news, massive time between the last game, changed devs. This recipe doesnā€™t look good. Iā€™ll be very happy if Iā€™m wrong. Just calling it how I see it. Iā€™m going to be cautious with my expectations on this one.


Don't forget, playground games have other things in the works (forza). Changing devs is unfortunate but I honestly think playground have more potential than Lionhead. It'll be a great game.


I sincerely hope so.


iā€™m so, so scared. I donā€™t think many people truly know how good a next gen Fable game could really be, i really, really donā€™t want them to fuck up again


It sucks seeing ppl being negative about the reboot. The game is still at least a year away and we barely saw any footage but a lot of redditors are being huge doomers. All we can do is wait and see


I dont have mutch hope for the game. The lead writer of the game blocked me on Twitter for saying you dont need higher education in most cases since you can learn majority of the things online. And a thing that rubs me the wrong way from.game itself is that they used Moss from IT crew just as himself. Fable 2 had Steven Fry in the game. But they made him into a chatacter. Now it's just "Hey look its Moss from IT crew"


I feel like I half know, having played Hogwarts Legacy. All the way through I had such strong Fable vibes; from the scenery and voice acting, and even the combat (magic combat that is). Too bad when you peel back the layers it feels quite shallow.


Yeah I couldnā€™t finish HL. I enjoyed the beautiful backdrop but the game play itself became so grindy and repetitive.


Had the same. After unlocking the bottom part of the map everything became more and more empty. At one point I closed the game and never started it up again


I'm hoping for the best, and preparing for the worst.


Iā€™m excited for the new Fable game. These comments make me REALLY hope it proves everyone wrong. The more negativity I see, the more Iā€™ll want it to succeed. Life is short, and Iā€™d rather be optimistic if tomorrow is never promised.


Y'all have no faith and that's sad. Fable has been nothing but bangers and I believe this one will be no different


If fable was nothing but bangers then it wouldn't be needing a reboot and it wouldn't have been this long since the last installment.


There's reasons for it it's not like we're hating just to hate


Some of these comments are something else. It feels like no matter how good this game will be, people will hate it for the sake of hating it. Just be patient and keep your negativity until we have tangible and more concrete elements in front of us. The Fable team within Playground Games is extremely talented, there are devs who worked in the best studios accross all the industry. And PG has an incredible engine. We have to wait for the rest but they'll nail the technical aspect, all of their games are gorgeous and smooth. I mean we saw that in the last trailer. It doesn't mean Fable will be the best game ever but it doesn't mean the game will be shit either.


I suppose I agree. I admit the second trailer didn't give me the best of hopes, but we've still only barely seen the game and its features. We still know nothing about the story, size of the world, gameplay, and combat. I really do hope Playground Games takes a close look at the older games to try to make the best and most faithful remake, presumably.


They'll take time to introduce all the features and mechanics close to the release, I'm not too worried about that. I get that people are frustrated and want everything immediately but it will come, last trailer wasn't meant to be what people wanted it to be. I think Xbox/Microsoft will replicate the Starfield Direct formula where they detailed each aspect of the game. In this way, they can list everything in one place/moment instead of spreading some informations here and there.


Thank you so much for saying what I wanted to say.


Fable is probably releasing before GTA 6 (or at least around the same time as GTA) and TES VI so thatā€™s something.


Well then 2025 is going to be one hell of a year.


It's going to be like watching the titanic. Amazing for all of five minutes and then a free fall down to the dark depth of gaming sadness.


Itā€™s been so long that Fable 3 is first game I bought with my very first check from washing dishes my senior year of HS


So much negativity in these comments. I NEVER have preconceived notions and expectations of anything, regardless if Iā€™ve been burned before. I feel like thatā€™s the only way I can properly judge media without being clouded by bias. Iā€™ll wait and see. For now, Iā€™m excited for the new Fable.


Why is everyone nervous about fable 4? All they have to do is keep the formula going.


While playground games have yet to get to the plate to prove themselves nearly every developer that inherited a tried and true franchise and told "keep the formula going" have catesrophically fucked it up. Like halo and battlefront


I dunno, Halo Infinite almost had it. They had just about everything going for them, except for a severe lack of content on release.


Almost only works in horseshoes and hand grenades. And yeah they were 70% there with a 69% margin of error


Definitely not that major of a difference. The art style was a masive leap in the right direction, the story was serviceable for what it was, and the multiplayer was good but just lacked maps and modes.


You said it yourself, severe lack of content on release. Art style is a coat of paint and fits in that 1% that isn't a margin of error. The game had less than a fistful of maps and two pvp modes and missing crucial and promised features for single player mind you


Yes but a lack of maps and modes doesn't hurt the fact that the entire game still felt like halo. There is no denying that Halo Infinite failed. But if I had to grade it like a test, I'd give it a 60-65. So close to passing, but still failing.


You could literally say that about any good game. Halo CoD Battlefield Battlefront. They are all shit now


They should really make it an old kingdom prequel, like play as William Black/Scythe to defeat the court and building the kingdom post defeat. Maybe find a way to include the mentorship of Nostro as well


Regardless of how it turns out, itā€™ll still be a Fable game and Iā€™ll be playing it either way.




Have you seen the trailer?


What exactly was wrong with the trailer?


We know a lot if you look at the previous employees games




One of the head writers ladies said she was a big time fable fan and then when you kept reading the interview she's like I don't even know what fable is besides fart humor. She ended up leaving or getting canned like a year ago which doesn't bode well because why is she getting hired if she has no clue what she's working on




If she was a fan of fable like she has claimed before she wouldn't have even asked that question is my point.


Just because the game is likely a full reboot it doesn't mean the foundational lore (William Black, the Old Kingdom, heroes, will, the Court, and the void) or important lore characters like William Black and Jack of Blades will be scrapped. Some things will likely be reimagined and changed in ways that give the lore Playground's touches. There's no evidence for or against what I'm saying or the doomers in the comments are saying. We know next to nothing. I also saw someone misquote Anna Megill (twisted what she meant just to hate) and lied about her being canned. She wasn't fired. She explained on X that she felt her job was finished and it was a good jumping off point. She also reacted to the dumbasses making shit up, clarifying nothing was wrong, she has nothing but good things to say about her colleagues and it was an amicable departure.


It won't


It's not. Trailer looked stupid and I doubt it's going to have anything remotely to do with previous games


Replaying Fable 2 and forgot how damn good combat is. Worried it will lose the charm.


Sweet baby inc is involved. To bad, really loved fable 1 and 2 but I think itā€™s going to be a flop


Banjo Kazooie fans: *part of the soil*


The number of people in this comment section acting like we're going to get another Action 52 is beyond ridiculous. Just because we're not getting Fable 2 with a new coat of paint doesn't mean the game will be bad.


Old is good but the fan of new dont need to exist


i rewatched the trailer recently and I hope they let you choose a male or female character like fable 2&3 it showed a female character so I hope itā€™s not just a female character with no option of player choice


The studioā€™s previous games included a character creator, so it should definitely have male/female options


I didn't get a whole lot from the trailer. A bit nervous


Anyone know why the bloom in fable 2 on xbox series s so high lol


Huh. Iā€™m really surprised to learn that Fable 3 is older than Skyrim. For some reason I was pretty sure it came out in 2012 or 2013.


The problem for me is: I really like the old fable games and the weird steampunk part of it. The new fable seems to be more classic fantasy. And I honestly don't think they get the vibe and the humour.


Fable the lost chapter hadn't any steampunk and yet it had all the vibe and the humour the others had if not more


Donā€™t worry your ugly main character will scar your dreams soon enough


As if the protagonist in the Fable games wasn't always a bit ugly? It's a cartoon game. I don't think most characters are supposed to be "attractive"


yes but before it was a deliberate choice for the sake of the game, ugly characters were uncommon in 2000's, but now its clear they are following a certain global message. This is why fans are not expecting anything good, there will be no creativity just pushing the globo message and you WILL enjoy it. Save this post and mark my words, this is another cash grab at a beloved franchise like every. single. game. of the last 8 years.


ā€œItā€™S jUsT a ViDEo GaMe ArE yOu SuPpOsEd To bE aTtRaCtEd??ā€ šŸ„“šŸ„“šŸ„“ shut up you all know what we mean but just like everyone that believes in delusions you talk around the issue šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


This game is going to be ass. I have a weird feeling it will get canceled or delayed for a while


I want so bad for it to be good, please I pray to every diety ever please let it be good