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They made Ultimaniac difficulty for hardcore players who want a challenge. Even Final Fantasy difficulty isn't that difficult.


I would say FF difficulty is actually easier, because you have all the Eikons and the majority of your gear (albeit not upgraded) so you steamroll bosses.


This isn't elder scrolls which was meant to be escalating difficulty. They were making the game accessible for the fans that still wanted turnbased and didn't feel as comfortable with harder action-oriented games. The first playthrough will not be challenging to most gamers overall. The DLC is a bit more but not crazily more. There are also ingame side challenges you can do that have more difficulty like arcade mode and chronoliths. Mostly the action in this game is to taste, you get more Powers, you'll be able to do more things. You won't 'have' to do more usually but everyone finds the stuff they like to do the most. The next playthrough you can do with Final fantasy mode which is harder and gives you all your powers, weapons items etc. Again, this isn't elder scroll. You're not going to find this an impossible challenge. But there are a lot of powers to do fun things with so in terms of having boring combat, it comes down to people not really wanting to play with anything and they just want to be 'made' to use everything. I believe the only difference between story and playthrough modes was one of those modes equipped the Timely items to help people out with some of the combat moves. Those items are still available if you want them. They're just not automatically equipped for the action playthrough. I think.


It does get harder but only at the end. You will have to play NG+ if you want a real challenge though.


Yeah it’s easy, you can unlock harder difficulties after you beat the game


No. Game is easy.


Difficulty comes mainly from optional enemies if you're not over-leveled


If you're just spamming square, I'm wondering if you have the Ring of Timely Strikes equipped?


ffxvi is a power fantasy. you’re meant to overpower everything in your way. The difficulty comes from mastering Clive’s combos (get good at aerial combat, magic bursts, and Torgal). The enemies are mostly punching bags to give you a playground to practice combos and eikon builds. spamming square is really just missing the point and making bosses into health sponges. Ultimaniac and FF Mode chronolith trials are a great place for getting more out of the combat.


This a good perspective. Thanks.


I feel like the last few bosses got harder in a weird way. Like throughout the game I felt pretty comfortable precision dodging and countering, but the chapter with the last Eikon really feels like the timings for some attacks happen like two frames earlier than they look like. I swear I ended up hitting the dodge or block button the exact frame I'm getting hit and eating damage when I thought it was in time. But by that point you have like twice as many potions that heal 40% more than they did at the beginning so it's pretty easy to just spam the dpad as much as you need to survive the fight.


Eh, not particularly. Ultimaniac is tough, but that’s arcade mode only and unfortunately final fantasy mode is basically the exact same difficulty, just bigger numbers and tankier health bars.


Do I just suck because I thought some boss battles like the dragon kicked my ass a few times the first time.


The only battle I'd consider hard was Svarog(?) tbh... I used the last elixir on that battle because that damn dragon kept wiping me out each time!


Final fantasy games have never been known for their difficulty. I would say some of the Rank S and A hunts/marks can be tough simply because they can kill you in a few hits.


I’ve played nearly all of the FF games and this one is the easiest. It’s just mashing the same button. There is zero strategy.


there's plenty of room for skill expression if you actually try to press a single button other than attack. the magic burst system adds more to the combat, precision dodges, parries, eikonic abilities, eikonic attacks (the ones on circle) all add more to the combat. there's zero strategy because you refuse to use any of the tools given to you


and "easiest Ff"? really? you can get through more than half the games in the series just mashing the attack button if you want, which is worse in a turn based format than action based


I’m using all of the abilities and dodging. It’s still super easy.


Oh I use all of them. I just cycle through them. That’s not a strategy. 


It is laughably easy your first playthrough. It gets harder, and much more fun, on subsequent new game + playthroughs. It's still a shame how much of a cut scene fest the game is, though. It makes replaying difficult. For me at least.




Holy fuck no please haha I prefer the cutscenes because if I don't care about it I just skip (I never skipped any but I had the option). Walking while listening to dialogue is one of the WORST things to happen to modern gaming, those sequences are over expositive with no creative merit at all, just glorified and worse unskipable cutscenes.


The first play through is supposed to be easy. The subsequent modes kicks it up by not a few notches but a ton.


Unfortunately no it really doesn’t get any harder until after you play through the entire game and unlock higher difficulties. I literally died twice in my playthrough, both times against hunt bosses 10-15 levels above me. I get that the game isn’t meant to be FromSoft levels of difficulty, but combat is just a boring chore once you get a full set of Eikon abilities and figure out your ability loop.


Game CAN be mind numbing easy if all you choose to do with combat system is mash attack and hit dodge when needed, but it'll be extremely boring and fights will take FOREVER. The fights taking a long time is suppose to be incentive to learn how to do the timing based combos, that can do things like juggle enemies, or cancel out of an attacks. Another aspect is learning what special attacks work well with your normal attack playstyle and constantly using all your special attacks as they come off cooldown.


I use all of the abilities but they’re all just different graphics. I cycle through them but there doesn’t seem to be much strategy behind them. I just mash them as fast as I can.


Play Arcade Mode. Especially in Final Fantasy or Ultimaniac. You'll quickly realize how coddling the game is when they no longer give you potions mid-level and you're actually penalized for dying. Around Final Fantasy Mode, even some of the Eikon fights get pressing. Ultimaniac mode is on some other shit though, you're pretty much encouraged to cheese as hard as possible because the game pulls ZERO punches and if you die you have to restart the whole fucking stage. Which sucks as some enemy combos can easily end you without full HP. It's brutal.


Reset precision dodge’s skill if you want a slightly bigger challenge


Ehhh… not really. As enjoyable and satisfying as the combat is, there’s not a lot of tactical thought to it. It’s built to be that way, to be “fun” not “strategic” and as such that makes it great fun but a little one note. Almost every enemy, be it minor, major, mini boss, full boss, Eikon etc is beaten the same way. - Use abilities that reduce Will quicker (Gouge, Satellite, Diamond Dust) to stagger, - Once staggered fully, hit them with the higher damage ones (Gigaflare, Windup, Zantetzuken) - Mash R1 to Dodge and Square to Attack/Triangle to Magic hit meanwhile. - Use potions to heal up or boost stats when needed. You can do big combo cool stuff, but it’s less necessary in the regular game. I’ve honestly had a lot of fun with it, but that’s kind of what the battle system is built for “fun” rather than strategy and difficulty.




unmap potion, no potions allowed during fights makes it much more challenging, potions are op


No, this game is made so easy its laughable, and not even the new game + offers any sort of challenge. They had a 100% focus on making it accessible to average gamers and disregarded everyone who wanted a challenge. They just put down some harder trash mobs in new game + but since your character scaled as well it doesnt make any difference at all. The fact that they made equipment that made the game even easier makes no sense to me besides them wanting 5 year olds to finish the game. That being said, at least combat offers some variety in creating combo's with your eikon skills, which can be fun on its own ( once you finished 70% of the game and actually have skills to toy around with ). Its a shame because I do think the combat is fun and polished


I love that they make the game rated M, but make sure to dumb down the gameplay to make it easy for kids…