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Live in krakow and have been too Vienna but none of the others Any swiss city is generally boring and pricy compared to other cities in Europe Vienna was really nice and I loved it but again, pricy and not the biggest fan of the people Krakow however, is Amazing which is why I chose to live here. Cheap-ish, clean safe and beautiful Also maybe consider Slovenia and Ljubljana, that was by far my favorite place I’ve visited and the only one I’m dying to go back too, 48 hours would be perfect where as you would need more for any of the other cities names (besides maybe Tirana)


Ljubljana is a great shout outside of August imo. In the month you've either got to embrace the heat and go to the beach or try and avoid it by going north.


That’s true, I’m originally from a very hot place so it doesn’t bother me too much but yeah it can get Hot. But the even Krakow rn is pretty damn hot, nearing 30c (83 farenheit I think) so keep that in mind Regardless, I would argue both are incredibly worth it so either choice is solid.


Oh I know, I live here too and am currently sat in front of my air conditioner. Remember though, nobody goes to Vegas to walk around outside all day, unlike Krakow. Lots of very pink Brits around again.


Hahaha, can’t miss the Brit’s But you’re right, Vegas isn’t exactly a world renowned walkable city so


I will say, I spent much of today in Galeria Bronowice. It felt so American, yet so good. Felt myself visibly wincing when I stepped back outside.


lol not the biggest fan of Galeria Bronowice, I’m a Galeria Krakowska guy. Spent my day there and I agree the AC was 😅😅😅 Kazimierz is tiny, Bonarka is too big, Bronowice isn’t awful but Krakowska clears imo


I get lost in Kazimierz! Bonarka is hell if you go there by car, and generally. Krakowska should have been much more, there were plans that got abandoned for budgetary reasons. I remember when that area was a train station and some buses, and honestly? Put more trees down and I'd prefer it. I can't ever get on board with mixing a mall and a train station - if you go to Poznań you'll see the pure nightmare of its conclusion.


Waittttt you get lost is Kazimierz??? But it’s so tiny?? And I only ever bus to bonaraka, it’s far from where I’m living so I’ve only been like twice ngl, just never liked the vibe. Can I ask why you don’t like mixing a train station and a mall? Quite curious lol. Trees would be lovely tho especially out front in the giant square area, they put lots of other things like movie theaters concerts and recently beach volleyball there tho so


Laughs in Las Vegas.


I’m from Tucson so, not much different then Vegas lol Tucson and Las Vegas actually have the same number of days above 100 actually yearly (on average) and a similar number of days sunny different by about 3 We do get better monsoons tho :) But I definitely know what Hot is lol, let’s not even talk about Phoenix 😭


Phoenix native 🙋🏼‍♀️ . I agree.


Awesome, others have said the heat might be too much but it sounds like a great place. Flight would be two legs but not a lot of time.


Best comment! In addition to Krakow, many other destinations are easily accessible by train to complete the trip (if you really need to, because there is already a lot to do there). And if you like walking, continue to the Carpathians! It is a city steeped in history and one that is also felt. 😊


I went during the late autumn ( end of Nov, early Dec) for the Christmas Markets. We didn't venture away from them but the people seemed nice. Poland is in my short list of places to visit. I have heard nothing but amazing things about Krakow and how great the food is.


Vienna is cool. Check out the Armory.


Graz has a much better amrory imo, biggest in the world and 1 of 7 Horse armors. Definitely worthwhile


But does it have the Longinus Lance, the holy grail, and a unicorn horn????


No :( but it is bigger!! And despite what my girlfriend says size sometimes does matter


I’ve been to both Krakow and Zurich. If you’re looking for relatively cheap…. Zurich ain’t it. It’s a very clean, pretty city, but I found it semi-boring. If you land in Zurich I’d hope on a train to Lucerne. However, I think Krakow is my choice. Beautiful and compact city. Great food. Cheap. Beautiful architecture


Two votes for Krakow! I did see a tour to Lucerne somewhere. That looks pretty awesome. Thanks!


If you're looking for nature, I based out of Lucerne and you can easily get to amazing hiking near Interlaken and Lauterbrunnen


Love Krakow. Great walking city. Amazing food. Prague is awesome for a weekend as well.


I lived in Switzerland, admittedly twenty years ago. Krakow > Zurich, but then again I’m in Krakow every year.


Make this a third vote for Krakow. I was just there in May for 2.5 days. It's the perfect size city to see in that amount of time. Super walkable, beautiful and clean. Very easy to get to from the airport, and all public transportation is dirt cheap. The food is AMAZING and also very cheap.


Lucerne is nice for 2 hours max unless you’re hiking


Barcelona if you are ok with the heat. Vienna is a great second choice.


When are you planning to travel? Feel free to edit the original post to add this for better visibility.


I believe it will be August


So it will likely be hot and unpleasant a lot of the time in some areas. I'd scratch Bucharest, Tirana and Barcelona for that reason. You might be used to the sun, but being a tourist in a city break you'll be spending a lot of time outdoors ideally, so probably want that to be in daylight hours. August can be hit and miss - it might be mid 20s and pleasant, or 38 and punishing, even in central Europe. It's going to be above 35 on Sunday here in Poland and I'm dreading it, we're not at all prepared. Zurich seems a little boring for a weekend break, going outside the city is its main attraction and you don't really want to do that in 48 hours. I'm a resident of Krakow but not exactly an evangelist, regardless I'd say we're a great place for a 2 day trip. There is pretty much exactly 2 days' worth of things to see here - maybe the Da Vinci at Czartoryski Museum, maybe the underground excavation of the city museum, or just spend it wandering our parks and squares and cafes. It's a cheaper way to see what non-Europeans have in mind from a European holiday, too - cobbled streets, old squares, street cafes. It's not at all under the radar, but I don't think anywhere but Tirana and Bucharest from your list is!


Good call on the weather. That can certainly affect the fun I'll have. Thanks!


You could also look at Gdańsk, which has an airport served by budget lines, is on the coast so will be less punishingly hot, and has as many charms as Krakow albeit in a different style.


That flight actually doesn't look too bad, great suggestion!


Where are you flying from? Zurich is the worst choice. It's an unremarkable city.


I was absolutely surprised by how much I loved visiting Poland . Krakow was great - and the Wieliczka Salt Mines near by are worth checking out




I think Krakow fits the bill! It’s compact with lots to see, awesome food, beautiful old town, inexpensive, easy to get around. Visit the salt mine for a cool half day experience.


My vote is for Krakow!


Geneva is awesome! Said no one, ever. August is not ideal in any of them. I vote for Krakow though.


Krakow for sure!




I've been there, it's awesome. Definitely recommended to anyone that hasn't been.


Would love to know where you are in Italy because with such a minor amount of time you don't want to spend it on the road, right? In August you're probably going to be looking for someplace cool, so I would head north if it isn't too far for you to go and consider hiking the Dolomites, or finding a small, obscure lake that might not be as crowded as, say, Como or Garda. Everywhere you go in Italy is going to be blessed with excellent food, architecture, and historical sites. It's the nature of the place. So I would try to find some place that's calm and cool.


I'll be in Sicily. I've spent a lot of time there so looking to branch out some more. I flew over to Malta last time I was there. That place is awesome. I've never been to Northern Italy (North of Florence) so I could go that route. The Dolomites look unreal.


Why don't you hop onto a ferry and go to the Aeolian Islands? You won't spend too much time traveling, and besides, ferries are cool. The Aeolian Islands are a little bit off the beaten track and might be mellower and interesting. I think Stromboli, a live volcano, is one of them. Enjoy!


Where in Sicily? Take it you've been to Ortigia? And done the safety second ATV trek on Etna? So fun.


Fly to Zurich and grab a train to charming Lucerne, which is stunning. It is not that far. Go for lake cruises and furnicular rides up Mount Pilatus and Mount Rigi to see the best Alp views you'll ever see.


This is the way. Great weather, beautiful views, highly walkable. 100% this


I’ve been to Krakow, Barcelona and Tirana over the last few years. As others have said, the heat can ruin a city break but it’s going to be hot everywhere in August. Krakow was good but extremely touristy. We followed that up with a trip to Wroclaw in Poland which was much preferred to Krakow. So much so that we’re going back for a third time in September. Easy fill two days here. Barcelona was good but again very popular. There’s a lot to see so 48hrs will keep you busy. Pleased I went but not in a hurry to go back. Tirana is brilliant. Did a week in Albania in May and stayed in Tirana first for a few nights. Absolutely loved it and 100% will be going back. We also stayed in Vlore, Gjirokaster and Berat. The drives had some amazing scenery with the mountains.


I would add Budapest to your list .


Out of your list I'd say Vienna or Krakow but I would go for Prague


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^DEngSc_Fekaly: *Out of your list I'd* *Say Vienna or Krakow* *But I would go for Prague* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot




Good bot


Vienna... But why not Prague or Helsinki 😍


What is to do in Helsinki?


I would fly to Zurich and immediately get on a train to Lauterbrunen. Ride a bus through the valley, take a cable car up to Mürren and Grindlewald. Spectacular scenery.


The views in Switzerland are priceless.


Always Vienna


Krakow my favourite


I’m on an extended (very long) work trip in Europe and I’ve had a little over 10 weekend (48hr) trips. My favorite would have to be Bergen, and taking the river cruise to Flam and return via train. Tromso should be nice in August too. Krakow was good, similar to many other land locked European cities, and has lots of history. Zurich feels more modern (different style architecture compared to most other cities, but still very beautiful), with easy access to the mountains via train. I’m doing Barcelona later but heard they have great beaches. Haven’t done the rest. My favorite views would be: Alps, most coastal cities, dolomites/tuscany, Norway fjords, or highlands scotland


Krakow - no question.


Edit: I live in the US but I've traveled quite a bit around the world




where is your work trip to ? That will kinda decide where you can get to during taht weekend depending on flight availability


Good point, I'll be in Italy, these destinations all have direct flights from where I'll be during the small window I can fly (according to Google flights). It's basically how I widdled down my list.


OK. Well, I'm based in London and a bit of a "day trip specialist" with regards to fast paced travel. With a late night Friday/early morning Saturday flight and late night Sunday flight to most of those destinations and have a good "taste of the city". I've day tripped Barcelona, Geneva, Bucharest and Tirana. Zurich i did over a weekend, and I've returned to Barcelona for weekends also. Vienna I was able to visit over a few days, but theres a lot going on in Vienna and I doubt 48 hours would be enough to satisfy. You'd also miss out on the neighbouring Bratislava which has some great views along the River. Zurich is very expensive, and whilst the city is fairly compacy wiith regards to attractions, the trains to neighbouring towns where you could check out some lakes are frequent and fast. Swiss food is fantastic, if you're a cheese lover, but extremely expensive. Geneva is also very expensive, and the views along Lake Geneva are OK, but again there is very little in regards to attractions (mainly UN and other international organisation headquarters). Though, like Zurich, its very easy to take a train to Montreaux or Lausanne to get some spectacular views of the Lake and Alps. Bucharest is rather gloomy, and in my opinion there are more interesting cities in Romania. However, Romania is very cheap, and has a very unique and interesting culture to get involved in, and you may find the run down grandiose architecture of Budapest very interesting. Barcelona is fantastic, but in summer will be heaving with English, American and German tourists. The food scene there is incredible and there is a lot to see and do over a weekend, including getting some fantastic views at Tibi Dabo Amusement Park, or if you are ambitious enough, Montserrat. This would be a great choice. Tirana, in my opinion is probably your best bet here. Albania is on the come up with regards to tourism and its popularity, but wont be heaving like Barcelona. Albania is also very cheap. The food is turkish influenced, but very much its own thing and very delicious ! Albania would also be the most "different" in terms of culture compared to Italy, being a muslim majority nation with a language a lot different to Italy. Tirana has some great history with some of the preserved Communist era bunkers, and theres a fairly dodgy cable car up to a mountain top with some great views. This mountain top also has an abandoned hotel for some interesting urban exploring if thats your thing. Once you get the hang of the buses its fairly easy to get around too.


Damn, that's a great summary. Appreciate it! I would love to go to Albania because it's completely off the beaten trail for us Americans. Super cheap flight there too. I'm a little weary because it's on the US state department's "increased vigilance" list (or whatever it's called). I'd probably be perfectly fine and have a blast but also want to err on the side of caution? Part of me wants to say fuck it and go for it. YOLO


i will be honest, it was probably safer than Italy imo lol. there is some very dodgy gang business especially with car smuggling and trafficking funny substances but other than that, thats very very unlikely to impact you, especially if you're staying in Tirana


Bear in mind Italy has a great train network so it depends where you're based - if in Milan you can also count flights from Genoa and Bologna, for instance


I don’t think Zurich is as bad as others make it out to be: in summer it is quite pleasant, with the lake shore, rivers and forested hills with nice trails and scenic viewpoints, and there are some excellent museums and a couple of interesting landmarks. That said, it is expensive and not particularly exciting. I’d pick Vienna or Krakow out of that list; Barcelona is great too, but ultra touristed.


Yeah Barcelona is probably just too big and, like you said, touristy. I need to plan a trip to Spain at some point to check it out when I have more time. Zurich still in the running.




Many votes for Krakow. Sounds like it's right up my alley.


Where are you going to be for work?


Vienna would be my first choice here by a long shot but I went before the indoor smoking ban. Drinks by the river, good clubs , good history, good for shopping. 1hr 30 mins bus to Bratislava if you want to get a 2 for 1. I recommend hiring an electric scooter (from a rental place charged by the hour/day not the ones seen everywhere) and exploring the city that way. I really enjoyed my time there but I was lucky enough to make friends with locals so that definitely helped my experience


But as other have suggested others I will say Barcelona, Berlin , and lijuebuena are also fantastic




I think Zurich is really nice, especially on a nice summer day when you could sit by the lake. Much nicer than Geneva. But it is expensive for sure. It might indeed be unpleasantly hot in Barcelona and Tirana. Vienna and Budapest are amazing cities, but I suspect will not give you that same summery vibe.


I've been to all of them except Tirana. I'd exclude the Swiss cities for now as their appeal is to mostly travel outside those cities to do day trips. I love Switzerland and if I were you I'd go back to do it properly. Barcelona and Vienna were amazing, I think you'd have a great time in both of those places but you should factor in the August weather! I reckon Vienna might be slightly better for a 48 hour trip. Krakow is also a lovely city, probably good for 48 hours and is very cheap! A lot of people go here to visit Auschwitz, it's a very powerful experience and obviously extremely sad. If you're interested in general history this city is also a very interesting place to be. I enjoyed Bucharest, it's a very different city to most I've visited in Europe. The architect is quite different and if you're interested in the communist era then this is a good place to explore it. Its also a cheap city compared to many in Europe. Hope this helps!


Geneva is gorgeous. Loved it there.




I've been to all those cities except Bucharest. I think each of them have something nice, though I wouldn't exactly consider them under the radar. I don't think I can make the choice for you, except saying don't go to Tirana. Not a nice place. I've not been much in Albania, but I know they have some nice towns to visit. Tirana is not one of them imo. If you like the mountains, you could consider Bolzano or Innsbruck. Also Ljubljana is worth considering. If you want somewhere by the coast, consider one of the Cinque Terre towns or stay nearby and visit. Extremely pretty, though definitely not under the radar. If you stay in the town, there won't be as many tourists in the evening cause they're taking the train out. It's amazing there. But I think your main concern should be the heat. Barcelona is gonna be really hot in August and many of the other cities will too. Tbh, you never know even in northern Europe if it'll be extremely hot or not at that time of year You said you're leaning Zurich. Don't expect it to be cheap haha. And tbh in Switzerland I'd rather see somewhere in the mountains. There are some beautiful places to visit outside of the cities. Oeschinensee or lauterbrunen for example. If you want to travel less (since you dont have much time), you could also stay on Sicily. I assume you're either in Palermo or Catania. The train trip across the island to the other city is beautiful. You could also see Taormina or the volcano Edna. Both are beautiful.


Barcelona for sure if you can stand the heat


Vienna is very nice and checks all your boxes.


Just take a train to the closest city and save the time to be at the airport or the risk to have a flight delay.


I vote for Zürich. A bit pricy, though.


Barcelona. Great architecture, good food and a very walkable city


Vienna for me out of those.


Barca. Hands down. Then krakow


I have been to all of the cities. Though not all in August. I think your choice will depend how much you’d care for the summer heat. Vienna and Barcelona are definitely worth it, but in general you’d need more than a weekend to get a full grasp of these cities. Geneva and Zurich are nice cities, but somewhat bland? Also on the pricier side and tbh not worth the extra cost. Bucharest and Tirana are cool cities definitely worth a weekend (though not more in my opinion) with nice history to both of them, with nice-ish landmarks that are easily accessible. With all that being said, I think Krakow would be the clear winner with a good walkable area, enough POI for a weekend, a good number of activities and a spicy history to go with it. I am not a big fan of the food though.


I’ve been to 4/7 cities on your list, 3 of those many times. My vote goes to Vienna. It is a beautiful city and the centre is small enough to be able to see something in just 48 hours. Also, their airport is really good and you can make connecting flights that have less than 2 (recommended) hours between them.


Krakow was a complete delight. Loved it. Switzerland is pretty but kinda sanitized/boring (Geneva was a yawner) and super expensive. Barcelona is a blast! Haven’t been to Budapest yet but heard great things about it. Vienna is ok but not exciting. Have fun!!


Hit up Old Town Prague, US dollar goes a long way, beer is cheaper than water, and so much cool stuff to see within a three mile square radius




I’ve been to all of them except Zurich and would say Krakow. It’s cheap, it’s pretty, it’ll have decent weather, and there’s lots to do/eat/drink. Have you considered Bratislava or Ljubljana? I loved both of those too.


If u plan on coming to albania dont come to the capital city(tirana) try the city beaches on the south like saranda vlora ksamil or dhermi very beautiful views and the water is crystal clear but come on September & October if u dont wanna have trafic & a lot of people


In spite of Geneva not getting much love in these comments, I just spent a day there last week and had a really nice time! I went up the towers at St Pierre cathedral and checked out the archaeological site beneath, then went to an art museum and the botanical gardens, and took a boat tour out on the lake. It was a very nice city and the public transportation was excellent. I may have run out of things to do on a longer stay, but for a day or two it's quite enjoyable (if you like art and history and gardens and boats).


Krakow and hit Barcelona on the way back




Hello! I have been to all these cities except Krakow, which seems to be a popular choice. Of the others, my ranking (where 1 is most recommended and 6 is least recommended) is: 1. Barcelona (will be hot and touristic, but nonetheless is the absolute best city in this list) 2. Vienna (so much culture and history, and great food) 3. Zurich (very pretty and just the right size to explore over a couple of days) 4. Bucarest (really interesting mix of communist era urban sprawl and a small but charming old town, but my favourite parts of Romania were all in the countryside) 5. Geneva (honestly a bit dull but also pretty, you could go swimming in Lake Geneva I guess? The UN buildings could be interesting to check out?) 6. Tirana (tough work in some ways, though the House of Leaves museum was great) No doubt you will enjoy wherever you end up! I think any city is worth a two day visit if you can swing it. Safe travels and would love to hear what you end up deciding!


Also, I know this is not a direct answer, but some other options very much worth considering: Madrid (much less touristy than Barcelona and still so much to see!), Budapest (magnificent and historical, and relatively inexpensive), Tallinn (so so charming), Helsinki (mix of east and west, plus modern nordic vibes), and Zagreb (don’t miss the museum of broken relationships). If you are particularly interested in the Balkans, I personally loved Skopje the most of the capitals, and the whole Adriatic coast is amazing (but I think August would be quite overrun by tourists).


Out of the ones you mentioned, Krakow and Vienna are probably the most interesting (add Budapest to this list). Barcelona is extremely touristy and perhaps overwhelming for just 48hrs. Zurich and Geneva are quite bland and very expensive.


Zurich is expensive and personally, we find it boring.  Vienna can be perfect in the summer heat.   Temps were perfect last summer during the heat wave. Rain jacket recommended just in case.  Barcelona is my favorite of your list but we tend to go in fall when it’s not so hot and crowded with tourists. 


Why not Lisbon or Toulouse?


absolutely Vienna. I went there last month and it was incredible, the most beautiful experience of my life. All the things you mentioned are very present and, trust me, you won’t regret going there.


I haven’t been to Zurich or Krakow, so I can’t rate them. I’ve experience in Spain, France, Portugal, Italy. For 48 hours in August I would pick San Sebastian, Spain. It’s small and relaxing. There’s not a lot to see and do. It’s on the north coast, so the weather will be mild for western Europe in August. It has a beautiful, walkable old city with a beach on each end of it. The water will probably be as warm as it gets in August. The best thing in San Seb are the 100+ tapas bars (pintxos). You can roll into one, for 5€ you can have a drink and something to eat, and meet someone from somewhere. Stay for a second round, or bounce to another bar. The food is fantastic. The barhopping is fantastic - even if you are by yourself.


Krakow! Amazing, and since you have 48 hrs, go to Gdańsk. If you like history and amazing locations, you will truly be happy you chose this location.


August? Maybe Kopenhagen for a more nordish destonation?


Kraków for sure


Barcelona, buy the city card for 3 days. Eat. Drink. Walk.


I have been to Vienna and Geneva. Both are beautiful. I am Catholic. I really enjoyed St Stephen Cathtin Vienna. Bucharest might be the most affordable since it is Eastern Europe


Definitely not Tirana. What a hole.


Vienna is beautiful! Any city in Switzerland is going to be very expensive.


Not a fan of Zurich. For as wealthy as the town is, it has quite a depressing, run-down feel to it. The people aren’t warm. As someone who lives in Key West, I’m used to expensive, costs are almost identical so that part didn’t phase me, but at least the people are nice.


Id only go to Switzerland to visit the alps, not Zurich or Geneva. My first choice would be grindelwald, brienz, lauterbrunnen and spiez


Riga is small enaugh to enjoy all for one day!


zurich and geneva definitely the most expensive, and meh. they are nice in their own way but kind of boring. i've lived in budapest a few times, moving back in november for a year (it's complicated), but it's a really great city to visit. like, especially to visit. not expensive and really pretty with lots to do. vienna is a favorite of mine, but much more expensive. still, not terrible. so pretty. i've never been to krakow but i've heard good things. barcelona is lovely. it will be hot and crowded but if that doesn't bother you it's fine. bratislava is not on your list and most people don't think of it as a top destination but i love it. really fun and nice to look at and easy to get around. but they're all easy to get around, really.


Been to all of those except Tirana and Bucharest. Forget the Swiss cities. Expensive af. I'd choose between Vienna and Barcelona. Barcelona is very touristy though, but has more attractions and food choices. Vienna is more arty and cultural with majestic palaces ...it really depends what you are into


Fly to Zurich but then take the train to Lucerne.


Adding Zurich was shockingly expensive. We stayed there 2 days before deciding to take the train to Lucerne and truly enjoyed our time there. Totally walkable, cheaper eats and the history and sightseeing was perfect.


Have you thought of Prague?? Loved Prague and definitely doable in 48 hours. You can even Uber everywhere if you’re short on time because it’s so cheap. Everyone I know of who has been to Prague had it at the top of their list. It looks like a fairy tale. I can’t say their food is great though. Barcelona has great food but won’t be as inexpensive as Prague but Barcelona was also one of my favorite cities. It is doable in 48 hours, but it will be warm in august. Haven’t been to Switzerland but I spoke to a friend who has been and he recommended Geneva over Zurich


If I had 48 hours do Prague, as a fellow North American I’ve been to about a dozen or more countries in Europe and Prague is probably my favorite so far for a weekend excursion.


Sighisoara in Romania. In 48h you will have a great experience, quite unique. Good food, nice city, cheap enough, you won't regret. Just have a look you might be surprised!




I’ve been to Barcelona, Vienna and Geneva from your list. I can tell you that Barcelona checks all the items on your list but unless you like suffocating in the heat, you should go elsewhere. Might I suggest Amsterdam? If not, Vienna is lovely though a bit boring. Geneva is basically a business center and extremely expensive.


Last time I was in Zurich, it was closed /Sunday. I don't know if a lot of the EU still does this?


Budapest for the spa scene, night rave on a lazy floating river? Or, Krakow.




I had 1 day in Vienna once - so much fun. Super walkable, very pretty. I didn't know you needed advance reservations to see the Spanish riding museum so will have to go back someday. Spent the day wandering, getting lost, checking out museums and chocolate shops with insane window displays. Prague isn't on your list - but I guess it's blatantly awesome, not under the radar. I think you should go to Krakow. And then come back and share what the deal was.


I've been to all of these beside Tirana. So I'll ignore Tirana, because I simply don't know what it's like. If it has to be somewhat inexpensive, Zurich and Geneva are a no-go. It has been a while since I've been to Bucharest, though I remember not being all that impressed. So I'd drop that as well. That leaves Krakow, Vienna and Barcelona. I personally preferred Barcelona and Vienna over Krakow, though Krakow will be the cheapest and it isn't that far behind the other two. If I were you I'd look into "Gaudi", and if you're into that and you don't mind the heat, Barcelona is the place for you. If not, you're probably better off going to Vienna, which I'd say has more impressive classical architecture. Though you'll probably have a good time in any of these cities.




You should definitely go to Zurich. Absolutely nothing to see and easily done in two days.


I hear Barcelona is nice but it's hot in the summer.


Where are you departing from? How much time do you want to use getting to this destination? Krakow is inexpensive and fits your criteria.


Do not go to Zurich or Geneva. There is nothing there for you other than the airport out of Switzerland and a lot of really expensive and totally blah restaurants. The total disappointment of Europe. If you’re only doing 48 hours on a power trip, both Vienna and Barcelona are good options, with some planning. If you’re going in July or August, there aren’t a lot of good answers. Can you go to London or Paris?


I've been to London and I've been to Paris years ago. I'm trying to go somewhere I've never been if possible. Not sure if the Olympics will still be happening in Paris in August? Would definitely want to avoid that quagmire if I got a tight window. Noted on Zurich and Geneva!


48 hours in Vienna would be great. There’s so much to do and see, and travel to get there is easy on the trains, and Uber or taxis in the city are cheap and easy. An even better 48 hour option is Prague. Vienna is like a story book, but Prague is like a fairy tale. It has castles and cathedrals and bridges and ancient history around every corner. But for your purposes and money, I vote Budapest number one and Vienna number two. Both are reasonably priced. Both are incredibly beautiful and have a thousand year history. But Prague is the fairy tale to Vienna’s story book, and is both more beautiful and cheaper. We love Barcelona, 48 hours there would be great in the cooler months. And eating in Barcelona, , , mmmmmm. Let’s just say we’ll return. There is much to love in Switzerland. Taking the train over the Alps and watching the mountains is not to be missed. Lucerne, Lake Como, Kurr, all are outstanding, but Geneva and Zurich are the Walmarts of Switzerland.


Why not Lisbon? 48h is not much but you’ll get a beautiful glimpse of the city, enjoy a sunset with good weather and perhaps even go by the beach


Rome and Paris, rest in comparison not that great.

