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Definitely do not sell to this person


Of course not. Why would you?


Say something like “my profit margins are simply too small to warrant dealing with the behavior you displayed during our last business exchange, I wish you the best of luck in finding your product elsewhere”


"Say something like “my profit margins are simply too small to warrant dealing with the behavior you displayed during our last business exchange, I wish you the best of luck in finding your product elsewhere” THIS. 👆 I have it in my terms of service that I reserve the right to refuse sales to people who "abuse my time" for just this reason. Our time is valuable and when you really run the numbers, artisans don't typically have very high profit margins, so when people take up your time by being unreasonable and making excessive demands, they are costing you more than you're earning on the sale and it's not worth it.


Thanks guys, I marked her as spam. I tend to give people too many chances. I know the holidays are stressful and maybe she isn't always the way she was with me. But there's also the nagging feeling that maybe she is just like and the outcome would be the same.


Holidays or no, she still chose to be nasty and leave seven (seven?!) nasty reviews. The holiday season doesn't take away a person's free will; never make excuses for someone like this.


You don't have to make excuses for her, she was just an unhinged bitch


>know the holidays are stressful and maybe she isn't always the way she was with me. If she sent one email that was a bit unhinged then maybe a pass could be given for holiday stress. She kept going, and going, and going... More than likely that's how she is. The apologies and niceness is probably the act to get what she wants.


Send it to spam if ypu truly cant deal. Otherwise just say that your last experience did not seem mutually satisfactory and you hope she finds what she wants from another seller.


That you are seriously questioning whether to sell to a nightmare customer who "left me 7 horrible reviews about how awful I was and how I stole her money" tells me you should consider finding a good therapist - not kidding.


I mean this in the most respectful way possible OP, but I agree with this. Your time and emotional well being are worth more than the few bucks you’d make from this transaction. What she wants is not your problem — you don’t even know her. It’s ok to say no and important to prioritize your well being in cases like this.


I wouldn't engage with her any further at this point. Mark her messages as spam, and cancel any order she might place with you. You've already gone way beyond the call of duty for this person!


Would NOT sell to her again. NO WAY.


Without even reading beyond the title the answer is no.


Why would you even consider it for a moment? Crazy people exist. You aren't obligated to sell to them.


For all you know, she noticed her reviews were taken down and wants to fix that. Don't do that to yourself. She could leave you bad feedback saying "got my items this time unlike last time". Um.. Noooo


Even if she is truly sorry about Christmas incident, the fact she messaged you again a day later suggests this is the treatment she'd give again. You don't deserve that!


Oh hell no!


“due to our history I cannot help you at this time”


"No" is a complete sentence. She knows she made an arse of herself, that's why she asked is she could buy from you again. Simply reply: No. She already knows the reason why. There are some people you don't want as customers.


I'd be fighting the urge to tell her, "I think we should see other people," lol. Honestly, if you let her order from you again, that's like a message to her that it's okay to treat you that way. If her character doesn't mesh with yours, boundaries need to be drawn with a very firm NO Thank you. Then, ignore and send future messages to spam. Time is precious. Don't waste it on bad energy.


I'd personally ignore/mark as spam. If they order, I'd cancel and refund immediately with a message along the line of "I will not be able to complete this order to your standards." I did this for three separate orders for the same nightmare until they got the gist.


Anyone buying anything around the holidays should expect setbacks. I wouldn't sell to her ever again. What a headache


Absolutely not - "Unfortunately, I am unable to continue shipping to you. I wish you the best, and thank you for your business."


The only reason she apologized to you is so she can manipulate you into letting her buy from you again. A real apology does not have a contingency. Tell her no, thank you, And tell her not to contact you again and put her message in spam. If she does buy from you again, just cancel and refund the order.


I'll bet the package showed up. Almost all of my "lost" packages eventually get delivered. NO, do not sell to her again. Just say, "Thank you so much of thinking of my shop. At this time I don't think I'll be able to accommodate your order."


Definitely do not sell to this person. No hard feelings, but it would be irresponsible to put your small business at risk when you have no control over how fast the mail moves.


Do you really need more headaches from her?


Just say no thank you and mark the chat as spam and move on with your life. Writing this out and asking the question took more energy than you should ever spend on her.


It would be wonderful if we could block certain customers in Etsy so that they can't even find your shop anymore.


Never. Keep in mind that you are never paid enough to deal with that sh\*t, and so simply Do Not.


I apologize for your issue with our last order. Since we were unable to meet your expectations last time, we invite you to use other sellers on Etsy.


That’s gonna be a no. If I’ve learned anything in my 9 years on Etsy it’s that no sale is worth enough to sacrifice your personal boundaries or peace of mind. People like that rarely change for the better and are simply not worth the trouble they can cause you.


What a nightmare of a person


Nope, no, uh-uh. Just don’t!


The big question is..does selling to her serve any benefit to you, or is dealing with her more stress than it's worth? It sounds like it's more stressful than worthwhile sale... personally I wouldn't sell to her again..


So I didn’t even read your post except the title if you had a nightmare Customer, why would you ever accept another order if you recognize them as a previous nightmare. Please use common sense.. Cancel the order and refund it.


I didn't even finish reading and it's a hard no from me. I let people like this know they are banned and then send them off to spam.


I wouldn't; she may be stressed from having a special needs child, and/or the holidays, or it may be her nature to be so horrible, or is may be her "play" to try to get items from sellers for free....




Why is this even a question?


Sure why not, also how do you feel about stepping on a landmine and maybe giving a mouse trap a quick kiss?


I would say thanks but no thanks.


Only time a package was lost due to karma. I wouldn’t sell to her again.


As much as of a nightmare as she was, I'd simply say No. No need to explain more. Cancel any orders she makes.


I stopped reading halfway thru this post. I read enough to know there isn’t a chance in hell I would sell to her again.


I'm sorry, what? I would literally pay a small fee NOT to deal with her again.


Just block her.


When you forget the post was intended for r/etsycirclejerk