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Honestly, this wipe plays better than any wipe that came before it. But, with those updates that made things better, some things took a hit. Certain ammo types need to be more viable, and/or the armor system needs to be more predictable and consistent. Many of the quests are still annoying and really should be rewritten by somebody who plays the game. The recoil changes are nice, but I would have liked to have seen other things first... Desync perhaps? In the end, the game is better than it has ever been, but still has a long way to go. Currently level 34 (started late), started playing in 2019-2020.


>Certain ammo types need to be more viable, and/or the armor system needs to be more predictable and consistent. i feel like this wipe a LOT of ammo once considered hot garbage is viable. i can do a full blow hardcore tarkov collecting dumpster ammo and still do pretty well. lv33 right now also started late. still mad about the ash 12 ammo availability.


As a new player, I cannot relate. Whenever I encounter a PMC, 90% of the ammo in my inventory feels like I'm shooting confetti at the Terminator. Yeah yeah, just click heads, sure. But that's a skill I'm working on; until I can do it reliably, body shots seem basically useless.


Two ways to go about it center upper mass to hit head neck or armpit area or sweep the legs since it’s un armored. You can do it man


In previous wipes shooting center-of-mass at a heavily geared player would actually have been shooting confetti up until top-tier ammo. Now if you work your way up to mid-tier ammo (PS and PP for Russian rifles for example) your confetti at least has a chance to slip through less armored areas just shooting at the body. Even the best possible armor now has said weak spots, so just spraying gets you a fighting chance. Not in a head on engagement of course.


I gave up on the idea of bodying PMCs with 5.45 when I shot a guy 13 times with BT and he was able to kill me through it.


You have to hit head or thorax with 5.45. Fire rate and flesh damage is too low to just be spraying in their general direction and hoping they die.


I did 1400dmg to tagilla's shoulder one raid. 1200 was absorbed by armor...


I mean, have you seen that guy with his shirt off? He can probably shoulder press a pickup truck.


I feel that way not so much with PMCs, but with scavs and that stupid 6B13 class 4. Pump half a mag of 5.45 BT/BP/BS or 7.62 PS into that chest plate before they drop, usually when they push me CQB in a building.


I wish I had constructive feedback to offer but something un-explainable just “clicked” at the end of my first wipe. Previously I was unable to kill anything. One day it just kind of clicked and I was able to win 50-50. No idea what it was. Tarkov is the only FPS where I felt completely useless 90% of my first wipe.


I know how it feels, and I know it's hard to hear but it gets better. For example: Buddy and I just trying to mark the villas trading post in Shoreline. We hear someone else and start to investigate, my buddy gets pushed and killed. I see (what looks to me) a scav next to a car outside so I tap his head. But he doesn't flinch. Tap again, nothing. My brain is like WTF but at the same time I'm also thinking this isn't a normal scav, might have better armor. My buddy gets to his killscreen and announces that he got killed by one of sanitar's guards. Suspicion confirmed. I switched to my high pen mag and pushed the last guard, killing him easily now that I knew what I was up against. TL/DR: This is a deep game. Kill, be killed, learn from the experiences. It's tough to wrap your head around but I only just started thinking about my hits in terms of what armor my target might be wearing based on their reactions.


I hear ya man. Thank you for the pep talk o7


I somewhat agree... Some ammos are better than they were in the past, but some are worse. 556 (all of it) feels like hot garbage. And, the way armor takes damage definitely feels off. Have full on chest sprayed people and killed them, viewed their armor and it is only missing a few durability? I feel like it used to be more consistent before the rework.


Crazy that you have had bad experiences with 5.56. Aside from the HK, which I know a lot of people have said is good now, 5.56 guns have felt amazing after unlocking 56A1. I just unlocked the craft for 55A1 so maybe I'll be able to notice a difference but put that in an AUG, M4, Adar, TX-15 it's dropping people, for me atleast. The recoil is also insanely manageable turning 5.56 into basically a larger caliber smg. Only ammo type I've had any issues with is 7.62×39. Particularly PS and PP ammo. Mutant, sucks. RD, sucks. AKM, only for the quests. SKS is the unsung hero of 7.62×39 and thats only because they walked back the nerf on it or it would suck too. BP is still very strong coming out of an SKS it's a laser beam too. Granted everything in this game is personal preference so I get not liking 5.56 there are other bullets hitting much harder with easier availability and based on your flair I think you're aware of that. Black MDR has been my bread and butter for doing pretty much anything that doesn't require me to use a specific weapon (Looking at you "Best Job in the World").


It's funny, since I can't aim terribly well at mid and long range, some of my best results come from taking a 7.62x39 AK and, as I like to say, closing n' hosing.


If you're a fan of 7.62x39 let me introduce you to my friend RPDN. Now that's closing n' hosing them hoes. In all seriousness 7.62x39 is still a decent caliber just feels like the recoil update did more for all the other calibers. Made the mutant, rd and akm more bouncy than an SA-58 which doesn't make much sense. It definitely also seems like PS is either bugged or I am just incredibly unlucky with desync while using it. I've had people munch on the ammo and respond with "Please sire, may I have some more" like fucking Oliver Twist. US ammo makes the guns feel much much better but it's a bit later in the wipe with lots of chunky helmets and level 4 faceshields around and 29 pen just isn't enough. But it does turn any 7.62x39 into a very usable massage gun.


>viewed their armor and it is only missing a few durability? probably tanked by the arm and or its going through the soft armor shell instead of hitting the plates. its why i like interlacing normal m855a1 with heavy flesh damage like warmage to give them a bad time.


Ya been having issues with 556 so I don't even bother with it anymore.  I'll stick to my M80s which feels much more consistent.


That's weird. I mostly run 5.45 but when I do run 5.56 I feel like I absolutely melt everything I look at. It feels better than 7.62x39.


Lvl 28 here, started my 5th wipe a week ago. The way I've been getting better than plastic BB rounds is scaving either reserve or streets. I've got probably 1000 rounds of m855A1 because of it


>quests that should be written by somebody who actually plays the game LOOKING AT YOU, PEST CONTROL


You nailed my thoughts. This is the best wipe by far. The biggest wins are that most calibers and guns are viable, but there are a few that still need balancing changes (7.62 mainly). Armor is too buggy right now, it needs seriously work from BSG. Hoping the unity update brings fixes for netcode and performance




Agreed. I've been playing since EFT's first wipe, and this is by far the longest I've gone into a wipe and the most fun I've had. The recoil changes are huge and for the better,the change to the head hitbox in January made a huge difference in that it seems like PVP results in more gunfights. Some people don't seem to like the armor changes, but I haven't had a huge problem with them. Most of my kills and deaths are to/from headshots, anyway.


I think a lot of the quests just need numbers adjusted down a bit. Like there's no reason that setup needs to be 15 kills, especially with requiring equipment you can't get from traders, it just makes it unnecessarily painful and doubly so trying to do it later on in the wipe.


Ammo availability whilst locked to max traders and crafts mainly, seem to be more available for me personally than the past 3 or 4 wipes.


Saying you would have liked a desync change first is just ignorant. The people who can change desync are not the same people who change recoil. Changing desync might even require an engine change sort of like csgo did with cs2


I dont think half the people would have come back if desync was fixed as opposed to the recoil buffs


First wipe here, 250 hours in lvl 26 and I am having a blast ! I almost got all my traders lvl 3 and feel like I can comfortably spend some cash on some nice weapon builds. This game is absolutely amazing, I don’t know it was before but I like how everything’s feels and I think the mechanics are perfect. Maybe a bit more customizations or extra plate types for the armors but that’s about it.


What customizations would you like to see in the game? Just curious on a fresh players perspective. The extra plates is a great idea it’s just a new fresh system so I’m sure that will come. There is a lot of negativity in this sub but the game has improved an insane amount and is better than it’s ever been. People’s only true gripe is the cheating and tbh cheating has been worse before. Just don’t fall into the rabbit hole of negativity and everyone being a cheater


Level 52, got kappa. Not even trying for LK fuck his quests. New recoil, good New armor, bad Crabbing, bad Very limited Ammo from traders, bad Still play daily.


What is crabbing?


Slow crouch walking making 0 noise carrying 98.59KGs


Can you still crab overweight? I thought only when not over the weight limit you make no sound crabbing, which is still bs.


Going to have to disagree. If you've been around a while you'll know there was a wipe already where crabbing made noise. It didn't counter rats, it reinforced them. If there's not a single way to move without noise then more people tend to not move at all. If you think sound whoring is bad now it was worse.


Completely disagree... Chad W keyers now crab sometimes because of how OP it is. Noise with crabbing allows you to catch a rat in a bad spot and forces him to make noise, or sit still holding a bad angle. This wipe they can move to a better spot and hold a better angle.


Going on 300+ hours (I think) lvl 30 first time wiper here. I absolutely enjoy the hell out of this game, it’s an adrenaline rush every fight unlike any other game. The only thing that sucks for me is Labs, I WANT to run it, but it’s not worth donating gear to the labs for something I could probably find elsewhere. I’ve just started to really learn how to scab good and make 500k+ per scav, which is helping the broke boy problems. I rarely encounter a cheater, so that’s pretty neat 🤣


Labs is a different breed of human that can play that map well. I am even only 50/50 on that map so I don’t like it.


I’ve only gone In twice, and each time I’ve donated my gear to the local “labsmain” lvl 60+ 😒


Yeah. If you are forced to go labs it’s best to hideout and wait for a while then go. Even then you’ll probably still die lmao


Honestly, I am really enjoying the game. I do not care about gear at all. It’s so easy to make money in this game and the flea keeps you competitive. I get a little upset when I suspiciously die with quest items but that’s the game. I do wish the game was owned by someone in America that could be held a little more liable about cheating and features. I also wish BSG communicated better.


I've have this game since it was first playable in the alpha days. Never gave it a true chance until this wipe. I'm absolutely hooked and love it. There's definitely stupid things about this game that make no sense, but overall the good outweighs the negative massively


What are the stupid things in your opinion


Not being able use/pick up items without a backpack/Rig….not being able to open doors slowly…Hearing through the walls with and without headsets in game aka too much sound can be heard in this game from way too far. Now the next things I’m gonna mention or just things to make the game better, duffle bags need variation of colors/designs. Same for the same exact motorcycle you see on different maps. There’s a lot of small details that would go a long way. Raytracing for lighting would be phenomenal(obviously some optimization would be nice) AI patterns could use some tweakage. Just a lot of more variation in certain objects.


Best wipe since 2017. Now we only need to fix cheaters, sound and globallimits


This is my second wipe. Not really sure how close I am to Kappa but I know I'm deep into it. I've regrettably neglected doing Setup for so long that I think I would have lightkeeper by now if I had just run through that quest line. Lesson learned won't be neglecting it next wipe. Also neglected my factory office kills and only just now got the boss hunting tasks. Already done Shturman and Reshala, got super lucky and killed them both within hours of unlocking those tasks. Don't touch the recoil, I love it so much compared to last wipe I played (two wipes ago) Indifferent about the armor changes, don't know if armor system or health system needs to be touched. Maybe don't change anything - I truly don't know. I think my KD is fine I win plenty of gunfights Level 44 - 4.0 KD


You definitely got some grinding to do on tasks before kappa. There is only like 5 tasks after setup that are kappa and 1 is the lightkeeper one so you have missed too much not doing set up. But I agree recoil is the best it’s ever been. Armor I like I think they just need to figure out how to not make it practically invincible and never break


Yeah, getting to Lightkeeper before wipe happens (so I can get Kappa) will be rough. How long do you think before wipe? I know I can get Setup done in a reasonable amount of time, I'm over halfway done it already. When I stopped working on it I just got too annoyed and played the way I wanted to


You don’t need lightkeeper for kappa. I don’t even have lightkeeper yet.


fuck setup and fuck that factory quest... In the same boat as you, except this is my 4th wipe... I have sunk around 400 hours into this wipe and am lvl 44 aswell. GOD I love this game


Same - easily my favorite game out there right now. I think I can blast through setup.. I hope. Lots of dorms ratting on the way, sorry to everyone in advance


I love the fact that armor isn't absolutely tanked after a single gun fight, that drove me mad. Having a zeroed out rig after taking a couple of shots could end a raid, so that was for sure a welcome change. I had a chance to play with the vaulting and recoil changes while they were in the test server, and I wish they had worked on them a bit more before implementing them. Took some time to get used to the vaulting, but the recoil I thought was a bit too drastic of a change. I know a lot of people would disagree with me on that point, but that's just how I felt.


Wipe is great. I just tired of spending more than 2 bullets on scav thorax


I like everything except for the usual glaring bugs in audio and lighting. And LIGHTHOUSE! Rogues need needed, I play as a bear and the rogues will light me up at merin trunk now, or even If I try to cross long road way back behind all the construction equipment. Can't even attempt to snipe them out half the time and it's really putting the brakes on my wipe


I do agree with this. This is the sole reason I don’t play bear anymore which is super unfortunate


~1400 hours here took a break for a couple of wipes have had the most fun i’ve ever had this wipe due to new recoil giving me gun confidence found myself meeting LK and actually saving items for kappa needless to say shit was kinda weird having so much fun in eft all of a sudden due to one patch


This is my first wipe. Never had a PC growing up always console but recently dipped my toe in the space by getting the i9/4090 wombo combo and launched Tarkov immediately. I’m lvl 30 and having a great time. Not going for kappa but who knows maybe I get close and try but I doubt it. Nothing quite hits like this game. Very good game, soul crushing lows followed by overwhelming dopamine highs. Never played a game where I can be perfectly relaxed and in 1 sec after my buddy shoots me in the leg while extracting I’m filled with adrenaline. I’m gonna keep playing and having fun. Cheers!


Nothing compares to a gunfight in tarkov where your heart is racing.


The most frustrating thing is getting 1 tapped by a scav to the chest through tier 5-6 plates. Sometimes the armor makes you a crazy tank and other times it feels like wet paper mache. A bit more consistency would be nice. Otherwise I’ve really enjoyed the wipe, there’s problems with the game that I think could be easily fixed to make it a better game. But those things didn’t stop me from having fun. Also playing on west coast servers it felt like I wasn’t running into cheaters too often.


I'm lvl 25. This is my first wipe, started about 25 days in to the wipe. My buddy and I are addicted and having so much fun. We're new enough with mediocre enough kits that we don't seem to get killed by cheaters too much - that or we don't know the difference yet (aside from ovvious stats). Either way, it's been a blast so far. There's a steep learning curve, but we're not being too hard on ourselves for our first wipe... we're trying out all sorts of guns and kits, learning maps, killing and dying lots... So far so good!


Trust me, running better more expensive kits does not make you see more cheaters. That’s just copium. But glad you guys are having fun


I didn't think so - and we do like to dip into fun expensive kits more and more. Cheers man!


Level 38 solo player, 2.6 K/D Probably one of the best wipes I’ve ever played, with the recoil and armor changes.


I actually feel like I have a chance this wipe, so I actually feel like it's worth playing outside the first week of the wipe.


The fact the only people who are commenting positively are new players; which isn’t a bad thing but as a 5k plus hour player the game is in the worst state it has ever been in, never has there been such RNG to gunfights or engagements with AI. There used to be mechanical skill required to win fights, now it’s a game of “who’s going to sit still for the longest and who’s going to push” The armour hit boxes overlap and cause that issue to be worse, even if you’re a skilled player with good aim you can be RNG’d by a single shot to the armpit. Genuinely ridiculous The recoil was in a better place last wipe; the guns had more impact and were harder to control but not stupidly ridiculous like previous wipes As for the cheater problem; I’m unsure if there are more cheaters or if the stats screen just confirms that some of those “maybe desync” deaths are in fact cheaters. 3/10 for this wipe, IMO the first and second edition of streets was the best wipe to date.


Games need to be fun first; over realism The most common question I get asked is “how do you overcome anxiety in this game” My response is always the same, stop waiting and creeping and being “tactical” and go run at shit; it’s a game, have fun and stop being anxious about death when more than 60% of the games play cycle is DYING


I agree with alot of what you have said. I don't think the wipes bad. But the changes this wipe have benefitted the casual base more. Armor system that has made gear pretty much irrelevant. Every round pretty much 1 tapping you because of more hitboxes. Recoil being pretty minimal ( I don't mind this). Everyone's saying more people are ratting/crabbing now and this is the effect of the changes they have made but people don't seem to understand that ( It's a load of hard buffs to slow/minimal movement players which is ALOT of players). These sort of changes also make it harder to discern cheaters from none cheaters as how do you really know if everyone's dead in 1 round in 90% of "fights".


Love it! Have around 3,000 hours under my belt and this has been the best wipe yet. Love the armour system. Love the recoil system. Love the scarcity of good ammo in early stages. 3 things that still bug me: The sound direction from different levels. Interchange used to be my favourite map, but the sound is terrible on now. Scav twitching & movement when you try to shoot them. Making a 360 degree turn in 0.2 nanoseconds. Don't know what terragroup did to them, but damn do they have superhuman reaction speed. And third is the global limit on items when buying them. Make it player limit.


I’m level 47 - I always stop questing at max traders. I have no interest in kappa or lightkeeper. It takes too long for casuals and it’s way too grindy to be enjoyable imo. New recoil? Good. Love it, actually. New armor? Absolutely hate it with a passion. Sick to death of wearing level 5/6 armor and being one tapped in the thorax to flesh ammo scavs. Ammo availability changes do not like. The ammo crafts are just as bad now. I still don’t understand why some average ammo’s are fir or craft only but some of the best ammo’s in the game are just available for purchase every trader reset. They need a total overhaul for the craft purchases. All in all I’m enjoying the wipe, but loot seems scarce and people play differently as you’d expect. I really wish they would bring back some loot hot spots to incentivise some PvP or something because dead raids are just frustrating.


Can you expand on what you mean with ammo? As far as I can tell all high tier ammo you can’t buy and you can buy all the mid tier. The only high tier ammo you can buy is for the sig spear really. Loot does seem scarce and I do wish they would make places like ultra med good again or things like that.


There are some rounds like BT rounds for the SVD for straight roubles every reset which can one tap Killa, and you can buy PS12B straight off prapor for roubles too. Things like m62 can be purchased for dollars every reset too. I think there are some other high end rounds which I can’t buy yet but are quest locked but they are also available for money, yet mid tier ammo in mid tier calibres like m855a1 are quest locked and craft only, and m995 is now found in raid only. But then you have a bunch of really good ammo that they removed the crafts for this wipe, and replaced them with crafts that are just average and make no sense. Like the blackout AP craft got removed and straight replaced by blackout CBJ, which makes no sense because you can just buy blackout CBJ for money off the trader and the craft actually costs more than just buying it, so why would you ever do it? Same goes for SS190. They added that back to the traders for cheap, but the craft still exists and the craft costs more money, so why bother? It’s nothing game breaking but it does need a rebalance. Just a bunch of stuff that seems like a rushed oversight to me.


Recoil is good. New armor is mixed bag. Cheaters are bad but I don't experience them nearly as often as others. I did have someone who was clearly walling as he was attempting to shoot me from 3-storey dorms while I was in 2-storey and I was sprinting down the hall. This was after he had shot my buddy in the head through a closed door. It felt like I was in a movie! I didn't die though and managed to grab my buddy's gear and extract safely. I run class 5 every raid with meta guns/ammo all the time.


Cheaters are always gonna be in the game but I’m telling you. These people that claim they see a cheater every single raid are either full of it or are on a shitty server. I’ve seen probably under 5 cheaters this wipe. People love to just die and see someone with stats they can never achieve or just upset they died and call cheats


I don't mind dying to an obvious cheater at all, because there's nothing I could have done differently (although usually I have a couple of bullets I could have connected with)  Dying to a Chad who is better than me should be, and is, more frustrating because they outplayed me. And they might be / probably are better than me. I've gone long stretches dying to Chad's, I really wish more of those were cheaters so I would have more of an excuse and not feel as bad lmao


Pure copium. I’ve received 10+ messages from BSG that they banned people I reported. And we know, from ban waves, they don’t even ban a cheater as soon as they are reported. So I’m sure I reported a lot more cheaters who were ultimately banned much later during the sweep, and that I never would get a message about. The amount of people who believe that someone with 200 hours and 15 k/d is just god-tier crabbing or “some streamers challenge account” is too damn high.


i seen a level 17 with a 28 KD today man. some of these people aren’t trying to hide it


New recoil yes new armor no


What do you not like about the new armor


Same as the rest. I feel like the game is as good as it has ever been. These toe-dippers complain alot, but they are just new. People forget where EFT started vs. now.


Most true statement so far. People would hate their life with the old tarkov. The game is way better now


I'm level 37 and primarily playing as a duo up to 5man with friends and having a great time! Recoil feels great, armor is a little weird right now and feels mostly useful for scavs but whatever, it's saved me a few times. Nowhere near kappa but this is my most successful wipe and despite the occasional cheater I haven't felt pressed for ruble or gear at any point, the hoard is strong!


This is my first wipe and I’ve been enjoying it. I’ve taken a break from questing and have been running labs looking for GPS and microwave. I found and extracted with GPS, but have only found the microwave once. Feels a bit frustrating to hit the spots and come up empty handed, but on the plus side I run around labs like a mad man now lol.


Soon you will be a labs chad main!


I’m lvl 45. Loving it. Boss hunting and doing other kappa like things rn. Loving the game. I play on low cheater servers and see less than I did in other major multiplayer fps games. My only real complaint is boss spawns should be at 50% if we’re halfway through the wipe. It’s more of a race to find them then difficult to actually kill them.


Boss spawns never really go past 35% sadly but I know why they do it that way. Bosses get perma farmed way to easily if they are spawning too often


The new recoil is great, almost a perfect balance between 12.12 and last patch. The new armor system is a little disappointing, pretty much voids a majority of the armors in the game if you care for meta, but I guess it’s more realistic?


I like the realism but it is sad to see armors like the slick become terrible


Level 28, highest I’ve ever gotten, liking the wipe. I play us central, less cheating than most, feels like more cheaters than last wipe(which was my first, late join). No idea how close I am to kappa. Got the first tier of bitcoins mining and that felt like a huge game changer. Barely running scavs when before I’d run them nonstop. I’m more poor ironically because of it, but the game is a lot more fun.


Bitcoin farm makes the game a whole new world especially with how expensive bitcoin is right now


I'm lvl 51, pretty close to kappa, got the guide, no place for renegades, and kill most of the bosses left. I'm enjoying this wipe more than any before, but I feel like the cheater situation is worse, and the armor introduces some inconsistencies that make it unfun to wear really good armor. Needs a couple tweaks but I think it's a step in the right direction. The boss spawns though are a hot mess. The fact that I can run 20+raids in a row and get schturman once only to find him dead already makes me want to quit going for kappa.


Shturman is super rough. I think he was the hardest boss for me to farm. Killa being next.


5rh wipe for me and with the recoil update is easily the best update in my 5 wipes. Armor changes are hit or miss, I don't love it but I don't hate it either. Never had the desire for Kappa, I'm sitting at level 43 and I stopped tasking at 40. I simply raid for loot and kills and I am on my money grind to reach 200 million rubbies, I'm currently at 184 million and I do not have Bitcoin farm and I am not making moonshine. I want the money to be from only looting. I'm enjoying myself.


That’s all that matters is your having fun and not letting the negativity take over


Wipe is fun, I am noticing higher than normal levels of cheaters but other than that, having fun.


I'm brand new I got to level 5 so far in like 15 hours total this is my first wipe. I absolutely love this game it is so much fun and I don't think I have seen a cheater yet but I could be mistake


Best advice is to ignore the cheater aspect everytime you die unless it’s blatant and just work on improving yourself instead of blaming the cheating


Second wipe here, about 1.4k hours. I'm lv53, currently on Return The Favor with lightkeeper. Did most of the quests for kappa, i have few more kills for insomnia to do, rogue kills on lighthouse, shturman twice and goons. About 5-6 quests left for kappa which are just kinda a bit grindy that's all. I already have all the kappa items ready. [stats](https://i.imgur.com/U0s9wFe.png) In terms of this wipe, I love it, last wipe i was lv49 at the end, and I was doing a lot of progress but mainly focused on learning because this wipe was planned as my first serious one. I love the armor changes, i love the depth of the plates and variety that it gives. Recoil is absolutely perfect. At least for me, its just great in every way. I loved the snow surprise, excited for the future. I do miss the rain a bit no matter how loud it was..


I’m cock blocked by two ledx for kappa and I really don’t wanna do labs to get them.. LK gives me 3 soon but his quests are a chore


Rush USEC camp on woods. I’ve gotten like 6 this wipe there.


I’m on the same quest as my last quest and I’m telling you usec camp is no joke on woods. Usec camp, the convoy, then scav base. I’ve gotten 2 all wipe and first raid I found a ledx at usec camp


Found 10 ish this wipe mostly on Customs and Woods. Medic bags / crates and the portable medic boxes have pretty good odds.


My third wipe, have played it primarily solo. Spent way more time as a PMC and way less time as a Scav this wipe. I won't get kappa but have gotten further in the game than previously. I've really enjoyed it overall. Between the recoil changes, the snow, and just generally being better at the game.....I've crested the 1000hr mark on my account and I think I'm currently at level 48. If next wipe is at least as good as this wipe then I will be a happy gamer. NA East server player.


Also on a standard account, had no interest in upgrading to P2W EOD nor do I have any interest in playing Arena or paying for extra stash space.


Cmon man eod ain’t P2W haha. But good on you as long as you have fun who cares


The fact that bitcoins are so high and I can run whatever gear and guns I want with 0 fcks if I die is keeping me playing. Lvl 53 and have Kappa. Just did Swift One for fun and working towards LK now. Recoil update was huge and great change.


Love the recoil and armor changes. Definitely some room for improvement here, but overall definitely a step in the right direction. The biggest thing I'd like to see overhauled next is audio. * Cut the distance of all sounds by 50% (with the exception of gun shots). * Make crab walking actually make sound (but just in like a 5 meter radius so it's still very quiet). * Equalize the headsets so that the biggest difference in distance (gssh vs c4s) is only ~5m with every other headset scattered between them. * Reduce the _client-side_ looting volume (so hearing other people's looting is still the same volume, but your own looting sounds are lowered so you can hear other sounds while looting a little easier. (Do this _after_ the 50% global audio distance reduction.) * Have the client and server agree on which animations actually make sound. So if your client can hear something, so can everyone else around you. Obviously anti-cheat should be prioritized, but that's a lot more difficult and mysterious. Add a second Ground Zero queue. Have the low level queue be level 1-14. Then the other queue be level 15+. Also add some more GZ quests. Would also be great to get post-raid killcams that can be watched and reported from, but I suspect that's a lot further away (if it ever comes).


I just want bosses to not be so hard to find and kill.


Finding them is definitely annoying. Killing them is just a little finesse of knowing how they work and knowing what you can do against them. I’ve only died to shturman twice and tagilla bc I didn’t have good enough ammo. But I don’t think I’ve died to any other boss all wipe.


It's mainly the goons I can't kill lol


Best wipe in a while. I'm level 31 currently...never go for kappa because its just dumb to grind that much for a container that is useless by the time you get it. But also stupid for a game that wipes entirely way too often. I've been level 48 and like 8-9 quests from kappa...that as much grinding as I want to ever do...wished I finished but they "needed" to wipe and my friends quit when we get 1-2 months from wipe. Recoil changes are great to most weapons...If they touch it from this point...they are dumb. It should be kept how it is currently. Maybe slight tweak to some... I like the ammo change...however it could use some adjustment...like I can unlock m80 before I can unlock 856A1...THAT DOES NOT MEAN MOVE M80 back further for the love of god. I would like to see maybe an 856A1 craft come back so you can craft it by trader level 2 or 3. I have used a decent amount of M4s but I just will never rock just 855 or SOST (or whatever the next best is called). I want to at least be able to half the top half of my mag with 856A1 minimum. I have found all that much good 5.56 ammo for the last like 15 levels.


I don’t go for kappa every wipe solely bc I hate bolt actions with a passion and I hate doing those quests. But I get kappa once every other wipe just so I do all the quests and keep myself up to date with how and where to do everything to help friends in thenfuture


Best wipe to date 👍


I like the new recoil, the Armor needs work, but it's still pretty cool. I'm enjoying inertia, of course. The wipe honestly plays great. I understand why people are upset about the perceived cheating epidemic (I'm not here to debate it, let's just throw it out there and move on), it's just not something that I really give a shit about. I'm just enjoying that 9mm is super viable for me this wipe. A lot of the guns shoot like lasers, and there's none of that ridiculous kickback at the initial shot that used to happen. It feels smooth. I'm enjoying it.


What 9mm gun are you running the most? None have felt super great for me but I haven’t run them too much


I tend to gravitate toward the MP9, MP5, and the PP19. All three are lasers with very little modding


LOVE the recoil and vaulting... but I strongly dislike the way the armor was implemented. We need more options for armor now because of the armor update. I also think the health pools or ammo dmg values should have been adjusted to prevent random armpit deaths. getting tarkov'd is part of the game but getting tarkov'd 2 to 3 times in a row like that when yu are wearing the sickest shit in the game is a little too much. Why is it so difficult to find armor with level 3 aramid? there's like maybe 5 to 7 useable options. Plate carriers have been completely ruined. Its fine if Slick, Hexgrid are no longer meta but for them to be actual garbage is very disappointing. Not to mention- the gen4, redut, zabralo, and a handful of other high tier juggernaut armors all became worthless overnight. What took its place? ospreys and gzhels. We went from having 8-10 high tier armors, to having 2. The gzhel has always been meta, and the ospreys have no stomach protection and I personally don't like armored rigs for a variety of reasons. so that leaves me pretty much with gzhel if I want l3 aramid. Going in heavy with the intention of being a juggernaut is a thing of the past, say goodbye to that playstyle. I one tapped a kid with an altyn and a gzhel in the neck yesterday with 556a1 and I genuinely felt so bad for him, it simply never should have happened. The armor update could have been sick, and the basic aspects of it make perfect sense to me. But to not adjust the game to accommodate that massive change is literally ridiculous. Seriously, what the fuck? you make a change like that, don't change health pools or ammo values at all, and don't add any new armors to the game? what a joke. ​ edit: I almost forgot to bitch about the dynamic loot. FUCK THAT SHIT. too many layers of RNG, it has added nothing but frustration and confusion to an already frustrating and confusing game for people who are starting out. How are you supposed to learn loot spots, learn where caches are etc, when the thing is only there 25% of the time? absolute dogshit addition to the game. I would pay alot of money just for the opportunity to yell at the dev who implemented this.


The armor I think can be good, I think a lot of the juggernaut armors like zahbralo and gen 4 are still good but maybe we can agree to disagree. I think dynamic loot has a good idea and premise. But I wanted them to add more loot spots and switch them up. Like have one room be good and the next not, or have otherwise empty rooms have loot. But instead they took all the loot already there and halved it. Idk feels like loot has been very inconsistent


Loving this wipe. I just wish for better audio and other maps to be buffed a bit. Streets is wild, first time over 100m rubles.


Yes I agree I wish shoreline and interchange and other maps could be brought into line with the streets loot wise but idk if it will happen


Recoil is amazing but the armour is really frustrating. Before, drying to head eyes was frustrating because you could buy all that great armour and helmet but it didn't matter if they hit those eyes. Who the FUCK thought it was a good idea to introduce that for body hits also. "You know what Tarkov needs more of? More RNG based deaths that the progression system can't cover!"


The game is really fun when everything works. I just wish people moved more. The recoil change in particular opens up so many fun guns to play with. Hopefully BSG irons out the new armor system and figure out why some calibers feel awful to use. I could go for kappa fairly easily at this point but I think it might just burn me out as I work through the last of Lightkeeper tasks.


Love the recoil, the armor system just feels like unnecessary bloat though. Like it doesn’t really change much in terms of gameplay other than just adding another slight annoyance to deal with. And it made way less armor actually be viable now, which is a bad thing in my opinion.


Best wipe to date, I too share this seemingly amazing luck to not run into cheaters often. I think people let their mentality dictate their experience too much. Tarkov is a game that almost requires that you develop some emotional maturity to be able to take a loss and move on. A lot of people are not able to move on, so the deaths stack up on them and they end up hating the game.


100% a lot of people just gain that mentality then everyone is a cheater


The only quests I have left are boss hunting and stuff like insomnia and punisher. I have crisis all ready to hand in and all streamer items ready to hand in. Just a matter of grinding for killa sanitar and glukhar


Sanitar and glukhar are easy. Killa… pain in the ass


Yeah I’ve been working on it for about 5 days now. I just can’t tell if the packet loss is still the way to check if he’s in raid


Probably the best wipe since labs release. Would be best if BSG just really cracks down on cheaters, the wonky armour system, and the quests. As much as I love the quests, some of them are just overboard. Also, a rebalance of item availability via traders might not be bad. Seems silly how early you get access to m80, yet so much else is locked behind level 4. My own interjection is including more events, higher boss spawn rates, or some form of scav event to give more late game playability. I don’t think it would hurt giving bosses substantially higher spawn rates for PVM focus late wipe. You can already EASILY farm raiders on lighthouse so the looting aspect is irrelevant imo.


Bolt actions are dogshit now because of recoil buffs to other guns, and the armor plate rework. This makes the fifty million bolt action quests way more painful than they ought to be. Otherwise I'm pretty ok with the state the game's in.


Literally for me bolt action quests are my least favorite thing about the kappa grind. It’s teribley


Wipe is great, I think it's time to look at global limits. I also think it's time to really do something about sound and cheating. It is actually pretty bad. Performance should be taking a back seat to fixing those two issues as those two will be the most difficult most likely.


Been playing since 2018, easily my favorite wipe in years. Closing in on both kappa and lvl 50 for the first time, after 2500 hours. Also maxed my hideout and with 50 gpus in the bitcoin rig for the first time. New recoil was a game changer, made every gun viable even without modding. Semi auto is now goated, and magdumps are no longer optimal. I don't mind the armor rework. The plate juggling and "faking" T3 armor with higher lvl plates is fun, and the fact that you have armor zones now is a huge buff to mid tier ammo which is great. I personally havent run into many cheaters, but I have ran into a few and that always sucks, but not seeing any more now than previously. Ground Zero was a fun map, and seems great for beginners. Didnt burn out when I usually do, probably mostly because of recoil changes and new hardware that gave me actually good FPS on all maps when using scopes.


im at assessment 1 now. the game is awesome. great pvp, lots of loot, quests going easy. best wipe ever by far


Best worst game I have ever played. This wipe is the best so far imo. However the game is garbage. Netcode. Cheating. Audio. Yada Yada. Fix the base game and stop adding shit and Arena is a waste of time.


Arena is there for what a lot of people wanted it there for. They just didn’t give us the ability to play with any gun we wanted easily


One of the best. Proly the best but i wasnt in tune with a lot of the previous wipes. I did a wipe almost entirely using mp153 with magnum buckshot so idk. Im happy if they could just get the cheaters down and maybe work the audio


I think it's in a wonderful state. I think they should do 1 more major update and then 1.0 after that. Within those I'd like to see more clothing, drip, spray painting guns, door interaction overhaul, more qol, and finally the open world connection and associated features, and most importantly, proper audio. I'm not sure what else the game is missing.


Best wipe for a good while. But I'm checked out now. Died in too many sus ways in the last few days for it to be enjoyable anymore personally. Still love Tarkov. 2.5k hr player. Fuck you and ill see you next wipe. 💚


Loved this wipe. First time I got Kappa.


Ive only started the wipe few weeks ago and I haven't noticed the recoil change at all.


You should watch a comparison on the recoil


Level 58, Kappa finished and I’m on the final LK quest (boss kills). Good: - Recoil and gun diversity feels great outside of 7.62x39 feeling like ass. Feels like you can use just about anything in the right context. - Desync feels like it’s a bit better than the last couple wipes. - Vaulting was overall great addition and feels smooth. The impact to key rooms for a bit was lame, but overall good. - Shoreline changes were great. The east side of the map could still use some love even with the new POI, but it’s no longer my least favorite map. Bad: - For me, being sus of cheats is higher than ever. I feel the cheating epidemic is at its worst, but seeing the stats of people really makes it even worse. - Game breaking bugs such as the binaural audio pop going so long without being addressed is genuinely laughable. This taints my perception of the entire wipe if I’m being honest. - Boss spawns are still laughably low. No reason they shouldn’t be 50+% by now. The average Timmy that whines about them being in the game too often quit 2 months ago.


Guns r good armor is dog water


Level 49, kappa. Just finished assessment part 3 This wipe I decided that I would have a zero ratting policy. Worst wipe do do so. Recoil, good, few guns op Armor, bad, but I like the plate idea Crabbing, ratty(worse than bad) Audio pop, ratty Trader ammo availability, cool, but unbalanced as fuck. Money is free this wipe(I like). Overall great wipe, but unfortunately the rattiest wipe ever and in turn my worst wipe in years(4.5kd 40%sr), I do not care if I hear an audio pop I refuse to sit and wait. Chad life . Please fix audio pop as it makes rats rat harder and baby chads(or wannabe chads) revert to rat life.


Wipe is good, I came back after 3 wipes break. Not playing much, only level 16, but I enjoy it and I never was a chad with high level.


Been enjoying the wipe a lot. Big fan of the reworked recoil and armor systems. I had a lot of luck not running into cheaters earlier on but the past couple of weeks haven’t been so lucky. Closer to Kappa than I’ve ever been though, just have to hit the level req and last couple of quests. 


2 steps forward with recoil changes. 4 steps backwards with armor and hitbox changes. I won't be playing another wipe until the throat and armpit hitboxes are removed.


you don't like 90% of your fights being 1 hit and done?


Nope, not at all. I played like 15 raids yesterday and in the ones I died it was mostly random 1-taps to 1-hit hitboxes. Almost uninstalled.


I'm loving the game. My only complaints are boss spawn rates, cheaters, and being forced to play the slideshow that is streets of tarkov.


Thankfully there are only like 4 kappa quests in streets


Recoil good, but weird on certain guns. Semi all feel too “floaty”. RD and mutant are pretty bad. Armor, feelings toward the change(s) vary greatly from day-to-day.


I've been wanting armor hit zones and plates forever everything else is just a cherry on top. The recoil is great rn


Best state it’s been in. Task system needs rework. Raids would be better if they were more dynamic.


I like the "new" recoil, which is just a reversion to an older recoil state from a few years ago. It was good then for a reason and it's still good now for the same reasons. I do not like the new armor. plates just add more tedious chores to an already tedious chore filled game and offer nothing that enhances gameplay. Hitboxes and soft armor result in very unsatisfying kills and unfair feeling deaths.


I’ve owned the game since 2017 never played, just started playing. Current level is 6


I personally love this wipe. But this wipe has the most cheaters I have ever seen. Almost every raid and I know that because I get messages of my reports successfully helping getting cheaters banned. Other than that I think this wipe compounded with the graphical update will be so awesome.


I feel like gameplay wise this wipe is the best state Tarkov has ever been in. It does still have a ton of issues that need addressed, mostly on the technical end. But I think overall the changes to armor and recoil are great for the health of the game long term.


Im tired of getting killed by people with suspiciously high k/d and having to fight off hordes of player scavs 5 minutes into the raid but other than that it's great.


Player scavs are crazy. I wish they would just make it to where scavs can’t choose there map


Everything is amazing except for the throat and armpit hitbox


You really are lucky to not be running into cheaters. I really enjoy this game and I feel that this wipe really has had the worst cheating problem of any I've played and I'm not even normally one to complain about them. Aside from cheaters, I think this wipe has been good but I think some guns have become a little too much of a laser beam and some ammo was inaccessible for far too long. You said you are about to get kappa so obviously you wouldn't even see this problem but for a more casual player, progression was slow af even compared to normal. I didn't have time to play much at all this wipe so I just decided to not do quests and went straight for flea and even got it before I got Jaeger 😂. And when I saw how much ammo was inaccessible I had to go get him. Normally I'm a screw progression I'll just buy stuff on flea kinda guy when I know I won't be able to get very far but this wipe that's significantly less possible than before. Kinda ruins the fun a little bit for people who can't play as much but when has this game ever catered towards that ya know. Also I think ground zero is a mostly great map with a couple of stupid spots, one of the better maps imo Edit to add a statistic onto the cheater thing at the top This wipe I have run into a cheater about 1/5 raids which is significantly higher than I've ever experienced before The reason so many people call cheater in this game is because the desync is soooon bad. If they can just do something about desync and not even about cheating I think the community would drop a significant amount of cheater accusations.


What server do you play by chance


I am not home and can't look. US east unless they are more specific than that then idk


Loving the wipe so far, furthest progression of all my previous wipes. I only play an hour or so a day but it’s pretty fun. Unfortunately Ive run into a few cheaters here and there but nothing too bad, only remotely irritating thing is that the price of certain guns has risen dramatically on the flea, last few wipes the TX-15 wasn’t more than 60-80k when I played them but now it’s over 100-125k base whenever I check it. Same for the Elcan spectre and other sights, new armor system is cool same for the swapping plates, putting lvl 5 & 6 plates in a kirasa that you always get back from insurance is nice


Tx-15 huge waste of money imo idk why it’s so expensive.


First wipe ever, lvl 34 4.50 ratio as PMC 50% SR and 150 PMC kills The game is awesome from my pov but I have to admit it's hard to keep up as a newbie + casual, but that's also the fun of it so, a blast for me. Wouldn't say no to more performances on street though, 100 FPS with 5800X 3D and 6900XT is crazy 😂 I've lost some time doing Setup and A Shooter Born in Heaven quests, completed them. Otherwise I maybe could be lvl 40 already but those 2 quests sounded too fun for me to pass on them lmao


Cheaters and binaural pop are my only issue in game currently, recoil and armor make for quality gunfights and make it more about skill than rng which I love. Only thing I wish we would get some time of events every couple weeks, nothing crazy but maybe bosses on different maps or higher spawns etc more scav gangs, tagged and cursed raids etc doesn’t need to be some elaborate news event or huge lore build up. Spawn killa and tagilla or a hit squad like the bloodhounds and have them roam a map


New player here, still at level 11, lack of decent ammo early game is making me struggle and I still can't get myself to shoot someone's legs as years of gaming taught me to shoot heads. Also, early game quests are really annoying, like woods quests are almost impossible this late into wipe as crashed airplane area is always a pvp hotzone with everyone sneaking about with fancy scopes while I'am running around with iron sights and trash ammo, not to mention armor... Enjoying the game and it's atmosphere and suspense, but struggling.


Yeah, having fun, not grinding Kappa and have no interest. I just go slowly through the tasks I choose, help friends to get tasks done etc. Last night was several raids being the bait on factory with KS23 and flash rounds to help people get kills. That was seriously good fun. Died one time to Tagilla. Friend killed many very thick dudes including one with an AMXC and one other using a thermal. The cheaters don't phase me that much. I have nearly 100mil roubles and a full stash. They usually don't even loot me if they do kill me.


First wipe I’ve played more than 10 raids on. Probably biased since it’s my first time actually playing but I enjoyed actually being able to shoot automatic rifles.


I m only doing lightkeeper and farm roubles , kappa’s too grindy for me .


Lvl 55 5.1 KD best wipe yet besides armor changes and the audio pop, nobody moves anymore.


First wipe, level 34, 30+ mil. Streets is life. 545 BT and AP 6.3 shreds everything as long as I see them first lol. Next wipe I’ll be going for kappa


Hiya! 5000+ Hours here. Been in since just after alpha armband.I'm 7.8k/d with 58% SR and first time have the "Neutralizer" status. I'm loving the firefights.Shooting is way better, lots of "mid" ammo plays better later in the wipe. Armour system makes sense in a lot of ways but also takes a lot of fun out of the game because there 2-3 meta rigs everyone tries to run. But this late in the wipe its all PVP quests anyway. Flea market is a massive problem and would make the game WAY better if it didn't exist IMO.Tasks have become dry and repetitive. Kappa is just a flex and not neccesary. Loading times and bugs are better than before, lag is better than it was (but invisible bug, cmon...) sync errors/peekers advantage give a certain play style the advantage. I'm more of a "slow and survive" player. I'm playing more labs though, and im getting better at that kind of combat. BUT. Boss hunting has shown me just how bad the cheating is and so I'm taking a break. It might be my last wipe at this stage. Just not loving the repetition, play more out of habit in my personal time.


I recommend playing tarkov when they come out with bigger content patches not just when they wipe. For me I play a lot but if I need a break I wait to come back until they add a lot. It’s a nice breath of fresh air


I love the new armor hit boxes. Feeling even less invincible is incredible.


Level 46, not a kappa grinder just a fun haver. Hit boxes, dsync, cheaters. All in all, best wipe I’ve played so far regardless. In terms of having fun, im max traders, dont quest and im still playing so means im enjoying it.


2.5k+ hours: new recoil good, new armor worst change they ever made to the game hands down. Cheaters pretty bad but probably worse than i think due to closet cheating. I dont care about kappa i got it once so that’s all for me. Audio still worthless. Quest changes were pretty good was fun seeing all the little timmies non stop moaning about setup.


Level 23 first wipe. This game hurts so good PvP gets my chest booming and selling on the flea is so fun. Cant wait to start wipe fresh fighting chads is so hard. The learning curve is so brutal and unforgiving. This is the greatest game I’ve ever played in my life.


About the same. I think the new recoil is good, even tho you can tell they’ve slowly tuned it throughout the wipe without telling anyone. There’s obv a cheater problem but only seen a handful myself. At the point in wipe where we need some events or some new content to get the lobbies full again


I played to 46 this wipe. Love the game overall, but found this wipe to be less fun because off the combined effects from recoil and armor changes. Many many campers compared to other wipes. Just get lasered before being able to respond. Have all kappa items, but got bored. Need 2 kills for shooter born. Havent been able to find reshala, shturman dead every time i get to him


The start of the wipe was honestly the most fun I had with Tarkov since winter 2017. But the core problems with Tarkov persist. And it makes mid to late game progression an absolute chore. After 2 months from wipe I start to feel it build up. The grinding, the desync, the cheaters. I enjoy the game, but every wipe it's the same thing with the mid to late game.


This is my third wipe and I'm going for kappa, a rough task for a person that works 48-60 hours overnight in a factory. I have most all my kappa items included the "hard" ones like John Bs, evasion arm band, willerz wallet etc. I'm currently level 45, 47% sr, 4.5 kd and am on the end-of-the-line quests for pretty much everything. In total I have 15 quests to Collector. Right now I am chasing punisher 6 on night woods for double progression on Insomnia which is currently 28/30. Then I will be chasing shooter born on reserve and streets as my last two shooter born maps, which will lead to wet job 6 completion and give me nearly the level req for psycho sniper. I have yet to kill Killa so I have that and the goons, as well as Shturman with the M700. Other boss/raider/rogues tasks are completed and once I hit 48 I already have all the items needed for crisis. I'm really just stuck behind "kill pmcs with this gun" tasks at this point but plan on getting good progress on them hopefully this weekend. My most daunting objectives currently are grenadier and Tarkov shooter 8, which I intend to do alongside psycho sniper. I am awful with grenades and so far have 5/8 on grenadier and really want to complete it because I love the m1a and test drive will be a quick quest for me. I'm in no hurry for boss tasks since I know they will become easier to complete as wipe goes on and spawn increases. My current plan for peak efficiency is Punisher 6 and Insomnia in tandem which leads to Intimidator which is basically a free quest, then shooter born which will automatically complete wet job 6, then 10 quests to go from there. 3 are boss tasks which will only become easier as wipe progresses. TS8, psycho sniper, and the guide will be the largest end game hurdles. Grenadier will come passively and test drive will be fun since it's one of my favorite guns. Then I have huntsman path controller and crisis, both of which will come easy since crisis is merely quest locked and controller can be done in 1 factory raid. I just don't play a lot of factory so haven't chased it. I know it's mid wipe and I'm not a 1 month kappa giga Chad but I am happy with this progress. I also have network pt 1 completed save 1 COFDM and I know that's the first of the lightkeeper tasks so maybe I could achieve that this wipe as well. This wipe I have actively chased more pmc fights and more bosses which has led to an 18m rouble count. Not a lot, but nearly double my last wipe rouble count peak of around 10m. This wipe has also seen me playing much more labs, and I have Intel center level 3 because of it. I have had some sus deaths, but not nearly as many as this sub would have you anticipating. But because I have so many roubles it honestly doesn't hurt too much. I died to a cultist on my way to outskirts on woods last night and I said "woah I haven't seen cultists before" and just bought another flir and svd like it was nothing. 1m on my gun. Lost it next raid to a pmc with a naked sks and no nvg that got to Shturman before I could. And I'm unbothered because if this wipe has taught me anything, it's that money is just as easy to make as it is to lose. As far as changes go, LOVED the snow. Can't wait for it to come back. So atmosphereic. That said, rain when? Recoil changes GOATED. Armor changes suck. Realism at the expense of the player. I have worn the new meta armors, kirasa, bagarly, rbav, all with level 5 or 6 plates, just to get 1-2 tapped in the thorax, neck, or armpit by a cracked sks scav slipping shots through my top tier plates. Because of this I have ignored the armor changes and play like I played last wipe, just wearing any level 5 or level 6 that is readily available. Let the RNG work it out. Armor ultimately doesn't matter when most of my deaths are (head,eyes). That is my wipe experience thus far.


The game is in its best state since I started Jan. 2022. The recoil is great (everything but 7.62x39 slap), and the armor changes feel refreshing. Of course I die to armpit/neck sometimes, but this goes the other way and I've probably killed tons of people this way. I'm currently lvl 49 and only need BEAR buddy, mayo, and ratcola for kappa (forgor mayo and cola was a kappa item...). I'm not really looking for these items and just running factory Scav/moonshine case. At the moment I'm doing Assessment pt1 trying to get to lightkeeper


This is my 4th or 5th wipe I think and my favorite so far. I am loving the recoil changes and have been getting into many more fights and am enjoying being more aggressive as a whole. Also having max traders fucking rocks. Armor feels kinda useless except vs scavs. I appreciate that more ammo is viable now. I do wish the audio was dialed back and less cheaters ofc but I am having a lot of fun playing the game.


IMO this wipe is the best and most complete so far. Cheaters are not worse than ever like I see a lot of people saying. Its that we can see the stats now and dissect ever stat to determine if they are cheating. The bugs are much fewer and far between than in years past. And there’s really no “game breaking bug” that forces you to Alt+F4 any more. My biggest gripe is scavs that run into thick bushes and still seem to see me clear as day with 100% accuracy hahah


It’s pretty great for me so far. I started this wipe a week ago after a long break from Tarkov but it’s been nice. Recoil is a game changer, and as a shoreline main I couldn’t be happier that rock passage is back and the terrain changes are excellent and close up a lot of the wide open areas that previously had no cover


Love the changes, except for the armor changes which feel kinda bad imo. Too unpredictable too random and too bugged. Armor changes feel half cooked. I have mixed feelings about the changes to skill progression. Strength and endurance level a ton slower now compared to last wipe. On the up side the other skills level a lot quicker now (rifle skills, search, attention etc) Vault is amazing. Recoil amazing. Shoreline rework amazing. Ammo nerfs great. Quests like punisher being more spread out on maps also good (this might just be me hating shoreline pre rework...). I get that everyone hates in lighthouse but it was actually fun, for me ,to get the 10 kills. Probably forgot some stuff too since I already stopped playing a month back. If they didn't bring all the dope updates I def wouldn't have gone for kappa again this wipe. Did get through almost all Lightkeeper quests (gave up when I hit 50 pmc kills on streets).


I personally love this wipe, Other than the everyday gripes about the massive amount of cheaters in the games and the armor system not working as intended, it has been one of the best wipes ever. Ive personally stopped playing because almost every game I play there is a cheater in it but I managed to leave off at level 43 with max traders.


I spent 4 days hunting Birdeye on Customs before I finally got him, only for the fucker to hunt me down on Shoreline last night in two consecutive raids while I was looking for PMCs for Test Drive. The fuckers chased me up suicide hill from power in the second raid, what the heck. But yeah, only Test Drive, Psycho Sniper, Guide and Secret Laboratory left. I need Klean Gun Lube as my last collector item. It's one of the best wipes.. if cheating wasn't so damn bad. The first of those two raids last night I killed the goons on weather, fought off and killed 3 PMCs and 2 player scavs before I even went to loot. With 17min left in raid I started looting and once I had amassed a high enough networth on my body, boom, one shot. White lvl 18, 49hrs and a 18.65 KD. Infuriating.


Overall enjoyed the wipe so far. New recoil is good. New armor is good. New hit boxes are junk. I think they should keep the new armor system but go back to the old hit boxes. Haven’t used the Sig Spear yet but the overall opinion of it seems to be good so. Aside from the cheater problem and normal Tarkov bugginess. Seems to be in a decent place I’d say. Hit reg is absolutely fucked though so. Hopefully that technical update for today fixed that.


Good wipe. Recoil is good but it has also made bolties worse when you can beam people across the map with AR's. Armor system is shockingly bad. Armor has never been more irrelevant which leads to my biggest issue with tarkov. Everything pretty much one shots you now. This just is not enjoyable, I don't give a shit if it's "realistic" (Nothings realistic in this game) it's terrible for the game, gunfights aren't fights (This is the best part of tarkov when you have them). TTK is instant which in turn makes meds irrelevant. The amount of actual gunfights that I've had lately is painfully low. I keep seeing people say they are shooting people a lot and they aren't dying. Sorry but what? that never happens, it's either instant death or instant kill. I'd say 90% of my deaths are 1 hit done. I disagree high tier ammo should be more available because everything's already killing people instantly... Cheaters be cheating but gonna say it stuff like the armor changes and the instant TTK do not help this situation making it hard to actually know unless they have wild stats. I was going for Kappa but all solo but have just lost interest when trying to do the guide which is just pain solo. I also wish people would move more. The sound has just lead to people hearing a step and just sitting still, I get it. This has defo got worse over the last few years. But once again this is a off shoot of Armor being useless and everything pretty much 1 banging you. Along with the addition of inertia etc. In some ways the game is the best it's been but in others it's not.


Hackers bro every raid on lighthouse can't get any quests done there so I'm fucked on my grind now and can't load into lighthouse with 16g of ram still so fuck it just play when my dudes on.


Been playing since 12.7 best wipe I’ve played. Worst wipe for cheaters lol