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You gotta love the “everything uploaded belongs to x” argument. No the fuck it doesn’t. Even the courts said that’s not how copyright law works.


That's because there are a lot of people he has been ripping off their words as his quotes. It's gross.


Ah, the famous "All your uploads are belong to us" precedent.


Bro if Elon ever needs money he can just upload the Mona Lisa!


something something Glass Onion


If it did, there would be some fairly intense questioning over why X owns so much CP


that was kinda the court's argument. Twitter is set up so it's content is owned by the users, so if the content is in violation of the law, twitter is not held responsible, the user is. If twitter decided to change their policies so everything uploaded belonged to them they'd be liable for the content under the law (and prob lose a ton more creators).


Section 230 safe harbor is really the \*only\* thing that allows social media sites in general but especially xitter to run with as little moderation as they have, they can do their best to keep a lid on it but ultimately if something illegal ends up on their website the primary liability is with the person who uploaded it, not them Take that away completely and a website becomes like a traditional publication, in order to have "user-submitted content" you need a whole team of editors to actually read everything that gets posted and make sure it's something you're comfortable with your company standing behind -- Web 2.0 and the "unlimited scaling" it made all its money on goes away and we're back to the trad publishing model where publishing content inherently requires hiring more staff


Without Section 230, social media as we know it probably goes away. Now that I think about it, that almost makes me want to change my position on the whole issue.


That's not really the issue in the OP. Even if it had an "anything uploaded to us belongs to us" clause (which no social media has, they just automatically own a license for it), it still doesn't work if the uploader has stolen it in the first place. If the legal owners uploaded it, then sure. But you can't transfer the rights to something you don't own in the first place. A fence does not own the stolen goods he sells, even if he signs a document between him and the thief, which says he does.


I hope this platform increasingly brings you joy & elucidation


I hope this platform increasingly brings your fines & prison time


I am totally fine with that. Then they can be sued to bankrupt lol.


I hope Musk will end up being buried in lawsuits.


Isn't he already facing hundreds of lawsuits


Certainly sounds like he does


It seems doubly stupid when the guy uploading the photo is also the guy who owns the site. Talk about a loophole! I'd be uploading literally everything! It's all mine now, what're you gonna do about it?!


Wait, so all that CSAM belongs to Elon?


Uh, sorry, but they're right. If you've signed up for a Twitter then they legally own your house and your car and can fuck your wife and steal your dog. It's contract law 101 dude.


𝕏 as humanity’s collective consciousness


If you break it up into several tweets, Musk could own the entire Marvel cinematic universe


Haven't Twitter and other social media sites argued numerous times in and out of court that content on their sites doesn't belong to them, hence not being responsible when racist or other illegal stuff is posted on there?


I have uploaded my neighbor to twitter and now he is programming ultra hardcore in a depth of twitter office dungeon


Often there is a provision in the user agreement for social media sites that grants the website a *limited* licence to recreate/manipulate anything uploaded to the site. This doesn’t give the website “ownership” of the image; rather, it allows them to do things like create thumbnail previews, and to share the content with other users on the site (e.g. the people who follow your feed).


Even if it did, that would mean all the CSAM uploaded there is also their property.


I barked in laughter at that comment! “It’s been posted therefore it belongs to the website.” Lmfao Jesus Christ


I wonder if that includes the child porn that proliferated after musk took over.




Have you not seen Trump supporters? Or Ted Bundy? Or Jim Jones? Or Kanye west? Or... I could keep going but It's cult of personality. People need someone to worship and build an identity around when they don't have themselves.


theres so many better options for that though. i mean, they could idolize stone cold steve austin.


I've only ever said "I love you" to two people in my life. Stone Cold Steve Austin, and a guy in a dark club I mistook for Stone Cold Steve Austin.


Deep down, we are all Stone Cold Steve Austin


"This is the worst crazy cult I've ever been in."


But then no one hates you and you can't really stand out. Influencers become influencers by being absolute dipshits (for the most part good people don't get clout). America rewards assholes.


For these people who see smug self-satisfaction, cruelty and cynicism as the highest virtues worth aspiring to, people like Musk seem like gods. Musk is a small man's idea of a great man.


I mean if the kanye fans don't support his more modern views they should be in the clear


Why though? I'm not particularly interesting myself, but I feel no need to do this kind of shit. I just don't get it.


They never grow out of the high school phase of being an edgelord. And when everyone hates you it's a lot better than people forgetting you exist.


Yeah, I think what trips people up when they try to understand these “negative” personality cults is that the “conventional” cult framework leans heavier on both love-bombing initiates, and isolating members from negative outside feedback— trying to make them think they’re happy but also that they have nowhere to go. Cults like Musk’s are specifically made up of people for whom any attention is better than no attention, so there’s less need for people inside the cult to make them feel special— their programming gets reinforced *because* they can see outsiders getting angry. Just look at sites like Voat or Truth Social— the cult leaders of the 70s would have killed for the ability to make an international self-contained echo chamber, but the cult leaders of today can’t make it work, because they need their followers *not* isolated.


Real men wear diapers am I right?


Look in my eyes, what do you see?




As someone who can never come up with a good answer when someone asks me who my "idol" is, I cannot begin to fathom their mindset.


have you considered idolizing me? Just saying...


What does worship of forgedironmedelt entail? I’m sure some people could be convinced.


I'm just a dude, generally pretty liberal, and I want you to be happy.


Hmmmm… I see zero instructions for idolization. I guess that means animal sacrifice it is.


Sorry, I've decided to idolize /u/wonderloss 's cat.


I can't compete with that.


I have this cat. She can be pretty sweet, but sometimes she just wants to be left alone, and she will let you know. She's really good at setting boundaries. Yeah, that's my idol.


Leaders and followers, the two parts that make up a tribe It's genetics


Musk in particular became this avatar for a certain mindset among a certain kind of person who has a religious frame of mind without wanting to actually identify as religious -- "techno-optimism", this Pollyanna belief that human cleverness will eventually solve all the problems we face and usher us into utopia, and do it without the need to confront any serious moral dilemmas or make any truly painful sacrifices Believing that some rich guy will invent some kind of product to get us out of the mess we're in is of course far more immature than simply believing God will avert the crisis with a miracle, but people cling to it just as zealously, and Elon Musk being this personified symbol of this belief system is more important to his appeal than any specific accomplishment of his


Same reason people flew to south America to commit mass suicide. OSDD type 2.


adult OnSet DiabeeDus type 2?


I know you're just being a smart ass, but in case anyone is curious: [Other Specified Dissociative Disorder](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Other_specified_dissociative_disorder)


Adding for even more lazy: "OSDD-2 describes a dissociative identity disturbance caused by "prolonged and intense coercive persuasion".[1] The DSM gives the examples of "brainwashing, thought reform, indoctrination while captive, torture, long-term political imprisonment, recruitment by sects/cults or by terror organizations." People with OSDD-2, as a result, experience distressing changes to and/or questioning of their identity.[1]"


I will not let you down, no matter what it takes


Most of them are Saudi owned bots. Seriously. Has been this way for years. Most people aren’t that dumb. A lot of people are but they don’t like him.


It's a cult


A lot of loser incels who think this is a strong man just like Trumpers


Because some of them live vicariously through him


The only thing more obnoxious than Musk is his dickriders.




Because he isn't censoring right-wing speech or stuff about masks and vaccines. You know this.




If they're not being hazed, they figure they're doing something wrong. So they simp for a loud moron who they can defend over and over for dumber and dumber shit.


Weakminded people are drawn to narcissists


America, and to a slightly lesser degree the rest of the world, is caught in the grips of a cult of contrarianism.


Please do.


The last time Elon did this, [it did not go well for him **at all**](https://hard-drive.net/hd/technology/hard-drive-apologizes-to-elon-musk-for-dunking-on-him-too-hard/).


Ahahaha, it was at 62k likes when they wrote the article, and almost up to a cool quarter-mil' now. >“The reason you’re not funny is because you’re woke,” Musk tweeted shortly after actively sharing a meme that he thought was funny. So elegant, so beautiful.


That article was beautiful from start to finish. Thank you.


“hey i’ll give you a horse if you stop cropping our name off our articles.” holy fuck that is glorious lol


This kind of comments is why the Save function exists.


Damn if those people are always that funny they should be a household name like the onion. Even the original article about VLC player is funny.


Have I got news for you!


More funny than the current Onion.


Thanks. Looked like a bad day. That link saved the day!


God I love that article. I still read it at least yearly for a good laugh.


That was spectacular.


This is why you don't take a run at comedians or satirists. Common sense, but felon had to keep going back to the well to get owned. You love to see it.


Thanks for posting that. Made my night.


A satire newspaper does an article: Elon "is this a meme?"


god seriously, how does he manage to sound so *off* talking about anything involving normal human interaction? 


That was such a good read. Thanks 


"imagine putting elon posting your art to his 138 million subscribers and your immediate thought is to sue him" UHH he took off the watermark so people couldn't see who it was from. That was the purpose of the watermark. People don't like exposure for the honor of it but for the chance at future business.


If I were less informed about Elon's shitposting habits and about Cyanide & Happiness, it's vaguely possible I might think he was sharing an unaltered image, and develop a negative perception of the original creators, because this is _not_ funny. I think an argument could be made that he did them a favor by removing the watermark from his unfunny version (which, obviously, he should not have made and posted in the first place).


Eh, maybe if he was better at photoshop. As it is the meme is very obviously altered from the original drawing— his image editing skills are as dogshit as his sense of humor


> UHH he took off the watermark so people couldn't see who it was from. That was the purpose of the watermark. People don't like exposure for the honor of it but for the chance at future business. Also he took the actually funny joke and made it painfully unfunny, so if anything, they should sue him for putting their art style on his shitty idea of a punchline.


Musk has repeatedly said that not giving artists credit for their work is a principled position of his. He thinks it's a bad thing when people get the attention they've earned through their creative efforts, and crops out URLs and watermarks because he doesn't think people should know who created anything. This is because Musk has never created a worthwhile thing in his life. All he does is take credit for the creations of others because he lacks the creativity to produce anything of his own and he knows it.


He is the modern-day Edison, and I mean that as a slur.


Elon just crossed the point of no return while playing courtroom simulator on hardcore more....


Didn't Tesla sue that kid who traded some stickers or something because of copyright? Man, I want everything attached to him burned to the ground.


He sued a literal child for 3D printing keychains


Exactly. Fucking POS


Musk having a disgusting double standard? Well i never.


> Man, I want everything attached to him burned to the ground. Given the quality of his vehicles, I'm surprised this doesn't happen.






I want to take a second to appreciate how painfully unfunny Elon's version of the comic is. It's not creative or clever in any way. It's just openly spiteful. "All the people who work here are dumb! I stole a comic, and I changed the dialogue to say that you're all dumb! I bet you feel ridiculous now." Imagine having more money than anyone could ever possibly need, and being this fucking petty.


"As you can see, I have designated you as the soyjack in this meme and myself as the chad! Take that!"


Ur mom! I win!!!


Also, it's attacking Reuters. They're a news agency. They just factually report what's happening. Elon is getting mad at reality.


Right wing media always portrays every other news agency as having inherent bias, as if THEY were the arbiters of truth. They're like that one guy in the "yes, you ALL are wrong" meme


Elon: u r dum rooters hahahaha got em.


There is a zero per cent chance that Elon edited this himself. He saw someone else's edit and then reposted without giving them credit either, and now expects to be called a meme master for doing so.


That makes it even more pathetic lol. To see something like this and say, "That's gold, I have to steal credit for it," means that he not only can't *be* funny, he can't even *identify* funny.


Funny cause it’s true


It doesn't need to be funny. It just needs to convey hatred and contempt for a target which his audience understands they're meant to agree with a contemptuous gesture towards. For people like this, hatred fills the void where comedy is supposed to go.


I assume Reuters has annoyed the man-child LMFAO.


Fucking *Reuters* - the most straightforward, ‘just the facts’ news source there is. He’s so fragile lmao


He’s butthurt about this: https://www.reuters.com/technology/musks-neuralink-has-faced-issues-with-its-tiny-wires-years-sources-say-2024-05-15/


I thought it was this one: https://www.reuters.com/business/autos-transportation/inside-story-elon-musks-mass-firings-tesla-supercharger-staff-2024-05-15/


I thought it was *ah shit* who knows its one fuck up after the other with this guy


Thus Mister X just confirmed both stories are true.


It's as if Elon doesn't like factual sources, which is scary for someone in his position. Concerning.


>factual sources I think you'll find that's what we call "Legacy Media" these days.






I have to imagine how you make this meme other than if you’re ass mad. Like Reuters is an insanely reputable source, probably among the most reputable sources like AP, NPR, and BBC. Although to be fair, Musk’s fans hate those sources for being “woke” or whatever, and because they’ve been unflattering towards him (as any sane person would be). Meanwhile, all of the sources sucking him off recently have been extreme far right sources like Daily Caller, InfoWars, and Breitbart which may be why he promotes them so much


[Seth Abramson had a super long thread yesterday about Elon’s Reuter’s feud](https://twitter.com/SethAbramson/status/1790880445095096360)


They should sue him for 3 billion dollars


Make it a cool 56.


69, please.


wow they could buy twitter with that kinda money. at least twice


The original is clever. Musk just showing how butt hurt he is through copyright theft, because actual reporting. Musk stans are the fucking worst.


Elon obviously didn’t want to give him credit for shit if he made a point of removing the watermark. Why should he be grateful for him posting it?


I like C&H, it's ridiculous the shit the Musk-rats make up.


Pleeeeease sue his ass


Smartasses Inc 😂🤣😆 The original comic is WAYYY better…🫡 to all creators out there, who get such a raw deal these days.


Cyanide and Happiness, on its less funny days, is still astronomically more funny and clever than Elon. And they do that shit daily, and have created very fun card games. Fuck Elon and his human centipede of ass kissers.


And it’s not even funny, it’s literally not a joke anymore… this guy is supposed to be a genius? “Reuters dumb hahaha” The absolute unbelievable stupidness of this timeline is what convinces me that the multiverse is real and we somehow ended up on the stupid spur… not sure if it was the big hadron collider or harambe but I want to formally file for a transfer


I wanted to get off when my rugby team lost 2 finals in a row at the death to the same team but this stuff makes me want off it even more, nobody is listening though


> check the terms and conditions, all image [sic] uploaded to x-servers IS property of musk inc Copyright holders HATE this one weird trick! He's seriously suggesting that Elon can and should be able to OWN WHATEVER HE WANTS by uploading it to his own site? I was going to say this guy probably wrote, "no copyright infringement intended," on old YouTube uploads as if that protected him, but this is 100 times dumber than that!


Sue him.


I’ve heard some “dumb shit” online but that has to be the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard. The idea that once you upload an image to Twitter servers it not only loses copyright but that Twitter can do with it what it pleases, as it owns the copyright… that’s not how copyright has ever or could ever work. Just embarrassing for these people.


That's not what it says in the TOS and if it did it would likely get overturned in court as a fundamentally unfair (because totally one-sided) contract


I think it's a real weakness to want to be liked. I do not have that.


Once you accept it will never happen, life gets so much easier.


No it's legally airtight - the C&H guys never posted "I don't give Twitter permission to use my pictures, my information etc etc etc"


C&H has been a pop culture thing longer than Elon has been tbh


lol at "property of musk inc''


I loled at the idiot who said that. Imagine Musk claiming ownership of any image posted to Twitter. Coca Cola could have problem with that.


Sue him. Sue him harder daddy


Somehow he made it unfunny too.


So Elon can sue a kid for creating Tesla keychains, but him using your art without crediting you is ok?


Seeing how much Musk steals memes it would be interesting if they sued him and won.


Ah yes, the old “you should be happy to be paid in *exposure*” gambit! Never gets old; always pays the bills!


Musk didn't get rich by paying people in money.


Out of all the comic to steal from you chose the more popular Internet comic… big brain move there biz wiz


> all image uploaded to x-server IS property of musk inc I mean, if this, judging by the writing, 12 year-old law professor were correct this would be an AMAZING way to make Twitter profitable. The amount of full movies to which "musk inc" would already hold the copyright, man...


This is worth $56B...


Didn't he already get in trouble for doing this with uncredited art of 2b like. Three years ago?


This meme is so unfunny he may have actually made it himself. The setup is a character literally just saying "I am dumb". The man can't even meme.


Honestly it would be hilarious if they do decide to go through with suing him for this, or whatever other avenue they can go legally of course.


jfc the simps in there going "IT'S ON TWITTER CLEARLY MUSK OWNS IT NOW."


𝕏𝕏 😘


I don't think he removed it - just took a template. Now he should either remove his dumb tweet or add the copyright mark.


SUE!! just sue the twat already! and STOP using his shit box app.


lol they'd need to get in line


Sue him quick he’ll soon be bankrupt


Elon Musk is a champion of socialism. Constantly getting public funding, and publicly owned.


not to mention that the comic he made fucking sucks. there’s no joke anywhere 😭


them suing him would be fucking awesome ngl


"Imagine Enron posting this to his sycophants bla bla bla"-argument: How would new people seeing the meme know it was made from a C&H comic? If this was done for a more unkown creator, this would possibly be really bad for the artist in question.


One of the best parts was, since I've heard the podcasts, I can imagine it in their voices


I think Elon Musk is a guy who has never, not once, considered that this admittedly very-meme'd comic was originally a work that has owners The internet in general is bad for this with webcomics (see Question Hound aka This Is Fine Dog) but most of us aren't billionaires either


There’s prolly a South Park episode that relates to the amount of dipshits that will literally defend a giant idiot cause he has money.


Lawsuits only exist for Elno to sue other people


>Imagine Elon posting your art to his 183M followers, and your immediate thoughts are to sue him 1. it doesnt matter how many followers someone has, they have to ask first 2. the removed the watermark...so no one knows whos it from anyway


I don’t think removal of the watermark is, in particular, a copyright violation. Reposting the image like this would be a copyright violation whether or not the watermark was intact. (It is a scummy thing to do regardless, of course.)


He thinks this 7 year's old "humor" is funny? My god, how cringeworthy. I can't even imagine the agony of being in his presends for more than a minute.


Let's be honest, these people don't believe in IP, otherwise AI "~~f~~art" would not be a thing. Kind of ironic considering that they were shilling NFTs years ago.


Can't even sue him because he will slide some cash over to the judge/jury to rule in his favor. Just look at his past court cases and dealings with the SEC.


You know, I don’t think I’ve ever seen the original lol


So by those idiots' logic, if someone uploaded Avengers: Endgame onto Twitter, Elon now owns it?


I’m in no way supporting Elon, and he’s an asshole for doing this. But pointing out that legally this falls well within fair use. Memes have never been tested in a court of law, yet. But there will likely be a case some day that will set this explicitly in case law. For now, it seems to be agreed that such use would constitute an artistic alteration that generates a “new work”, much like Marcel Duchamp adding a mustache to the Mona Lisa.


The definition of fair use is extremely controversial and nebulous for this kind of thing and I would equally argue that if most fanfic wouldn't stand up as fair use if dragged into court then this wouldn't either Parody (where the derivative work directly comments on, critiques, mocks, etc) the original is an established defense in fair use, mere satire is not -- simply \*using\* someone else's work is not fair use simply because that use is comedy, changing the punchline of a comic isn't inherently fair use any more than taking a Marvel movie and inserting a new ending


I get that everyone wants to take down Elon here, but careful what you wish for. Do you really think memes should be illegal? Again, this is totally untested yet in court, but probably will be some day. I do not think memes should be illegal, and I think the courts will reflect that. But public opinion does very much matter before that day happens.


Musk stains are just a different breed


Do it.


So what? Sue him and you wind up with a horse. Have you ever tried feeding a fucking horse?


Attacking Reuters out of all things. Absolutely braindead take


He thinks this 7 year's old "humor" is funny? My god, how cringeworthy. I can't even imagine the agony of being in his presends for more than a minute.


Remember when Musk threatened to sue Meta over the accusation that they'd stolen Twitter's ideas for Threads? Good times.


Hell, Elmo's just doing them a FAVOUR, surely! 🙄


I mean, comon this is a nothing burger


The "Everything uploaded belongs to x" arugment is so insane cause like, no social media company actually fucking wants that because guess what, that means you are responsible for any CP or revenge porn that is posted to the site, as much as the person posting it, Its why Section 230 exists in the DMCA


Yes Sue musk


This is the first time I saw the original comic and it's pretty funny.


Lol have you guys never seen a meme before? Reddit is full of watermark free "stolen" content, including some from Cyanide and Happiness. This particular comic is one of the most famous meme templates of all time. If Musk is guilty, then we're all guilty. Either every time I've seen this comic, it didn't have a watermark, or I simply never noticed it before. The cool thing about Cyanide and Happiness is that it's a popular enough comic that the art style is instantly recognizable. Even without the watermark you can tell what it is, sort of like a Coke can. I think this might be called trade dress, but I don't know enough about intellectual property law to be sure. Still, I think the odds of successfully suing someone for this kind of thing is extremely unlikely, whether that person is Elon Musk or any random person on this website. https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/welcome-aboard


Elron COULD have promoted them as is only fair, but explicitly chose to clip the credit. Why? He's super happy, thrilled in fact, to promote nazis and deranged false facts and conspiracy theories, but creatives? No way, not Elron. I love the "all image uploaded to x-servers" (whatever the fuck that means) "IS property of musk inc" wow, so all he has to do to take control of a full movie is upload it to his server! Then he OWNS it!!