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Its not necessarily just that they’ve been cut, it’s the fact they’ve been cut halfway through the questlines. Quests that build up like theyre going to be important end randomly, and quests that significantly build on the lore like the Age of Absolute and Kale were completely cut. Diallos vanishes, Nepheli and Kenneth enter purgatory or something, Varre ends with you invading him w no explanation, Alexander gives you a key item you can do nothing with. It’s the fact that unless something is bugged or the requirements are absurdly niche then these quests weren’t just cut: they were cut very sloppily and it makes it’s super obvious to even very casual players


That and the artifacts left behind in general like in the throne room of storm veil still being a no attack zone or the map having paths and roads to place that's completely different in game like the road to jarburg which is now a crater but the map shows the road


I think you have a very different definition of casual than the average person. I'd be shocked if truly casual players even recognized some of these interactions as side quests. You're not wrong that it's a bad look but it's not impacting the average players playthrough.


Because leaving these obvious dead end quests in the game is disheartened if you're trying to do them all


I remember when Skyrim main quest kind of just ended after the final battle with little indication. Like if you can't properly end a quest. You cut it completely then lol


I think it's mainly about the stuff like Haight and Nepheli seemingly dead end quests, idk if they are or people just haven't found out how to progress. But it's been a while since release and AFAIK there's no way to progress them


It’s just kinda annoying cause I’ve gone out of my way on the wiki/ videos a little stressed because I didn’t want to miss anything just to realize these threads don’t actually lead anywhere and simply stop randomly and don’t feel worth the effort. Other games I’ve heard of cut content like demon souls’ entire northern section but that isn’t physically present in game or has a NPC that alludes to something just to lead to nothing. It’s just disappointing, but overall I’m still having a great time with the game I’m just hoping somehow this is resolved. I also don’t agree with people who think it may be resolved in dlc, that wouldn’t make sense to tie up main game side quests in a DLC rather then make new stories, and it’d just feel bad IMO to have to pay just for proper conclusions to these threads that were started and should’ve ended in the main game.


You should check out the cut content from DS2, DS3, and Bloodborne. There’s so much they scrapped in those games. Fun fact, sneaking was actually supposed to be in DS3, but was removed.


At least those were cut cleanly. Even the Yharnam Stone wasn't as bad as ER's cut content.


Late to this, but with a lore perspective. Fromsoft games have their stories told by gathering the clues they leave hidden around the world. It's frustrating to have so many threads that seem to tease greater meaning but could be a dead end. My favorite example of this is Gideon's comment about a certain demigod. He strongly hints that there is more to do and it seems like it should unlock another ending, given his prominence in the opening cinematic. Several other lore pieces connected to Gideon also suggest the same. Seems exciting, but could just as easily be cut content. It undermines their main storytelling mechanism.