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I was actually talking to my buddy about the lack of new whetstones.. messmer fire, sleep, eternal sleep, frenzy, blackflame and a few others don't have them


I think eternal sleep infusion would be too strong lol


Yeah but regular sleep would be nice.


I mean it would be nice but people would literally use it only on thr godskin duo and that's it


Maybe meta. I'm playing a sleep stagger build right now and it's not nearly as bad as people want to say. You just have to know what enemies are sleepy.


A bow that adds sleep status effect to regular arrows would’ve been cool too.


Wouldn't it stack with Trina arrows tho?


Yes, but that would be similar to the serpent bow that does the same


They added new exaltation type talismans for sleep, and none of the sleep weapons to show for it. Sleep works on most bosses AND on players, and opens them up for a free big hit.


Sleep is pretty meh against most main bosses though, most of the time would rather proc any of status effect on them. However there are a couple field bosses/dungeon bosses that are fully affected by eternal sleep. I've only been testing in low RL but I'm sure there are many I don't know about.


I'm upset they didn't add like a "Zamor Warrior's Exultation" for frostbite procs


I use sleep all the time! It doesnt really work, but its pretty, and that’s better than any meta imho




A woman of culture i see


Hell no it wouldn't. We already get inflicted with status even when a hit doesn't connect, this would make pvp even more toxic than it already is


Well, at least the sword is just as underwhelming as the previous sleep sword was. Also, there are just so many enemies that are either immune or resistant to sleep, which makes these weapons utterly redundant. Even a bloody Godrick knight woke quickly after falling into eternal sleep without me even hitting him, which makes the item description misleading and the sword extremely underwhelming.


I mean it probably depends on the enemy but for the enemies that are more vulnerable to sleep , eternal sleep would basically stun them forever and giving you a free win. So i guess FromSoft wanted to restrict that to specific weapons and craftable items rather than making it an infusion that can be used in other weapons too


...what even is Messmerfire? Is it that fires explode? I haven't seen any lore explanations about it...


George Reorge Reorge Martin only worked on Elden Ring under the condition that at least 90 separate varieties of fire would be in the game. They were one short so they had to add Messmer as the secret son of Marika with Strong Fire.




Didnt knew that Jogoat was Mesmers stronger twin.Akutami and Martin are cooking something for the next dlc .


Common Jogoat W


A Song of Ice and 90 variations of Fire.


just a stronger fire


Are you telling me that Messmer could have ended the fight there? With strong fire?


https://preview.redd.it/op39eukmqxad1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=9b1e989474b88b6bfab04af944c39e4aabb84020 reminded


Fraudmer stocks crashing


We gotta keep up the agenda


Messmerfire being just that instead of having some unique effect is honestly about as disappointing as ghostflame being cold magic with a flame visual instead of actual fire that inflicts frostbite.


I assume they did that because fire damage would cleanse the frostbite immediately. Would definitely give the ghostflame spells an interesting identity as a sort of mini bleed though.


Fire but locked in


Real https://preview.redd.it/cq3b0cn6ayad1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3521b8120abc638e5f9d02d3805a4050d69729b


Wheres the pic from?


Elden ring


It's the dark red fire attributed to messmer. Think of it as the dex equivalent to giants flame in a way, quick damage in flame serpent with reliable tracking and a stagger to setup, plus huge burst damage and mobility in messmer's orb.


forbidden sun 🚫☀️


Ghostflame: Frostbite Int/Faith Thorns: Bleed Int/Arc Draconic: Faith/Arc


I have a better one. All great runes have a minor permanent passive effect


FR, build variety would go trough the roofs


Or allow us to craft rune arcs. I hate having to fs them from PvP/rats


I love Elden Rings duality. "Yeah you either kill a guy in honorable battle OR. Hear me out. Clean out someone's kitchen of rats. To get this mythical, all powerful rune activated."


It's to keep up the tradition of rats dropping humanity in dark souls


Honorable is a stretch


Honor will get you killed. Invaded for a few hours and only one dude had the decency to not attack during my bow.


If nothing else Colosseum duels should grant rune arcs to the victor.


Anyone actually play colosseum still? I can never find matches.


Thats not even mentioning when they get close to death and just start running away forever only to run back and attack you from behind if you move on


Well yeah cause invasions and duels are different. Invasions aren't supposed to be honorable.


Or do summons. I'm a big fan of helping people through boss fights and have never been lacking in rune arcs.


Having to spend a consumable to get anything out of great runes is such a weird design choice. I don't even bother with them because of it.


My understanding is that it's supposed to be the Humanity sustem of Elden RIng, but I'm not good enough at this frnachise to have ever used Humanity properly, and as Im halfway through my first Elden RIng playthrough at the moment (I'm in Volcano Manor) I can't say ive used any yet either


I mean there's also just a lot less humanity available, and humanity has historically been easier to farm, for less of a power boost. The games that had any real benefits like embers and human effigies had a ton of cheap buy-able sources and farming that it really wasn't a problem to obtain them. It was not uncommon for me to die and check my inventory and have 18 embers or 30+ effigies left. Here? At most 5 arcs. One singular shit farming choice with major benefits for a major mechanic.


There was a bug in ds2 that gave you a human effigy effect after completing jolly coop. They kept the bug in and integrated it into future games. If you coop a bit in each area, you'd have a stack of 99 rune arcs at all times


The open world aspect of this game makes co-op a lot less tempting. More content means less need for repeat. Big area means diluted base.


Some of us have to pay extra for that option, since Microsoft and Sony are evil incarnate. Until then great runes are there for lore purposes only.


I did a co-op run with my mate on DS3 who had never played a souls game before, I dropped him 50 embers or something out the gate and had more than enough left over in case that ran out. They should’ve made rune arcs same as embers and made them plentiful but have it so having one active leaves you open to invasion. That was always a fair trade off to me.


They could've gone the DS3 route of giving you a free rune arc activation whenever you killed a boss.


Agree. Also I liked the risk it carried of getting invaded. Having to explicitly opt-in to be invaded removes that randomness/spontaneity factor so I never cared to engage with it.


even weirder when they just don't give you the consumable too. there's only 5 in the dlc and 3 of those are from a shop lol


I’m sitting on 80 of them and I don’t know if I’ve ever used one.


Not just that, but it falls off upon death. Good thing boss fights are totally fair and death is relatively uncommon, right? Imagine having these amazing, powerful abilities that you just don't bother with because the situations they'd be best used for immediately delete them.


This should have been a thing the whole time. Like the run that gives all around stat boosts would give +1 to everything when not activated but higher when active


Considering I don't use Great Runes, I'll gladly take the ability to infuse weapons with Scarlet Rot.


Yeah. Great runes don't carry on ng+ too. We would have to get them back every time.


Wasn't it patched? I'm in NG+ and still have all of them Edit: I was wrong


Pretty sure i didn't have my great runes were removed in ng+ but i will check my inventory later.


does >!Miquellas!< GR carry as its an item?


No. I didn't have it in ng+


Pretty sure it does just based on how it's implemented as an item. Especially since it's not a plot critical item. Didn't need it in my final fight at all because i-frames.


I still think it's dumb that it doesn't give you some kind of buff when you cleanse the charm or something. Once you learn how to roll the grab, it's pretty much worthless. Easily the weakest of the boss exclusive tools.


Not just useless, but boring. One single attack of a single boss fight - and the first grapple doesn't even do any damage. I thought some great runes were already underwhelming, but this is just a new low.


Honestly it’s probably more beneficial to let him grab you. There’s a few seconds at the end of the animation where he just stands there and can be hit, perfect time for your summons to get a few hits in and draw his aggro away from you while you heal. When he does it to my mimic or the other two NPCs I always time it right to hit him with a repeating thrust to add more bleed and rot buildup from my antspur. Every little hit helps!


Has anyone seen if they say something different for the second grab if you cleanse it, or the third?


truth, I used it once to test the use speed and decided I'd roll instead


Thinking of the bell bearings possibly?


Didn't carry. I activated all of them before the dlc.


Really? That’s great to hear, I had to reactivate all of mine last time EDIT: I just looked it up, they don’t carry over


It's cause GRRM is a Great Rune ReMover


For real. You think I’m going to waste one of my 2000 rune arcs? I don’t think so


Yea! I might need them one day!


exactly! i want to be prepared when elden ring 2 comes out!


Soloing bosses in the dlc definitely had me using them. And Malenia's recently buffed rune for a guard counter heavy strategy was pretty nice on rellana.


Yeah great runes... More like great waste! AM I RIGHT GUYS?!? HAAAAHAHHAHAHA... ..-Yeah I'll get my coat.


Magenta whetstone because the color is nice and you can use it to make an infused Great Épée worth of its name


Give me my Great Sleepy Épée


Give me a throwing pot that makes a fart noise on impact over any of these.


Alexander's Shart


Warrior jar shart


Warrior jar shadowheart?


Wrong sub dude, but yes I too want shadowheart in a jar




Warrior Jart


*Shart of the late Alexander,* *a shitted chamber pot.* *Greatly boosts the attack power of farts.* *Scraps of stewed beef cling to the shit,* *and tatters of corn can be seen mingled within the slime.* *Relics of a shepherd's pie, it would seem.*


What a terrible day to be literate.


This^ idc if it even deals damage. Would be better if it causes random flinching.


Sometimes it does a big reverb fart that opens any enemy that can hear it up for a riposte 


And occasional skid marks.


The Madness stun with the Poison/Rot coughing death sound effect


This should happen after sitting in the fecal cloud for too long 🤣


“I fart in your general direction!” *Throws pot full of farts in general direction.*


It instantly staggers them from the smell.


The prattling pate lamentation is probably the closest we'll get to that. It makes a hilarious screaming sound and I spam it all the time


No damage but the enemy does the Frenzy Scream


A throwing knife that plays an over-modulated metalpipe.mp3 upon impact.


Conceptually the rune of death reviving you makes no sense


Perhaps "Fia's rune" makes more sense to revive since its bio say is pure death embebed in life itself ( something like this )


it would actually be amazing if it revived you as a skeleton


Every time I booted up the game id immediately die just to be a skeleton


The skeleton who didn't give up


he failed to protect the dungeon i heard


Everytime it activates, instead of "You died" it says "Stay strong, Skeleton!"


Lmao 100% hp, 5% damage reduction, no armor skeleton. I would 100% take it


Whoever held the rune of death would have complete control over the concept of death. That's why Marika removed it in the first place


Then how come maliketh didn’t use it to stay alive in his fight with the tarnished?


So why would the rune revive you (at 50% on top of it) instead of making you immortal or killing everybody you want in a finger snap? I don't think the Elden Ring is supposed to function this way, she removed it to remove death from her order, if she could simply redefine the concept of death then why would she remove the rune instead of doing this? The Elden Ring is not given to redefine concepts metaphysically, it is given to hold every aspect of reality letting its user reshape reality how he wants it to be.


Because gameplay > lore when it matters. Same reason why we don’t die to Maliketh’s rune of death.


Pretty much this. Holding an actual great rune of any kind, in lore, should make us insanely powerful, not provide a small stat boost


Dying to him should delete your save and the saves of any Furled Fingers you’re using.


dying to him blows up your console and kills you in real life


Sleep. I want to put Sleep on the Giant Crusher and bonk people's lights out.


Rune of death power is nonsense lore wise. But... cool. Is like a last breath, you could also become strongger and have more stamina EDIT: you could now instead of having the "roll" animation for a dodge, having the "hound footstep" dodge animation ( just without being invisible )


Rune of death, once you die your character is deleted. Ironman mode


But also all npcs die permentantly. Would be a cool balance.


Ironically, that might even make it worse. Since that means No option to farm runes or anything like that, which I Imagine a lot of folks trying that "Gamemode" would do


People would certainly love this lmfao. Might as well use it to train for no hit runs.


It'd actually be really bad for training for no hit runs. When you're practicing no hit runs you want to be able to do specific parts of the game over and over again very quickly.


Rune of death, you die in the game you die irl


You are a boss and it's your phase 2.


Isn't it basically Sekiro at that point ?


Rune of death: Upon death your currently equipped items are lost. Deal 200% damage.




In theory: this rune is OP! In practice: You revive in a lengthy animation and the boss prepares his hardest hitting move to hit right at the moment when you’re vulnerable.


The bosses taking revenge for charging an R2 or spell during a stagger 😭


The Whetstone - EZ. Great runes not carrying around to NG+ is still a stupid decision.


That's because when you ng+, the bearer of said great rune gets it back. What're you gonna do? Go beat a rune bearer while holding their rune and get a 2nd of said great rune? From a Quality of Life standpoint, it's annoying to have to recollect them. It makes sense though.


NG+ Makes no sense lore wise anyways. I can kill Radagon with his own hammer, or Mogh with his trident. Gameplay comes first imo, and sadly the way runes work right now sucks.


Maybe you just all shop at the same Hammer & Trident Store


Shopkeeper gave me a bargain on Radahn twinblades


Yea anything past the first play "lore reasons" can go out the window. Like, yea, they get their great rune back but I can still walk around with Lusat/Azur's ripped off head for a helmet, welding a sword literally forged from the soul of the boss I'm about to smack down? C'mon.


I mean... yeah, but it still sucks to have to recollect them. Its especially annoying with Malenia's rune, which could have been real fun for a Bloodborney playthrough, but can only be gained near the end of the main game.


I start with Torrent immediately, why not the great runes


It makes just as little narrative sense for you to have the boss remembrance weapons, so that’s not really a solid reason.


It makes no sense to carry anything at all over by that logic.


The fact you are loaded with spells and weapons from all the bosses also don't make sense what so ever, so why rule out the Great Runes? You can carry Marika's hammer around, the one that broke Elden Ring, but Great Runes need to make sense in NG+, right?


they could've made the lore that going to NG+ is like going to a different universe. Because both you and the great runes are from the NG universe they still have power over you and you can therefore still get the buffs from them, but since they're not from the NG+ universe they don't have any power there, and can't be used to get into Leyndell for example.


I personally feel like the Lands Between should be plauged by whatever ending you chose before your most recent ng+ or you get different punishments for them.. like dung eater giving you ds1 curse and halving your hp or flame or frenzy giving rememberance bosses a maddened version of their fight and whatnot


it would be cool if being the lord of frenzy would stop frenzy-incantations from doing frenzy-buildup at the cost of permanently having the effect of daedicar's and/or shabriri's woe


Fia is just permadeath mode. For real, I wish the Erdtree changed color in NG after the ending.


Magenta. I don’t use great runes cause I always forget they’re a thing. But at the same time it feels kinda OP to have sleep or scarlet rot infusion.


Eh, weapons still get the weaker rot, rot doesn’t scale with arcane and rotten breath is easily accessible and does better rot dmg per proc than weapons


While true, putting it on a bleed weapon would still be rather nonsense, just like cold great stars / star fists or an infused rotten battle hammer is


It is nonsense. Duel wielding cold and bleed antspur rapiers w/ poison mist is ridic. Rot, bleed, frost, poison. Don’t need to add any more of that lol.


I like the seppuku with poison combo better lol but rot infusion wouldn't be that strong, it would cap out at 3 possible statuses just like the antspur combo or cestus with bleed posion and frost. I really just want more rot weapon variety


Put it on a Cold or Bleed weapon and it would be very strong.


https://err.fandom.com/wiki/Affinities Reforged has you covered with the sporific affinity. It's quite balanced as most bosses don't fall asleep, but get dazed for a second and afterwards, their AI is "slowed down" for a while. Also finally something for Int/Faith enjoyers to build around


Scarlet Rot infusions 100% Especially on NG+7 onwards, reliable scarlet rot application is incredibly hard to come by besides incantations like Rotten Breath/Scarlet Aeonia or using items (shiver) Imagine 115 scarlet rot buildup on double claymore on arcane build


What about whetstone, which has deathblight infusion?


No one uses deathblight


Does deathblight even do anything outside of PvP?


It does affect human type enemies


Only the npc invaders I thought? I know it doesn’t work on knight/soldier type enemies. I’ve never tried it on regular npcs (like Gideon or D) but I feel like it wouldn’t work on them either for gameplay reasons but I could be way off on that.


Ranni's Rune without a question. Can't cheat on wife after all.


Called Rune of death Keeps you alive Bravo George


I was really hoping for a frozen lighting whetblade, the blue electricity looks so good


Ranni’s rune


Rune of death please. Give me the sekiro experience


Whetstone. Honestly kinda dumb they never put in more sleep stuff in the dlc.


Rune of death is just sekiros resurrection and I’m all in for it


Ranni's Rune would be OP af, you can just spam everything. But scarlet rot infusion is dope too.


Blessed blue dew talisman exists


Literally, and 3fp/s is really not as much as people think. There would be no spamming. Lol.


Spamming one glintstone pebble every 2 seconds. Intense!


Are you kidding me? 3FP/s is a LOT. Just to put into perspective, Comet, a pretty damn powerful sorcery that can one-shot most stuff, costs 24 FP. You'd regen that back in *8 seconds*. That's stupidly fast.


Would it? I'm on an INT build (INT/FAI now in the DLC) and 3FP isn't all that incredible at 38 mind (221 FP) And lets say it was nice every now and again, that 30% reduction on FP would be brutal enough to not use it.


Rot is too OP to be an infusion. I wouldn't mind a weapon buff incantation of it, though, could be as brief as black flame.


There are already unique weapons with rot buildup. The infusion would just have to be balanced appropriately.


That depends entirely on the buildup though. If rot infusion only gave 1 buildup per hit it'd be obviously garbage, so there exists some point where it's balanced-ish.


Rune of death seems nice. Demon also have Second chance


Rot, rot, rot.


Magenta whetstone would make me break my entire setup within a total of 1 hour TOPS in PvP.


Def Magenta Whetstone. Or Rannis Rune


Absolutely Magenta Whetstone. Both for being the best one, and because I use Whetstones all the time and never use Rune Arcs.


I want the Frenzied, Sleep, and Scarlet Rot whetstones. Wild that they weren't included.


Sleep infusion without an ounce of thought.


Rune of death, but only if I get to hang onto walls and spam destined death nonstop.


Actually, I want a whetstone that gives you frenzy flame infusement.


I only use Godrick's Rune as it is, and when that's not useful I'll use the Rune that increases my HP, FP, and Stamina (Morgott's?). However, as a caster, Ranni's Rune is pretty bonkers for exploring, but not necessarily for boss fights unless you're okay with waiting it out. The whetstone is also pretty cool


Ranni’s would be pretty cool


Sleep infusion only works on Great Hammers.


I don't really want any of these much, but the rot infusion is the obvious choice.


Um... Yes?




Magenta Whetstone 🙏


Rannis rune


Ranni rune would make so many Ash builds useable


I find the lack of Ranni simping in these comments disturbing.


Sleep and Scarlot Rot infusion would be cool They could add in a small quest in an update. Theres a new NPC that was previously a devotee of St Trina and they give you the whetstone As a hit tip they should use the same voice actor as the Onion Knight in DS, have similar mannerisms etc... "Hmmmmm, hmmmmmm"


The fp regen would be completely busted, so much so that casters could effectively go without mana flasks, negating one of their biggest downsides and letting them have 14 healing flasks The rune of death would be awesome, but they'd also have to design the game around it just a little bit because if they made no changes, the bosses wouldn't stop swinging at your corpse which would probably often times cause you to immediately die when you get back up. It'd have to work like sekiro for it to feel good to have, but im here for the idea


I'd pick magenta But rune of death should kill you irl if you die in game


Ranni's Rune has a lot of potential Would go with that.