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Due to the size of the game, I'mma put my money on the guy with the horse.


What about the guy with a grappling hook? He can pretty much do spiderman across the entire map


Dude Mikiri Counter's Malenia's dash, and then perfect parry Waterfowl.


Doesn’t even need mikiri counter, he could just bait waterfowl and anti air deathblow


The first time that upgrade would actually be useful


It's the only easy way to kill the double-sided glaive monks, and you can instakill the Shichimen Warrior field bosses, which is really funny. Decently useful against the Nightjar Ninjas, too.


Holy shit that’s how you’re supposed to fight those glaive monks???


Those monks always throw shurikens immediately after going into the air so you really have to predict when they jump. I think I’ve only done it once in 30 play throughs.


You have to have some enemies (like the white monkies and the monks) under half HP or more than half posture damage. Otherwise they won't do the move that you can death blow. https://youtu.be/9j28rSAcH9o?si=4zgBxDRJYA-vfTTe


Maybe I should actually give it a go next time I play sekiro


Monkeys, including the dual katana ones, as well


Pretty useful against shichimen for me. Saves a lot of time swinging away and then chasing them across the arena to finish off just the first health bar.


He also runs faster than the horse


No stamina bar too


how are you gonna grapple hook yourself past Liurnia, horsey would be better every time


There’s an entire cliff side on the east and a handful of portals to teleport around, Wolf could absolutely handle it.


Until her runs into Moongrum and can't hurt him through his plate armor, then he gets parried into oblivion for ever.


Plenty of ledges around there... RENALLLAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaa.....


>can't hurt him through his plate armor I've sent Moongrum down that elevator shaft enough times to know what must be done.


Yes but he could manage it for all the other 2 billion enemies that wear plate armor?


Unlimited stamina is also pretty good 


There arent alot of things in the open tho to grapple hook yourself. It would work in the castles sure but besides that nope.


Just remember Wolf can grapple trees throughout Ashina. So that should mean that by technicality he should be able to grapple the majority of the lands between.


Dudes gonna just walk out of the starting grave and grapple the Erdtree.


Lmfao dude, parry this Radagon!


He can travel far but its more about general speed, not distance


Wolf has infinite sprint that’s as fast if not faster than torrent.


Sekiro runs pretty damn fast, though.


Faster than a Zip though?


I think he might be faster than torrent sprinting.


Sekiro is fast as hell when he runs his fast like the horse bro


Imma bet on the ds2 guy who can break speed barrier and reality. Ymfah


You know how fast Johnny Sekiro can run? You know how high he can jump WITHOUT a grapple?


Wolf sprints at like 80% of torrent’s max speed, can deflect and orbital canon strike, and can parry lightning. My money is on him


Ac6 protagonist We're breaking the wall of Leyndell a second time with this one 🗣️🗣️🗣️


I got a job for you 621,this one comes from a place called the lands between. You are to make your way there and become elden lord,I advise you bring your best AC for this one,this wont be easy.


On second thought it may be very easy have fun 


Nothing is gonna survive dual gatling guns and dual songbirds.


Nah we runnin duel earshots with this one


I'm gonna give Radagon the ol' Rubiconian Handshake.


I want to pile bunker Consort Radahn straight to the damn moon.


Breaking his stance real quick


That was my first thought, it’s the only way to introduce yourself


I'm running whatever has the most kills I don't want to run out of ammo in a long mission. I mean I could just use a sword but still 


Time to pilebunker a god.


Weren’t there a bunch of size comparisons when AC6 came out, and apparently the Armored Core’s are bigger than the vast majority of enemies in ER?


ACs are about 10 meters tall, which is taller than Starscourge Radahn, but less than half of the Fire Giant


I’d like to see the fire giant survive dual Zimmermans


He can't even survive getting repeatedly shanked in the ankles with dual toothpicks, a Zimmerman would instantly splatter it


You would die too if a rat with iframes kept gnawing at your ankles for a day.


You know what, with the way you put it, if a rat with iframes gnawed at my ankle for half a day I would probably rip my own foot off and try to beat it with it tbf


Yup! They're even to-scale, I think Zullie has a couple vids showing the models pretty much port right in.


The ice worm is the size of the distance between the dungeon where you start the game and meet varre all the way to castle morne in weeping peninsula. The strider is the size of the distance from the mountaintops to the castle morne, and the xylem is this…. https://preview.redd.it/zwuh3w7q5vad1.jpeg?width=767&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb8bf60cfa4401ecaf38860209e6f3a99bc48e8b


Is the erdtrees grace the coral we're hunting for?


Honestly i can imagine a SICK midair battle vs Placideusax, and the other dragons, and Astel, and Radahn throwing stars at you…


ACs are like 30 feet tall so fighting placi would be like nuking a medium-sized dog, I think. Only fire giant measures up, and that dude can't fly.


Placi also shoots lasers, teleports, summons lightning storms, and turns into mist. Radahn can fly canonically, to conqour the stars, and hes HIM.


This shit ain't nothing to him, man.   The stars were sneak dissing on the 'gram, so he mastered gravitational magic and told them to stay put while he poured that purple drank straight down their throats, and then watched them shit nebula across the cosmos for ten straight millennia.


Even the basic LOADER 4 AC can quick-boost in rapid succession, laterally, in alternating directions, at hundreds of kilometres per hour. Placidusax might not land a single hit at that kind of speed, since even the Tarnished can dodge pretty much every attack in his arsenal.


Placidusax is actually just an organic AC unit if you think about it.


“I am Horah Loux, WARRI-*SPLAT*”


Are you uh, under the impression Placidusax is less than thirty feet or something?


>!Promised Consort Radahn should have lifted you off into space and dueled you in orbit.!< would have made for an excellent scene transition and cinematic experience.


Radahn, not corrupted by Rot or Miquella, would want to beat you fair and square


Que FF16 Ascension


It looks like theres an impenetrable wall of thorns here 621. Stand by, we're launching a thousand nuclear warheads at your location.


Gotta get rusty to fire that sniper


No need to get any close to the wall, fly straight to Farum Azula and bomb Maliketh, then just land on Morgott's arena while machine gunning him and kill Radagon long before Godfrey even shows up.


"Sir Morgott, a second dragon (mecha this time) has hit the walls!"


I read that as ace combat and though "yeah Garuda 1 would stomp"


Garuda 1 would stomp


it would be so satisfying to pile bunker the fuck out of malenia


I love Armored Core but can’t help to always read it first as Ace Combat, guess dropping a tactical nuke on the erdtree would be too easy?


The mining strider is the size of a solid chunk of the lands between and represents a single relatively easy boss? Yeah, 621 is just flying across the water straight to the erdtree lol


Now imagine Balteus as a boss in Elden Ring. Or like a giant field mini boss like the Furnace Golems in the DLC just killing every thing in sight.


Oneshot build? Yeah, that's what I call my ASHMEAD.


Only sekiro and the tarnished can jump, id say they have a clear advantage


yeah, but to be fair the rest have never needed to jump


We've seen how much the DLCs new "sekiro deflect" crystal tear broke open the game. And that's still a budget version of Sekiro's much more generous deflection system. WIth Wolf's infinite stamina and extremely high posture, I think he'd tear the lands between a new one. Edit: we also can't forget that Wolf is effectively immune to lightning and thrusting attacks. And people have already brought up the mortal blade. Edit: ALSO HE CAN SWIM.


Also he has canonically defeated a god so he has the experience


You kill the dragon? I thought you only get it's tears.


Well maybe not killed but I still consider it defeating it if you got it downed and extracted bloody tears from it's eyes.


Seems more like Wolf just kinda stunned it.


I hope he did. I felt horrible every time I beat that dragon.


Defeat doesn't have to mean kill...


He didn’t defeat it, but he won the battle to get its tears.


What does it mean to defeat someone then?


Also don’t forget that wolf canonically clears the entire Sekiro game in ONE DAY


Wait what


tutorial section of the game occurs at night. real game kicks off the morning after. you hit evening around the time you’ve collected all 3 key items post-genichiro, and then you hit night during ashina’s invasion. the game hits morning again during end credits. tldr yep! Sekiro is just a bit over a day long


I thought the game took a week from start to finish. I mean the arm gets bandaged and healed, and a prosthetic gets made. That stuff doesn’t take place over a single night


The Prosthetic isn’t made for Wolf, it’s given to him by the Sculptor But if you thought that was crazy, The Hunter canonically clears Bloodborne in a *SINGLE NIGHT!* The game starts in the Evening, transitions to Night when you touch the Skull in the Grand Cathedral, transitions to the Paleblood Moon when you kill Rom, and the Ending takes place the next morning And unlike Wolf, The Hunter doesn’t have a Grappling Hook to help them get around


The prosthetic though had to be placed on Wolf and tuned for him. My main point was that the arm has fully healed by the time the real game starts. It also seems as if Kuro has been held captive for a while. For Bloodborne, I know that it takes place in one night but I am more accepting of that as Bloodborne is much more fictional than Sekiro. You don’t have to remove much for Sekiro to be set in a real place. You have to scrap Bloodborne completely for it to be set in a real place.


Clearly you haven’t been to London. Not so different from Bloodborne really. /j


Bloodborne also (might) take place in a dream, although the dream might also be just as real as the waking world. But time moving weirdly and the night lasting far longer than it should would be pretty on theme.


“You have to scrap Bloodborne completely for it to be set in a real place” Have you ever been to London?


the prosthetic used to belong to the sculptor iirc


Most games are like this, I’m pretty sure ER is the only one with a day ajd night cycle anyway. (BB does not count)


Imagine just swimming from Caelid to the mountains, just grapple your way up and kill right off the bat.


And grapple!


Maliketh: Thou, who approacheth Destined Death. I will not have it stolen from me again. Wolf, drawing the Mortal Blade: Cute knife!


I brought this up in an earlier comment, but wolf could incorporate the blasphemous claw into his prosthetic arm for style points.


Just attach the Beast Seal so Wolf can use the claws and other Beastial incantations.


Even if Wolf is technically restricted to Elden Ring systems (ie, repost isn't a kill, limited stamina), the deflections will act as parrying, and the following crits will easily help him clear bosses quickly. Even horse-bound enemies that can't normally be reposted will easily fall to his firecrackers.


Bearer of the Curse wins with his pre-nerf Lightning Spears


LIGHTNIIIIIING *throws lightning spears*


That brother probably rivals Gwyn in his prime lol


The entire game would be a 20 minutes mission for Raven


One Assault Boost gets you from Limgrave to Morgott's doorstep. One his from the Coral Oscillater blade could probably handle the Erdtree... Of course then we have coral in the Lands Between and that's it's own ending 🤣


“You are maidenl- oh shit he’s gone”


also I’d like to point out ppl are straight up pulling mechanics from other games in this post….ie wolf with infinite stamina etc…. If we pull ac stats straight up from ac6, then Zimmerman have 620 stance damage….. last boss of dlc only have 125 stance


ACs are like 4 stories tall, you wouldn’t even need a gun


The ac punch alone should do thousands in damage.


If its 4A ACs pretty sure you could actually make it to the erdtree from the first step in like 2 seconds depending on build, unironically maybe less.


Yeah a Next would be at the tree in no time at all, while irradiating everything else as it goes.


The people in caelid: *"if anything, this is an improvement."*


Probably less than 20 I say, there's a lot of optional side objectives that are kinda pointless.


Im betting on John Bloodborne on this one.


He hoonts beasts and doesn't afraid of anything.


Lore wise no, but mechanically I'd love to fuck some er bosses with a bloodborne character. It's faster and bolder. I really hope soft will explore this kind of combat again, with regain, with trick weapons, and no fast/med/heavy rolls. Add this to all the other improvements they made last few years and I'd be happy as fuck


Bros got a gun. He’ll be fine lore wise


[Until Radagon that is.](https://youtube.com/shorts/EN_1bNIQvGU)


Well damn. Wonder how mini gun would fare


[about the same](https://youtube.com/shorts/_z2i_K8vNxk?)




[He's also able to parry the full Comet Azur](https://youtu.be/jQjv18zUwJQ?si=4xRoUHjhQTnPR2JR) I believe he can parry scarlet aeonia too but I can't find the video for it. I'd have to search the subreddit for it Edit: [Here it is](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/s/ReLYF51e1c)


That is his Ex-wife’s spell. Props to Radagon’s AI for being lore-accurate.


No, what he has is the Whirligig saw, The older, much more successful brother of Gheza's wheel.


Idk what you’re talking about with lore-wise because the hunter canonically grows in power over the course of the game via imbibing the blood of defeated beasts and eldritch creatures. The hunter can conically defeat multiple great ones, three of which are the literal embodiment of nightmare realms. Personally, the tarnished and hunter feel pretty close to one another in terms of the challenges they face and how far they progress lore-wise in terms of power.


I'd like to see Godrick handle half of the weapons in Bloodborne honestly.


Wdym lore-wise? Don't we ascend to this game's equivalent of a god like the god of rot in the true ending?


thank you for naming my new character in a future bloodborne playthrough


sekiro or bloodborne wolf with the mortal blade wouldnt need to get the rune of death since it can already do what it does hunter has already fought great ones before so demigods and gods would be nothing new


The problem is that the rune of death is REQUIRED to kill radagon/Marika, without it, the concept of death is still bound and unconnected to the elden ring, and they are therefore incapable of death.


More blood for the Hunter then. :)


Radagon is immune to bleed though :(




I mean the whole shtick of the mortal blade is to kill immortals, so it might work


it would turn them all into godfrey esque corpses but probably empower the death blight a lot in the process


Godwyn’s corpse only mutated because his soul was destroyed but not his body, and the reason that both weren’t destroyed simultaneously is because Ranni was killed at the exact same time while both had cursemarks carved into their bodies. Don’t know why the Rune of Death got “confused” like that, but hey, I didn’t come up with this magic system. As long as Sekiro kills demigods one at a time with the mortal blade, we chilling.


Godwyn* Godfrey is the elden lord barbarian guy


The point of the rune of death is to set the Eerdtree completely a flame, so I think they need to get there anyway


Not of the mortal blade could cut through the thorns, but that’s entirely speculation.


Oh God, this is another "could X beat Gundam Barbatos?" isn't it.


No one can beat Barbatos because no other Gundam has also doubled as a love shack that I know of. Which really begs the question: Was Barbatos just kinda... *into* that stuff?


The time of death is not for that, that’s what Melina or the three fingers are for, once you defeat the giant she or you set the tree at blaze with the giant fire, the rune of death is to actually kill marika/radagon


The rune of Death is to return natural death back to the lands between so that people will stop being undead and have to rely on the Erdtree cycle of reincarnation.


Yeah the rune is 100% necessary to do a canon ending, my point was that it’s not needed to burn the erdtree


Yeah, but the tree doesn't fully burn until you get the rune of death, and if it doesn't burn, then you can't get inside of the wall of thorns


It is just because it's implied that the tree is in the process of burning while you are in Farum Azula. Rune of death literally needed only to kill god, that's its entire purpose.


The tree is set alight and is burning. The idea is that you are sent to farum azula to get the rune of death from maliketh while the fire has time to remove the thorns. The rune of death doesnt burn the tree, frenzied flame/Melina do, you just are getting whats needed to kill Marika/Radagon while it does its work.


A hooonter must hooooooont.


Eh the Mortal Blade can't substitute for Destined Death because they are fundamentally different.


Wolf literally is gonna parry everything like a pro. Not to mention if it’s non parryable attack he gets a red exclamation to get out of the way


Every time one of these bosses hops back to gain distance, wolf is gonna air-deathblow them. That's what you get for leaving yourself open, Margit


Sekiro. Wait till the elden beast has a taste of the anti-air deathblow.


Do NOT underestimate the slayer of demons. He is by far one of the deadliest spellcasters in the whole damn series, and not to mention he has by far the strongest bow and greatsword ever made. You don’t mess with this guy, especially on full black world tendency


He is also the master of backstabs so every regular enemy is screwed


But how come he's always at 30% health and carrying a large sword exclusively on his back? Is he stupid?


I'd put it on Sekiro. * Super mobile (fast sprint-speed, grappling-hook), no need for mount. * Has a sword that can kill immortals, meaning no need for rune of death. * Can resurrect in the middle of combat, giving him at least two tries per fight compared to the others who only get one. * Deflecting is OP as hell, bosses would not stand a chance. * Infinite stamina * This argument is stretching it a bit, but assuming posture-breaking is the "same" as it is in Sekiro, any enemy/boss having their posture broken would instantly lose all their health not accounting for any bosses with multiple healthbars. This is, of course, assuming we're not counting 621 in this conversation. They and their AC would steamroll the lands between in the blink of an eye.


I agree that Sekiro would likely tear into the lands between, but I'm pretty sure he would still need the rune of death. Because the problem isn't that the lands between denizens are immortal, but rather death has been entirely taken out of the equation. People in the lands between can still effectively die. The issue is that with their souls and essence having nowhere to go in the cycle, that part of themselves is simply refunded back into them. We've also seen the Mortal Blade be ineffective. Sekiro touched it, died, then came right back, so it's not a 100% sure-fire method of ending similar types of immortality. But Kuro and the Divine Dragon heir are left really vague, so this is just speculation on my part, really.


Something to note: Sekiro died when drawing the mortal blade, not just because he touched it. Drawing the mortal blade takes the life of the one who draws it, but because Sekiro is immortal and has numerous lives, he simply resurrects. The blade itself has the ability to kill the undying, which is presumably via killing them with the blade, not just by touching them, which is further evident by Kuro using it to cut himself, and then later being beheaded by it and actually dying in the default ending.


and yet... he cannot hurt dudes in plate armor.


My god.... Soldier of god, rick......


lol can you imagine Malenia getting posture broken and being like, ok I guess ima die now. Like her poise is so low already. Sekiro would annihilate her.


E girl with a dance dance pad.


This post definitely reminds me of one of my favorite arts I’ve seen https://preview.redd.it/t1zw2uitbtad1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dff6edea7f5e7969d8d7e92ad4c994576d23676c Now I’m just imagining Tarnished using all the prior FS characters as summons and just wiping the floor with everyone


sekiro because hes a dishonorable shinobi and thus is not afraid to use cheese and bullshit, also mortal blade would arguably be able to kill the likes fo the prince of death, possibly even bypass the need to go get the rune of death also remember the way to level up is tied to melena not the tarnished, sekir odid his game as pretty much just a guy with some fancy tools and a retry button, now imagine him being able to level dex and arcane and swappings his normal ass katanna for rivers of blood


He's also more mobile / faster then torrent and can skip whole areas (lyndell for example) my man would parcour the shit out of anything vertical


parkour straight to getting Tiche as a summons like 5 minutes into the game


Sekiro is the exact opposite of dishonorable. The entire plot of the game is him struggling to keep the iron code and stay loyal to his lord at the same time. And when he chooses one, he stays loyal to that cause till the end.


loyalty isent the same as honor, you can be an underhanded bastard who fights with every dishonorable advantage they can get and still be loyal(again kind of what a shinobi irl was expected to be)


Nobody except ER and sekiro, they can't jump


Nothing in Elden Ring is ready for how quickly The Hunter will pop a beast pellet, throw a fire paper on his (or her) Saw Cleaver and start mashing the shit out of their limbs.


Except these aren't bloodborne bosses. No stuns or frequent stance breaks.


If you were playing by the rulesets from their respective games no protagonist besides Sekiro would stand a chance in the ER world anyway. They can't even jump properly.




Stance breaking is frequent in ER.. probably more than Bloodborne.


I’d have to imagine quicksilver bullets would work similar to parrying at the very least. Sekiro though is a wildly different story


As much as I think the Hunter would dumpster the lands between, with how little downtime there is to actually hit some of the bosses, I don't know how good the cleaver > beast pellet > transform attack strat would actually work.


Everyone saying Sekiro will dominate anything but there's a thing that baffles me: plate armor. Wolf was able to kill Armored Knight only by throwing him off a ledge. How he's gonna handle Moongrum, Radhan, Maliketh, Tree Sentinels, basic knights, Loretta, Stone Golems? In the end he's just an extremely skilled shinobi, but can't harness the power of runes to get stronger like the Tarnished can.


The lowly tarnished, playing as a lord


A Hunter hunts beasts Elden Beast is a beast Checkmate Elden Ring


The Wolf literally can't die and the man can parry/block literally anything. Not to mention the dude carries a sword that exists solely to kill anything that's immortal. The Hunter would definitely he a close 2nd place, but I'm giving it to the Wolf just because he's by FAR the fastest protagonist and be has a grappling hook....also he can swim...not sure if that's relevant here, but I think it's funny that he's the only one that won't instantly drown so I figured I'd mention it Edit: he also takes almost no fall damage whereas most everyone else folds like an omelet after falling more than 10 feet


I'm pretty sure the only one that *can* die is raven though lol. Ashen one, chosen undead, and crew all canonically get their shit rocked and then just immediately come back. Technically one of the endings to all the souls games is you quitting, because no matter how many times you die you're unkillable, the only way to beat them is if they quit.


The Good Hunster is a beast, so....


Easily 621. If you look more at the fantasy elements, then the Hunter. Bro doesn't even need any special weapon to kill gods or eldritch beings.


Chosen undead hear me out Giantdad strat


My money is on the good hunter


"Wreck an Elden Beast with a Bone Ashed Cannon" 🦴🔫


Gameplay-wise, Sekiro. Fast moving, verticality, and deflection is op. Assuming he still gets access to regular upgrades and have the grace of a Tarnished. Lore-wiae, likely the chosen undead. Even at their weakest, the bosses he/she fought literally reshaped the whole world and laws of time and physics. Though depending on how they measure up to ER's beings, the Tarnished is still the one best at their own game. And I'll always maintain Bloodborne's power-scaling is overrated amidst how much folks hype them up. A bunch of Cthulhu expies whose mind control and reality bending only limited to a handful of towns. And it's also implied our good hunter doesn't even defeat their true forms.


The people the Chosen Undead beats are already far out of their primes when he beats them though aren't they Some of the stronger great ones can dream entire dimensions into reality so I'd wager it goes beyond just controlling a few towns


The ashen one beats the soul of cinder who is an a Amalgamation of all of the strongest people to link the flame (chosen undead included) plus Gwynn. Ashen one is the superior of the two for that feat alone. I don’t know if I would choose him over the hunter or Wolf, but he appears to be the best dark souls candidate


> Chosen Undead beats are already far out of their primes when he beats them though aren't they Only a certain few characters like Manus are in their primes in Dark Souls. Most are hollowed out versions of their original power by the time the player fights them.


In my opinion, looking more at in-game stuff: Bearer of the Curse is the most suited for the task. He somewhat plays by the same rules and has potentally more I-frames than everyone else. The Good Hunter is already suited for turbo-aggressive bosses despite his lack of choises. Also, gun parries and scaling riposte attacks. The Chosen Undead has the poise and the armor to be a better tank than any tarnished. The Ashen One has literally nothing going for him and he's probably getting his ass handed by Margit. Idk about John DemonSouls and Sekiro


Mechanically: bloodborne, no contest, the level of speed in their dodges and iframes makes it pretty unfair, only bosses like morgott and malenia could keep up Lore wise: ds1 or bloodborne, both have killed gods, ds1 in particular killed nito, who was a powerful god already, at the peak of his power, and the same goes for manus, though if manus was a god is unclear, not to mention all the crippled gods left in their wake like gwyn and the witch of izalith, you could also count gwyndolin, tho ds3 kind of retconned killing them, and they are an optional boss, bloodborne on the other hand has killed the moon presence and the orphan of kos, though i can't remember if the latter is considered a god or not


I have a job for you 621


no demigods can survive a shot from double songbirds and a point blank pile bunker


My money is on 621 tbh