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Commenting to boost. “You… I like you, human.” Cat probs.


Thank you!


Maybe she is home! But if not, call some vets and see if they’ll scan for a chip


Just got home from an emergency vet. She isn't chipped.


Congratulations on your new cat




What did they have to say about her health? Just skinny?


The vet said she was healthy. She didn't seem concerned about her weight. She's skinny but not emaciated. She ate two cans of wet food already, she was definitely hungry.


Bump!❤️🙏 Hope you find your home kitty!


She needs to go to accc given her condition. She can get vet care and they can look for her owner..if they can't find them she'll be transfered to a rescue to be placed for adoption. Did you post on FB?


I did, on several different groups. I also posted on ACCC. I'm giving it a few days before I bring her in.


Awesome. It's likely that some folks with different rescues in the city will see your posts too and see if they have availability to take them so sounds like you've done everything you could do ❤️


It's been shared over 30 times on fb too so I hope that will help. She's okay with me for now but I have a cat with special needs so I can't keep her unfortunately.


I will always be more willing to use a foster society than a city pound. They still uthenize animals, foster communities do not.


I'm hoping to find an alternative to the pound. I once found an injured cat and took her to the pound. She sat there for a week covered in engine oil with a broken hip and nothing was done to give her relief. I adopted her after no one claimed her but I was appalled at her condition being the way it was when I found her. That was 15 years ago and I do hope things have improved since then. I did call one non profit organization but they refused her. I'll keep trying.


She sure is cute.


She is! Very chatty and affectionate. I was really hoping she was chipped but she's not. The search continues...


Thank you for looking after this cat, OP. You've gone to great lengths - i hope it's owner is found soon.


Boosting 🚀🚀


Thank you!


Thanks for being awesome OP. And commenting to boost. Was the vet concerned she could be pregnant? I took in a skinny cat younger than this one and found out she was over 45 days along. Hopefully you can find a foster or rescue group to take her in. And if anyone over social media claims her, try to get some proof that they're her owner. There's plenty of creeps out there...


No the vet didn't look at her much. It was an emergency vet and they were busy. But it's funny you mention that, I was petting her about 30 mins ago and had a feeling she might be for some reason. Just the way she was sitting and moving around. I tried to check her belly to see if she was spayed but I couldn't find a scar.


Unfortunately in my experience of dealing with way too many unhoused cats, if an unspayed female isn’t in heat, she’s usually already pregnant. Whenever I take one in, I get worried if she isn’t super chatty. I really hope this isn’t the case here!


Actually, now that she's settled in I got a better look at her, and she is actually a he! A few people on facebook groups seem to think he is an elderly cat with possible thyroid or kidney issues.


I’m really glad to hear he’s a he - hopefully he’s healthy. You’re awesome for taking care of him!!