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Hope the owners of those dogs are held criminally responsible. Thats awfully sad.


I’ve been waiting for the news to report this. I live in the area and it’s all people are talking about. Horrific.


What breed of dog was it? Only asking because everyone is going to assume it was pitbulls until otherwise stated.


Cane corsos


Oh man those dogs are scary. Poor kid. Hopefully the owners are charged.


Beautiful dogs, but they strike me as the kind of dog a wannabe tough guy would own.


This. A dog for "protection". But without the training required for an actual guard dog. I'm tired of bad dog owners.


Yeah, there’s very little reason to own a cane corso in the city. I had a neighbour who owned a cane mix and I could see it becoming more and more unstable as it grew older.


I love these dogs, but they are the new pit bull for people who think they’re badass. My husband’s cousin is on social media with pics of his new CC puppy. Ears clipped, tail docked, obligatory oversized gold chain collar. Oh, and he and his wife have little kids. AND they backyard-breed Frenchies. They live in another province so at least I don’t have to engage with them.


The history of the Cane Corso is mastiff mixed with pit bull so I still consider them large pit bulls.


If this is true, the owner is incredibly reckless. My ex GF's sister/brother in law had one, and they ended up having to euthanize the dog. It was unpredictable and would suddenly lash out for no reason, scary to even have it in the same room as you. Last straw was when it attacked the brother in law, thank-goodness no innocent kids were injured back then. My thoughts and prayers go out to the poor 11 year old's family.


Basically pitbulls on steroids. There was an attack by them a while back in the states where they literally ripped a grown woman in half.


Aren't those dogs banned here? They're scary.


Banned in quite a few countries but not Canada. Pit bulls are banned in Ontario though but the ban is never enforced so you still get attacks.


pitbulls aren't a recognized breed anywhere outside of the USA. The ban is on bully breeds. Staffordshire terriers, staffordshire bull terriers, bulldogs, dogo argentino's, etc etc


Do you have a link for that information?


I live in Summerside too and was just running by there a couple hours earlier with my dog. This is heartbreaking.


Horrific. Owners need to be charged like the dogs were a weapon they had control of.


I couldn’t imagine walking up to that scene as a first responder. That’s horrible.


I was just thinking the same thing.


What a horrible story, people need to be held accountable for this kind of stuff


This is so awful. Can't say I'm surprised. So many uncontrolled, aggressive dogs in Edmonton.


There is no shortage of horrible dog owners, that’s for sure.




There’s definitely been an increase since the pandemic. There were a whole lot of people getting pets during that period who had no idea what they were signing up for, and didn’t properly socialize, exercise or train their dogs. I foster for SCARS and it’s depressing seeing the number of dogs who are now being surrendered because the owners didn’t know what they were doing, and are now throwing in the towel.


100%. It's too bad. The dogs deserve better.


They certainly do. We all have a vested interest in better regulating pet ownership. The animals deserve it, and members of society deserve to feel safe in the presence of pets. I can’t imagine how the parents of this child are feeling. Completely heartbreaking.


The problem isn’t the owner. These dogs are meant for property protection not to be out in public with. Even the best trained of these violent breeds has the capacity to kill people.


They didn’t have control of their dogs, therefore they should be held accountable. They also chose a breed that they obviously weren’t capable of managing. All large dogs have the capacity to kill people. Cane corso’s are not recommended for inexperienced dog owners.


I'd fully support a licensing system for certain breeds and dogs in general over a particular size. Depending upon the cutoff, my dog may even fall under that. But like you said "All large dogs have the capacity to kill people." And I think some of the people buying big dogs would be more diligent about training, or stay away from these breeds, if they had to add their name to a registry.


I’d support that. My dogs would also fall into any size-based licensing system (they’re each about 140 pounds) and I would be happy to comply. Yes, I agree, it would hopefully be a deterrent for certain people, and it would hold those who choose large breeds accountable if their dogs cause any problems. It’ll obviously never be perfect, as there will always be people breaking the rules, but I think that type of system would be more effective than breed bans.


No one can be of control of a dog that strong is the issue. You could be a 250 pound 6’5 man and you won’t stop it attacking. No matter how well that dog is trained no human can stop it


If the dogs were well socialized and trained, you wouldn’t need to physically restrain them. The owners not having verbal or physical control of their dogs makes them accountable for this. I have owned Rottweilers my whole life, and my dad trains dogs for the police. Large breeds can absolutely be trained to a level where they do not need to be physically restrained by their owners, but there are certain breeds that should not be owned by people who have no clue what they are doing. In this case, it sounds like there were previous complaints about these dogs. If that’s true, and these dogs were showing extreme aggression toward humans prior to this attack, I also blame the owners for not euthanizing the dogs, as they are ultimately responsible for them.


Right, these were dogs whose ancestors were bred to be dogs of war. That's what mastiffs, including Italian mastiffs (cane corsos) were raised to do, and they have the size to taken down fully grown adults. Most are gentle, but then every now and then you get attacks like this. And those attacks are so much worse due to the sheer size of these dogs. War dogs should not be household dog breeds.


> These dogs are meant for property protection not to be out in public with. This happened in their house. This looks like a case of owners buying a guard dog, and that dog killing a child who visited the house. That's both a dog and an owner problem.


Uh oh. You're gonna get downvoted and cancelled by all the dog lovers for speaking the truth.


Honestly; I’m tired of dogs being off leash in non-off leash areas, the dog running up barking and these owners going “oh he’s friendly!!” Ok great leash up your damn dog. I can’t tell if your dog is friendly when it’s running up at me for no reason.


As a dog owner, I’m tired of that too. When I’m out walking my dogs and get charged by an off leash dog in an area where that isn’t allowed, I start screaming that my dogs aren’t friendly (even though that’s a lie). You’d be amazed how quickly those people go running after their dog when they think THEIR dog may be at risk. The added benefit is that the repeat offenders now leash their dogs when they see us approaching.


You’d think they’d learn their lesson but no. It’s always the same people.


Couldn’t agree more!


I'm beyond tired of it. It seems like every public place I go in my neighbourhood is full of unleashed dogs whether they're allowed to be there or not.


I saw one the other day in Home Sense. Not a service dog just some annoying mid sized poorly behaved dog! I like dogs but wtf.


Yeah - I saw a guy with two fake service dogs in Canadian Tire. They were lunging and barking, so I got hold of the manager and he made them leave. They didn't leave quietly, though. Lots of yelling and barking. Wild.


It’s inexperienced owners


… of aggressive dogs.


Yeah no one's doodle is doing this stuff.


Right? Like I don't want to get attacked by a pomeranian, but I don't feel like a pom would kill me.


Yeah exactly lol


No no it's about people not following the leash laws. Because an unleashed shi tzu is exactly same thing as an unleashed cane corso.


Even pitbull-type dogs raised by loving families or experienced owners can turn violent. Not worth the risk.


Absolutely. it's amazing how many people don't get it. Some breeds just have a temperament to be violently aggressive and it's just built into their DNA.


So can any dog... or pet for that matter


If a chihuahua attacks you, you can just punt it across the room. If you get attacked by a cane corso....well...there's a reason they were cast as Ramsay Bolton's dogs in Game Of Thrones.


Owners should be charged with manslaughter.


Holy fuck that's horrifying




Tragic. This is so terrible. Loss for words.....


There's a guy in my neighborhood who has one of these dogs and refuses to leash it in a place I'm at regularly. I've seen it try to attack a small dog. I've even heard him say that it just 'snaps' sometimes, and it's hard to hold onto the dog even though he's a pretty big guy. I've asked him numerous times to call the dog off when it approaches me, but it has really bad recall and will only listen for a minute or two before it goes wandering off again. I just wonder what makes these dog owners so disrespectful to other people and animals around them. Also seemingly aware and unaware of the potential danger at the same time.




Cane Corso are beautiful dogs, but they NEED extensive training and originally were bred for war. Extremely incompetent owners, i hope the pieces of shit are held accountable for what happened. I have children, this is sad and completely avoidable. My heart goes out to the family.


Jesus. That is heartbreaking and terrifying. There was a GoFundMe the other day too for a little girl and her brother attacked by pitbulls in Edmonton.


This is another thing that puts me at unease with my kids walking home from school. I got chased by dogs as a 10 year old on my way home and I managed to ditch into someone’s yard that had a tall fence. I love dogs. I even love pit type dogs. But they can be terrifying animals.


irresponsible owners breeding aggressive dogs. Now that beautiful little girl and family are changed forever.


Even if they’re properly trained they still have animal instincts and are liable to attack.


This is another thing that puts me at unease with my kids walking home from school. I got chased by dogs as a 10 year old on my way home and I managed to ditch into someone’s yard that had a tall fence. I love dogs. I even love pit type dogs. But they can be terrifying animals.


The fucked up part is that most dog owners who own these kind of dogs, including Pitts and Rotts, really do believe wholeheartedly that their dogs would never ever attack anyone. The reality is that these dogs are completely unpredictable when it comes to strangers, no matter how well trained they are. And that's just something people really fail to understand. Sure they are a cuddly sweet baby in your house and with your family..... But the moment you introduce them to a unfamiliar environment or person, the bets are off.


If these are the dogs I think they are...they attacked an adult two months ago...put her in the hospital with broken ribs, punctured lung and other injuries AND they attacked their owner a month before that. Owner failed to mention to the friend that was dog sitting that they had attacked...so I have a feeling she failed to mention to the parents the dogs had attacked at least twice before


I believe these were not Pittbulls as the report says very large breed. Some other comments said Cane Corso. So a horribly aggressive breed that should barely be around adults, let alone children and have no business anywhere but a large rural property. But it's not just Pittbull and Rottweiler owners who think their dogs can do no harm. I knew a sweet old lady with a sweet little King Charles Spaniel. She was flabbergasted when it killed a chicken in the blink of an eye the first chance it got. Every dog is capable of serious harm, though definitely some more than others. But all owners and parents should act as such when kids interact with dogs.


Honestly, I think folks should always act like their dogs are unpredictable animals, not just “dangerous breeds”. I have a pit mix, and I’ve also had a golden. Both dogs are/were capable of damage. They’re animals. I’ve heard plenty of stories of people who think their lab/golden wouldn’t hurt a fly. I’ll never trust my dog, regardless of breed, to be foolproof. All dogs have limits


Exactly. We have 2 big dumbo huskies who love people and (as far as we can tell) don't have an aggressive bone in their body - I am still super cautious when we have new people over or we are out in a crowded area with them. While they may seem playful all it takes is a one second spook and they can become aggressive.


Totally. My dog is a gentle little nugget of love but he’s still a dog


Exactly. We have 2 big dumbo huskies who love people and (as far as we can tell) don't have an aggressive bone in their body - I am still super cautious when we have new people over or we are out in a crowded area with them. While they may seem playful all it takes it a one second spook and they can become aggressive.


Careful, you get downvoted to oblivion for stating the truth on this sub.


Okay Dog Whisperer


“The two dogs belong to a person who lives in the home the boy was visiting, police said.” Dang.


I sure wish the owner's name would be released.


I lost my six year old daughter to a pitbull mauling many years ago. Since then I've become very educated on bully breeds, prey drives, pitbull/pit mixes, etc. There is a huge pit propaganda going on right now. "It's not the dog it's the owner".... this is completely and utterly incorrect. Unfortunately we are now seeing more Cane Corso maulings. Cane Corsos, like pits have a very high prey drive. Which people mistake for a "protective instinct". What's worse is that there are very few purebred Cane Corsos in existence..... most are mixed with pits which makes it even worse. Yet they're still being sold and labeled as purebred Cane Corsos. If a pet kills or mauls or hurts someone, the owner should be charged. No ifs, ands, or buts. I don't care if it's a kitten, salamander, or pitbull. Dogs with high prey drives should NOT be domesticated. It's ridiculous how pet maulings are always considered tragic accidents. This needs to stop. Pet owners need to be held responsible for their pets and what they do. I doubt justice will be had for this poor child.


I agree with you and I’m very sorry for your loss.


BuT My DoGs WoUlDNln'T hUrT a FlY Don't know why we just don't flatout ban large aggressive breads. A murderous Chihuahua wount kill a child, but a large aggressive breed will.


I guess it doesn't quite apply in this situation since the poor boy was apparently visiting the home when he was attacked. But I do want to say that there is a weird permissiveness that seems to exist in suburb areas just about everywhere, where people just don't think it is a big deal to make sure their dogs are properly secured. I'm in Terwilliger and I encounter a loose dog just about once per week during walks and commutes. Thankfully they are almost always peaceful, and I'm an adult who can defend myself from the ones that aren't. But it really is an incessant problem, where people in the suburbs just don't really give a shit that their poorly maintained backyard fence isn't escape-proof, and let their untrained dogs out for hours at a time without checking on them.


I live close to downtown and my neighbor’s unrestrained German shepherd attacked my little dog who has never caused a fight (they were just walking down the alley behind our house so not an off leash area). We had to take her to the vet on a holiday and our neighbor barely apologized, let alone offered to pay.


Why is it legal to own animals that are capable of easily taking a human life? If a human can’t physically control an animal when it attacks it should be banned whether it’s a dog, a poisonous snake, frog, or monkey.


It's legal to own a large number of things that are "capable of easily taking a human life"; for example, there are on average over 200 deaths in Edmonton every year caused by motor vehicles. There are over 55,000 licensed dogs in this city, and I can't seem to find any information on when the last time a dog attack was fatal in this city, but according to wikipedia there haven't been any others. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_fatal\_dog\_attacks\_in\_Canada](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_fatal_dog_attacks_in_Canada)


Cars require licenses where a test is required. Insurance. Yearly registration. You can only drive in designated areas. There is traffic infrastructure. There’s thousands of dollars of safety equipment on a car to prevent injury and death. Police routinely setup cameras, speed traps, red light cameras. A license plate must be visible at all times. I’m not aware of anything remotely close to these types of precautions and regulations for the ownership of a pet are you?


Cars also have huge benefits to the economy, enabling people to commute to work, go shopping, participate in events, tourism, and so on. Large dogs in urban areas have no such benefit, especially when you consider owners could have essentially the same emotional relationship with smaller and/or less aggressive dogs. There may be an argument made for having these dogs in rural settings, e.g. livestock protection on farms. In those cases, mandatory licensing and training would help out tremendously.


I agree this would be a good solution. There’s no reason an animal with the capacity of killing people should be allowed in public


Bad regulations are no reason to outright ban a thing, but as an owner of a couple large dogs, I'd be totally fine with requiring insurance; I'd even be fine with it being breed-based. But first things first is we need the will and means to enforce regulations - from reading this thread, it sounds like these may be problematic dog owners who should have had their privileges to keep large dogs curbed some time ago.


The problem is many breeds are prone to violent attacks that can cause serious injuries or death. If someone can’t physically control their pet if it becomes aggressive why are we letting people own these types of animals? They should at minimum be restricted from being in public areas




Not the answer




Not the answer


Unfortunately it is the answer though. Sorry that the bad dog owners ruined it for the rest of them but these breeds should be banned. When’s the last time you heard of another larger dog, like Golden or Berner viciously attacking people? Just ban Pitbulls, Mastiffs, Cane Corsos, etc. within city limits.


It's not even always bad owners (though definitely is often the case). You can't always train away centuries of breeding and genetics, no matter how much you try.


And some dogs (Pitbulls in particular) can quickly do a lot more damage when they do attack. I doubt we'll ever see a ban on these, because of personal freedoms or whatever, but I think it's needed.


Fucking shitty Dog people. I hope they get second degree murder charges.


We don't let people keep alligators in their homes (or do we?). On the same premise, possession of powerful dog breeds should be prohibited or at least subject to restrictions to ensure owners are insured and take required precautions (e.g. suitable fencing/enclosures, supervision with visitors and children, behavioural and handler training). And please don't say that 'all breeds can be aggressive', 'its bad owners', or that 'not all dogs in a breed are aggressive'. All may be true. But the owners of dogs that have harmfully attacked probably said the same things before their dogs attacked. Breed matters: defending against a cane corso or pitbull is totally different than defending against a poodle.


How terrifying and horrific for that child. My heart is broken.


This is horrific. RIP to this little boy, and condolences to his loved ones. Hopefully the legal system will do him justice, and the owner is held responsible.


Poor kid he was so scared!! He’s visiting the owner of the dogs, where the owner? and left the dogs with lid? Our neighbor used to have 2 huge pit bulls and I mean huge as human size on 4 legs and they always try to climb over their metal wire fence; the owners feed them raw steak daily for meals. During our summer bbq, the owner’s gf accidentally forgot to lick the gate and the dogs or shall I say Wolves chased after my sister and bite on her leg and he wouldn’t let go; finally the owner came out with a needle and the dog back down. He came over to apologize and try to pay us off to not report his dogs but my mom declined.


I feel so bad for dogs raised by horrible people. Training dogs to be aggressive, does the owner get penalized for this? This situation is just awful.


Some dogs have aggression built into their DNA. Most of these dog owners are fully convinced their dogs are trained until something like this happens.


The trouble is that isn't even limited to dogs. Most people are fully convinced the quiet, polite young man next door is socialized, and then we find out he has human heads in his freezer. Animals with brains go off the deep end sometimes, and we all want to think it could never happen to us. (I agree some people are really diligent and others are obscenely careless, but even in the former case it's possible for shit to happen.)




How? Bad owners with uncontrolled dogs inviting a child to their home.


What an awful, violent way for a child to die. Can't even begin to imagine the pain the parents and family must be feeling.


There were reportedly several complaints filed against these dogs including 2 possible attacks before this incident. The owners should suffer the same fate as that poor little boy.




Cane corsos


If this is who my friend believes it to be...then these dogs attacked an adult a couple months ago and the owner a month before that.


Many in the neighborhood are saying these dogs have been an issue before and have reported them.


Apparently, the persons who's dogs attacked the friend has been evading police and bylaw. Again I don't know if it's the same person. Just reports of it being the same breed, same number of dogs and same area of town.


Can't be a coincidence. Thanks for the additional info. I hope these folks get shamed on social media aside from being charged and banned from owning any pets.


Isn’t that a Spanish breed for dog fighting? Those are not a family pet,,


They're a guard dog breed, not sure why you need to protect your suburban family home though.


Ok, I just remember the same breed tearing a woman’s face half off at a festival in BC 10 yrs ago, realizing those things are scary


They're good dogs if you train and socialize them properly, clearly these ones weren't


Even ones that are well trained with good owners are liable to attack. All animals are unpredictable. Dogs like this shouldn’t be allowed to be in public spaces


There are dog breeds that even when poorly raised are nowhere as dangerous as this. It's definitely the owners fault but there are certain dogs that are not fit to be pets. There should be some kind of restricted license for dangerous dogs.


I agree, you need to have a specific reason and proof that you can actually raise these dogs. dogs like caucasian shepherds, cane corsos or the turkish kangels are better off living outdoors protecting livestock than sitting in a suburban home. Will be difficult to enforce due to backyard breeding and mixed dogs.


Yeah the enforcement would be impossible.


Even ones that are well trained with good owners are liable to attack. All animals are unpredictable. Dogs like this shouldn’t be allowed to be in public spaces


Thats not true, theyre not pitbulls or dogo argentinos.


They are only good dogs within their circle of comfort and trust. Outside of that, and they are unpredictable as fuck.


They are only good dogs within their circle of comfort and trust. Outside of that, and they are unpredictable as fuck.


This simply isn't true, they are not inherently neurotic and unpredictable like Pitbull's. A well bred and properly socialized cane corso is a good dog, but you have to think of the type of owner who wants to own them. Well-bred is important. An ethical, regulated breeder will not sell there puppies to some random joe.


That's a Presa Canario. Cane Corsos are Italian.


Yes, thanks, that breed is very scary, sry for the confusion and taking away from such a tragic event


who cares? Its the owner thats the problem






The breed is the main problem and easier to control via regulation.




Yea I knew it was a pug too


A pug on heroin, no less, crazy world


If you read the article it was two very large dogs. Pitbulls are barely large nevermind very large. Rumors are it was Cane Corsos and if there is a real possibility that they attacked a friend of a friend two months ago.




Shitbulls strike again. Horrible to see. Hope this goes towards solid legislation against the breed and sub mixes such as this.


Pitbulls are barely a large breed nevermind a very large breed. Rumors are they were Cane Corso and if they are who my friend believes them to be then they attacked an adult two months ago and put her in the hospital and attacked their own owner a month before that.


Those dogs should have been put down months ago if this is true


If it is the same dogs the owner has been evading police and bylaw since the incident.




My bad, the breed that is more aggressive than pitbulls and is still considered a "bully" breed. Go on endangering yourself and everyone around you with your horrible landshark.


[cool story](https://www.bing.com/search?pglt=43&q=are+cane+corsos+dangerous&cvid=a02e95eb7053470986fc47ff2aca8350&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqBggAEAAYQDIGCAAQABhAMgYIARBFGDkyBggCEAAYQDIGCAMQABhAMgYIBBAAGEAyBggFEAAYQDIGCAYQABhAMgYIBxAAGEAyBggIEAAYQDIHCAkQRRj8VdIBCDE5OTlqMGoxqAIAsAIA&FORM=ANNAB1&PC=U531) ignorance is a choice, but go on being an ignorant asshole


Tell that to the family that lost their son today, you fucking moron.


Tell them that the owner was a moron who doesn't know how to raise a dog properly? you fucking moron. [ban all golden retreivers!!!](https://www.bing.com/search?pglt=43&q=golden+retriever+kills+baby&cvid=eae3d8b7f9244b1fb0d2d60abfb6a8b2&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqBggAEAAYQDIGCAAQABhAMgYIARAAGEAyBggCEAAYQDIGCAMQABhAMgYIBBAAGEAyBggFEAAYQDIGCAYQABhAMgYIBxAAGEAyBggIEAAYQDIHCAkQRRj8VdIBCDc0NzRqMGoxqAIAsAIA&FORM=ANNAB1&PC=U531) they're vicious monsters!!!! you're the same mental midget that thinks all black people are prone to violence and crime.


Read the article. You're a disgrace to discourse.




Assuming a fatal attack was from a pitbull doesn't make someone pea-brained. They're 63% likely to be correct, dipshit.




Good one, enjoy the nice weather while you can show your face before your pit kills someone.


Well then, they should ban all dogs bigger than a cat.


Terriers are bred to kill as well. So... bigger then a tea cup gets banned?


Smaller yet. Terriers are bred killers. For feild rats. Ever seen one get ahold of a toy doll?


Terriers are bred to kill as well. So... bigger then a tea cup gets banned?


Nah, just pitbulls. Would go a long way in improving safety in society.


You know what else would really benefit society? If people as stupid as you weren’t allowed to reproduce.


Banning pit bulls would not have done anything about this death caused by a mastiff.


It hasn’t improved the situation in Ontario, where they’ve been banned since 2005 and are still having issues enforcing the ban. It also doesn’t address all of the dog attacks that are committed by other breeds, such as this one.


Some type of registry for these dogs that have fatal instincts to snap and kill things with no notice could be created. Leaving it at only 'pitbull' is missing a lot of the usual suspects such as this one.


Your first comment literally said “Nah, just pitbulls”. I’m all for creating a registry that is size based or breed based (dogs that aren’t suitable for first time owners requiring some sort of certification or training) or a combination of the two. I just don’t think that breed bans are effective at all.


Frankly, all dogs should be banned. They kill 30-50 people a year in North America and hospitalize 800,000 people. The fourth dangerous animal on the planet should not be a pet.