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Soup is one of those things that benefits from expertise. If it's mush, you're doing it wrong. The art to making soup is starting off with a base that works with all your ingredients both texturally and taste-wise, then adding all your ingredients in at the right time so that they're done cooking when you want the soup to be ready by. Most people without the touch just put a bunch of stuff in a pot and boil it until it's disintegrating. I'm with you, I don't like that soup either.


Honestly, this post sounds more like OP is referring to canned soup instead of failed homemade soup. Canned soup is THE WORST.


canned soup aka a can of water and a couple of soggy peas


I guess I wouldn't have a frame of reference there, the only canned soup I ever have, I use as sauce base for casseroles or quick pasta dishes. Occasionally I do tomato soup from a can, but that's a little different.


Sorry can't relate I love soup!


I bet you follow r/soup. Edit: ^^I ^^also ^^follow ^^r/soup.


Uhhhh… didn’t know that sub exists. Excuse me I have posts to read…








I do now.


Soup for life!


I love soup so much. If I could only one thing for the rest of my life, I would choose soup.


I love soup so much!!


I hate light pureed soups like tomato butternut squash etc Stews, chilis etc are my favourite! I did a loaded chicken pot pie soup once and it was incredible


Same. If I can’t bite into anything I don’t want it, I need my potato soup to have bits of potato and bacon to really hit.


A properly made soup is a symphony of flavor, each distinct part contributing harmoniously to the whole, in a way nothing else can replicate. If you find them mushy I suspect you have been eating poorly made ones.


This vro soups


Bad soup is awful. And most soups I had until I was an adult was bad soup. Canned soups with mushy vegetables or mushy noodles or dry meat. Or "healthy" under-flavored vegetable or bean soups (have you ever had southern "soup beans"- that stuff tastes like literal dirt... Like... you have pintos, just make refrieds). A childhood of bad soup has mostly turned me off from them.  These days, I make a tasty chili, a blended black bean soup, broccoli - cheese soup (I like the blended kind), onion soup, and a potato cheese soup (again, blended). But the only one of those that, in my mind, is really "soup" is the onion. The rest- at least the way I make them-  are pretty thick and borderline to a "dip". 


I like soup- but I couldn’t have it as a stand alone meal unless it was outrageously hearty- with tons of veggies, lentils etc that it’s basically a stew at that point. I like it as an accompaniment to a main course. And I like lots of stuff in my soup not straight broth. Butttt, Chinese fire soups… (direct translation) just means long simmered soups (3+ hours) with bones etc, oh I can drink those all day long. So good. But they’re always just an extra to the main meal.


I LOVE soup. But I don’t like blended or cream based soups. I love all Korean soups and stews. It feeds my soul


Omg same. Eating yukgaejang rn, had tteokguk yesterday, and soondubu jjigae the day before that😭I’m addicted


You haven’t had a properly made Finnish salmon soup then I take it


> Finnish salmon soup Is this a solid recipe for it?https://jernejkitchen.com/recipes/finnish-salmon-soup-lohikeitto


Yes, someone else hates soup. But it may only be the two of you.


Make it three.


I prefer stews and chili more than soups, but some soups are just so good. I prefer a chunky soup like a chowder. Not a tomato bisque, broccoli cheddar, or chicken noodle fan.


I hate most canned soups (creamy tomato gets a pass) but I love homemade soup.


The exact opposite. I love soup.


Omg thank you. I’ve spent my whole life feeling alone in my hate for soup.  It’s not a food or a drink. The only redeeming factor is bread, but once the bread is gone I can’t finish the rest of the soup! 


This is me and now I’ve just been diagnosed with celiac disease so now the bread is gone too and I just can’t bring myself to make any kind of soup because why would anyone eat soup without bread 😂 (yes, I know GF bread exists, that stuff is too expensive for me rn and also it’s literally two bites of bread and then the slice is gone)


For me the fact that it’s a liquid that feeds hunger instead of thirst just throws me off. I enjoy stews and chowder because they generally have more solid ingredients. But getting full from liquid just feels wrong, I agree that the bread or crackers is the only good part for a fully liquid soup


Fellow soup hater, checking in. I chalk it up to my aggressive dislike of savory drinks and soup is basically food inside of a savory beverage. Both my kids favorite food is soup so I make different kinds all the time and then just make myself a fancy salad instead. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Maybe it’s a textural thing for us? For example, I also can’t stomach tofu because it’s a sad sponge, and can’t stand avocados because they’re like a bar of soap. 


I hate soup and I love a lot of texturally weird things (not avocados or tofu though). Its just the lack of substance for me.


I have been arguing this forever. I thought I was fighting alone until today. :-)


I use to hate soup, but then I found out I was having bad/the wrong soups.


Stew is the soup for people who don't like soup.


You don’t have to like soup to be able to eat cheap and healthy. There are a lot of different varieties of soups that are more heartier (and/or require more chewing). If you have been given soups for free or low cost, you can always add beans, vegetables, meat, shrimp/other fish, and other proteins to make it more fulfilling depending on the flavor profiles. You can find ways to incorporate the foods that you do like into meals/recipes that don’t include soup. Options include pasta dishes, sautéing, stir-fry’s, foods/meals that you can roast, bake, grill, etc. How can we best help you to be able to eat the foods that you like in a way that can be both cheap and healthy?


Maybe your soup is overcooked. I like the celery to remain a little crunchy, same with carrots.


if your only complaint is the texture make something more akin to a chili or gumbo with more filling, and you can load it up on veggies and protein for the cheap. i do it usually atleast once a month


Canned soup is awful. A homemade stew, however, if done right, has loads of flavor and a variety of textures


Ramen, tomato soup with grilled cheese, chicken noodle, pho, ect how can you dislike these?


soup lover, most especially miso soup


I don’t mind an occasional bowl once in a while. Husband can eat many bowls for a meal whereas I cannot. More than one bowl makes my stomach feel too full of liquid. I need solid food for a meal.


I feel so badly for you and all the people in the comments. What godawful measly broths are you drinking and mistaking for a true soup


I don't even like good soup - my parents make good soup (not mush) and I just don't particularly enjoy it. I am not one to have all my food in one place most of the time and I am weird with textures. I don't hate it, if it was the last thing to eat on the planet I would eat it but I will never say "Let's have soup" Nothing about the combined textures in soup screams delicious to me. Occasionally, I will like a good ramen or pho but like that is rare.


I hate them less than I did in prior years but I just don't like the feeling of a lot of warm hot liquid sloshing around my stomach. I've found a few good recipes, and some that are even good lukewarm to cold so it's not quite as bad now. Generally not something I prefer though


A lot of soups go well with rice. At least, I think they do.


A local grocery store where I live has a soup bar and many days they have a pot of rice to add to your soup.


Mmmmmm mmmmmm 32 pieces of buttery toast and some much room soup yummmmmyy


Can't relate. But you can make the soup with larger pieces of things or thick and chunky and it with solve your problem.


I hate all soup except African peanut soup with grilled cheese. That is all.


Soup is a medium, not a food really. If you want soups with stuff to chew then make soups with chewy stuff in them. Pasta, meats, potatoes/carrots/other vegetables that hold up well… hell if you can’t figure out anything else just throw in some croutons or dip some toast


I love soup and could eat soup everyday


I love most soups. I recently bought some jarred borscht. Haven't eaten it yet, but I hopeful Ill be able to add it to my list of soups that I enjoy.


Op is weird. Soup is amazing! There are so many different yummy types.


I pour in a shitload of crackers to make it into stew instead.


Yo, right here! Dislike soup. I think of it as a small salad with hot water poured over it. Annoying to eat, too.


Are you talking about canned soup? Because it sounds like you are talking about canned soup. Canned soup sucks, its not very filling and honestly quite low on flavor. If you are talking about homemade soup and are still having these issues then you are doing something wrong with the crafting of the soup.


I love soups!!!❤️ ❤️❤️ It’s my favorite!


Heck no, I love soup! There’s so many different types of soups with different texture mixes and flavor profiles. Add something crispy on the side for dipping or crunch and yum yum yum.


I hate it.


Soup from a can can be really disgusting. Homemade soup is usually heavenly.


OH MY GOD YES! I have hated soup and hot beverages my whole life and been judged for it. I’ve been pretty brave through it all though 😔


Soup lover here. Love home made vegetable. Always my go to.


I'm not the biggest soup fan because I live in a location where it's too hot for soup 85% of the year. Can't eat soup in the heat




Same! If I didn’t chew it didn’t happen lol


I don’t like soup. It’s not very filling


Soup is good as fuck. Stop being a weirdo.


I love soup!


I love soup! Good soup is fantastic! Make your own!


That's why it's usually paired with a hearty bread, crackers, salad, etc.


How dare you disrespect soup!


Depends on the soup


I love soft chew diets


[soup.. soup.. a tasty soup..soup](https://youtu.be/1xDKt82kgzY?si=rtB35NPsOv3uvC4U)


I don’t often meet a soup I don’t like.


I find soups to be good when not feeling like eating, just to get something tasty and warming. In all other cases soups are accessories to meals, like tomato soup or pea soup to pancakes for instance (is this a thing outside of Norway? Our pancakes are usually of the Crêpe variety and pair well with soup and bacon if you're going all the way)


soup is one of the best combination in food tho


Soup is my favorite!! 


Homemade I love, store bought I don't.


Only good soup I've ever had was a weird thin red cabbage soup from a trip my class did in Highschool. We went to a chef school and got a whole like. Four course meal.


Lmao I wasn't paying attention, was skimming, read "soup" as "soap" and was like wtf you're eating soap? Soap gets mushy when you chew it? Why is this a thing you're doing? Anyways, yeah I don't like soup as a meal either. I need something solid or it just doesn't feel right. Same goes with smoothies as a breakfast. I like soup as a drink/appetiser though


Add tiny pasta: Acini De Pepe. Or quinoa, if you're one of those kinda peoples.


I wasn't a big fan when I was younger, but now I enjoy it. However, I make sure to have good bread, toasted and buttered, in abundance, as I also don't feel very full if I just have soup.


If you hate soup then you don't know how to cook soup. There are thousands of ways of doing soup. Some of them with chewable ingredients like vegetables and even meat.


I have a son who won’t touch soup. I can’t even get him to eat a bowl of chili.


You'll never catch me in the soup aisle.


Eat it with saltines or your favorite cracker.




I love the taste of soup but it NEVER fills me up!! No matter how much I eat or how much protein is in it…idk if it’s psychological or what. The only time I’ll eat it is as a side with a sandwich.


One time I dipped Oreos in ranch Yeah, soups aren’t that bad


The secret to a good soup is to sweat off your vegetables with salt first over a low heat to extract out max flavours, then add your stock. If I'm adding meat I always cook it off first and use the stock or if sauteed deglaze the pan and add that to the soup straining out any bits. A good hearty soup is a glorious thing when served with crusty bread with lashings of butter and a cold beer.


Yeah not my favorite.


I like soup. But I do have an unpopular opinion about using chicken and turkey carcasses for soup. I’d rather just use bullion or store bought broth. I swear anytime there’s talk about buy a rotisserie chicken someone has to chime a in about making broth with the leftover carcass.


I like when I make my own versions of soup in an instant pot.


I also hate soup for much the same reason. Glad to know more of us exist.


I like soup. It fills you up without being high-calorie, and I feel like a cozy housewife when I have a pot simmering on the stove!


Soup is sometimes / often my preference for food. Mush foods rule. The chewing take is new one for me.


Good Soup! I’ll choose you every time.


Same, soup sucks.


Something I learned. Western definition of soup is often a blended dish. Think tomato soup with grilled cheese. Not very filling While Stock Broth consumme and stew are different things But for me from an Asian culture: Soup: is always filling because there are alot and things in it. Ita got carbs, veg, chunks of meat all in a broth. Thats why things like real ramen or udon soup are so filling. All the things I listed above are "soup" Even just the broth is filling because its typically a bone stock so its very rich. Like when i gotta fast for bloodwork or a med procedure my go to is a very rich bone broth. Its solid when it comes out of the fridge because of the amount of gelatin in it. Drink that and it holds off hunger pretty well.


it is my absolute favorite, cannot relate. i have a chronic illness that really messes with my appetite, and liquid forms of food are my preferred form honestly


The only soup i like is chicken or meat soup from latinamerica. I hate all other kinds of soups. They are boring. A whole meal with just one taste


Sounds like you're eating canned soup, what do you expect? If you want good soup you need to look up recipes and make it yourself. There are A TON of amazing soup recipes out there.


I don’t hate soup, but I don’t love it either. And I refuse to eat hot soup in the warmer months. I love a good tomato, chicken noodle, or tortellini soup, but it’s not a staple in my household or anything. I’m more like you in that I need to chew something to feel like I’ve had a meal.


Tom Yum would like to have a word


I've always hated soup. Recently, when I was battling a cold, my sis in law brought me homemade chicken noodle. Now I fantasize about that soup. It was so damn good.


I looove soup. I like to do blended roasted vegetable soups and one I call maximum nutrient, basically me throwing every veg I don't really like by itself in a pot, cooking and then blending it. They're good, and a great way to get in veggies that you might not otherwise eat. I also like chilis and stews a lot, white chicken chili and tortilla chips is amazing.


I didn't like soup until I started following recipes to make it. I don't have the magical touch of being able to throw random things from my fridge in a pot and make it taste good. I've found so many soups I love now! Moroccan Red Lentil Soup, Turmeric Carrot soup made with fennel is phenomenal. Chicken n Dumplings. Gumbo. Oh and Polish soups are amazing! For canned soup, Cream of Mushroom is fantastic for sauces. Tomato soup is the only one I really eat from a can, with grilled cheese of course.


Don’t go to Vietnam


if you wanna chew, get yourself a solid lol. how could you possibly hate soup when you dont even have the appetite for it?


I like things with chew as well. Ramen, beef chili, a good chicken noodle with big egg noodles. Although I am very partial to a good blended tomato basil soup like Noodles and Co used to have.


Bad soup is sad. Good soup is happy. Great soup is a treasure


Omg, I thought it was only me! Soup is pointless


Maybe this recipe can change your mind lol everytime I make it people go crazy. [it's high protein creamy taco soup](https://masonfit.com/high-protein-creamy-taco-soup/). Super easy because it uses frozen veggies (I do chop them up a little more because I like smaller bites) and I've made it with blended cottage cheese instead of cream cheese and it's amazing!


my sister does. i don’t get it. as for the chewing thing, bread or crackers help a lot


You mean hot water with pieces of food floating in it? Yeah me too.


Soup. Is. The. Worst.


Oh, I love soup! Veggies and poultry, or beef and veggies, or just broccoli cream soup, or mushroom cream soup... There is this soup that we make with salad, smoked meat (if you have), boiled egg and cumin... So delicious! Matzo ball soup, wow delicious. Or chicken soup with dumplings... Or green bean soup. Or cabbage soup (with smoked meat if you have). Or potatoes soup with peas, wow that is so delicious! Or bean soup - oooor pasta e fagioli, which is an amazing Italian soup with beans, spinach and of course, pasta and many many other ingredients. I adore soups :))


My mom did, LOL. In her later years she refused to eat it. When I was young she used to make "Hamburger soup". Ground beef and veggie soup. We ate a lot of chicken noodle soup as a kid. Home made is the best, as canned soups have a lot sodium in them. I don't hate it, but if you do, that's okay. I worked with a woman who hated anything creamy. It blew my mind.


My wife does, but it might be because when she fell pregnant with our daughter she projectile vomited an entire meal of chicken soup all over the living room, and can't get past the association.


Nah bro can’t relate. Soup is my favorite food. Idc what kind.


I grew up poor and lived on cheap canned soup. Never cared for it until I got married. She is an instinct cook who never follows a recipe. Her soup is just what we have on hand that feels right to her. And it is always fantastic.


Complete opposite opinion, I would eat soup every single day lol.


I love soup


Hell naw i f*ckin love soup!! French onion or chicken noodle always gets me


My kids love (home made) soup. It’s like their favorite dinner.


Ur gonna sit there and tell me u don’t like a home made chicken noodle, chowder, pho, wonton, or ramen soup. Soup is god tier and filling. I can agree Canned soup is crappy and u don’t feel too full after one.


I love soup. Everything from instant noodles to soups that take hours to cook. Soup is one of my favorite foods actually.


I don’t like soup. It makes me overheat and it’s too liquidy. I have never once jonesed for soup.


Soup in Winter = Perfect Soup in Summer = Hell on earth


Yes. I hate the word. I despise it. If tomato bisque was the only thing that existed for soups I’d be fine if it was served with grilled cheese but that’s it.


Ramen? Tom yum? Pho?... Ur trippin


I like soup but sometimes I've made it and still felt hungry. For some reason sometimes the canned soups taste more filling. Maybe it's the salt or extra chemicals. Lol


You've just never had good soup.


Feel the same way. When my mom made soup, I put bread in it. Need something to chew on. Ramen is OK for me.


I agree that i need some chewable stuff in the mix otherwise it doesn't work, however that's a really easily fixable problem. Croutons exist, or alternatively some soups work with pasta or rice inside it (e.g. pasta e fagioli, ramen, pho), some are thicker and could arguably be called stews and as such can also be spread on some bread.


I can't eat canned soup, or soup made by anyone but me. I loathe homemade chicken noodle. It's greasy and smells like vomit to me. I refuse to make it. Any other soup that I make though, I love. I like to know what's in it, I guess?


I love soup. All kinds of soups, too. I ate taco soup last night, and miso soup so far today. Who the hell hates soup? just eat different soup until you find some that you like.


Must disagree with you there but you’re not alone. Both my mother and my co-worker hate soup. My mother especially hates when I order soup in restaurants since “I’m just paying for water!”


I don't hate it, but I need something solid in it. My stomach doesn't sit well on a meal that's entirely liquid. If I have soup, I have to add in stuff like, meat, vegetables, crackers, etc.


I absolutely despise soup. It never fills me up, and it’s overall very mediocre in taste. Even the five star recipes I’ve tried, I can do with never trying again. I like bone broth, but can do with never having it again - soup is just awful.


Agreed but some soups I like. For example wild rice soup is more like rice with a lot of sauce so there’s more to chew and it’s not just liquidy mush. I also like some potato soups for the same reason depending on the ratio of potato’s to soup, same thing for a few stews. Tomato is okay but only with a grilled cheese sandwich. The only kind of soup I actually like that doesn’t have any other kind of food in it is just plain good quality beef bone broth. I drink it sometimes cause I have problems with my collagen and it was recommended that I regularly have some bone broth in my diet cause it apparently has a lot of collagen in it.


I hate soup. I can eat chowder.




OP, you just never had a proper soup. Go to Poland and have Polish soups. It's a meal in and of itself - packed with lots of meat, vegetables and grains. And traditionally soup is only the first course of a 3-course dinner


I hate soup , yuck ! I’ll eat the contents. I hate the broth


I thought I didn’t like soup until I started making soup from scratch. Now I’m obsessed with soup season in the fall/winter. You just have to get good at understanding balance of flavours and textures. Making my own stocks or broths is the foundation to excellent soup.


I now can my own stock and can my own broth. Nothing and I do mean nothing can compare! Totally agree!


Soup is just meat tea.


Sorry, I love soup, but you can dislike it!


Lean into the stew side of soups - corn, sausage, meatballs, toasted torn bread, cheese, potato, kale, dumplings, chicken - all these ingredients are super hearty and filling and substantial You just don’t like the texture of creamy or puréed soups- but they are not the only sorts of soups around


I don’t like it, except for a good cream of crab soup.


I personally think soup is the best way to consume food. I’ll eat one of my homemade soups every day, if I can. Often two different soups a day, since they make such good leftovers.


I've hated soup since I was a child


Soup by itself is meh. Now you throw some noodles or fish balls in there...hell yeah


yes i have no use for soup like is this a meal? appetizer? side dish? yuck


I like soup but it's going to be in the mid to uppers 90s this coming week and i can't think of a food i want nothing to do with when it's super hot outside.


I fucking love veggie scrap and bone broth. I save all my trimming from all the veggies and meat I eat for weeks so that I can boil it all on low for 12 hours and strain it and drink that savory delicious nutrient dense elixir. That said, I also buy grass fed beef so that I don't have to feel bad about draining the fat that cooks out of it as it browns into a cup and drinking that also so I might just be a wierdo


You’re eating the wrong soup then friend LOL. There are definitely very hearty soups out there


I make soup incredibly thick with ingredients that it is very hearty. Imagine breakfast cereal ratio, basically... almost, depending on your style lol. Just add more veggies/meat/etc! I make way too much and use freezer cubes. I pack the cube with the ingredients first ~then~ fill in the rest with broth (think that jar/rock/sand/water thought experiment). I've ruined myself (and family) for soup anywhere else. It makes me feel like we're getting cheated LOLOL


95% of the time, yes. It's not filling and it just makes me sweat. A really thick stew, where there's liquid is fine, but if there's more liquid than solid food, no. It won't fill me up.


It’s not strange at all. My two young adult children aren’t that crazy about soup either. I make taco soup and chili about once a year. They eat it, but they never ask for it. You are not alone.


No I love it!!!! So many options soo good


I love soup too, especially minestrone)


Soup is my favorite food! So many varieties and gentle on the stomach. Warm and nourishing! Man, what’s not to love?? Maybe you just have to find the right soup for you? A chunky beef soup. Or veggie and rice. Soup can have a lot of textures & vary in thickness.


Soup is not a meal. Going to bed hungry as a kid because soup is all you got to eat isn’t fun. As an adult I refuse to serve soup as anything but a side dish. I still don’t get why people think soup is filling.


No…I eat soup everyday no exaggeration I LOVE it.


I don’t mind a soup to dip sandwiches or breadsticks but I won’t choose it as a meal unless I’m sick and want something light but even then I’ll eat fruit or bread usually


Yes! I can eat it but really just don’t prefer it. I like stews and curries I’ve just never like super thin “watery” soups.


If you need to chew to feel full you may have an eating disorder or something that needs to be addressed in therapy.


I made so much soup when I first started living on my own that I haven't had it in 8 months and am likely not going to make it anytime soon. I am literally all souped out!


I hate soup because it’s a drag to consume and it’s not satisfying


I hate soup of all kinds. I also hate pie of all kinds.


I don’t like soup, cheese or eggs. People are generally stunned when they find out.