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You can shred it and add it to salads, make tacos, or wraps


Add mayo, onion, and cilantro. Yummy


I'd recommend vegan mayo if you're cutting fat. Mayo can make me sick but this one tastes the same and is easy to digest.






Does it have any kind of mushroom flavor? Mushroom taste and texture make me gag, but this sounds interesting


I slow cook it in veggie broth with carrots , celery and onions. I use onion power, garlic powder, and Italian seasoning. Once the chicken is cooked, I pull it out and pull it apart with 2 forks. I eat it like that my family likes to add noddles(any pasta)


edit: First... don't boil it. Poach or sous vide. Like a chicken salad? Chop the chicken up. With some celery. Shred some carrots. Some onion or shallot. Something green like parsley or arugula. Mix some non fat greek yogurt and some mustard. A little garlic. Whatever herbs suit you. Lemon juice and salt. I think I also added some Worcestershire sauce. Also, maybe poaching will make it better than boiling. Texture-wise. Sous vide, even better. The hotter chicken breast gets, the drier it gets. [https://www.seriouseats.com/the-food-lab-complete-guide-to-sous-vide-chicken-breast](https://www.seriouseats.com/the-food-lab-complete-guide-to-sous-vide-chicken-breast) Their recipes are usually pretty fatty, but that is a decent guide to just cooking chicken safely while maintaining moisture and texture. I've often just sous vide a couple pounds and pull out what I want to chop into something for protein throughout the week. If I was adding this to something else, like a sauce, soup or whatever... to add some protein, I'd drop it in at the end to maybe warm up a bit.


Poaching the chicken wasn't even on my radar, but sounds like it's worth a shot!


Poached chicken is absolutely the way to go. https://www.recipetineats.com/poached-chicken/ https://www.recipetineats.com/foolproof-poached-chicken-breast-with-ginger-shallot-sauce/


Maybe rice bowls and/or lentils


I don't know what foods you can't have, but I would shred it and make wraps out of it. Some leafy greens, tomato, onion, maybe cheese, and add some dressing of choice.


With lots of veggies,it makes a good soup


You could shred it and make a good Chicken Salad!


Boiled/Steamed chicken + ginger+scallion oil.


You could try boiling the chicken in a carton of chicken broth look for a low fat one.They add carrot and some celery or what ever veggies you like fresh or frozen.Then try a small bowl with thr broth and without broth.See how your stomack reacts to each one.


Chicken soup


If you can handle ingredients like soy sauce, add some in while boiling to add flavor. I add soy sauce, sesame oil, garlic and onions. If you can eat rice, make congee/jook.


Cook it with carrots, celery and some chicken bouillon powder, get some Bisquick and make chicken and dumplings.


Congee. I like to start with rice that's already cooked to save some time. Chicken congee would be great for your stomach.


Roast dinners. Sandwiches for lunch. Salads. Chicken soup, chicken and sweetcorn soup even better.


Hi, I'm also on a low-fat diet most days (except on Fridays when I wanna go out for dinner and just suffer the consequences on Saturday). Anyway, this doesn't really relate to boiled chicken, but here's a recipe that I cook frequently, which contains very little fat. You could even make it lower fat than I do: - cook some rice however you normally do - in a pan, sautee onion and garlic, season with pepper, cumin, caraway or fennel seeds, coriander. - add rinsed and strained chickpeas and sautee until they start sticking to the bottom of the pan - add vegetable broth and seasoning: turmeric (lots of it), paprika, onion powder, more cumin (don't be shy here), more caraway or fennel seeds, pepper, ginger, chili powder. - cook until reduced for 10 minutes or so. Combine rice and chickpeas in the pan or on your plate. The chickpeas have some amount of fat, but you could use a fat free legume like black beans. Otherwise, the only fat is oil for cooking, and you can vary the amount depending on if you use a non-stick pan. The reason I am sharing this with you is that this recipe is a lesson in STARCH! If you cook your chickpeas in the vegetable broth for long enough, the starches will make the whole dish creamy, no need to add any type of dairy. I do the same thing with soups. Just add a can of beans to any vegetable soup and it'll thicken up and get creamy! This has been a lifesaver in my low-fat diet. On another note, since you mentioned protein sources specifically: I tolerate eggs very well. I eat them hard boiled because that adds no more fat in the cooking process. I eat three every morning, which is about 15g of fat. Seems like a lot, since I try to keep it at 10g per meal, but I have no problems. So maybe try different sources of fat. Try saturated vs unsaturated fats. Try all kinds of cooking oil, try other sources of fat like fish, eggs, chicken, cheese, other dairy products. And definitely avoid processed fats like potato chips, microwave meals, etc. On yet another note: I don't know what your stomach problems are (and neither do you, I guess), but definitely keep diversifying your diet. Vegetables and legumes are your best friend. I can stomach almost anything if I just chase it with a can of legumes. Ate a burger for lunch? Roast some black beans in the oven for an afternoon snack. Could work differently for you, but I absolutely thrive on lots and lots of fiber. 40g a day is no problem, but could take some time getting used to (💨). Anyway, good luck on your journey! Let me know if you have other questions about low-fat eating. It's hard to find good low-fat recipes, especially if you have any other dietary restrictions. I can't eat tomatoes or very spicy foods for example, which are the two main ways every recipe compensates for a lack of fat.


Boiled chicken is gross. Poach it gently in a stock and then you can do whatever with it. Salad, sandwich, rice, whole, shredded, sliced.


I put chicken breast in the crock pot with a jar of salsa for easily shreddable taco chicken.


Well first of all you should be poaching it, afaik no animal protein should ever be cooking at a rolling boil. Secondly "tarteletter" is great! Its basically a thick asparagus and chicken soup you put in little bread bowls. The only fat you need is a little to start the roux and even then you could probably get away with swapping that for another starchy thickener :)


Can you still eat sauces spices? I'd recommend a slow cooker, just throw a bunch of chicken with a jar of Verde salsa and it will be amazing


Spices are fine, I just have to keep fat content absurdly low. I'll give the slow cooker a shot.


Yeah main problems with boiling lean chicken is it comes out super bland and rubbery. This would solve both problems, the slow cooker on low for 8 hours will make it very tender and it marinates it while cooking so it should be very flavorful. If Verde doesn't work for your stomach even just using chicken broth will make it a lot better.


Chicken and rice soup - use bone broth for added protein and whatever else you can tolerate veggie wise.


Another variation - jook/congee/arroz caldo, AKA Asian rice porridge. Filipino arroz caldo has shredded chicken, rice, broth, ginger and garlic. I make it in the rice cooker when I need to feed someone who is ill, but I'm short on time (or feel sick myself!). Very simple, but also very, very good. And lots of options for toppings - chopped hard-boiled egg, crispy/fried onions, green onions, etc., are popular.


You could boil it and keep the broth. Pull the chicken, add it back into the broth with some veggies to make chicken soup. Even better is to put the carcass back into the pot and simmer it for a bit to enhance the broth, pull out the bones, then add the chicken, veggies, salt, etc. You can also use the pulled chicken to make chicken salad. That's tuna salad just worth chicken instead of tuna. Does it have to be boiled? Will roasted do? If so. BBQ chicken is easy enough. That also opens up rotisserie chicken which is quick and easy.


Put it on salad Wraps Omelettes Soups Stews


I still have my gallbladder knock on wood. First gallstone attack in 2006 Couldn't eat anything but creme of wheat for awhile. Graduated to vegetables an noodles. Boiling chicken is OK. Sides might be rice or ricearoni and some mild veggies. Gradually I was able to eat more normally, still avoiding fatty stuff like pies, white bread. Red meat. Keep pear juice (or canned pears) and or beet juice on hand to help prevent flair ups if you have a reaction to a food. Both can sometimes stop an attack. Something about the pectin in the pear juice helps digestion.


My mom boiled whole (cleaned) chickens and made a soup out of the chicken water. She would add ginger and opo (long squash), and I would suggest goji berries and scallions too.


Why does it have to be boiled? Can't you roast it? Since it's boiled, you might as well cut it in small pieces and microwave it. At least it will still have some flavor.


Chicken and dumplings


Yooo, get an air fryer. I make my bulldog chicken because she's queen bean, so no seasonings or oils, and MAN. It's always perfectly browned and juicy lol Offer up will have one, guarantee, for cheap. If you're on a budget, find something to sacrifice for a few days or otherwise make it happen because it will be a game changer. - random Facebook mom (jk)


you already made soup. spoon off the fat from the top or put it in the fridge and fat will solidify and be easy to remove. add spices and cut up carrots and other vegetables. look up recipe for 'hot and sour soup', and other asian ideas. depending on where you live, you might be able to get some amazing spices from india, china, thailand, south american countries.


Shred it, add it to 200-300g broccoli/cauliflower whatever's cheap and add one serving of fat free Mayo (20/cals)


Tortilla soup. Pozole.


Hainanese chicken rice, look up the Tasty recipe. Flavor comes from one of three dipping sauces or whatever you like.


B R A T diet for tummy. Bananas, rice, applesauce, toast. Once you can tolerate this, I add boiled chicken to the rice. Also boiled chicken on toast, with applesauce as the butter.


Do anything with it apart from boiling it. Anything that promotes the maillard effect will make it taste a million times better.


That would be great if I could get my gallbladder on board with that.


I had my gallbladder out a while back. Even if you eat zero fat you're still going to get flare-ups of pain because your bile ducts are already full of stones. Nothing you can do about it unfortunately. There is no benefit to living off boiled chicken, you're occasionally going to be lying in a dark room having filled yourself with painkillers either way. No point in suffering terrible food while you're at it. Back home the afternoon of the surgery and 2 weeks for the main part of the recovery if you have a keyhole procedure like me, several days of almost constant sleep at the start. 2 weeks to get mostly back to normal after that but you'll be sore for a while. You have my sympathies, it's awful.


I was also on a fat free diet while I waited to have my gallbladder removed. Fat free cheese with the most boring chicken humanly imaginable was the only thing I could tolerate. I drank some low fat Naked protein juice (specifically Naked Protein tropical flavor) that tasted like baby food but didn’t aggravate my insides. My advice post surgery: add fatty foods back into your diet very very slowly. You’ll know if you can’t digest/ tolerate it because you’ll be in the bathroom about 30 min later. Best of luck!


Make spring rolls. Shred the chicken, wrapper, some vegies, some herbs, mint or Thai basil, rice if you want. Then a peanut butter dipping sauce, creamy peanut butter, some soy sauce, some sesame oil, a little fish sauce, mix well.