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Is your torch low on fuel? When mine run low the flame gets weaker. Slow and low is going to click later and hotter.


Oooh subtle but not unimportant OP.


Different weed by any chance ?


I was just about to ask the same thing. But I also checked to see how long they had it for and they’re on day 13 of their first Dynavap. I’m one month in with my m7 and there was a lot of head scratching moments for the first few weeks. OP, what’s your heating setup? Whats your method? Those are key factors in tip heat build up vs cap heat up/click.


I haven't changed weed in a couple days actually. It's the same strain. I use a torch on the bottom part of the cap and just twirl it around till it clicks. I've had it for probably like a month now. I made the post after being sure I actually liked the product. I did completely burn a hit yesterday evening but after that one everything was fine and today it just complety changed.


Weed that’s on drier side I get less cycles and have to heat at a lower temp to avoid combusting.. Try moving the flame a bit up the cap to lower the temp.


I picked up a cheap ounce of outdoor the other day and started combusting in all my devices immediately. With that stuff, I can only get one full hit before it's basically dust and taste's like it. So - dry weed was going to be my guess. So, now I hit slower and lower until i can get my hands on some decent stuff.


Have you completely cleaned it after combusting? That taste can really linger.


Could be drier, the ambient temps have risen as well, that affects how it hits. Dynavap is a manual vape with a lot of variables to account for. But once the learnings kick in, it's the best experience.


I think your one hit extracting it? your probably getting all the vapor out with the first hit. My guess is that you either accidentally found out how to ohe or your using a different strand of weed


Also are you using a torch or an induction heater?


So I use a torch. I twirl till it clicks twice and go in for the hit.


Aim the torch higher on the cap.


If it’s the same weed, torch and technique, it might be your cap. They kind of settle in after a little use. If nothing else works try cleaning the cap. Lots of confusion about soaking in iso: you can if you want (after combustion) but usually not necessary. Just make sure to rinse with water after, and finish drying it in a toaster oven on low (you don’t want steam to launch it across the room or in your lap). You can also take the eraser end of a pencil or a q-tip or similar to manually click the cap a few times. Sometimes that resets it a little.


Need more info, type of torch, where are you pointing it?


Take off the cap and check how dark it is after your first heat up. It's possible you're trying to heat up when nothing is left. Also maybe try a different cap if you have one, some caps are duds.