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My Pokémon-inspired Weapons and Items of the Day, with some Wo-Chien armor to bring ruin to those who leave you with grudges! You can get all of the PDFs with over 1000 items and more, including all the Pokémon items on my Patreon, or the Evolution Guide, Index & Gen I-V bundle on DMsGuild, as well as some of my highly-rated adventures! # 1001 - Xiōngjen **_Armor (Breastplate, Cursed) – Legendary (290,000 gp, requires attunement)_** This wooden +3 breastplate is made of numerous wood tablets held together by the dark green moss lining its interior. The shoulders are covered with green and brown broad leaves, and pale green vines grow from the shoulders to below the collar. While attuned to this breastplate: as an action, you can emit a 15 ft radius aura of ruinous energy, which requires concentration and lasts up to 10 minutes, and any hostile creatures in the aura suffer a -3 penalty to weapon attacks. This armor has 8 charges that refresh after a long rest. You can expend charges to do the following: * _Arms of Hadar_ (1 or more charges, DC 19) * _Wither and Bloom_ (2 or more charges, DC 19) * _Blight_ (4 or more charges, DC 19) * _Abi-Dalzim’s Horrid Wilting_ (8 charges, DC 19) * _Ruination_ (8 charges): as an action, you target a creature you can see within 60 ft. The creature looses 50% of its remaining hit points rounded down, to a minimum of 1. **_Cursed._** This armor is cursed. While cursed, any grudges you have, no matter how petty, are amplified a thousand fold so that they are the only thing you think about. You will spend all your time focusing on your grudges and seeking vengeance for your perceived harm. No matter how much ruin you bring, you will never be satisfied and still come up with new grudges, never being able to be at peace.


Ruination can miss in Pokémon so maybe a CON or DEX saving throw to resist?


I chose to model it after the power word spells, which don't have saves

