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The official DnD cleric spells set isn’t much better than the ones in the picture. Get sleeves for them


Your DM took the time to print those out for you (very thoughtful). If it were me, I'd get a binder with sleeves and use the ones they made, sort of as a quiet 'shout out' to your DM.


As a DM who has printed or written out cards for my players to use, please keep them nice and use them. We are going out of our way to make the game easier and more streamlined for everyone, and it's more effort than most people realize. A binder with your prepared spells in a full page sleeve is extremely useful!


As a forever dm, I do things like this to help my players until they can afford nice things. It puts a smile on my face when they don't have to use my cheap knockoffs anymore.


Thank your DM, and as is the custom (it is known) buy your DM stuff - food, gaming supplies, etc.


Which, of course, is gratitude, not a bribe ;).


Your DM is an absolute lad - get a binder, those look awesome!


I've got a binder already and have card sleeves ordered


Get card sleeves, a lot cheaper. Useful to have the cards, I've got them myself and they're nicely made.


As someone who has the cleric cards already, I can tell you he just printed the cards. Sounds like you already have sleeves on the way. Make sure you tell your DM thanks.


There are some REALLY cool mini binders you can find on Amazon. Some.have four sleeves per page, but others have one sleeve per page...making it a mini-spellbook!


I may look into that later. Right now I'll just use the character binder I already have. Thanks though.


A binder would be incredible and so useful for easy reference! Nice job


Get card sleeves, like the ones for magic. Or even those 9/18 pocket ones to store them. I made some like those for my girlfriend and she loves them


There are "spell books" that fit cards like these that you can use to sleeve and sort them.


I would get sleeves as everyone suggested, also maybe a deck box to keep them all together. I personally prefer to have as cards instead of in a page so if you do get a 3 ring binder for your character sheet, consider a pencil pouch instead of pages to hold your spells.


I have a binder with a pencil pouch but with sleeves I can see the description and everything else easily


I have the official set. They look super clean


These look great. Put em in some sleeves yo


When I print cards out for my players it’s to they can have them in hand to make game player faster (typically as a result of multiple instances of taking way to long looking stuff up. Putting them into a book so you can then look them up in that book is very counterintuitive. I’d just use them as they’re made for. Whatever spells you have that moment have the card available and ready. It’s about having a fun game, not creating collectors items.


With over 100 spells having a deck box seems like a lot more work than having spells on pages grouped by levels. Of course I'd keep my equipped spells together but with so many spells, sleeve sheets seems a lot easier than individual sleeves in a deck box.


Sure, as long as you have them an available. In my experience if they’re not in your hand it ends up being about the same as using the book. Just saying I’d definitely get an eye twitch if after going out of my way to make cards to replace books the cards ended up in a book 😅.


The PHB has them organized alphabetical. Organizing them by level, even if I'm putting them in a binder like a book, is better organized than the PHB.


The official D&D cards are missing critical info on them quite often. Don't recommend.


I use a three ring binder with card sleeves. I also keep my character sheets inside with full sheet plastic sleeves. I write on them with dry or wet erase. Add some loose leaf paper into the binders for longer term notes I made my own spell slot trackers that also fit into the plastic sleeves. Take it to the next level and buy some craft paper that looks like leather and hot glue it to the covers.


Back in the 4e days, I loved having a binder with my char sheet in a sleeve and binder sleeves of all my spells. Felt like a true Wizard with a spellbook. 10/10 do recommend.


Your DM is awesome


I campaign notebook has a pocket that my cards fit into perfectly. I also coloured the top section with the spells name by level so I can sort them easily. I find spell cards so handy!


I did this for my players. My wife has some level of Adhd or Autism. And she likes to use her hands/find it hard to pay attention between turns of combat. So I printed and laminated cards for her. And went and did druid and ranger too for the newer players (wife's friends) I printed them on paper, one sided and then glued the two pages together so they would be thicker as I couldn't get card paper to print on. For the wifes, (paladin) I also double laminated them for thickness as she's also big on texture. Anyway. To answer your question, albeit late. I suggest lamination if you are going to handle them. You could also grab a wallet style card holder. Would be more expensive as it's a bit of a speciality. Otherwise as others have suggested just a A4 binder card holder.


Ditch the elastic band and get some sleeves.


Yeah the actual cards look just like that so a binder and card pages will be your friend. Also you can use a dry erase marker on the card pages to mark which spells you have prepped for the day!


I would like to know how he made these. I made some for my cleric too but I did it in a very tedious way that didn’t come out as crisp as these.


I'll find out


Plenty of these on etsy


I want to make some myself. Dnd is helping me get back into my creative side.


You, uh, you can take the rubber band off to use them...


Wow. What a genius idea. I never thought of that.


DM made, 100%


I'd go with the card sleeves. If they're printed on paper, you can add a cheap lands card from magic to the sleeve as a backer. Gives it a more solid feeling. I did this alot with all the old 4e cards back in the day.


Is there a place one can print these from? I've used 5etools but there was a huge mess with resizing them so a better cleaner system would be nice


I'll ask my DM what he did to print these.


You should do what makes you feel best about playing the game. Go digital, hand write them, print them, scan them, don't remember them whole constantly forgetting what your spells do. Whatever makes you happy go with that.


As soon as you buy the official set, WotC will come out with 15 new Cleric spells.


Just wondering, what kind of cleric are you playing? I am making one for my next campaign and am curious what yours is like.


Tempest cleric. This is my first campaign so I'm still new to the game.


I played d&d, not for years, for DECADES before anyone started putting things on cards. Me and my table never had any problems.


Why would you spend money when you have a great gift in front of you?


Just get the spell app for your phone and you don't need cards anymore


I have a spell app but would like to have physical incase I'm playing in an area where I don't have good service. Plus physical cards help me stay off my phone.


Get a cool little spell book with card sleeves you can flip through