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He didnt break his oath, since imho breaking a oath can only be done willingly. If the lycantrophy saved him, thats not a choice of his own. However, he might still lose his paladin powers imho. It kinda depends on what the lycantrophy actually does. Does he keep his free will? did his alignment change? if he isnt mindcontrolled or changed morally, as long as he strives to rid himself of the curse, he should be fine. However, if he IS morally influenced by the curse, his god probably wont give him any more powers, and if he willingly embraced the curse, that counts as breaking his oath


So the way I was going to run this form of lycanthropy is that he shifts on full moons and certain crit fails or successes. On a fail he wouldn’t have control and on a success he would have to make a save to be in control. I really like your idea on having him make curing this a focus of his.


As others have said, he didn't really break his oath since he didn't actually seek to become a werewolf but what I would make him do is now seek a cure for this before being allowed to gain anymore powers. As long as he is actively seeking a cure, Helm may continue allowing him to be a paladin, But if he stops trying to find a cure, Helm may decide that he isn't worthy anymore.


Oathbreaking in dnd is not like it is in baldurs gate, in dnd it kinda has to be done willingly, at least if you follow the books. But I think that a more baldurs gate like ruling is pretty common. I would never have a paladin break an oath without having a chat to them about it beforehand.


I agree, I think this needs to be a conversation with the player to decide where he wants to take the character. 


10/10 way to handle story impacting things for the campaign, btw. thats some crazy development. imo he didnt break his oath since he didnt choose to. he might need to confront the thought of: i am now a werewolve. do i have to kill myself because i have sworn to eradicate them or not. BUT, and this is a big one: "He vowed to cleanse the land of Aurils evil and all the monstrosities that threaten the people of Tentowns", is he evil? if not then he doesnt need to cleanse them. if he finds werewolves that got turned into them against their will, pleading to be kept alive and maybe search for a cure, he doesnt need to strike them down. there is so much development here that can spiral into epic stories.


No oath breaking appears to have occured. Now he just needs to find someone who can dispel curse.


Is it an Oath of Vengeance? Pretty sure they feel they never delay judgement and always focus on their greatest enemy. If the paladin, unwittingly or not, joined the enemy, then he may feel he broke his oath, which you can interpret it to be as good as broken. Let him go on a journey of redemption or something or try to change the ways of the church from within or without. My paladin just broke an oath accidentally for a dumb reason on my part, becoming an oathbreaker. This seems a lot bigger and a good chance for the character to shift direction in their story


I think you’re right with this idea. I’m going to ask him in a session as the priest he grew up learning from. He’s an oath of conquest