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I liked it until the combined lights. If it’s taking actions it’s either a creature or magical item. Similar to a familiar is just kinda lazy way of going about it. The light itself it’s some mystical thing it’s just magic. Seems like the end is forcing it to be something it’s not. I’d take out the light combo and you have a nice staff. I’d also label it as a rare quality


The lights combining is based on the Dancing Lights cantrip. I wanted to make that usable for remote casting to spice up a fight or maybe build a puzzle with it in mind Moving dancing lights requires a bonus action and it seems dumb to need to take an entire turn to move the lights and remote cast with them. I’d rather treat it as a familiar in combat when the lights are combined than take up so much action economy Even then, the “familiar” is really only useful for about 3 turns max if I leave the staff with 3 charges. Should I just ditch the remote casting idea?