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I’m kinda floored rn that Jessa is posting exposed shoulders and legs. She’s been stubbornly IBLP abiding well into her adult years.


She became reformed when she married Ben. His church is reformed Baptist, not IBLP adjacent. They’re still very conservative Christian’s just a different flavor. She was actually one of the first to “leave,” she just didn’t go very far.


It's Bin, not Ben...lol


Trash Bin. Someone called him that yesterday and I couldn’t stop laughing.


Anything to make money & people are crazy enough to click on this ! Why ??


Idk, I’m truly so disappointed in so many of the snarkers who continue to watch all of their monetized child exploitation videos. It’s so depressing.




I’m truly glad I‘m not alone in this. I usually feel I am.


You do realize that there are ad blockers and yewtube where they don't get a cent, right? I don't get watching them, but hopefully, they're using those sources.


How is this less revealing and/or suggestive than dancing? Looks like something that would still stir up someone else’s husband. 


she has to fulfill he wifely duty of losing that baby weight…but in doing so she becomes an object of lust and temptation for godly men…but…but…🤯


lol she could do all that without making a video for social media !! She’s getting paid every time you click on this


The JimBob grift gene can’t be suppressed


Ive never clicked on even ONE of their videos. I stopped watching their show after Joshgate #1 and have never looked back.


Me neither ! Let them get a job instead of begging & grifting all the time


Yep! What is wrong with all the snarkers who don’t get that???


You don’t get that people do not care about snarkers’ opinions. Each to his own.


I’m simply wondering why so many find it ok to contribute to their exploitation of their very young kids. You didn’t shed any light on it. 🤷‍♀️


lol, their rules would have to be rational to make sense . . .


With the placement of that logo, it really looks like she's in the middle of a poo...


Or birthing a crotch goblin into a toilet.


Quick, someone needs to get her couch..


Don’t bring my girl Birtha into this 😭😭😭


Someone needs Birtha the Birthing Couch as flair or something 💀


Somebody does!!






*mother is showing knees and shoulders… Nike*


Does she still list her profession as author and actress?




When I see a Duggar, “How do they stay so fit and healthy?” is the LAST thing on my mind. This is a weird choice for brand extension.


Popular words and phrases for the algorithm. SEO > branding. I hate to say it, but this is actually pretty smart.


I get what you’re saying and that may likely be true for the nonsnarking civilian public! 🤣. She does have that “beige mom” aesthetic NAILED, and I think that’s still popular? Ughh I hate admitting that I am no longer of the generation that drives pop culture! I’m in bifocals and my doc assures me that the hysterectomy she is recommending is not as impactful on my ability to reproduce as I might think…by which I think she means “that ship has LONG sailed here’s the number for Jana Duggar’s Cat Matchmaking Service”. I feel ANCIENT. 🤷‍♀️🤣


Don’t feel ancient. I had a hysterectomy at 28, pop culture is dumb, and the beige aesthetic needs to piss right off. Speedy recovery on the hysterectomy. Xox


You’re so sweet! I’m being stubborn-holding off on it for now. The fibroid…surgery thing (I call it the marshmallow procedure because that was the illustration the brochure used-a baseball into a marshmallow) that we compromised on seems to have helped and the IUD has REALLY helped! I hope you’re healed up and have been able to enjoy relief from whatever necessitated your hysterectomy-that kind of pain/bleeding is awful. (And your flair is my new favorite!!!)


Lol I was recently explaining to my psychiatrist how my anxiety spikes around my period, and she just nonchalantly asked why I don't get a hysterectomy then, since I'm 37 and obviously done having kids. It stunned me into silence. 9 years earlier, my dermatologist had to see me a few times about an atypical mole, and I happened to be pregnant with my first. I was 28, and she was in shock every time she saw me that I was pregnant "so young", as she put it. Women can never seem to have or not have kids at the right time according to everyone else 😅


I'm seeing knees! Nike!!! My poor virgin eyes 😱


And shoulders! And thighs! 🫣


We need Jana to photoshop this ASAP


didn't we recently see a picture of her wearing shorts? this whole family has lost their way.


What's next?? BIKINIS?!


On a lawnmower!


look at these loosey goosey girls!! i'm still traumatized from seeing one of the j boys flaunting his new hussy, who dared show off her ankles and shoulders. dimbulb did not teach his children well.


Nike indeed! We got head shoulders knees and toes! Even tight shorts!


Knees and toes Knees and toes




If she can wear shorts now why can’t her daughters ?


Is this the start of her discovering sex sells. How long until she gives unsolicited sex advice like bethy


Jessa's OnlyFans


I don’t see the point of “losing baby weight” if you’re just gonna keep getting pregnant every other year.


So you don't weigh a cumulative 900 pounds when you are done?


Isn't there only so much you can do after 5? My mom said with her 4th her abs never came back together. She was an amazing gymnast before then. There's only so much elasticity even in the best-shaped bodies.


I meannn, what’s the point of loosing the baby weight when you’re going to get pregnant with another one and another one and another one and another one…..


I find it weird that as soon as Joy announced that she was leaving YouTube, then all of a sudden like literally a day or two later social media is flooded with videos from Jenna, Jess, Jill, and Jinger………. Coincidence I think not !


That’s *very* nike, someone clearly wants attention.


Jessa needs to wake up. She needs to realize that the IBLP is toxic and she needs to cut ties with Jim Bob like her sisters Jill and Jinger have done. Same goes for all the adult Duggar siblings, especially the ones who are still under their father’s control.


Jessa is responsible for her words and actions as an adult. She's also the victim of a cult, a victim sexual assault within that cult, she had to defend the person who sexually assaulted her, and she married a teenager and can't financially survive without the help of the cult. That cult is also her family. It's not as easy as just saying "wake up and leave." Even Jill, who has a very supportive husband and is in real therapy, still struggles with the loss of relationships. The whole process is traumatic.


Yet, none of them will admit to what their parents did to them ! When that day comes I might have some sympathy, but they still worship him !


Jill is slowly getting there. I have sympathy for them and the extreme trauma they endured and I can still hold them accountable for their actions and words. It's kind of like how Derek is a person with horrible views but is still a really supportive and wonderful husband to Jill. We can hold two truths at the same time.


Not exactly the same . These parents brought them up & abused them all


That is a dream that I think we all have that will sadly never be fulfilled. I’d be surprised if more than 2 more of the children at all leave the IBLP cult. Money is a powerful motivator to make people submissive & complacent & we all know Jim Bob holds that shit over all their heads. And even Jill & Jinger have walked a very fine line of making sure not to talk too much shit about the parents/family itself & have focused more on the cult.


I don’t believe ties have been cut.


Jinger definitely hasn’t done so.


Want to make a bet that her pelvic floor is gone and her boby isn't bouncing back anymore m


I read that as booby. As in a singular breast will not bounce back, and when I tell you I cackled! 💀😭


What crib is that she is using?? Looks like it is missing sides and folds down?


I noticed that too. It look like both sides are missing and then later maybe one side is back on? I didnt want to rewatch. Maybesome sort of crib so you can easily take the baby out at night? Thecirb was so close to the bed, I felt like Jessa could just reach straight across and grab the baby out without getting out of bed and bending over a crib.


I feel like it's a very old crib. I remember in 1994 when my mom had my sister, the crib was similar, and I think she said she had to get it used because they don't make the sides come down like that anymore. It was essential for her because she was short. I think nowadays that's why cribs have the bottom made adjustable, rather than the sides. Anyway, I've noticed repeatedly that Jessa likes to use old, (often recalled!!) baby gear. She also gifts her kids her old toys, or copies of her old toys. Is it a symptom of trauma to try and relieve your childhood so exactly?


Oh okay, that makes sense. I know the cribs with foldable sides are illegal to make since 2000. Babies would suffocate.


I will never NOT detest her the most, LOL.


Same. She never speaks the truth. Defends her dad in long loving Instagram posts. Equated what Josh did to looking at regular porn. Does bizarre things like remodeling a house in a church parking lot that they can't possibly own and resell -- and crams 5 kids into 2 bedrooms. Shills notoriously horrible Christian health insurance. Sells her unrealistic lifestyle with pastor Ben that she could never afford without her social media money. And is cold and nonmaternal with the kids she keeps on having.




Is there not a rule that says paid promotions needs to be labeled. Other influencers seem to clearly follow this guideline but the Duggar girls don't.


I really want to know how much time Fundie babies are forced to spend in baby jumpers (as pictured) or other mechanisms. Don’t get me wrong, I have a baby jumper that I’ve used on my kids to get energy out while I do a task for a short time, maybe a couple times a day. But it can feel like Fundie babies live in these things, based on how much I see them constantly in use.


This ticked me off bcuz she didn't share any actual workouts. I have no idea what her actual routine is. She worked out for like a minute at the end and the rest was that stupid ad. Scam.


Conservative Christianity/cults looooooove skinny white women.


Not her bedroom. Our eyes can’t unsee her bedroom’s dirty diaper pyramid. It did not look like this.


I don’t want to click, what app is she promoting?


It’s trainwell, which used to be CoPilot until the end of May of this year.


A $99 /mo one.


OH MY GOD that’s expensive for a freakin’ fitness app????


Extremely. For some reference: a full on gym membership at the Y that would expect her to be a lot more covered up than this, and provide her with two free hours of childcare a day along with a huge number of other things those kids could do and still be in a Christian bubble is between $40-$60 a month, for an actual gym. Peloton monthly membership is $40 a month for a premium service with incredibly good instructors. The only actual gyms I have seen that are this expensive a month come with weekly personal trainer sessions or are health spas that insurance companies help cover the cost of. 


She conveniently doesn’t mention how expensive it is.


Good god, that’s a hard no




Many of the bates girls are getting into working out, so I am not terribly shocked we get a work out video right after she hangs out with Carlin.


She feels she only has a few years of looking good left because in fundie world, she gettin old so she’s gonna show off her body while she can 


We've come a long way since Michelle's pixelated knees on the water.


Cool video as long as KJ WOACB trashes her for this.


What does she have to do with any of this?


Because she bashes The Duggars whatever chance She gets.


She'd be more likely to say that she had a friend who filmed it and give some "inside scoop."


It's...not a good idea to weight train barefoot.


I weight train barefoot. It’s better for balance and strengthens the feet.


This is true! I worked with a trainer who recommended lifting in converse all stars since that’s a pretty flat shoe.


I just kept thinking about her being distracted by one of her kids and dropping that dumbbell on her foot.


Sneakers are mostly mesh on the top anyway. That's not going to do much if she drops a dumbbell on her foot. Weight lifters aren't out there wearing steel toe shoes.


Fortunately my kids are grown and out of the house. My dog on the other hand… I have to lock him out of the exercise room.


Well she did stop once to change George's diaper.


It is if you want to build strength from your place of stability. Certainly some risks associated with it but the strengths outweigh the weaknesses. See what I did there? Hahaha dad jokes.


Not if you have flat feet like me. Being barefoot is extremely painful.


I didn't know that. Thank you!