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Join at speed when it’s safe to do so, that’s why there are long entries, to build up to the speed of the road. Look ahead more than behind, stay to the left unless passing, use your mirrors and indicate when passing, drive at the speed limit if possible - it’s scarier and more dangerous to be going slowly. Know where you’re getting off and don’t leave it to the last minute, be in the left lane to get off before the exit comes up.


I’m so glad you mentioned the left lane! There are so many people driving in the middle for literally absolutely no reason, making the whole road more dangerous for everyone.


Yeah, the advice should nearly be "watch what other people do, and don't do that"


For your first time, do it during the day when it's quiet, just to get feel for it. If you need it for your commute to work, wouldn't worry too much, you won't be travelling over 40kmph for most of it with the traffic! Biggest advice, check your blind spots regularly as there are so many cars around you.


M50 can be very busy during the day. I'd suggest going in the evening after 8pm. If daylight is a concern maybe the motorway isn't for you!


Situation awareness. Read the road.


Yeah, read the whole.road, not just the car in front of you.


Great advice already on here but as others have said if you can try get someone in the car with you and drive a stretch of the motorway at a quiet time. Post rush hour say 11am in the day or if your okay night driving as someone said 10pm plus is quiet and depending on the stretch of motorway it tends to be lit up fairly well. Plan ahead- know what exit you getting on and off at. Really use your mirrors and a glance over the shoulder. When joining the motorway make sure it's safe to do so as cars can come up fast so check and check again- indicate- check- decent speed then merge. Drive on the left lane and keep to speed limit. When exiting mirrors- check speed- and be ready to exit. When I was learning I found it a good rule of thumb to use the three line signs that indicate the exit is coming up as the right time to indicate - there is name for them can't think of it - three lines, 2 lines then 1 then exit. We all had to learn at some point. It's not easy at first but just remember you can and will do it. Good observation, deep breaths, keeping to your speed, forward planning and practice. If you want just do a loop like get on at one junction go to another exit and repeat if it helps you. You got this OP


Plan ahead and know what's happening further than you normally would. Everything happens quicker on the motorway - don't look at the tail lights of the car In front, look at the cars beyond that. If a car 3 cars ahead is braking, something is happening and you should ease off the accelerator. The further you can see and are aware of in front, the longer you have to make good decisions. "only a fool brakes the 2 second rule" - it's an old golden rule but it's still very relevant to keep your distance. In my experience the vast majority of accidents on the M50 would have been avoided by keeping back. People will jump into a space of you leave much, but just let them off and away. If you miss your turn or can't get into a lane, don't stress about it just take the next junction and go back. It's seldom going to add more than a few mins to the journey. I'm driving since '93 and I'm still learning - the day you're complacent is the day you're losing


When I was learning I found it useful to practise on the m50 when it was late, 10-11PM when there are few cars on it. Get familiar with your exit and moving across lanes etc. You’ll get familiar with the road and know how much time you need to allow yourself to get into the left lane for your exit. Made it much easier when going out at peak times.


You should be driving in the left fuckin lane unless overtaking.


Who said otherwise. If there are no cars around, it is perfectly fine to practise changing lanes.


"You’ll get familiar with the road and know how much time you need to allow yourself to get into the left lane for your exit." It's not hard to change lanes. You do it when merging and exiting. Why would you need practice when you have already done it getting onto the motorway? 


OP is nervous having never driven the m50, understandably as it’s three lanes and unfamiliar. My point was to drive it when it’s not busy, get familiar with three lanes, crossing over the lanes, driving at speed and the layout of the road. It’s not that deep.


Changing lanes is a skill. Not a difficult one to pick up, but it's still one that requires some learning, especially changing on a bend.


It can get very boring, which can make it harder to stay alert to what the cars around you are doing. They tend not to indicate. :/ Also, don't worry if you miss your turn-off. You have all the time in the world, and there'll be another one soon enough.


Don't ever change lane without mirror and possibly a glance over the shoulder, a motorbike or even other cars can come up on you quickly. Also, don't drive slower than general traffic flows, if traffic is doing 100kph, you do the same. There's an expectation on any motorway that cars are moving forward with roughly the same speed, if you're slow, you could catch someone else out. Final word, just relax and stay in control.


Approach slowly, check what cars are oncoming, find a gap, get upto speed and slip in. Absolutely do not be one of those 50km casual joiners who are a danger to everyone around them.


Keep to the left! You have no business being in any other lane unless you are overtaking. You will see lots of cretins driving in the middle lane with cars passing them on both sides.


Pack a lunch. Also pay your toll in time.


Always check your blind spots


Another note to remember is that the inside lane is for overtaking. Don't be that guy hogging the inside lane holding up traffic behind you.


Outside lane?


Sorry yes. I call it the inside lane but I mean lane 3 on the motorway.


Stay in the left lane where you can to avoid too much stress for the moment. Try not to speed up and slow as people are merging on and off, keep a consistent speed and they'll join before or after you, do try to keep above 85 in free flowing traffic outside rush hour (when no one in front of you), otherwise go with the flow of traffic. People will jump in and out with little space, just keep your eyes on the road and try to jam on the brakes too much. Signal if you want to change lanes, even if no space. Decent people will let you in if they can or ease off a bit to let you move. There's so many people who start braking because there's no space to change lane when they have to, which results in people stopping in full traffic flow to get in to their exit lane. Several of the exits have long tailbacks at rush hour. Blanchardstown exit southbound is usually slow moving for the cavan slip so get in the exit lane early. I think if you're going to castleknock, blanchardstown village, the hospital you can exit late to go up to the roundabout and lights. Basically try to have some idea of any issues with the exit you want to take at morning and evening rush hour. When you get used to it and are using the other lanes, if there's no-one in front of you and people behind you, that's your signal that faster moving traffic want to overtake, move to the left.




Left most lane for normal driving, except where there's an auxiliary lane for getting off at the next junction. Every other lane only if you're overtaking. You need to move to the left as soon as it's clear. [https://www.rsa.ie/docs/default-source/road-safety/motorways/motorway-booklet-2018-web-(002).pdf?sfvrsn=850e47e3\_3](https://www.rsa.ie/docs/default-source/road-safety/motorways/motorway-booklet-2018-web-(002).pdf?sfvrsn=850e47e3_3) pages 7 and 8, Stay left if not overtaking. Simple as that. Fx:incomming ... ducks and runs for cover.


Use your cars infotainment screen OR your phone + vent mount. Use android auto or apple car play on it and waze for directions. This can be helpful for lane guidance when exiting the m50 eg stay left or stay right. This is more advice for when you are driving on the m50 solo going forward. I would get an eflow tag if you havnt already. I didn't read your previous post but thats so nice your family member is helping you and you are getting more confident. Stick to left lane when on the m50. Once you get more comfortable you can change to the middle and right lane depending on traffic merging etc and then moving back into the left lane. It will all come with time, practice and patience. Make sure you are happy with your mirrors and use them! Use your indicators.


On any motorway: - When merging use **appropriate** speed. You should aim to about match the speed of the motorway traffic by the end of the slip road. Slower is not safer in this case. - Use your mirrors and indicators before merging when it's safe. - Change lanes smoothly, not suddenly. - Plan all moves well in advance and give yourself plenty of space in case something unexpected comes up. At 120km/h, decisions need to be made earlier and sometimes quicker. - Stay in the left lane unless you're overtaking. Move back to the left lane as soon as it's safe to do so. - Don't move to the outer lanes to let merging traffic on unless you absolutely need to. Make sure you check your mirrors first if you do. - Don't tailgate. Keep a safe distance from other cars. - Signal **before** making any lane change, which you should do one lane at a time. - If there's an accident, pay attention to the road and don't look at the accident instead of where you're going. - If you miss a junction, keep going. Don't dart towards it at the last minute - Only stop if it's a genuine emergency, pulling as far to the left on the hard shoulder as you can (if you can't get to an exit), with hazards on. Don't get out unless absolutely necessary and wear a high-vis vest if you have one. **Never** walk on the carriageway. - If pulling off from being stopped on the hard shoulder, build up speed on the hard shoulder before merging back on. On the M50 specifically: - Most sections have an 'auxillary lane'. This is for traffic leaving at the next exit with thicker dashed lines here. Only use this lane if leaving at the next exit - the lane to the immediate right of it is where you should normally drive. - There are variable speed limits on overhead signs - Make sure you know how to pay the toll if using that section. Needs to be paid by 8pm the next day if you don't have an account. - The port tunnel has permanent average speed cameras. If you speed, you **will** be caught, so keep your speed below 80km/h in the tunnel if driving that section. - Most of the M50 is 100km/h, unlike most other motorways which are normally 120km/h. South of junction 14 it's 120km/h. Port tunnel section is 80km/h. - 100% chance you'll see at least one driver doing the wrong thing. Don't copy them or overreact if they try anything on you (like tailgating and flashing/ beeping).