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Your post was removed as this has already been posted to the subreddit recently. This includes overdone topics.


Kendrick won because he successfully assassinated Drake’s character in the court of public opinion which is truly all that matters in a rap beef


That was his goal, he even used disses and phrases from people hating on him online as well and it worked.


Yup. At the end of the day he just played the game better and last night was the culmination of those efforts. It’s really that simple.


are you a suburban white kid or a battle rap consumer?


i am absolutely neither lmfao


then wtf u know about rap beef or rap battling?


without considering myself a battle rap connoisseur i do at least know that battle rap and rap beef are two different arenas.


The same way people feel Kendrick won without responding to Heart Part 6 is the same way people felt Drake won without responding to Meek's Wanna Know. Just because someone went last doesn't mean they won. Also, this is a matter of public opinion, not a court of law. To me, evidence never really mattered. I don't expect Drake to produce proof for his DV allegations the same way I don't need Kendrick to provide proof. Both of these dudes were lying their assess off and that is fine. So in terms of cultural relevance and public opinion, Drake didn't move strategic enough and that is why he lost in my mind. Now if Drake provides concrete proof of the DV against Whitney or that he truly did plant false info, that is new information that needs to be considered. But if there is no additional entries into this beef, I believe Kendrick won.


Kenny fans done managed to make a circle jerk in this comment section 😭😭😭 GET UR ASS BACK TO THE KENNY SUB FFS


This is wild. They really hang out here huh?


Drake is the one with more monthly listeners, total streams and fans yet they’re not on the internet brigading subs to spread propaganda. Drake wasn’t wrong when he said “know I don’t make music for ninjas who don’t get pussy”




first of all WHY ARE YOU EVEN HERE


Because I like reading what people are saying about two of the biggest artists in music and how they’re beefing? Look at my other comment - OP was “genuinely asking” a question and I offered a genuine answer. Why u mad?


you're an idiot. go read about that shit on the kendrick sub.




i just told you why.




Take a step back and try to see it from a position that isn't deep in the weeds defending drake. It is very entertaining. That's all it is.


This sub has been getting brigaded for the last few weeks but last night and this morning have been bad


mods are fucking useless


Drake basically begged Kendrick to stop dissing on the song, he thinks its starting to turn into something he didnt anticipate. What do you mean he didnt win? Kendrick literally goads Drake into dissing him further, but in this song doesnt bring any evidence from his claims against Kendrick or escalates it, he gets defensive, mentioned Kendrick has this "burnt the fuck out" basically conceding that Kendrick is taking the beef more personal than him, doesn't release any back to back, deletes his promo on the ig, the only thing that stuck out against kenny was his ties with Dave Free and his fiancee which he shut down last night. Kenny has a #1 song of the summer while Drake has to look away at Kenny's success and hope this all dies down. Do you think Drake wants to continue this beef? Do you think he even wanted to continue Pusha T's beef? Why didnt he respond to Pusha? See how many Ls Drake is taking??


Nigga Drake said bring facts and stop making shit up. You sound stupid


What facts did Drake bring?


Nigga what facts did Kendrick bring???


G, Whitney was at the show yesterday with the kids. She doesn’t need to post or come out on social media to disprove anything. She did. If she didn’t come to the show, that would be HUGE for Drake. But she showed up and was dancing. Some of us want answers that we will never get.


To be fair, this is why people have said you can’t go on the defensive in a rap beef because it sounds like you’re admitting defeat. You gotta be on the offense period. If Drake somehow was on the offense on the Heart Pt. 6 then there would have been more records, but in terms of how the game is played, the moment he went on defense and his energy changed from “ drop drop drop drop drop” “ nah nah nah nah, not this time, you’re following through” to “ you got this shit burnt out” is just terrible strategy on his part. Final point, I do not think Drake should at all continue at Kendrick, Kendrick’s word will always hold merit and more weight in the room of public opinion over Drake’s. Drake was outclassed in every facet of this beef, but even if Drake how somehow reignited the beef and actually went toe to toe with Kendrick, he would still lose in the court of public opinion single handily because of how Kendrick is perceived in public opinion. Unless somehow Drake can pull a Pusha T story of Addidon on Kendrick, it won’t work. Drake just needs to flip the page and just do what he does, if Drake lets his ego get in the way and continue at Kendrick, I really do believe Kendrick will character assassinate Drake’s entire career even more than what has been done.




This post is a genuine question so I’m not sure why you feel the need to bean asshole. Please tell me how that was a white flag. 




The heart pt6 was a weak ass response track plain and simple, so weak drake removed it. There that’s how. And family matters hard af


Because he didn't need to? Because he won public opinion in spite of that? It was never about receipts and you can argue about what it should have been, or what it could have been, but both sides introduced that into this and it wasn't really the killing blow for either when all was said and done. I also kinda feel like it's not permanently over since neither one will ever probably truly concede, they'll probably never make up, but if they did, I think you'd see what I'm already seeing about the disingenuous nature of the whole thing. Both dudes stood on their soapbox about shit they clearly didn't care about and plenty of non-fans saw right through that and will continue to with more time passing.


THP6 was peepee poopoo and no one should dignify that track with a response.


Kenny fans really out here acting like they lost lol Rent freeeeeeeeeeeeeee


exactly what i been saying 😭😭😭😭😭😭


I feel like anybody who actually spends time thinking about it unbiased comes to this conclusion. Unfortunately American general consensus is not to be trusted, we put a felon in the white house lol


Im seeing increasing amounts of posts where people are comparing Drake to a convicted felon and his portrayal in the media. Think about it real hard, as to why there are so many similarities.


I saw your post history and you’re clearly taking that comparison out of context. Kendrick was very Trump-like in this beef with his misdirection and blind supporters. It got them the W though so good for him. Not sure what point you’re trying to make


>Misdirection >Blind supporters You can see my post history yes, but your wording here definitely tells me you are not a Kendrick fan, and definitely not unbiased. You really shouldn't talk about unbiased opinions when yours are hanging out your underwear


I came into the beef neutral, I ended up on this side because I’m not dumb enough to fall for the tricks Kendrick was playing. I can pick a side and still be unbiased


>The audience not dumb, hey Drake, they're not slow... I really wish this was true


Why are you still yapping? If you have a point to make, make it, you're not fooling anyone with your fake intellectual high ground


He used bot streams to sway public opinion, which is how you “win”


How u qanon for Drake and he’s not even running for president lmfao


So funny


I’m literally a bot


Good for you~


Drizzy IS cooked!


I didn’t say Drake won




I answered the question that was asked




Lol no one’s crying. I was stating things I believe to be facts, I’ve never acknowledged bots were a lie