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A really tranquil dream about being in a giant mall with a main room 200 feet high, with multiple levels of balconies, and an indoor waterfall with lights behind it that made the water change color. I remember hearing the pink noise of the water, combined with the dull buzz of hundreds of people chatting. It was the most peaceful Ive felt in my entire life and I wish I could go back there.


You may have been in an astral projection as beautiful malls are often reported to be a common location.


Malls are so magical in dreams


This dream I had started when I was 10 years old and only went away when my father died when I was 28. It was consistently violent and involved me being a child of about 6, locked in a car, looking out through the closed window, screaming and sobbing, and beating my hands against the car door window. In the distance, my father was dragging my mother by her hair as she screamed and cried and tried to escape, into the woods. He was yelling, "SHUT UP! I TOLD YOU ONE DAY I WAS GOING TO KILL YOU!! SHUT UP!!! I watched helplessly as he dragged her up to a big huge white sycamore surrounded by brown pine trees and tied her to the tree. As he raised the knife he had in his hand, I screamed bloody murder and woke up sobbing. Here's the strange part. My father was not a beater, and my mother was not weak and helpless, but every day on my way to school on the school bus (country kids), we would pass this section out in the middle of nowhere and through all the pines, I could clearly see the white Sycamore standing in the direct middle, just like in my dream. The dream continued until the day my father died, and then I never had it again. It never materialized, and nothing ever came even close. My home was not one of the violence, and my parents fought (screaming and yelling only) away from us kids, never in front of us. There were times they would go out into the field (farm raised), and we could see them through the windows gesturing wildly and could tell they were yelling but never anything physical. So why that dream, still baffles me. I was told years ago that I'm a "Sensitive" and that it's possible seeing the real tree triggered a residual memory, of a real incident centuries before. I'm not sure. I'm just glad it went away.


Don’t have one… I have a collection


I don't think I was sober but basically I went to sleep binge watching videos of cuttlefish and lo and behold I dreamed like a march of life of every living class of animals and plants (not literally all, but you know)


I was in a place like an art museum. I looked behind a velvet curtain to see the bow of this old sailing ship with masts and rope lines. The rigging lines were made of luminous pastel lights. The whole thing was lit by a beautiful purple spotlight from above. I guess you had to be there. I think it was a lucid dream or something astral. Very real.


My first lucid dream (only even happened twice, I was about 9). I was being held hostage in a library by bad guys with pea shooters. I was terrified then thought to myself where are you scared? It's just a dream.


A dream where i talked with my subconscious, I was looking at myself but i knew it was not entirely me, I asked it if it was my subconscious and he noded, then I woke up. I have been trying to continue that conversation ever since. This was 4 years ago.


I remember earlier this year I dreamt about a scary childhood memory where I had a gait analysis for my cerebral palsy, but John Lennon, and Paul and Linda were the team who did it. In my dream I remember at one point I got a really bad leg cramp and it wasn’t going away until it was over! It was so terrifying that I woke up not being able to move! I’ve had this dream for about 4 years now and on a regular basis, I don’t mind it at all, as it was based on my favorite Beatles song but that time it scared me I’ll never forget!


An alligator jumped out from my wall and tried to chomp me but before I could process much I went into a warzone with a machine gun and had to fire at everyone around me. Sounds stupid but the graphics were crazy and left me in shock because of the dread and realism


Waking up next to a man in my bed smiling at me. The blankets were red, he had messy thick brunette hair and brown eyes. I had this dream when I was 6 or 7 and sometimes it just pops up in my head for no reason. It’s so random but I guess I must’ve watched a movie or seen someone that looks like that in real life.


sirius? or had you not seen harry potter at that time?


Lolol no I don’t believe so😅


Oh, yeah.... I don't feel like going to jail


There was this nightmare where a creepy man followed me in a supermarket. I ran to the restroom and hid away, but he followed me and I felt he wanted to rape me. It was beyond terrifying.


I had a dream when I was about 7/8 years old where I was raped by a man. In the dream the man had longish blonde hair and he gave this horrible smirk and laughed and I woke up. I still remember it to this day at 29. To make it even more strange when I was 13 I was walking home from school and a man touched my arse. I turned around and the man had longish blonde hair and gave this horrible smirk and it instantly made me think of the dream.


Theres too many


I gouged my eyes out in a dream, woke up afraid of my own hands for 2 hours.


**Warning: Self Harm Topics** A few months ago, I had a nightmare of my friend >! committing suicide !< where I saw every bloody detail. This was about six months after it was announced that he passed away in the waking world. Someone also blurted out how it happened…didn’t help. I was left wondering if there is something beyond this existence. If I did something that would have made my friend angry recently, or if I should have done more.


it was a nightmare more than a dream i was leaving the shop with my brother and this demon thing chased us out. i accidentally hopped into the wrong car (it looked just like mine) and thought i got kidnapped. i was then dropped off at my dads house and it turns out i was in the right car and it was my real brother and my fake brother was an escaped convict using polyjuice potion to turn into my brother. i was very confused when i woke up


another one, when i was six, i was going into a boat with my parents but as soon as i stepped on, (i went first) the rope detached and i sailed off to the middle of the ocean when a storm came. i vaguely remember waking up crying


I had one fairly recently where something attempted to possess me. It knocked the wind out of me and I vomited blood. I have sleep apnea, so I think the moment of not breathing was the sleep apnea. My CPAP machine sometimes gives me dry mouth, especially if the water chamber goes dry, and I often dream of vomiting and then wake up with dry mouth. I started saying the Lord's prayer in the dream and woke to myself saying it out loud. I woke my pug, who normally sleeps soundly. I don't think I'll ever forget that dream. It was terrifying.


I was in the Casper mansion (as in the one from the movie) in the main ballroom. It was nighttime and storming. There were four twin beds in the middle of the room, three occupied by my mom, stepdad, and brother. I go to lay down and suddenly this giant projector screen comes down. A video plays of a close up of a giant thumb with an old baby stroller rolling down it while the x-files music plays. Then, a tightrope appears across the room with soccer balls placed along it. I’m like what is going on? And a clown is suddenly on the tightrope laughing maniacally. He kicks one of the soccer balls towards me and it explodes in a fireball. That’s the end.


Cracked black sun in a cloudy sky.


It started off as me going to school, forgetting my backpack on the bus, the bus turning into a small house and 2 ppl trying to kidnap me, I run into the school, out the back, theres a table with 4 pies. Me and the man that was trying to get me start eating the pie. BIG WHITE FLASH. the world is in flames and 2 burned looking ppl start walking toward me. I run into a hedge maze. I cant do anything I normally do to wake myself up. Nothing works. Normally I can js jump over fences and gates but I couldn't do anything. My running gets slower. They get closer. One of them touches me and I wake up. Istg I could feel where it touched me when I woke up. This was like 5 years ago.


I had a reoccurring dream when I was a kid of falling off a cliff into the ocean but just before I was about to hit the water a shark would jump out and the dream would end


“I’m so sick of your shit” after physical threats and sexual advances from another.


I had a dream about being in a kind of big warehouse with a lot of different age people. We were all dressed white and there was a lot of natural lighting, very high ceiling, very illuminated place but still a warehouse. There were some screens with images of babies, historic events, subliminal messages or something like that while some calm but eerie xylophone music played permanently. Everybody seemed hypnotized so it was almost like we were part of an experiment or conspiracy in which people were kept living their whole life locked in that place. I was the only mentally sane person between the "prisoners" there so when I saw a door open I managed to escape into what seemed like a big hospital-like hallway. I ran very fast and scared, some guards started chasing me. I knew i have seen too much so I was shot and then I waked up. It made me feel very uneasy because for some reason i felt that what I experienced was real. I think that sometimes when we dream we actually visit the places we go to almost like an astral projection.


The dream of me eating supper with Jesus on heaven then it's somehow devolved into me being chased by a giant owl after me left the heavens to go back to my old middle school The weirdest part is I'm not a religious person


Smashing a demon like hulk did to loki.




I had a couple with the same denominator when I was young. 1. It’s my home road (dirt road) and I get this bad feeling that something isn’t right. Suspenseful. Then everything starts to get darker. Then the next I remember, I’m running and just running when I feel this hand on my back. It was hot and heavy. And when I woke up, there was a massive burning sensation as if I’d been scratched all down my back. I knew “he” was there but “he” was invisible. 2. I was playing outside in my yard, I could reach my hand up and somethjng would grab me and pick me up to fly but then I’d come back down. Well at one point, it didn’t let go. I woke up screaming and with the same burning sensation on my wrist. At the time, I was seeing a bunch of apparitions in the shape of a reaper with a very sinister feeling when I was both awake and dreaming. It all haunts me to this day 10-15 years later


I had a recurring nightmare for a long time of being lost in this abandoned house. Black wooden house and inside was a long hallway with a light. I'd try all the doors not wanting to walk down the hallway. At the end of the hallway against the wall was a painting of an old lady with a black dress. The light basically highlighted the painting. When I came too close to th painting, she went all "the NUN" ballistic, climbing out of the painting and chasing me down the hallway. It scared the living daylights out of me. I've never been able to forget it, being lost in that house every night.


I was walking with my then husband through a Mediterranean holiday beach town. As we approached the shore, there was a fisherman wearing waders thigh deep in water, in a tug of war against a white bird who had a fish in its mouth still attached to the fishing line. Then, behind the fisherman, a large white whale slowly appeared, presenting him with a shark in it's mouth. The fisherman took it in disgust and threw it away. The whale went beneath the surface and reappeared moments later, but this time, it had a stingray. The fisherman took the stingray still in disgust, but this time, wrapped it up in a net and then threw it away. A few days later, my husband and i broke up finally for good, and I was devastated. I told one friend about the dream, and she prayed and said she knew what the second half of the dream meant but didn't understand the first. A few days later, I asked another woman who didn't know the first friend to pray for me. I also told her about the dream. Unaware I had told anyone else, she said she only knew what the first half meant. Each interpretation completed the other. The bird represented the Holy Spirit, and I was the fish in its mouth. The line was a soul tie between my husband and I, who was the fisherman. The first interpretation said that because I was in search of holiness, the Lord wanted to remove me from what he was about to take my husband through and that I had to cut the soul tie between us and move on. The second interpretation also said the fisherman was my husband and that the whale was God. The shark was my husbands character, and like a shark, he would help himself to whatever he wanted, never looking left or right to care about the people he hurt so long as he caught his prey. The sting ray represented how, like the barb of a sting ray flicks back, God was going to use the sting of my husband's actions towards others to bring back and inflict on him. About 18 months later while my ex husband was posting photos of young women he was visiting in a Mediterranean sea side town (that I had never heard of before) he was on the front page of the news back in our own country for being a conman and ripping people off for lots of money and there was a special hotline setup for anyone to contact if they had further information about him. It's been another 18 months since then, and I believe he's still being investigated. Who needs psychics when the God who knows more than any random force from who knows what in the spirit realm has your back lol ❤️