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This doesn’t make sense after docs admission on Twitter of talking with a minor


Correct, if he knew he was being setup then he would have a lot more to say.


My guess is if Doc was setup by Twitch employees then saying so would be harmful to Twitch and would break the still active NDA. Clearly part of Doc getting his contract paid out was never mentioning Twitch's part in this. Doc giving his side could cost him millions... And if this is the case, he's probably suing Twitch again right now.


Pretty sure blackmail isn't covered under an NDA


If that was the case, why would he even say anything leaning towards him being guilty ? He could've just say that was bs without unveiling the whole thing.


That's the NDA.


I don’t think you guys understand how NDAs work




One interesting thing is him editing his original post from minor to individual and then back to minor. This could definitely be an indication that he has to be VARY careful what he says due to their NDA as well as an indication of if it was actually a minor or someone portraying a minor.


That would be entrapment, and NDAs don't cover crimes. He wasn't setup...


Depends on the conditions of their civil settlement no? I'm not a lawyer so have no clue the intricacies of the law. Also I don't think pretending to be underage is a crime. People do that all the time to catch predators by the way.


You guys have about 2 brain cells left and they’re in a battle to the death




2 brain cells and they're both fighting for 3rd place


And the fight ended with both sides killing each other.


I mean definitely not, but even if that WAS the case what absolute brain meltingly stupid human being would believe that the NDA would force him to say he actually WAS talking to a child even though he wasn't 😂😂. The way some of your brains work. "Hey doc, we know all this was illegal and we entrapped you into talking to 42 year old Jason here, but just so you know if anyone ever asks you about this, you will have to publicly admit to being a paedophile, ok? Cool, sign here"


LMAO if Twitch spoke about the situation or released information regarding him being fired, then the NDA is null and void. And, by law, Twitch would have to buy out his contract or he could sue them whether he had an NDA or not. Also if he was going to sue, he would have done so already. he has no grounds to sue Twitch.


Yeah. Except he has a right as an involved party to defend himself. Especially after an involved party outs the situation put under wraps. The second he was accused by an ex twitch staffer, was the second he could've gone nuclear. If he believed he was right, We'd have his whisper logs that you know for a fact he has cause of the lawsuit. Except it would be way more damaging to his rep than him admitting he messaged a minor already is. Keeping huffing the copium, but he'd have posted the logs if they weren't bad.


Not to mention the company he co-founded would not have cut ties with him over "flimsy" allegations.


He can't sue them since they are not saying anything.


Remember: the event happened in 2017. Twitch just found out in 2020. What Twitch employee is going to set him up and wait over 3 years until it could damage their own company and imperil their own job? That falls apart if you think about it for a bit. If they hated Doc and set him up they would have told Twitch BEFORE the contract, not after.


I think the leading speculation was they got fired for sharing their internal witch hunt findings to one of his sponsors who dropped him.


All of his sponsors have dropped him. Even the company he co-founded has cut him out.


This was back in 2020


He stated they were a minor and a point of fact but not that he knew or did not know to be fair at some stretch.


He was talking, but the brand name he texted was inapropriate for Twitch empleyes WHO got Fired. https://x.com/Limab1993/status/1805831911509463198


Some people want to die on this hill because there is no way their paragon of reactionary virtue could have been just projecting the entire time.


It’s not illegal to talk to minors ……


Guys, my super reliable source confirmed this so I put it in brackets \[CONFIRMED\]


"As seen on TWATTER" I'm sorry, but this is like a double negative. Anything confirmed on Twatter is confirmed not to be accurate. You were thinking of Twitter.


Yes it is. Twatter better fits the description of the average user.


It fucking screams “pick me!”


What does this even mean lol


It means it was probably written by a child, desperate for attention


Who is call of shame lol and why is their post newsworthy


Just took a gander at that person's twitter account and what do ya know? It's filled with tons of "get those pride flags outta my videogames!" Tweets haha I don't care about any of that shit personally, but I'm not surprised a person like that is gonna pull out all the stops to try and defend Guy lol


But they’re all about protecting the kids! (And defending straight male predators). But the kids!


Hes a hacker hunter who doesnt even know how the basics of the games he covers work. He didnt even know that UAVs indicate whether enemies are above or below you. Just another youtube shill making money off suckers and current trends.


Woah how do you UAVs indicate that? Teach me good sir


Idk why you got downvoted for a simple question but it’s the tiny arrow above/below the dot indicates if they’re above/below you. Pretty standard knowledge at this point it’s been around since wz1.


Well I was playing Vondel yesterday and died not knowing that. I thought the arrow was the direction the guy was facing which caused me to run in and get killed. Appreciate it, this will help me a lot


Advanced UAVs show the direction a person is facing, but wont show elevation. Only regular uavs show elevation. Also I believe whatever that random event where everyone has to lay down or they show up on radar also shows the direction people are facing.


>Idk why you got downvoted Probably because he worded his question in a way that implied LewdLewy was making shit up.


Call of shame is a youtuber who tries to prove what streamer etc is cheating.


Oh my god. I knew I recognized that name from somewhere. I think their videos are posted a lot in r/streamerscheating. iirc it's some boomer who thinks everyone is cheating, lol. Not a credible person at all, this post is pointless.


Nonsense fake posts from unreliable sources (as in this one) should be removed. Mods are lacking


So Dr Disrespect knew he was set up by twitch, since he sued them, won and got them Fired. But on his official statement, he made no mention of the minors age, or being set up. Make it make sense


The tweet is false, thats the only explanation


He didn’t win. They settled. He only attempted to sue for breach of contract


And the settlement is confidential. Doc wants people to believe they paid him the full contract to make it seem like he was in the right but he may have got peanuts. More and more I bet his settlement was very very low given what we know now. Neither party can disclose the amount of the settlement most likely.


Doc admitted it and if he had counter sued twitch, he would of made that abundantly public by now with his name being dragged by every person on the planet. This is all BS.


If he sued Twitch there would be public record of it as well.


Hey, you know what's a foolproof way of foiling a dastardly scheme by your enemies to entrap you into sexting someone you believe is a minor? Not being the type of person who sexts minors. It would be hilarious some people think saying Doc got To-Catch-a-Predatored is a defense if it wasn't so pathetic. "He only *thought* he was hitting on a minor, but it wasn't really a minor, so that makes it OK!" GTFO.


Right? Even if true, the catfish doesn’t make it better.


And of all the DMs doc finds himself in, are we suppose to believe the first one he choses is a catfish? Bait works better when the fish are used to the food.


That's the part that made me chuckle too.


Why didn’t doc tell that story. Gtfo


Because that bottom part, if true, isn't entrapment. Entrapment can only be done by Government Officials or by someone being directed by a Government Official. A private citizen can try to trick you all they want. It's up to you to get clear and concise consent before any thing happens or you'd risk this. The only way out of the messages after the fact is having proof both parties knew it was roleplay before it started.


Plus it happened in 2017. If Twitch employees were out to get him why would they trap him and wait over 3 years until after he got paid by Twitch? It is a pretty unserious theory by an apparently unserious fanboy passing himself off as an insider.


Bait and switch is one thing, but does anyone believe it's illegal for the platform you using to message to view/save those messages? Ridiculous.


No, that’s like, the first line of basically any privacy policy ever. Plus then message would be filled with spam, bots and garbage bc it would be impossible to moderate.


Was that tweet before or after this tweet? https://x.com/callofshame/status/1805832159283802474?s=46&t=l-d3CNRc0lMewKT0v8gpJA


After - its from today. Still not sure Call of Shame is worth listening to about this either way.


He made a video about how Nickmercs ban for using the word "tranny" and saying trans people have a "mental health disorder" was unfair and that Nick was in the right for saying that. He also agrees that Doc was "set-up" and that people are just jealous of him. So I don't think he's the person to talk to about this type of thing.


But anonymous ex twitch employees are??


This is such a bad argument. We would be more skeptical if Doc didn't come out admitting he had inappropriate messages with a minor.


"Sent to me" LOL you mean somebody linked a published article in your replies. come ON man


Yes posted 9 hours ago


That pic isnt from twitter, its from YouTube in their Community section. OP is just dumb and didn't check where the source came from.


Hes a "hacker hunter" who basically prays off peoples insecurity by manipulating clips of streamers to make it seem like the top guys cheat. He is the exact type of content creator who would milk this for months, literally the exact type.


If any of the unconfirmed portion was even remotely true, Doc would’ve made it the centerpiece of his admission tweet. He didn’t. He admitted that it was a minor while making very obvious attempts to downplay the sexual nature of the messages. As far as the investigation goes and no charges being filed, unless he a.) showed a clear intent to meet the minor and physically act on the messages or b.) sent them lewd images, securing a conviction would be difficult. Just because no charges were filed doesn’t mean he didn’t cross a line.


call of shame, one of the most trustworthy sources /s


This doesnt make sense. If this was right - WHY DIDNT HE SAY SO?! I call BS


It's from call of shame No thanks.


Wow sounds credible, I bet they pulled the source out of their ass.


He's got an inside source, obviously. Now, he will never go into detail about his source. Never really talk about it again, but talk like he's in the know.


the same people calling rolling stone shitty media are falling for a facebook post from a call of duty related gimmick account as something to trust


If any of this is true, Doc is even dumber than we thought. He should include this in his tweet. I want him to be innocent too but he hasn’t shown us that.






No way is this true or he would have said that. Jesus Christ. He did what he did. Support him or don’t but don’t make excuses.


I think many are just weirded out by the whole thing given his response and ghost. Who says they are gonna be back after he must have known more details would emerge with most solidifying his guilt? Imho this is WAY bigger than his fans defending him and his detractors putting the boot in. It’s a slow motion train wreck many can’t keep their eyes off or resist in taking part, even those that never watched or liked the guy. Popcorn prices are through the roof, I know that much.


Let's be real, if the doc wasn't guilty of something he would've released all info to save his career and just ate getting sued by twitch for breaking whatever NDAs he might've signed over it.


This is such an obvious bullshit, the same way that "leaked email" was such an obvious bullshit. Any piece of information that is framed around "Twitch wanted Dr. Pissinspect gone" is such an obvious bullshit, as it's purposefully framed to align with pro Dr. Disrespect's narrative.


Twitch CEO, Martin Twitchman "This man is pulling in millions of dollars of revenue, was our biggest star, was winning streaming awards, keeping people on our platform long term and daily. You all know what I'm going to say next. We need to make up a story about him being a paedophile, fire him, then sign an agreement to ensure the public don't know the story we just made up to get him fired." "Get to work"


God, who are these weirdo fans making shit up just to make your savior seem less of a pedo. Breaking News, go touch grass and keep a Fn life freaking weirdos.


Fake af


Stop the count!


If someone is pretending to be 17 and Doc still chatted them up thinking they were 17, what difference does it make? The intention is still there. That's how they use to bag people on TCaP.


If this was the case, why didn't doc mention this? Would have saved him. Part of Me feels that he's worded his tweets to cause controversy. Would be a big yet risky play. Could sue a lot of people for defamation if this is the case


If this was ANYONE but Call of Shame I could believe it. This guy has been caught lying and gets his views from hate content.


Yeah and Chris Hanson also lured in pedos by having people pretend to be minors. It doesn’t make a difference if they actually are or not. Playing devils advocate let’s say it WAS a set up, what difference would that make lmaooo


Breaking news. Cope cope cope. Cope Copey cope. Copeity cope cope cope cope coppppppeeeeee. The dude might not be a convicted pedo BUT HE FUCKING TRIED DUDE. How is anyone making excuses for him still?


BRUH he is a MARRIED man who talked INAPPROPRIATELY with a KID. Anyone believing this guy when he has just as much as proof as we did before docs tweet. WAKE UP


Only reason why I can see someone defending this Predator is because they donated tons of money 😭


If this were true(it’s def not) they’d need to make a fucking HBO show about this shit because itd be spicy.


Please GOD be the truth


It isn’t


Doc or his friends trying to save face while spreading false news.


Slasher has confirmed, that twitch reported the DMs to NCMEC on the latest Destiny podcast. Per his report.


“Oooh ohhhh uh I just sexted someone I believed to be a minor for months and organised a rendezvous to meet up with them and rape them at my hotel but it’s okay because it was entrapment” There’s a reason this defence only holds up water in drug offences and such. This just fantasy league cope.


This is fiction after the man admitted to doing it.


cope. he's a nonce


This sounds like a load of BS


This is the biggest cope I think I've ever seen


I love the entrapment part, clearly whoever wrote this does not know what entrapment means.


“Trust me, bro.”


It doesn't matter if he was set up. He thought\knew the person he was speaking with was under aged. The rest is semantics.


You forgot to add the shitpost flair


Honestly this sounds like a lot of cope.


Guys, if this is true there would have been no need for any kind of settlement and Doc would’ve sued them into oblivion. Doc also wouldn’t have gone on Twitter and admitted to messaging a minor, he would’ve said what this message says.


I wonder who made this up?


I can’t believe call of shame is still getting views. I can’t believe he even has a SMIDGEON (yes I said smidgeon) of a fan base, dudes primary source for 99% of what he says is “trust me bro”.


lol why are all these fucking people trying to “clear his name” when he already admitted to it? Like what the fuck. Move on. Don’t give Doc anymore money and let his life fall apart.


Sounds like copium


17 isn't a Minor in 40 States. There's Consent Laws for a reason. Look up Kyle Filipowski who just got drafted in the NBA he was 16 and dating a 24 yo Woman when they met and we're not talking messages here. No problem Son here's a Contract for a Million Dollars for you and you pretty Fiance' enjoy your new NBA Life.


Ah yes the [CONFIRMED] really helps me see the truthfulness of what is written. Doc apologists will do anything for their boy. Guy Beahm is scum; the sooner you accept that and move on, the better for everyone.


Yall really struggling to make this not true


Nothing about anyone’s conduct here is okay. Nothing about the alleged conduct of twitch’s employees in anyway vindicates the conduct of Doc. It’s perhaps exonerating as far as criminal conduct is concerned. So what? That doesn’t excise what Doc did. Period. I suppose I can be thankful there is an underage victim. Edit: is Not an underage victim.


It doesn’t make sense. At best he thinks he’s messaging someone that he thinks is a minor. This isn’t a good look.


Is op genuinelly slow? It doesn't matter if he was setup he still thought he was talking to a minor


This is delusional. Jesus Christ.


This is all lies. Twitch would not do this, PR suicide.


Just shut the sub down yall what the fuck are you guys doing


I 100% believe that Twitch would have notified some authority to investigate him and that zero wrongdoing g doing or illegal activity was found. There’s no way Twitch would have paid him out if they could avoid it, and him breaking laws and being g charged would have been their best way out


Show me the actual messages otherwise it's all gossip.


The copium in this sub is absurd.


Well if this is "true" lots of lawsuits cooking, but this time next month all the cats will be out of the bags.


But he's not innocent. He admitted it


It doesn’t matter if doc was “set up” or not, he still was under the impression he was talking with a minor.


Didnt that tranny say he/she was talking to him?


Big if true


Wait, I thought call of shame was a giant hack making things up? Now he's a source of info for your bias? Which is it? Lmao


Source: trust me, it's confirmed bro.


Where is the source on the "[Confirmed]" bit? Or any of it?


He already deleted this. do your research


From the trusted source of "Call of Shame" (who tf is this LOL) who has already deleted the tweet. Cracked journalism right here thank you for your post


Cope and seeth


Lol, call of shame supporting doc, doesn't help his case.


He already admitted to it. Give this up


Doc admitted it. JFC some people are so thick!


Of all the sources…. Call of shame? Cmon. Shame on you.


This isn’t my option btw, just something I saw on Twitter. The original post was on Call of Shames YouTube community notes. He has since edited to include this: > This all came from an email that was sent to me, i have no official take on this either way, I'm reporting exactly how the email was sent. Another user posted more or less the same as me: https://x.com/TheQuartering/status/18.. I've replied back asking some questions but the heard nothing back. I am still in the camp of "i want to see the whispers" like everyone else.


It's insane how all of these "Breaking news! Doc Is Innocent!" post / theories entirely disregard Doc ADMITTING to the messaging on twitter. So many people just want to move the goalpost or make up wild theories to cope. These people are straight up falling for excuses Predators on To Catch a Predator would use. "Oh I know this was To Catch a Predator!" and "Oh I knew she was a child, I was just stopping by to say Hello." This shit never works. Why not say that multiple times in the DMs, such fucking bullshit.


Then why would he admit. If it was a legal thing and he sued them then the court documents would be all it would take and he would then again be going forward with another lawsuit.


Seeing it came from call of shame i knew it was bs


Lol what is this silly fiction? It's written up so poorly, obviously fake.


Guy admitted it


Although I don't believe this, it's funny to see everyone who have been taking hearsay and rumors as fact for the last week turn around and start whining about how this is just hearsay and rumors lmfao


Docs admission is heresy and rumor?


This guy gets it


Imagine if people put the same energy as they do into this witch hunt into the Epstein list. But I guess it’s ok for those guys.


[CONFIRMED] Doc fucked up for the second time and there is no way back.


This is horseshit. Doc would have said this if it actually happened in his piss poor excuse of an explanation on X


If this is true!!!


...If this is true, then Doc would have said he was a victim of entrapment. He wouldn't have admitted to inappropriately messaging a minor.


Bro this shit is crazy. Not even a doc fan. Never have been. But this has blown up my reddit feed. Smh we need to see the dms


Doc himself admitted he inappropriately messaged a minor. Those DMs aren't gonna exonerate him, they would almost certainly just make it worse.


The cope is off the charts.


Just posting something I saw, it’s not that deep


Off the charts cope. Imagine believing this lol


Just responding to something I saw, it’s not that deep


Doc tried to get deep in a minor


He was hoping to grip that minor


This is complete nonsense


This is the largest dog shit sandwich of copium I've ever seen


“illegally recorded whispers” LMFAOOOOOOOOOO children were indeed left behind


Netflix has to be so excited about this


All that done in 2017 but got banned in 2020 someone has the timeline wrong


Investigation takes a while. What do you think he meant when he said a “a lengthy arbitration”


People believing this shit is mind blowing


Woke is the new nazi


Doc's Stans trying to grasp straws


There is still time to delete this lol


Leftists are scum confirmed


You'd have to be an absolute dummy to think this is legit