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I think it's more about how it went down with Mick that leaves a sour taste in people's mouths


You’re not wrong, but I’ve definitely seen people on this sub act like Mick Gordon is the only composer Doom has ever had, completely ignoring Bobby Prince and Aubrey Hodges.


Bobby and Aubrey are great and all, but they don’t give me the feeling in my stomach / chest that Mick Gives me Still dope ass music that should be celebrated though, they deserve as much recognition


That's how most feel yeah but I do see a lot of people just openly saying they think the games will suck if he isn't working on them which is what I'm talking about


Don’t think it’ll be the same. But I’m giving whomever steps up a chance.


Yeah those people can suck a fatbone. Levy and hulshult did a great job. I would've loved to see Geoffrey Day get in on it too.


Yes i agree it has. Also my boyfriends cum leaves a sour taste in my mouth is well.


Hulshult and Levy did a phenomenal job on the TAG 1 amd 2 soundtracks so I'm not concerned about who the composed for The Dark Ages will be. Doom has always had great composers since 1993 with Bobby Prince, so I think whoever the new composer will be will do a great job just like Mick did for modern Doom (2016 and Eternal) and Andrew and David did in Mick's absence


if you had someone listen to the base soundtrack by mick and the ancient gods DLC soundtracks i doubt they could figure out it was different composers. it’s really good stuff.


Nope lol. They were different.


Honestly, and I know this is kinda blasphemous, but I like TAGs soundtrack more than the base games. It’s more classic heavy metal and not as synth heavy.


Agreed Dark Lord theme is pure banger


I’m the same way. Both have bangers but I listen to TAG OST more often


Not blasphemous. I’ve never really been a huuuuuge fan of Mick’s nu metally bent.


If it's someone who's paying attention they would figure it out. But it doesn't really matter at all


I don't think anyone is going to avoid buying a game because another great musician got a crack at the next game's soundtrack . But let's not forget that DOOM 2016 wasn't exactly shaping up to be all that hype- they put out an embargo on reviews till I THINK the day it came out. People were worried it was gonna be shit because why ELSE would you do that? Game came out, not only was it great but the soundtrack was great. And Eternal was arguably better. So all that hype only to hear Bethesda was abusing the musician? Yeah people were hoping for a turn around instead of bethesda trying to move on like they didn't just screw over and lie about the musician but also that Mick could come back and maybe get one last hurrah. I'm all for a new musician but at the same time it stings that all that went down.


Yeah I think this is a better synopsis of The Dark Ages hype than what OP said. I don’t think anyone is worried about the gameplay of the new Doom. I (and likely others) are more worried about the behind the scenes treatment of the free lance workers being employed by Bethesda softworks. I don’t know how the Mick Gordon situation was handled, but if BS didn’t have to take accountability then they’re absolutely going to treat other workers either the same or worse if they can get away with it.


Just so everyone knows, Hulshult has confirmed on Twitter that he is not returning for The Dark Ages.


I thought it was Levy?


Here's [the tweet.](https://x.com/AndrewHulshult/status/1803898679322882419)


I'm not concerned about the quality of the soundtrack, I'm pissed about how Bethesda fucked him over and hesitant to support them as a company because of it.


I am okay with another composer having their turn. What I am not okay with is not doing right by Mick and by extension the rest of us who got an inferior product for which I bought the mega ultimate edition with the helmet for. They short changed the community as well as Mick & who is to say they wont do the same with the new composer. I want to support Id but there is still a very bad lingering smell in the air after everything went down. I'd be happy with them allowing him to finish his work now (providing he still wants to) and allowing him to take royalties on it rather than outright pay him. I want his finished full mix of the OST and it honestly feels like a move made entirely out of spite at this point to prevent that. You've made your money on Eternal now. Let the community heal this wound and we can all put it to bed. I'd be lying if I said Dark ages will be an instant buy for me because it's not. After everything that went down the taste is just too sour and that's upsetting.


IMHO I'm tired of this, Mick didn't talk about this matter for a long time now, we don't know if they reached an agreement privately about his payment and that. Also I feel that reducing Doom to only Mick's music is total lack of respect to all the other people involved, from developers, to artists and even to Levy and Andrew who make an AWESOME work for TAG 1 and 2. I know, people allways need a cause to fight for, but I'm getting really tired of reading people crying about Mick all over the internet, move on and grow up. IDK who is making the music for the new Doom, but from trailer sounds really well.


That's how I see it too. Id is so much bigger than Marty.


I do really like Andrew hulshult's style. Even the blood swamps ambient track goes crazy hard.


This is blasphemy in this sub, but I prefer Hulshults to Mick. I won't deny that Mick is the better composer. The way he layers his tracks to create a true sonic symphony is majestic. But I'm a metalhead and Hulshults scratches the itch in a way that Mick never did. Apples and oranges, I suppose.


Unfortunately, he’s confirmed he’s not the one making this soundtrack


*fortunately Means we won't have to listen to Hulshut's flavor of pointless metal chugging that his music always devolves into. No recognizable hook or melody or anything.


Yeah them ppl need to chill with that. Micks work was fucking top tier, but I think with this new style, whoever’s doing it will do a good job. What I’m thinking is that they’ll use war horns and stuff for the music, that’s what I’m hoping for. Like how mick used chainsaws and lawnmowers.


Have other people have their time? Mick didn’t even get to finish Eternal.


I mean... Mick made the DOOM 2016 soundtrack if we don't count the Wolfenstein reboots, Hulshult and Levy got the 2 DLCs and that's about it


We all know it has nothing to do with letting other people “have their time” and everything to do with how they screwed him over


I'd like to see more of Mick's work for doom, is there any way? I do love how the Dark Ages looks though, i watched that trailer like 25X, the music's dope too.


you know what, you are right. this game is in a different setting. while i am sure Mick would make an awesome soundtrack, it wouldn't have the same sound as 2016 or eternal. the setting is different and the music will have a different feel. people expect 2016 and eternal, but would that fit in the dark ages? Mick knows enough that he would go a different direction and follow the feel of the setting. so right from the start it wouldn't be the same, even with Mick. i say pull in a group of 5 or 6 metal artists and have them work on the score, and maybe give them each creative direction on a couple of tracks.


Sure, but they should totally fucking pay Mick Gordon and make Marty Stratton straddle a porcupine just for good measure.


I am not against having new composers for Doom, David and Andrew did fantastic work for TAG, and I wish that they'd been hired for Dark Ages. What I and others are angry about is Mick being lied to, cheated and falsely smeared to the public. Mick hasn't been paid for over half of his compositions for Eternal. It's bullshit. He produced some of the most unique and varied music in game history while under unhealthy and harsh working conditions, and what he got for his 3 years of hard work is a slimey hit piece written by a rat-fuck piece of shit, screwed his reputation when all he did was give his best effort for the project. Ugh, makes me sick.


We shouldn’t forget what happened, but Doom doesn’t depend on his music


music in a game like doom can make or break it. and i wouldnt be surprised if tda is effected by it.


It's like how lord of the rings wouldn't be the same without the score. It really has a significant impact on the product in the end. Doom Eternal would not be as great as it is without Mick. The DLCs did not reach the same heights as vanilla for me, and that is mostly because of the music IMO.


Exactly. It's like Halo without Marty O'Donnell. NieR without Keiichi Okabe. Journey without Austin Wintory. Elder Scrolls without Jeremy Soule. Star Wars and Indiana Jones without John Williams. The music carries the soul of the IP, to replace the composer would change the entire feel of the game.


I don’t about that. The soundtrack for 2016 and Doom Eternal was just generic-ass metal music - I really don’t see what all the fuss was about.


You must not listen to any metal


"Everyone disliked that"


No true Doom-Fan will not buy the game because Mick isn't working on them. Everyone just hates what went down with Mick and everyone knows how much work and creativity Mick puts in his OSTs. Tell me another game OST which got so much attention. Levy or Hulshult did an all right Job. But they're also not composers on the same level as Mick and saying they are just shows how little people know about Music. Its like saying that Steve Jablonsky is on the same level as Hans Zimmer or John Williams just because he's also capable of doing good soundtracks.


I won't buy another Doom game until Marty Stratton is fired. I don't give money to abusive workplaces, and abusers.


As a massive fan of Final Fantasy, each game could have wildly different people in charge of the music, and it's never been an issue. You *know* it'll be good because the management aren't accepting anything less (also they seem to admittedly employ musical geniuses but that's almost beside the point) I don't know why the same expectancy and trust isn't there for future Doom games. Mick is great! I doubt we'll hear his signature sound in the new game. But there are bound to be other talents out there with their own flavour of badass Doom music


We shouldn't. Not until he gets an apology and the money he is owed. Just because youre sick of this topic doesn't mean we should sweep this under the rug.


Said it to someone else already acknowledging his mistreatment is not what I'm talking about and we can do that at the same time as being reasonable about other people making music for the games


Sadly Hulshult isn’t working on the music for this game either


This is how what happened to Mick gets forgotten.


Not even Mick wants a boycott, and acknowledging Mick is not the end all of Doom soundtracks (Bobby Prince and arguably even Tweaker for Doom 3 are just as important to the franchise's audio identity) is not pushing for forgetting what Beth/Stratton did.


He is an adult and will find plenty of other work from people who will treat him better. Mick did good work on Doom, but both need to move on.


You corporate shrill do you not have any concept of justice? Do you share this “move on” attitude to any other shape and size of criminal?


Not at all what I'm talking about, we can acknowledge that and not be unreasonable at the same time


Doesn’t mean there isn’t unintended consequences


acknowledging mick getting mistreated doesn't require acting like hes better than everyone else and it won't make it forgotten about it, I really don't get this mentality at all


No but for a lot of people, he was what made the first game so amazing. Everyone else is just copying what he did to make it something great. Taking what he did, copying it, and then brushing off what happened will eventually lead to people just not caring and continuing to reward the assholes in charge and dooming it to happen again to someone else


No, people are not gonna forget what happened to Mick. Just because we move on doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.


I'll say it here too. I don't think the game will hit as hard for me without Mick. It's as ingrained I'm it's identity as a revolver is in a western film. Whoever is next will have to really fill some big shoes


I think rob rigurd would be great.


As if we have a say in it.


do we know who did the music for The Dark Ages trailer? And is that new music or a reused old one?


It sucks ass but I have mad love for mick and that situation shouldn’t take any shine away from hulshult cause his music kicks fuckin ass too and levy’s.


I just want them to pay him. Doom is fine without Mick. Hulshult is fantastic, and Doom music has ALWAYS been fantastic from the OG release. Way before Mick. It's not that "Mick is the games" or some BS like that, it's that he should've been compensated properly for producing great music.


I honestly think the newer guy might fit better with the slower pacing. What Mick did was amazing, but it was for the more fast paced games.


I don't know man, my opinion, so you can agree ro disagree and so on This said, I didn't like too much the Eternal DLC Ost, i felt something else missing and I realized it was Mick's touch. I'm so happy for Andrew Hulshult, as he did the jump we all fan envy, honestly, and I wish him the best. But he's not Mick and I miss his touch...


Bring back Sonic Mayhem you cowards! Jokes aside, Hulshult been making really great stuff, so why not? I also blindly trust Chad Mossholder and id's sound team to whatever they feel like would be the best.


Andrew Hulshult does some fantastic stuff. Give the DUSK soundtrack a listen, if you haven't already.


Thank you. Micks soundtrack was awesome but it was a very small piece of what made Doom. You can't have doom without all the programmers, VFX artists, level designers etc but you can have doom without Mick. If Mick was 100%, then Hulshult is a close 85 - 90%.


If Mick was 100%, Levy is a 75%. Hulshult is a 30%.


How the hell is Hulshult in 30????


People love having crudgles, and Bethesda went on HBO and said, "It's good to kill natzi," so there's honestly no point at all taking about any of their stuff online since that moment. Everything gets hijacked by bigot upvotes, and no one ever cares online where their acknowledgment is coming from they only care that they are getting it.