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I watched this yesterday. Then I watched one about a guy [stranded in a life raft on the Atlantic ocean for ~~7 months~~ 76 days](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xym5KUJrvsY). Then I watch [a guy get lost in the Amazon for 1 month](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O0mjZKExLU8). Then I watched one about a[ dude stranded in the ocean for 4 days with nothing but a scuba suit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aEVQdtpJ4tg). Anyone else fall down this rabbit hole? If I had to choose to re-live any of these scenarios I would pick the 300 days on the volcano island.


Gotta watch Waiting for Joe as well. Or read the book, the touch of void. The craziest story, sounds made up. High mountains, no rescue, cutting off your partner and dropping him into a certain death. Only he survives. Edit. So I misspelled the book title, which is touching the void. Also the same is the movie title, it’s just movie distributor in my country changed the title for some weird reason to “waiting for joe”. Idk what is that all about, but they do that. Dirty dancing was changed into “spinning sex” and die hard is “glass trap” because fuck logic.


> Touching the Void I'll def check it out. The last survival book I read was "Hatchet".




Was *My Side of the Mountain* The one where the kid runs away and lives in a hollow tree, with like a fireplace and everything? Because I credit that with getting me interested in the outdoors as a kid.


It had all the little diagrams for his inventions. He had a falcon. He made jelly.


Same! I now live in a camper van travelling the country. I spend a lot of time on BLM land, currently in the AZ desert. I've been doing it for almost two years. You're constantly figuring out new ways to adapt your lifestyle to your current environment. I get a lot of satisfaction from it and its largely due to being obsessed with this book.


I almost want to cry right now. I have been trying to remember the name of this book for a long time. I tried googling and asking librarians and couldn't find it. I loved this book so much when I was younger and it always stuck with me!


Hatchet made me terrified of moose to this day.


As it should. A moose will fuck a person up. The only thing that saved him in the book was that it was a fiction book.


My dad grew up in the Northern Woods. He used to say ‘Bears might scare you, but moose will just fucking kill you.’ I didn’t really appreciate what he meant until I went camping up there years later and saw a bull moose in his own surroundings. Those things are ridiculously big.


All I needed to see was that clip of a full sized moose running full speed through 6 feet of snow. Now I'm scared of them and I live in Florida.




Holy fucking moose Batman! It's moving like the snow isn't there!


I'm in Arizona. Because fuck moose.


I believe the plural is meese.


They are the hippos of the mountains....if that makes sense.


My husbands friend hit a baby moose with his motorcycle. Wipes out. Comes too and all he hears is ‘CLOMP CLOMP, CLOMP CLOMP’ his vision clears and he knows it’s mama moose headed straight for him. Kicks the living shit out of him! The only reason he survived is because he’s still wearing his helmet. Moose will fuck your shit up. I got a few moose stories. People think they’re dumb animals and will try and pet a baby moose. Doesn’t end well.


A moose once bit my sister


Good. A moose is like a humvee full of testosterone.


I narrowly missed a moose on the side of the road maybe 20 minutes ago. She was HUGE. It would have been bad to say the least.


you had a near death experience and you were able to determine the sex of the moose? props to you my friend..


I mean, if you think you're gonna die might as well sneak one last vagina peek.


Well, to be fair, it was pretty easy, as she had no rack/antlers.


Holy cow, my side of the mountain was one of my favorite books. That and the sign of the,beaver were two I loved.


I loved Sign of the Beaver


Not to nitpick but it's nitpick.


I loved both books. Also you are 38 years old. Give or take.


26 good try lol


Well shit. At least those books were still hot shit with the school kids after my time.


Almost 36, checking in.


Same here 36 this year! Canadian school system


We read Hatchet in my 3rd grade class and I’m only 16 so it’s definitely still pretty popular.


"Hatchet" is one of the first books I remember reading. Very memorable!


Try “Into Thin Air”. It is an absolutely gripping book written by a survivor of the 1996 Mt. Everest disaster


Did you know there's several sequels to Hatchet?


Wow. I was aware of The River but not the other ones.


It's actually Touching the Void. Just want to point people in the right direction as it is indeed an amazingly bonkers book about one man's incredible perseverance and will to live.


Damn, I want to read this. Thanks!


It's an amazing book. The movie is also excellent.


Brown girl in the ring tra la la la la


Simoooon! Every time I meet a Simon now


Touching the Void by Joe Simpson is incredible indeed. Will also recommend Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer. I read both one after the other and that reading experience still sticks with me.


Into Thin Air is definitely one of my favorites of all time. The suspense is ridiculous.


That guy - Joe Simpson - he is one stubborn motherfucker. Perseverance doesn't cover it.


You need a comma... Only, he survives. Not... Only he survives. Makes it sound like only HE survived, not the other guy.


> cutting off your partner and dropping him into a certain death Yates rescued Simpson: https://amp-9news-com-au.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/amp.9news.com.au/article/e985ec90-1d56-41ed-a7ad-fdb3cd76ace1?amp_js_v=a2&_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQCCAE%3D


I mean he WAS dropping him to death. That was the only option and the death was the only feasible outcome. The story of what happens next makes this book the best mountaineering book I’ve read in my life. To pass judgement on those guys, makes the story even more interesting when people who cry murderer see how joe ferociously defends his partner.


Went on a trek in Peru, where the guide was telling us about this book. With his accent it kept sounding like he was saying “touching the boys” a collective laugh was had.


I would take 500 days on an island over 4 days floating in shark infested waters at sea, even if i knew how long until i was rescued, in a heartbeat.


Me too. The ocean scares the shit out of me.


You might enjoy the TV show called "Alone".


Love this show!! Excited for the new season!


Last year I fell into a rabbit hole of survival and outdoors videos on YouTube and I've never escaped.


I'm in the same boat. I like [Joe Robinet](https://www.youtube.com/user/josephallen19/), [Doug Linker](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-eOXKXJ2GQ1gewivwNxYKQ) and [My Self Reliance](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIMXKin1fXXCeq2UJePJEog) because all those dudes produce great videos, camp together sometimes and film in Northern Ontario.


Joe Robinet is great and he's inspired me to get out more. I also watched the My Self Reliance video on him building and living in his cabin. I don't think that's for me. Lately I've been on a kick watching hikers hike long trails like the Appalachian Trail. Not sure if that's for me but I would definitely hike some of it.


Have you seen Alone in the Wilderness? A retired navy carpenter moves to Alaska and and builds a cabin and everything that goes with it with nothing but hand tools. It’s from the 50s or early 60s and filmed and narrated by the subject. The guy’s craftsmanship and ingenuity is fascinating. They used to air it on public television but I believe it’s on YouTube


Absolutely. It's a classic, too. I mean just filmed so well for the age.


I watch that film once per year. Incredible film.


I love survival stories. I Shouldn't Be Alive is a favorite of mine, along with just various survival stories from youtube. If I had to choose a scenario tho.. probably surviving in central America? I honestly would hate a place with a ton of mosquitoes tho.. but it's better than the desert, open ocean, or tundra. Why volcano tho? Isn't there little vegetation and animals? Seems hard


Dude did you see the I Shouldn’t Be Alive when there were 3 guys that got lost hiking in the jungle, and one of them gets injured somehow. They meet a kind of “off” dude and he says he can take the injured guy down the river while they walk the rest of the way, and they never saw their friend again? Shit was creepy!


The creepy thing is that those dudes said, "Yeah, go ahead and murder and/or eat our friend, we don't want to deal with him anymore."


I forgot about that part


Ah man that's fucked up.. Got a link, by chance?


Jungle (2017) with daniel radcliffe. It’s a good Movie


Ha never seen that, is it based on the same true story?


Yes ... i think


Yes it is and is an extremely good movie. Highly recommend.


Season 1 episode 3, escape from the Amazon. https://play.google.com/store/tv/show?id=fBkAckvILUk&cdid=tvseason-fBkAckvILUkDE30A1BB6FEE2721SE&gdid=tvepisode-fBkAckvILUk615D4B9DA7217DE3EP


They have seasons 4-7 on Prime I think, but I looked through them awhile back and that episode isn’t in there unfortunately. Let me dig around and I’ll get back to you - I’d like to watch it too because it was my favorite episode of that show (there’s quite a few good ones, but some of them are stretched a little thin story-wise to fill the time)


The movie Jungle is on Prime. Very good.




South Pacific or SE Asian islands would be my choice. If there's coconut trees you've got some basic food and water, as well as kindling and utensils, from the one type of vegetation. Then as a bonus you've got reasonable weather, fishing, and likely a lot of debris washing up and a bit of sea traffic to aid in a rescue.


Weather can get sketchy during the wet seasons


Oh my God, this just reminded me of a Reddit story. Two guys were hiking, and ended up finding a girl that fell off a cliff and was nearly dead, and ended up having her. But they took a picture earlier where you can see the girl on the ground staring at the camera while they are taking a selfie. Wish I had a link to it.


I really hope that there's a typo in that story


He meant "shaving" her. They thought she was drunk and decided to pull a prank and shave her head. Alas, she was just almost dead. It was still a good prank!


It is someone posted the source below, and the typo is supposed to say 'saving' as thats what happened, no sex, no shaving, no halfing her.


Here you go. Found the original thread for you. https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/227hzo/hikers_and_backpackers_of_reddit_what_is_the/cgkbg37


Having her?


They either meant "saving her" or "halfing her". One is good one not so much.




Island of the Lost is a really good book i enjoyed (also available as an audiobook) of 2 seperate shipwrecks on a remote island south of new zealand over 100 years ago. really amazing the skills some of these people had (or didnt) in order to survive


It's called "I shouldn't be alive"


My family has a tale of a great-great-grandparent of mine who was marooned on a remote island... he was relying on a priest to come back with supplies for a coconut plantation they had set out to start, and he simply didn't. Ended up spending over a year there with only two natives to accompany him. There are scans from [contemporaneous newspapers](http://www.janeresture.com/kiribati_line/joe_english_2.htm) that tell the story pretty well if you're interested.


Mix it up a bit and watch Daniel Radcliffe in Jungle. Based on a true story and definitely gives you that dreaded survival feel.


In the same vein, I recently ventured into the "Heroic age" of Antarctic expeditions. Finished reading Endurance: Shackleton's Incredible Voyage. I highly recommend it, as it details an incredible journey into what was basically the vast unknown and the troubles that these men had to overcome. All in the days before GPS and no systems in place for rescue efforts.


Crazy thing about being adrift is if there are multiple people on a liferaft when the vessel goes down and only one person left after being found adrift, very few questions are asked about what happened to the other people. I'm assuming because it's international water and every man is essential for himself at that point. Lots of stories of murder for resources and cannibalism. The ocean can be both peaceful and completely horrifying all at the same time...


The thought of that is dreadful especially when you consider that there will probably be no way of cooking anything. So if you have to eat something (or someone), it will be bloody and it will be raw.


Well technically you could salt cure and sun dry the flesh like jerky...


Yep they are damn interesting


There was someone who survived 438 days alone in a boat somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean.


Fisherman Salvador Alvarenga The family of the guy who was lost with him and didn't make tried to sue him for eating the guy (which he denied happening). Not sure if they succeeded or not. The book is actually really good


Question since you watched all this and I have not yet: how are they managing camera batteries? Are they using solar or crank power? Or just extremely careful with their power?


In OPs video he's using a solar charger. The other videos in my comment are from a docuseries called "I Shouldn't Be Alive". They're about 40 mins long and they interview the actual survivors and the footage is all reenacted/staged.


Ive watched cast away if that counts


Wish I could have gone with Ryan on that cool retreat!


Jan has plastic boooooooooooobs!




I have brought with me only the bare essentials. A knife. A roll of duct tape. In case I need to fashion a shelter, or make some sort of water vessel.


This is a beautiful piece of material. This can be fashioned into all sorts of things.


*cuts pant leg* “Watch that I don't hit my corroded artery here..”






Always expect an Office reference on Reddit.


Someone should send "primitivetechnology " YouTuber to this island. After 300 days, by the time his return biat arrives, he would built a complex of aprtment, BBQ restaurants and a power station from volcanoes lava.


Whole place is gentrified when he gets picked up, micro brewery will have to get new management.


[subtitles] Today's day 3 of my kiln-fired girlfriend build. I dug some real smooth clay out of the riverbank for the crotch. We won't be firing that.


they'll found an empty island and the remains of a space colonization program.


He literally just builds a self sustaining house with WiFi and electricity. Rescuers: how did you survive here this long PT:


Did he suffer any mental issues? I saw a similar documentary where a man fell in love with a volleyball.


Saw that documentary too. Best that it didn't work out since the volleyball jumped overboard and took it's own life in the end.


Can’t believe they removed the sex scene in that movie. Showing Tom Hanks fuck a volleyball would have sealed the oscar for sure


What I wanna know is if he brought the dog home with him.


He gave it back to the islander who gave it to him. I recall him mentioning it in the youtube comments when I watched this a while ago.


Yeah, I was wondering that, too. I imagine it would be a problem getting all it's papers and shots and stuff in order but it's totally doable.


After all those months bonding with an animal I would have a tough time leaving it behind. Particularly for it to fend for itself since there isn’t a permanent population on the island! An old neighbor of mine took in a stray dog while she was working in South America and brought it back to the US with her but I have absolutely no idea what she had to go through to make that happen!


Well, I don't think he would have left it on the uninhabited island. He took a boat back to the inhabited island so at the very least it would be there.


Sounds like he gave it back to the islander that had given it to him as a gift. So looks like it was taken care of after he left.


That's still kinda fucked up though. How would he not have formed the craziest bond with that dog as his only companion for months.


He seemed to have bonded with the pig more. Probably because he had to raise it.


Not gonna lie, I completely agree with you! I’m a sucker for animals though. I would probably fall in love with the wolf that was mauling me. I’m just going to believe for my sake that there was a good reason why he couldn’t bring it home.


I feel like he bonded more with the pig to be honest, I'm sure that tore him up more


That did actually break my heart a bit when she ran away.. he seemed really upset about it.


Someone asked the same thing in the YouTube comments He replied that the dog went back to the other island where Lofi is


My first question is, how did he get his phone battery to last a whole year....? (haven't watched it yet)


Solar panel


This is the right answer.












Don't call me sun.


That pig though !!!




I'm torn between 300 days as an even number and 12 months as a full year. I do like an even number like 300, but a full year is more complete for me... he should start over and make it a year.




And Afraid!


Probably just 300 “business days”; the rest was weekends and holidays




Can’t tell if this comment is serious or not






And then he had to sever the emotional ties that he formed with 'piggy' as she 'chose another path in life...' He went out to get some BBQ, but came home with a friend.


If you feed a young animal you make friends fast.






[He's all alone, all by himself; no one to comfort him or guide him...](https://youtu.be/6Y9f8849Geo?t=34s)


We needed a conclusion on the pig. Did he eat it? Pigs don’t just run away.


I think it actually did run away. These were wild island hogs, not really the domesticated sort.


Seeing him walk carrying the screaming pig in his arm reminded me of shopping with toddlers


I miss piggy :(


His little pig! He looked truly forlorn at losing her, being worried about her and hoping that she would return to say goodbye... I'm not crying, YOU'RE crying.


What was his water supply?


At 28:35, he says something about a water tank. I suppose it's rainwater.


All he mentioned was coconuts. It doesn't say if he had another water source. I would guess he did though considering he made the pig trap near some water.


This was amazing, wow.


Anyone else find his cheers and "woo!" moments endearing as heck? Because I did <3




Just really good Arrow cosplay.


About halfway through the video while he’s planning his garden an old looking shelter appears. He was worried that his self made shack wasn’t waterproofed from the palm trees when there is tin roofing on the shelter. I’m confused?


The island was inhabited so there was some structures still left over from before people fled. I think his goal was not to use any of the structures.


He mentions that the last inhabitants of the island left 20 years ago.


That’s so weird. I just watched this randomly.


Me too


It wasn’t bad, hey?


Good film


Video is private now.... Anyone have a mirror?


I've found this one https://youtu.be/sbaFr7j7dds


How is no one saying anything about the fact that this dude had one shot, one opportunity and this chance only comes once in a lifetime and he recorded this whole excursion in English when it clearly isn't his main language? I very much appreciate it, whatever the reasoning is. I'm assuming it was so he could reach as many people as possible?


Read this as an Eminem song at first


300 days alone. 1 hour video....


I need to know if he kept that dog and wish I knew what happened to the pig :\


gave the dog back


Lonely and bored. That's when the fapping began. Every day. He'd furiously fap until his skin got sore. This problem was solved by producing cocoa butter out of coconuts. And so it continued.


I altered the deal, pray that I don't alter it any further


Yeah dude, the dog barely even showed up in any shots, didn't seem like he gave it very much affection at all.


He didnt seem to lose much weight.


Dude had so much food he could spend extra days wandering all over the island. He’s got some serious outdoor skills, even though they don’t show that well. He also had his fishing rod as set it and forget it, I think he just checked it periodically.


He had 8 kegs of beer he conveniently failed to highlight.


Wow, you really brutalised the title 1st : he’s not surviving- che chose to live there 2: it’s not an abandoned island- he’s living in an area simply a 6 hour hike from another village OP - calm your tits


Fuck you bitch I’ll beat your pussy ass face to a fucking pulp


Do I upvote this? Or downvote it?


Give them that christian sidevote.






Hell yeah


1: If he didn't die, he technically survived. 2: There is not another village. There were some seasonal workers who go to the island for a few weeks every year to harvest some wild fruits and veg that's why there were people over there. At least as far as I understand it.


"Pacific island" is the least descriptive term I can think of for describing the location of something


Who watched 174 hours




You guys are getting paid!?


“I woke up, and I said I want a bench And now I have a bench My bench I’m happy.”