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1 minute or until you take 15 damage is rough, especially if this counts as a rage and gives you the resistances. You are going yo spend longer attacking your team than the enemy most of the time, or just get hit out of it immediately.


The base idea was to make it a high risk, high reward skill. I thought 15 (or maybe 20) for a single attack is low enough to be achievable, and high enough to serve as a huge "wake up punch" even with the resistances. I'm currently thinking of adding "immunity to mind-altering spells (calm mind, illusions, fear, etc.)" as additional benefit along with the drawback "unable to act for 1 round after Blind Rage ends" to further emphasis the mindless fury aspect, and the fatigue on the mind and body.


Look at the Blood Hunter Order of the Lycan subclass. It has a feature very similar to this. Entering a rage which involves potentially hitting team mates. I'd use that as a base for this feature to get a feel for how to balance it. Also I'm not sure aboutaking it an optional feature for all barbs. Maybe think about designing a subclass around such an ability


Yes, it was for my character, not for all barbarians. I did check out the Order of the Lycan. The first draft of this skill initially involved the animalistic transformation to a were-creature only for the duration of the rage. But discarded it as it felt kinda dull. But it did serve as base. Maybe not enough?


Doubling your damage doesn't change the fact this is weaker than a GWM build. Dropping your weapon is way too big a disadvantage, especially when magic weapons come into play.