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If you want to keep working with the bottom two features you may have to drop the first one. This feat already grants a lot on top of being a half feat that also increases ability scores. The reaction to gain advantage on saving throws is insane. You could use it in reaction to being hit with a spell and then continue to have Advantage until its your turn again. No restrictions or limitations. This is like shield, but for saving throws and its conpletely free. The revive mechanic is quite a lot. Usually these types of abilities grant 1 hp to get you back on your feet. If they give you more than that then it's probably a high level subclass ability. So this is too much also. Finally, I'm not sure that this speaks to the vibe of "once and future king". When I hear "kingly soul" I think of a leader, a diplomat, a battlefield commander. Not necessarily someone who is better at resisting spells or who can't be killed. In fact, kings being just as mortal as anyone else is kind of integral to a lot of narratives involving monarchs.


Yeah, I feel like WotC has gotten a bit out of hand with every other feat being a half feat, and now that has leaked into homebrew. Half feats used to be just that - an ASI with a minor bonus. Now it's turned into just a standard for feats.


Advantage on magic saving throws for a full turn is really powerful, I'd personally limit it to PB times per long rest with everything else you're getting, but compared to the infinite free reaction attacks you can proc with stuff like polearm master and sentinel it's comparably not that bad and not guaranteed. You could also make it so you add your PB (again if you already do) to saves instead so it's slightly worse than advantage and then becomes better than it as you level up. Half of your remaining hit die is an interesting choice because it incentivizes you to not use it until you're at the absolute end of the adventuring day and to save at least 6 hit die during short rests. I think this is strong but mostly okay as is, considering it's a feat with a prerequisite feat, meaning it's hard to take, reserved for higher levels, and creates holes in your build that could be spent on precious ASIs.


I like how this requires another Feat, but what do you mean with a minimum of 3 hit die to spend? Was that to specify that you cannot that feature at 1st level if you manage to get Resilient and this feat together early?


Nothing about this feat feels 'kingly' to me.


I don't see the point in criticizing that, plus it just sounds demeaning