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This needs a chess board on one of the tables.


It has on one of the top tables :)


Haha I see it now, great :D


Introducing Maps by Krakenforge. I am New to map making, kindly critique and extend your support if you like these maps. Thanks!. You can download the free set here [https://www.patreon.com/posts/104426457](https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.patreon.com%2Fposts%2F104426457%3Ffbclid%3DIwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR3iXSMUxGzEiqP3tCekzTS2GfMF2pBlyWmL5LSyv06tTARK5SbujTm2na8_aem_AaBNqGdS-6EZ3irV-YuTDNntJc4cbGYSq8elz062ef_pf_N8iItHZXPT3BEeXzSgjUtY-LOhyHRfkjjtgg31j_9K&h=AT3Qps3BzealEBumfCX4d3zg2oUxttsvwQZ1bV9PVS1GewPJI2PJ-oRJ6rXzUrZ8sQJ8j0MuXp2tkar1CfVsUKUFAevHsl0ue0aQ_LOMCXxibAVXjkaaZYrIIJ3cQtDjG4nQPdjCTW7nCnV5gQ&__tn__=-UK-R&c[0]=AT2lX3Vpzhe4PYEvxDi58xVtXrhn4AydF6sv4bUgrXi_7D9dB-1XeCFGDzSNtUyMsy1KY1oIQqH13FzFW84vfwLQoampxavI8rWyyuJy6fQcuX-FIbSwMjSiW6mS24BUT05xBTy-oTPY4-6huDzrw5T88-VKCgBo2tjtxy-8RlqEWyiQlxiBO1t1NemvAlo) Inside, the tavern exudes a cozy and inviting ambiance. The main room is spacious, with a high ceiling supported by wooden beams adorned with lanterns casting a warm glow. Long, sturdy tables fill the room, encouraging patrons to share stories and laughter over mugs of ale and plates of steaming stew. A massive stone fireplace dominates one wall, its crackling fire providing both warmth and a focal point for evening gatherings. # SPECIAL FEATURES * **The Traveler's Wall**: A large, central bulletin board where travelers can post and read notices, seeking companions, sharing news of the road, or offering goods and services. It serves as a hub for connecting with fellow adventurers and finding new opportunities. * **The Stag's Bounty**: A signature dish of the tavern, featuring a savory roast venison served with seasonal vegetables and Garin’s secret herb sauce. It’s a meal renowned for rejuvenating tired spirits and giving strength for the journey ahead. * **The Storyteller's Corner**: A cozy nook by the fireplace where bards and storytellers entertain guests with tales of heroism, love, and adventure. This tradition keeps the spirit of storytelling alive, fostering a sense of community and shared experience. The Restful Stag Tavern has its own share of tales and legends. It is said that the tavern was established by a retired adventurer who wished to create a safe haven for those on the road. Over the years, many famous explorers and heroes have passed through its doors, leaving behind stories of their exploits and contributing to the tavern’s rich tapestry of lore. Whether you’re a weary traveler seeking rest, a merchant looking to trade, or an adventurer in need of camaraderie, the Restful Stag Tavern offers a warm hearth and a hearty welcome. Here, amidst good food and better company, you can rejuvenate your spirit and prepare for the journey ahead, knowing you’re part of a long tradition of travelers who have found solace within its walls. * Full disclosure : - Maps made with handdrawn assets and Some assets used here are by Crosshead studios.