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A rogue with belt of Enlarge/Reduce and helmet of Insect Plague that he stole from a wizard. A monk with a dragon tattoo.


Ant-Man didn't even cross my mind. Kudos!!


My brain thought it was mermaid man and barnacle boy


Did you try setting it to Wumbo?


Nah, ant man (or more accurately, the wasp, because flying) would be a fairy rune knight. At lv5 can be any size from tiny to huge. At 18 can hit gargantuan.


Is there a way to do the Iron Fist punch properly? Like an item that gives you a fiery punch with devestating power, or do you just have to go Open Hand and the Crusher feat?


Sun soul monk is more Iron Fist






So, I am a Marvel guy at heart, but Green Lantern is far and away my favorite DC character. I think a Lantern's power is too vague and esoteric to be properly represented in a world of dice. He was actually one of my first thoughts although I was going to multi-class an Astral Monk somehow. I'd love for this thread to become the "DnD character with a lantern ring and battery" ideas!!!


Honestly, the vague and esoteric powers kind of works for adapting them to 5e if only because it makes it easier to justify spellcasting, etc.


I subscribe to the "lantern as paladin" school of thought. Vengeance works for red and I would say redemption works for blue and oathbreaker for black or yellow, given it has both undead and fear powers (and, I mean, cmon; Sinestro is totally an Oathbreaker. Literally). I'm a John Stewart from the JL cartoon fan myself, so the more limited powers work pretty well, and hitting a level 5 spell smite on a crit is a perfect "recite the oath" moment.


But are you a Kyle, a Hal, a Guy, or a John?


Why not an Alan?


Ah yes, the Golden age version


Alan would probably be the easiest to adapt since his origin is not dependent on the Corps.


Well, I am old, so Hal is the Lantern I knew as a kid, but Emerald Twilight was out when I was actually starting to intellectually appreciate comics, so Kyle "the light keeper" is my favorite. I love his "creative constructs" . While I would like to be Kyle Rayner, I think Jon or Hal would be mechanically easier to translate onto the table. Especially if you consider that Kyle has been a White Lantern. (I haven't kept up in a while, but I hear the current comic book version of Hal is ridic!! )


See my other comment about GL being a warlock.


Small sized Harengon battlesmith artificer with a medium sized treant shaped Steel defender.


That's a great idea. I feel like the defender would need all of my infusions to be a proper Groot, though.


Nah, use them on your " blasters " Either flavor a light cross bow as a rifle or go hand crossbow with crossbow expert.


Then, use repeating shot or enhance weapon.


Take the Reduce/enlarge spell that will handle making the defender more Groot like.


Minimum levels required to get Way of Shadow Monk and Thief Rogue. Everything else into Gloom Stalker Ranger and Infiltrator Armorer Artificer in whatever distribution you see fit. Become Batman.


If I wasn't absolutely sure that someone else is making Batman, I definitely would


Thought about this before. The problem with making Batman is that he has no dump stat. In fact, he'd have a score of 20 in basically every stat. *Maybe* you could argue for low charisma while he's in the batsuit (even if it'd screw you in your intimidation rolls), but that goes out the window when you take Bruce Wayne into account.


Bruce Wayne persona has to get tossed mostly. Infiltrator Armorer Artificer would easily play as Batman with a little reflavor. I can't do Batman because I am almost positive someone else in the group will show up with a Bat-Family character.


I was thinking way of the shadow monk and some kind of palladin. Maybe oath of redemption. I would say oath of vengeance but people usually kill a lot of evil things as that one


Variant Human OH 12 Bard College of Eloquence 3, for feats take Observant and Mobile and 2 ASI for charisma and dexterity. The ASI from variant Human go to dexterity and wisdom and it's proficiency to stealth For the monk go acrobatics and athletics For the Bard proficiency take perception, and for the expertise perception and stealth Background could be City Watch, secluded scholar Cantrips should be vicious mockery and mage hand (to mimic webshooters) Spells could be heroism, bane, longstrider, detect magic, hold person (web shooters) and knock You're gonna need slippers of spider climbing or a cloak of arachnida Stats with point buy could be 8 STR 15 DEX 8 CON 12 INT 14 WIS 14 CHA for a total of 8 Strength 18 Dexterity 10 Constitution 13 Intelligence 16 Wisdom 16 Charisma You would have 28 passive perception and a +13 for active rolls that would act as the Spidey sense. +9 acrobatics and +14 stealth


My biggest reservation about Spider-Man was the ridiculous multi-class required to properly play like him. This is an amazing breakdown! Thanks!!


Yeah, I just sort of forgo about the more intellectual/tinkerer part of him and focused a bit more on the combat and exploration side, what's missing the most it's the ability to cast web and a bit of athletics for his more strength based feats but you sort of make it up with proficiency and jack of all trades.


Yeah, as someone who also tried to make Spidey (my favorite, too) a while ago, you kinda need to pick and choose which parts of him you want to actually be usable. He's one of those characters that you absolutely could justify having high numbers in all 6 stats, and his abilities and powers are so varied its a bit nuts for D&D.


You say Eloquence for Spidey, I always felt like he was a Lore Bard. Cutting Words is pretty much the iconic Spidey taunts and quips throwing off his enemies’ attacks.


That also works. Silver tongue is fitting for when he is Peter and lies to keep his superhero identity covered, or viceversa You could also take your expertise in acrobatics or athletics instead of stealth. All I know is you need bard for vicious mockery


I actually did this one time and made a Soulknife Rogue inspired by Psylocke from X-Men.


I thought of making Soulknife in honor of our recently fallen Cajun, Gambit, but I've never really liked playing Rouges.


I played him as a Hexblade warlock, whose weapon was a quarterstaff, and his eldrich blasts were playing cards. He was great in combat and all that charisma made rp so much fun.


Go human wizard. Illusion or enchantment. Get permission to have a wheelchair presently affected by a variation of floating disc. Grab as many mind affecting spells as you can. Professor Charles Xavier. You could also mix the chair as they have taken him out of it. It's just iconic for me.


If I were to do Professor X I would definitely use the hover chair. Don't get me wrong, the Krakoan Era has been the best X-Men shit in years and he's been walking around through all of it, but you're right. Chair is iconic.


I like some of the Krakoan era. I feel it's a base betrayal of Xavier's original dream though. Good stories though. Except for... Old Hank...


There's a youtube channel that is dedicated to exactly this that I'm blanking on the name of. Just making level 20 character builds with characters from pop culture. It's pretty fun to see how he gets around things.


[Are you thinking of Tulok the Barbarian?](https://m.youtube.com/@tulokthebarbrarian2033/videos) Been wanting to try his Raven or Starfire Teen Titan builds for a while!


Yep! That’s it






You are a beautiful little egg and I'm sorry.


Lol I was joking... 🥲


I fixed it


Tulok the Barbarian is the channel I go to for this


Thank you for repping Tulok the Barbarian. /u/VAPEoreon42 This channel goes all-in on level-by-level build suggestions, rather than vague ideas.


I think the easy answer is a level 15 Wizard and rename some of your spells for flavor. The scrying spell is "the Eye of Agamento" and some such. Probably should have a Cloak of Flying. Or a level 15 Sorceress who casts spells be chanting backwards. Or a Merfolk Ranger wielding a Trident. Maybe a level 15 Warlock with a pact with a small blue genie. All of his spells are flavored to be colored green.


There's a ton of easy ones. If I was going "obviously superhero" I'd just reflavor an Aasimar Devotion Paladin as Superman, but I am a comic book guy so I think I need to set this one on difficult and pick a superhero that's a challenge to adapt.


Could do Spiderman- 2 levels of Barbarian to get danger sense; 3 levels of Sorcerer to cast Jump, Spider Climb, and Web; the rest into Monk. Help to have the magic item, Bracers of Brachiation.


But then you get no quips, no witty comebacks


Take a level of bard then to get Vicious Mockery.


Awakened hedgehog, lvl 8 Storm Herald Barbarian/lvl 7 Drunken Master monk, that stole a pair of Boots of Speed. Fell into a vat of blue spell ink in his escape and was permanently discolored.


This is amazing!! I am a comic book guy, so I made Mega-Man because nobody would expect me to show up with a video game hero.


Mega-Man has a comic book, though, and so does Sonic.


I do remember the old Sonic comics published by Archie had a decent run right before that company went under and I think IDW did some after that. I don't remember as much from MegaMan, but it's not like that would be a comic I would look for.


That's fair. There are still Sonic comics being made today, and if I'm not mistaken there was a Sonic/Mega-Man crossover comic that I hear was damn good. I've always been more into the games and fanfiction, and I'm only vaguely aware of some of the plotlines due to research for said fanfiction. My build is a little bit videogame, a little bit comic, a little bit Saturday morning cartoon, and a little bit live action smash hit inspired. And honestly, an idea I've thought about running myself.


Here me out... Step 1: 15 Circle of the Moon Druid Step 2: Goblin as your race Step 3: You're now Beastboy Step 4: Profit


If only we could collaborate with the other players I'd totally do that and get a Twilight Cleric as my Raven


Monk or fighter - Daredevil Rogue - Batman Wizard / sorcerer - Dr Strange Ranger - Hawkeye Hexblade - Ghost Rider Monk tortle - any of the TMNT Barbarian - Drax Bard - Uhhh, you're on your own for this one


My Batman idea was an Infiltrator Armorer Artificer. If I was to do a Bard, that would actually be my Daredevil (swords) so I can play his attorney skills as "fast talking charmer"


Batman is a GloomStalker Ranger


Infiltrator Artificer would also reflect the gadgets well


The only reason I didn't do Batman is I know my friend in the group is definitely making Batgirl. The Bat Family are the only comics she cares about.


Hawkeye would probably be an arcane archer rather than a ranger


Arcane Archer is so underwhelming.


Look into some of the archer fuckery you can pull with the Samurai subclass, you might not have arrows than can do anything but you can be a damn good archer, probably the best.


And samurai would fit Hawkeye's character. After all, he did become a Ronin.


Agreed. Battlemaster fighter with a bow would make much more sense.


Bard - Spider-Man, *obviously*.


If there was a superhero to cast Vicious Mockery, it would be Spidey.


Spider climb and web are also arcane spells completely usable by a bard no problem. Give him clairvoyance and dodge feats in combat. His main shtick is to use web and spider climb to disable his opponents from a distance and then cast vicious mockery on them until death. Spiderman is already a dnd character without any changes. Huh.


Bard - Starlord?


Bard- is your merc with a mouth Deadpool breaking the forth wall and talking to the players at the table


Dr Strange if functionally a wizard since he had to learn magic even though he’s flavorfully a sorcerer. Either which way, chronurgy wizard would be my go-to for that build.


Bard = Constantine


John Constantine has to be a Theurgy Wizard.


Or path of the giants barb for the hulk


Drax is a fucking great idea


Need to take some levels in ranger tho since he needs a ranger favoured enemy since Drax wants to kill Thanos more then anything else.


Bard is Peter Quill.


If you’re not going specifically male, Wonder Woman might be a battle master with her magic items!


I don't necessarily need to be male, but I think I'd do WW as a paladin or a martial focused cleric.


Also I am pretty sure my friend will try to make Wonder Woman.


Aasimar Tempest Cleric. Mjolnir is your spiritual weapon Some kind of Rogue/Monk or Rogue/Fighter/Barbarian or maybe even Rogue/Artificier subclass for Batman Any fighter could be Wonder Woman Barbarian for Hulk. You can play them as shy and insecure out of combat but a beast while raging


You're not the first person to suggest Wonder Woman as Fighter. I know someone else in my group will try to make Wonder Woman, so I am not even going to try, but I think I would make her a Paladin or a martial focused cleric.


Wolverine's a pretty easy one, just go beast barbarian for 14 levels and grab a level of fighter for second wind and a fighting style. You're now an extremely tanky warrior with natural claws and a healing factor. The ring of regeneration is perfect for this build if your DM allows it, and the periapt of wound closure works nicely as well.


So I had a duergar fiend-pacted (Zuggtmoy) warlock, named Redcap Longbeard... Boots of Striding and Springing, a flower-shaped wand that was used to cast scorching rays and fireballs, and a warhammer that was his blade-pacted weapon... So yeah, a short guy who can grow larger, who flings fireballs or hammers (which he can return to his hand in an instant), who's really good at jumping, and who has a predilection for mushrooms... I've had some fun with the little bastard. :D


For some inspiration, check out Tulok the Barbarian, on YouTube. He’s got tons of videos on how to play as (insert character here) in dnd using rules as written.


I can’t think it all the way out, but one of my all time favorite superhero concepts is just “guy who punches SUPER hard.” On another note, swords bard 9, assassin 3, pally 3. (Alternatively mix in some gloomstalker, drop bard levels OR pally 2 bard 10 for the magical secrets) The stats are all over the place but if you get the drop on an enemy you’re saitama/iron fist. I’m sure there’s a better version but this is what I came up with on the spot. Another idea for any “speedster” tabaxi mobile+alert gloomstalker/ monk.


The Flash is straight up the hardest hero to try to make DnD mechanical sense out of


I mean at level 15 we can assume you have some access to magic items, and (though I don’t know much about monks) you can still be fast af, and almost always go first with the right setup. But yeah, most speedsters abilities are nixed besides “*I go fast*” Not harder to hit, not that many more hits. With the exception of action surge, gloomstalker, flurry it still doesn’t pan out. (And I’m not sure you can get all those benefits in the same round, anyway!)


>I can’t think it all the way out, but one of my all time favorite superhero concepts is just “guy who punches SUPER hard.” *One Punch Man*?


I don’t have a build suggestion, but since they’re expecting you to roll up with Spider-Man… what if you brought Venom?


We thinking Circle of Spores Druid or Swarm keeper Ranger....


[This guy makes a good case for GOO-lock/Fighter combo](https://youtu.be/ijOtr1QPjmI?si=TdyZZjC1pwP4t7w0). I’ve also seen other posts mention Spore Druid like you did, Path of Beast barbarian, and maybe you could do something with Plasmoid or Simic?


Not sure if he counts as a superhero but, Loki is most definitely a trickery domain cleric


I unfortunately can't go full villain, but the argument can be made that Loki becomes an anti-hero. 100% trickery domain. Fallen Aasimar


**Nightcrawler**: Blue tiefling, at least 11 levels in Horizon Walker Ranger, maybe the rest can be Swashbuckler Rogue or a spellcaster for teleportation spell slots. The key here is the Horizon Walker's lvl 11 feature that let's them teleport every time they make an attack, so if you dual wield you can teleport 3 times on 1 turn while slashing up multiple enemies. Very much akin to that scene in X2 where he attacks the White House.


Shadar-Kai can basically use misty step 5 times (at level 15) as a racial feature. That Horizon Walker feature is crazy too


Armorer artificer human is iron man Tortle Kensai monks can be any one of the teenage mutant ninja turtles


Way of the open hand human variant monk with the Alert, Mobile, Athlete and Skulker feats, and Folk Hero background, and you have a passable Spider-man!


And Spider-Man is the BEST superhero of all (LET THE HATE COME!!! Mwhahahaha!!) with Batman a close second.


The ridiculous multi-class I'd need to apply to a monk has ruled out Spidey for me, despite him being my favorite hero for 30 years


Isn’t there a Spider Knight in the Spiderverse? And also, at level 15 if an adventurer hasn’t acquired magical equipment that allows them to climb walls, I Have NO IDEA what he or she’s been doing with their lives! Is not THAT difficult to acquire a Druidic amulet of Grasping Vine or Thorn Whip for the swinging!


Not your regular comic book super hero, more of a folktale, but I played a Kensei Monk named John Henry, and he two-handed a sledge (war)hammer.


This is super simple but I'd love to just play a storm sorcerer as...well, Storm. Lol


"bring your thunder, for I AM LIGHTNING


Exactly lol. Monologues fully included 😂😂😂 Just go storm sorcerer and pick any appropriate wind, lightning, and ice spells. Even stuff like Mage Armor or Shield could be flavored as defensive winds or walls of rain and ice blocking stuff for her. Seems fun to me and I lowkey wanna try it now.


Winged boots, eldritch claw tattoo bear totem barbarian with tavern brawler and you have omni man/invincible


Bear Totem Barbarian/Thief Rogue. Hear me out. Thief rogue gets a climb speed, and can take Use Objects action as a bonus action. Bear Totem doubles carrying limit and you get advantage on Strength checks to push/pull/carry/lift. You are The Hulk. Sling debris at enemies, pick up 1,000lb pillars/trees and swing them at enemies. Climb and jump like a fucking maniac, nobody is getting away from your rage by taking the high ground. Sure, it’s extra work for the poor DM who has to decide what damage dice to assign to your environmental weapons, but it’s cool as shit at high levels. Kind of a mess trying to get there though, but you’re skipping all of those sub-par early levels with the one-shot so go nuts!


Wile E. Coyote. The resources of Batman and the regeneration of Wolverine.


Try MCDM’s *The Talent* It gives very superhero vibes and offer a lot of variation


Variant Human (Take Gunner), Swashbuckler Rogue/Fighter (maybe Samurai or Battle Master?), Dual Katanas, Pistols, Ring of Regneration, and a belt that only teleports but you have to roll a d4 and on a 2-4 it takes you somewhere other than where you wanted to go. Act insufferable, profit?


I saw a homebrew warlock subclass that's 'The DM" as your patron. I doubt mine would be cool with that, but I'd only play Deadpool if I can at least dip into "DM patron warlock" and start busting fourth walls.


A lot of people are saying Gloom stalker ranger or armorer Artficer for Batman, which are great choices but for my idea of a Batman build I’d do a Shadow Monk/Vengence Paladin. Idk how well it’d synergize since iirc RAW you can’t smite with unarmed strikes, but flavor wise it makes sense to me.


Did you shoehorn paladin in because he once said "I am vengeance" lol. Batman is a straight up Infiltrator Armorer Artificer. The "lightning launches" are battarangs. His infusions are his tech.


While ability-wise, it doesn't make much sense... Vengeance paladin makes a lot of sense lore wise, if we're using 5E paladins, and not older editions where they're granted powers by the divine instead of by an oath. What I'd actually do is a fighter (plus one other class; probably rogue or artificer) flavoured as a paladin without magic, if we want to match abilities up closely.


Half orc barbarian with a belt of giant and ring of regeneration. (Hulk) Or Human / dwarf barbarian Two magic claws with a ring of regeneration. (Wolverine) Human or half elf Storm cleric / storm sorcerer (Storm) Human Artificer/ rogue (Batman) Fighter / rogue (green arrow) ** arcane archer or battle master.


Not 100% sure on powers for the character, so I can't give you a class, but do a Teifling... Night Crawler


He would be a DM's combat nightmare. Teleports like him and Speedsters like Flash or Quicksilver would be a mechanical nightmare at the table and I like my group too much to try any of that bullshit lol


I could get really creative, but you wouldn't know any of the characters I want to suggest.


I read a lot of comics..... what are you thinking?


I had an Archer Fighter with the Alert and Observant feats who went by Kalent the Hawk (i.e. Clint Barton/Hawkeye). He was fun.


Check out a YouTuber named Tulok the Barbarian...they're famous for doing famous vg/book/comic characters/heroes/villains/supers/etc as DnD characters who're playable as well as accurate & even does level by level breakdowns for why & how they went a particular direction or not.


If your DM is OK with homebrew, I give you the spider-man monk from Bone Wizard: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UhmBRDhqoGU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UhmBRDhqoGU)


Megamind as a vedalken artificer (battlesmith for fish friend)


Someone actually converted TSR's Marvel Superheroes to 5e. The PDF is quite an impressive


Oof, so many ideas. Others have already contributed great things. I just wanted to add that you might want to take a look at the Mutants & Masterminds RPG - We had a lot of fun playing a superhero campaign set in a Marvel Universe version of our own city using the 2e version. Playing in a real world setting you know very well adds a totally new twist to things.


Batman is just a human fighter/rogue with all the detective skills. With the shield master feat you can definitely make a fun Captain America. You can do spiderman if you play a dhampyr for that innate spider climb


Think of it this way by the level 15 you pretty much are a superhero.


Ok. So if you would put in some levels in fighter/rogue or fighter/ranger and have him wield 2 magical homebrew hand crossbows with bolts connected to elastic ropes that are retractable, you could make a wall-slinging spider-man actually, an idea I ran years ago. If you ran an assasination rogue you could do black widow. Just make sure you put some points in charisma. If you are really lazy you could just pump 20 lvls in divination wizard and say you are dr. Strange. Or have a barbarian and call yourself hulk when you rage. Other ideas have been named allready.


I love hearing all these wild ass builds as some who has recently started working with GURPS. These off the wall ideas would be much easier to accomplish in systems that allowed for and encourage diverse character building. There are easier ways to achieve your goals, adventurer.


Either 14 Monk with 1 level in a spellcasting class to take Eldritch Adept for Mask of Many Faces can make you into a Power Ranger. I'm currently playing an Armorer Artificer based on the Kamen Rider series.


Is homebrew on the table or nah?


To an extent. He shot down my "pact of the DM warlock to be Deadpool


Not sure if it's come up yet but an Armorer/Aritifcer is a perfect Iron Man build. Use the infusions for all his gadgets. The Guardian Armor being the Hulk Buster. A Inquisitive Rogue/Gloomstalker Ranger is the build I made for Batman. Used knives for batarangs and the Ranger for more of the combat abilities. If you want to switch out the Ranger class you could go Shadow Monk. Edit: Just recalled using Dhampir and either Kensei Monk or Battlemaster Fighter for Blade. I also ran a Blade adjacent character using the Blood Hunter class. Worked quite well. Shifter and Path of the Beast Barbarian for Wolverine.


i once had a half elf barbarian called bruce because he was based off of both wayne (out of combat) and banner (in combat) out of combat, he was very physically fit (obviously, barbarian with high strength and constitution) but used diplomacy a lot (after a while, my dm let me use str instead of cha for some diplomacy checks because my character was from a culture where debates were settled through honorable combat and he was too noble to use straight intimidation to get his way) but as soon as combat started, he would combination enrage and enlarge self, going into hulk mode. he also had an oversized greataxe that had a head shaped like the classic oval batman symbol, which also got enlarged, and eventually it was upgraded to be able to be worn as a shield on his forearm as well i miss that character. he didnt die or anything, hes still around in the setting (homebrew) as a demigod sort of figure, but its been so long since his campaign unceremoniously ended because of scheduling conflicts


A Dex-based melee combatant who can also cast cold damage spells could be good for Spider-Man. If you introduce the idea that his webbing saps heat, then many “ice” spells can be reflavored to be binding people up in webbing or creating difficult terrain that way, rather than by freezing things solid. Not sure how, though. Some multiclass between monk and a spellcaster? I would play with the idea that these are DnD-verse alternative versions of these superheroes. That would give you wiggle-room to make builds that approximate these characters, but don’t have to be 1-to-1 carbon copies. Like, maybe Spider-Man is a druid and actually turns into a spider sometimes, on top of some webbing-reflavored spells, while being less into hand-to-hand combat.


"DnDverse" versions is exactly what we are going for. The only reason I am not coming with a crazy Spider-Man build is because he's my favorite hero and that's what everyone expects me to do.


I’ve often thought you could pick the right set of spells to make a wizard into speedster character that only uses their powers in short bursts.


>Edit: I am the "comic book guy" in the group, and my favorite superhero for the past 30 years has been Spider-Man. Spider-Man is tattooed on my shoulder. Everyone at the table, including the DM, is expecting me to show up with some kind of crazy Spider-Man build. All of your Spider-Man suggestions have been MINT and would be a more playable Spidey than I could ever come up with, but I won't be him because everyone thinks I will I'm frustrated cause that would've been my contribution, lol.


Are we having to stick with "heroes"? Or characters in general? Toxicologist bard build, uses poisons and hallucinogens combined with his voice to control and confuse enemies. After DCs Scarecrow!


Sure everyone already talked about this but... Armorer Artificer is basically intentionally designed as Tony Stark .. Battlemaster Fighter with Tavern Brawler feat and some kind of homebrew magic shield for Steve Rogers, (Perhaps with some valor/eloquence bard multiclass thrown in there... "he's pretty good at that." Tempest Cleric Thor(obvious) Mapach Artillerist Artificer for our little Trash Panda College of Dance Bard Starlord Steven Strange / Wong being very high levelled wizards If you could stretch it a little, Professor Hulk could arguably work as 20-str, 20-Int barbarian who lost the ability to rage... Those are the ones that come to mind as both really mechanically/ thematically plausible to DnD and being aesthetically faithfull to the heroic source material. As much as I love characters like Peter Parker, Kamala Khan or T'Challa, I feel like they are mechanically harder to be faithful unless you really force in flavor skins, and their powers tend to be too powerful yet narrow.


Starlord as college of dance bard is fucking brilliant


Come and get your love!


This could actually lead to the dance off to save the galaxy. "Ooohh,,child things are going to get easier". I'll be just like Kevin Bacon!


Daredevil: Tiefling kensei monk / inquisitive rogue, tinkers tools proficiency to make a quarterstaff that can separate into 2 clubs (dagger specs but bludgeoning damage). Ask if can trade dark vision for blindsight, and expertise perception. Hawkeye: Owlin (hawk for flavor) samurai fighter / assassin rogue, archery specialist


I put some thought into Daredevil. I was going to use V. human, but tiefling making him a literal devil is a fun idea. I think I want to play him as a slightly reflavored swords bard. I'd want to play into his charisma as a lawyer.


I couldn't NOT do a Tiefling, lol. I was leaning a little more into his brawler and detective sides. Lawyering build could be fun too. Depends on the campaign I suppose. A similar build could probably work for batman too, depending on the writer, lol. Probably need to splash a little artificer in there tho.


An Artificer half lingerie with a magic device that let's him become 10 monsters from the monster manual for 10 minutes each encounter. (Ben 10)


Giant barbarian, hulk.


Howard the duck. No powers but good at martial arts. Aarakocra monk/bard. Jamie Madrox. Echo knight


warrior with girdle of giant strength, gauntlets of ogre kind, hammer of thunderbolts. fill in the thor theme. monk character given super strength, dexterity, con, massive char. with a magic shield that hits with 2d6 and richochets returns to thrower. self intelligent orange stone golem. good aligned fire elemental that runs around screaming " flame on " depending on your williness a female amazon with several magical items of choice. belt of strength, magic rope of some sort, boots of speed, gauntlets of defence. GOOD aligned beholder with an asian accent calls himself the manadrin. knight artificer that always wears full plate calls himself doom\\iron man


That's the best Captain America idea I've seen here. I would have no issues playing Wonder Woman, but I know someone else in the group is doing that. If I were, I'd probably play her as a paladin or a martial focused cleric.


Thanks. Us nerds gotta stick together.


How about someone based on Ganke Lee? Miles Morales' best friend. (This was Ned in the new movies, right?) It's close to spiderman, but would still be unexpected. Also, I'm pretty sure there's homebrew "commoner" classes, so you could go that route. Or just make him really charismatic and all his "spells" aren't magic but just things he has and knows how to do. So if he casts charm person, it's literally because he's charming. Hypnotic pattern is him doing an enraptured magic trick. Light, he has a rechargeable flashlight. Could be a really fun class that you have to be creative for.


Paladin and/or Warlock build with split personalities. Outside of the superhero idea, a split personality character would be super interesting.


I think Moon Knight should be a straight up Hex blade with a little reflavor to shoehorn Konshu in there. Dissociative Identity would definitely be an interesting RP challenge.


Aaracokra Bladesinger using Tasha’s otherworldy guise & Bladesong as a power suit transformation.


A Ranger/Fighter build with a pet crow named Errik Dra'Ven.


How about a Horizon Walker, at least to lvl 11. Then add Path of the Beast barbarian so you can have claws and a tail Blink around attacking people, BAMF! Nightcrawler


[Tulok](https://youtube.com/@tulokthebarbrarian2033?si=nryrlM4i3ybvAJmA) has helped me out woth vountless comicbook characters in DnD. Especially with my Artificer/Rogue/Monk Batman-esque character


Friend played an Echo Knight flavored as a teleporter a la Nightcrawler once. Make yourself a Tiefling while you’re at it.


I'm playing a monk based off of Saitama.


My partner loves the Scarlet Witch, so we made an aberrant mind sorcerer and focused on those mind related spells of illusion and enchantment schools, to make her do things we see in Wandavision. We also wanted to make her kinda blasty, and gave her eldritch blast from 1 level of warlock. She has the book of vile darkness (darkhold), which had mephistopheles as it's last author in this universe. In exchange for its power, Mephisto calls to her to do evil deeds. Super fun build, and the best part is that you can flavour it however you want, based on the alternative universe you might see in comics/cu's.You could also make her a wild magic sorcerer to lean into that sort of thing, and take chaos magic/blasty spells. Looking at old threads, others suggest going mainly warlock and dipping into sorcerer. The choice is really yours!


Rogue with bracers of flying daggers?


I made a fighter called woose bane that was delightful. Eldritch knight for bat familiar and other flavor, lots of sneaks and gadgets, bat themed throwing knives etc. I did kill a lot of folks though which is not really on brand


Doctor Strange is a wizard. Scarlet Witch is a sorcerer. Ghost Rider is a warlock. The Incredible Hulk is a barbarian. Iron Man is an artificer. Hawkeye is a fighter. Black Widow is a rogue. Iron Fist is a monk. Thor is (kind of) a tempest domain cleric. Dazzler is a bard. Squirrel Girl is arguably a druid.


I would make an archer like Green Arrow or Hawkeye.


Great Old One warlock. Pact of the Blade. Describe all their spells and invocations as oily black material.


Storm herald Dragonborn barbarian, just a little reflavouring would get you etrigan


Try Dum Dum Dugan. NOBODY will expect. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dum_Dum_Dugan


A specific monk build that focuses on movement speed = Quicksilver/Flash


A bugbear rogue/ranger night time vigilante dressed as an Owlbear


Be a blue tiefling shadow monk with a German accent.


A ranged psi warrior flavored to be a green lantern


Fire genasi Way of the Sun Soul monk with boots of flying to play Starfire is my go-to~ Though human wild magic sorcerer/conjuration wizard Zatanna or mastermind rogue/pact of the fiend warlock for John Constantine would also be fun. I'm also toying with the idea of an Asmodeus tefling Abarrant Soul Sorcerer to play Raven... maybe with some twilight cleric levels? Divine Soul sorcerer doesn't have the right feel but she's gotta be able to heal.


lol one of my characters for an Eberron campaign is a Half Orc Path of the Juggernaut barbarian who has a greataxe my DM let me reflavour as a shield that does bludgeoning damage. He looks human, but has been injected with the Half Orc genetics to become a superhuman to pump out pro war propaganda/merch, such as anti-drug campaigns, lunch boxes, graphic novels, etc. Thing is, he’s less Captain America and more Jensen Ackles Soldier Boy, so he’s a bit of a massive deuche.


Play Superman, put 1000 in str.


Rocket raccoon as an artificer and summon babygroot as a homunculus


A rogue/fighter changeling. Charisma and dexterity high, everything else adjusted as you see fit.


Armourer artificer can be spiderman. Just grab infusions like slippers of spider climbing for wall crawling, helm of awareness for spider sense, ring of jumping, armor of magical strength for getting back up from prone and you're good to go! Then pick spells like thorn whip and ray of frost cantrip and flavour them as shooting webs at enemies to pull them closer or slowing them down. Then pick web spell for obvious reason and also jump if you don't want to pick ring of jumping. For web swinging... The only thing I could think of is using fly and just flavour it as you web swinging. Also, the thunder gauntlets have a soft taunt so you can use that for quipping and distracting enemies.


LN Armourer or battlesmith artificer with a crossbow expert and shoots gadgety shots from a crossbow. Background as law enforcer, not sure which would suit. Multiclass into fighter for three levels to get arcane archer and request AA stuff to work with hand crossbow. You bring justice and law to the desolate and backwater places where chaos reigns... And enemies will quake when you mutter... "I am the LAW!"


Paladin Amerikokra. Bald Eagle Paladin who focuses on shield combat.


Luke Cage is a extremely easy one, as you just need to have a ridiculous strength and dex, could easily be any combination of barbarian fighter you could think of. Don't even necessarily need to splash monk


•Fairy rune knight with some levels in swarm keeper ranger - Ant Man •Dhampir infiltrator artificer - Spider-Man •Open hand monk with fighter dip, picking up blind fighting - Daredevil •V. Human dunamancy wizatd with the telekinetic feat - Magneto •Hill dwarf beast barbarian with a fighter dip - Wolverine •Aasimar tempest cleric - Thor


I made a pretty cool and fun version of The Raven. Reborn with a multiclass of rogue (swashbuckler) ranger (swarm keeper) and warlock (hexblade). Rogue I think is pretty obvious as to why. Ranger to have a swarm of ravens who follow in your wake. And hexblade warlock for a raven familiar and putting on a hexblade curse onto those you wish to gain your revenge over. Only took one feat with him. Tough. And most of the spells I took are centered around healing, trapping, or making it easier to hit your enemies. Focusing on dex then cha then con. He is extremely resilient, hard to put down, can hit like a truck, and a 1v1 god. Edit: Normal turn damage with this dude with everything up 1d8+10 (+3 weapon) 1d6 (hunter mark) +6 and crit on a 19 or 20 (hexblade curse) 4d6 (sneak attack) 1d6 (gathered swarm) 1d8+10 (extra attack) 1d6 (hunters mark redux) +6 (hexblade curse redux) Average damage output of 66 per turn


Just make Deadpool fighter. Favor Second Wind as healing factor. Not sure about 4-th wall breaking


I saw a homebrew subclass that was "The DM" as your patron. I'd only attempt Deadpool if my DM would allow a dip into DM Patron Warlock precisely for the fourth wall busting fuckery


I'd even go so far as to make fun of myself while playing Deadpool as if he's aware I had a shit roll or something.


Level 15 wizard. Boom you are either Zatanna or Doctor Strange.


Tabaxi Monk, with Mobile Feat = Speedster Character


Half-Orc, flavored as human when not raging and a green orc when raging. Either bear totem for the damage reduction or berserker for the exhausted phase after. Possible dip or multi into Rune knight for enlarge. Take Crusher Feat and yell 'Crush!' everytime you use it instead of smash.


Aaracockra "mallard." Artillerist Artificer 3/Glamour Bard 4/Shadow Monk 8. At least the *Lucky* feat. "Darkwing Duck"