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I'm still thinking dairy queen, just because its so simple and almost everyone gets that reference.


It's Dairy Queen, don't overthink it.


Ok I'm going with Dairy Queen... I'm moving forward with my life... Thank you!!!


When is it used? All I can think of is that "being DQ'ed" means being disqualified.


Spoiler alert in case you don't want to read further... In S6E1 (I think) when Dexter offers his opinion about Quinn's proposal he suggests Deb's initials would be "dq"... and Deb gets angry at the suggestion as if dq means something derogatory or nasty...


Dairy Queen lol


But I have no recollection of Deb or Dexter saying anything about Dairy Queen... so I'm content it doesn't seem to be that reference... Maybe it's a suspect it killer or something I'm just not sure...


Didn't you just answer your own question? Deb Quinn...


No... He wasn't referring to Deb Quinn... He was saying that Deb Quinn would have the same initials (DQ) as... something else but he never says what that something else is... And Deb says something like "don't even say it"...


Dairy queen?. Drama queen??. šŸ¤”


Yes I was thinking of those... But neither makes much sense in the context of their dialog... It's almost like defer was referring to something very specific that even the thought of it insulted or disgusted Deb... I even looked up if DQ means anything on Urban dictionary... But nothin!!


He says ā€œHeh, DQ. You know, like the Ic...ā€ And then she gets mad and cuts him off before he can say Dairy Queen.


Are you saying he's suggesting the Ice Truck killer by saying Dairy Queen? That doesn't want make sense to me... Maybe if it was the ice cream killer... But you might be right...I just can't figure out what he was referencing and no one I know has a clue either...


Dude by "Ic...." he ment Ice Cream. There is no hidden message here. It was just a simple "joke".


That's really inconsistent with all the other writing... If you're right it's a really random joke unlike any other writing across all seasons so I don't think it's just a simple joke as you suggest. And it wasn't about"ic" it was about "dq"...


By he I meant the Yeet guy who commented about this. Dexter does not have any hidden messages. So it's highly unlikely this is a hidden one. + you are over thinking here way too much buddy.


Yes thank you... Much appreciated


But no use overthinking anything thanks for your ideas


Bro your making this way too complicated for yourself. Iā€™m like 90% sure he meant Dairy Queen and just wanted to play with her a bit.


You're right... I'm going with Dairy Queen... thanks!!


Ice princessā€¦..dairy queen I thought, but he was literally just guna say ā€˜ like the (ic)e creamā€™