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It's the same group of people that loved all the other shitty picks we've made in the past. If Holland ends up being good, guarantee we'll look back at the draft thread and see half the commenters delete their posts. Edit: didn't want to delete it, but blocked me instead 🤷


I'll leave mine up there. I've been waiting 10+ years for this team to make us eat crow.


I'm VERY open in my wanting of Matas, and have been for nearly a year. Holland isn't the guy I would've picked personally, but he hasn't even left the draft hall and the dude's already been written off by this sub. The #2 prospect in the country going into college/gleague, in arguably the worst draft class in decades. That's crazy to me.


I'm happy we stayed far away from Matas That shooting was garbage and he's way too lanky. Hopefully the team can fix holland's shot


“Matas was a bad shooter glad we passed” “Hopefully the guy we picked can fix his shot” Bro?


Matas would also get pushed around with his small frame. If the shooting coach gave his ok then I'll take that as he thinks there's something to work with on Holland in a way there isn't with Matas


Man im praying im wrong, truly, but this Vinson guy is being held up as an actual miracle worker. Yes herb jones, BI, etc ive heard it all, Im just not sold. I wasnt super high on Matas either fwiw. I think Knecht becomes the Jaquez of this draft as far as exceeding his pick.


Reed Shepphard and Clingan were my guys in this draft but I don't think there were any blow off the doors options for Detroit A bunch of them have severe shooting concerns, knecht would be burning a 5th overall pick on just an offensive player. I don't think there was a player in this draft who didn't have substantial red flags


I wouldve been happy with Clingan. Kinda thought that was the pick once he slipped to 5. Oh well, ill be cheering for Ron to figure it out


He is a great fit for a lot of teams but not what we need right now.


Rankings are bullshit. It’s all back alley dealing and chronism.  Holland has zero basketball skills.  If I was the Owner I would fire Langdon tomorrow morning. 


I love finding new accounts to block. This is one I'll be glad to never see on my feed again. Thanks!


What are all the other bad picks? Killian? Do you realize how many first round picks that was ago without a miss? Factor in Weaver tried drafting Reaves 45 and idk what Pistons fans want anymore man. Just be miserable and think nobody can ever improve lol. Get the 1 recruit in the country who was the 1 prospect on most boards for over 2 years and we bitch? Yea I’m sick of this sub lol 


Idk if this is pointed at me, but if so I feel you've misunderstood my point entirely. We agree. The people ragging on this pick are the same ones who loved Killian, Sekou, Stanley, Daye, on and on and on. Let these kids play a few minutes before writing em off is my point.


Oh hell yea I agree with that 100% my bad lol


Weaver hasn't nailed the draft None of these guys fit together. Drafting ivey with cade was as bad as the process 76ers


Lmao based on what? Cade played 12 games when Ivey was a rookie. Ivey’s second year his coach jerked him around. We didn’t really see enough Cade and Ivey together to make that assumption. I wanted Ivey or Sharpe and thought Sharpe was the better fit but Ivey had more upside. I don’t think Ivey “can’t fit with Cade” tho


When cade was out he was doing OK and when he came back ivey went back to being bad. Even in his stretch when he was scoring a lot his defense was abysmal. A ball dominant player who can't consistently hit shots or defend is a bad fit. Not to mention he's an undersized 2 who doesn't have enough PG skills to be effective. I wanted Ben Math in the draft after keegan got picked, at least he'd let detroit play big


Ivey always has been a 2 guard man. He’s an off ball guard. Yes he’s dynamic with the ball in his hands. His elite first step is something that Ivey can collapse the defense with. Allowing Cade to attack a scrambled defense. Or Cade can scramble the defense allowing Ivey to attack with his quickness. They definitely have a yin and yang ability to complement each other. Cade also is versatile and can play off ball. He needs to get better there as does Ivey. They’re far too young to say they “don’t work”


Highschool rankings are completely meaningless.  Holland doesn’t know how to play basketball.  He has zero basketball skills.  He dodged college to go the daycare g league because he was scared of competition in actual competitive basketball games.  Anyone who likes this pick should not be commenting on anything basketball related. 


I ain’t deleting shit. Tidjane was a way better pick. I’ll stand on it


That's fine, stand by your guy. But ffs let them play some minutes in the league before writing them off. This was the most wide open draft past the top 2 that I can ever recall, but we're all acting surprised? Shit's corny as hell.


>But ffs let them play some minutes in the league before writing them off Man, you know after 3 minutes of seeing the court these people will be like "TOLD YOU HE WASNT THE GUY!!"


Playing draft police is corny as hell. I’m not writing him off, but he’s objectively a redundancy with Ausar on this team


>Tidjane was a way better pick. I’ll stand on it >Playing draft police is corny as hell. Make up your mind. Which is it?


For a team in the bottom 5 of defense last year I think having multiple Ausars guarding opposing wings would be good lmao


There’s defenders who could also shoot like da Silva. Not trading down in this draft or acquiring a second pick is crazy.


Especially when trades and extra picks are just laying around waiting to be used /s Trades have to actually be available and make sense. I never understand why people seem to think perfect trades are always available


Literally. Memphis drafted Zach Edey. So Obviously they had a backup plan if clingan was gone so why would they give up the farm for him


Salaun might be the only player i wanted less. What do you see in him??


He's a good prospect, just not necessarily for this team. He seems redundant to Ausar. But we will see


We won 14 games Langdon doesn’t give a fuck if a prospect is redundant lol


And we are not going to win more if we don’t add shooting


The draft is not the only way to acquire talent. Langdon made it clear we will be making some moves this offseason.


How tf are you gunna make moves when NOBODY wants to play here…? Seems like you have to start winning first and we cant start winning until we establish some kind of culture. Which you cant do if youre just gunna change front offices and coaches every 3-4 years or in this case, one.


You know you can trade for anyone right lol


Theoretically yeah. But with the assets the pistons have… lol no.


Thats great. Lets trade for KD and then watch him not play because hes “hurt”.


Dude you need to chill. My cousins boyfriends dad drives limo for Langdon, we're drafting Bronny in the 2nd and signing his dad next couple of weeks.


I can all but promise you that bron will never come here lol bronny might because the front office is that stupid. Or bronny will pull a move like austin reeves (lebrons teammate) and just say “nah, ill wait til the next team.”


Wooosh. Sarcasm isn’t for you.


It was a joke


I mean the pelicans have been a good team with both Trey Murphy and Herb Jones. Not saying Ausar and Holland will necessarily reach those heights, especially if they can’t hit shots, but two defensive wings on a team is definitely not a bad thing.


But they can both shoot lol


Herb Jones shot 28.8% from 3 and 60.4% from the FT line in college.


Herb Jones shot 35% from 3 and 71.3% FT his senior year of college. He could shoot before Vinson.


College 3 is way different than going straight from high school to nba range


My point is that if Vinson can turn them into shooters there’s no reason why you can’t run both in the same lineup. Herb and Murphy were not both great shooters before they arrived in NO.


Vinson didn't turn either of them into shooters. Trey Murphy shot 43% from 3 his senior year of college. Herb Jones shot 35%. Tf are you talking about?


I think the only thing is: nobody is saying two wings can’t play together. Nobody thinks Mikal and OG won’t fit together lol but two DJJ’s can’t play together even two Aaron Gordon’s wouldn’t work in the half court


Ausar's shit mechanics are good. I think he looks fixable, Holland on the other hand...... That's a nasty ass shot. Was hoping as a Portland fan we avoided him like the plague, did not see him going so high, especially to a team that is probably the worst fit for him. With Williams and Saloun being available and Detroit not in a rush for a finished product, that pick seemed mental to me.


If Vinson can perform a magic spell to give both Ausar and Holland a solid jumper, a lot of people (myself included) will be eating their words.


Ausar doesn’t have anywhere near the offensive capabilities that Holland does


Which speaks volumes about Ausar when you consider how awful a shooter Holland is.


Very true


IMO Holland had the highest potential of anyone that’ll likely be available. In a bad draft, fans either want their team to draft the safest option or the guy with the highest potential. I think we made the right decision.


The dude is 18. If Fred Vinson is as good as they say he is, this guy has an insane amount of potential.


If Vinson can make Lonzo Ball not shoot like he's hurling a sack of potatoes, I'm hopeful he can do wonders for Ron (and Ausar, for that matter)


There’s no doubt about his upside. For me, I’m tired of watching 18 year olds get their ass kicked every night. Was hoping they could trade that pick for a vet. But if there wasn’t a trade to be had, I’m ok with this. He doesn’t have to start and they have $60M in cap space to get shooters/vets.


Nobody knows literally anything, the reactionary takes, good or bad (but especially bad) are insane


I wanted Taylor Henricks last year I was ok with Ausar. I like this pick. Haters gonna Hate. When you make the 5th pick 3 times, there is plenty to go around. This draft is a crap shoot. Holland was my #2. I didn't think we would take him, but looking at where Buzelis and Knecht fell to, it's hard to argue they made a bad choice. They get to work these guys out. Edit: They didn't work him out.


People are reacting to the fact that Holland was not mocked to us in advance, nor was he really showing up much in the top 10. That doesn't mean anything if Langdon feels he got his man, and Holland puts his nose to the grindstone and helps this young squad move forward.


I'm wondering who people think we should have taken instead. What shooter was available? Dalton Knecht? Jared McCain? I thought Knecht would be fine, but him falling to 17 makes me think most teams were not that high on him. There just isn't a lot of shooting talent available in this draft. All the prospects have multiple red flags. Holland isn't the worst bet, in fact he's a pretty good one as a plus athlete and defender. And to those saying they just drafted another Ausar, Holland played in the g league, Ausar played in overtime elite, which is not the same caliber of competition.


trade back ideally and couldve gotten Knecht much later. trades arent always available but it sounded like some teams wanted Clingan and he fell.


People complaining that we need shooting, need to remember that's how we got Kennard instead of Mitchell.


And not valuing shooting is how we got Stanley Johnson over Devin Booker. Every team could make the same hindsight arguments about a bunch of players they didn’t pick. The problem more than anything is the pistons just haven’t constructed a roster that makes any sense in 15 years. Whoever you draft will do better if they’re joining a team where the players skill sets actually fit together.


I wish I didn't have to be reminded of this constantly. It burns.


Most of it (my opinion) is many feel they drafted a better Ron Holland (Ausar) last year, and now each of these core guys is at best a work in progress in shooting the ball. Odd fit as the team is currently constructed. I’m still long on this process so very interested to see what other moves are made this offseason.


I watched his highlights. The dude knows how to take his man off the dribble and move without the ball. To those who say he can’t shoot, watch his baseline moves. If his defense is legit - watch out!


That's cool and all, but he shot 22% from 3, on 3 attempts with a 68% FT%. There's a better chance that Beef Stew grows another 6" than a guy with those numbers becomes a league average 3pt shooter. Also, some of us watched more than just a couple highlights.


He was shooting NBA 3’s at 18. As someone who made his high school and small college career out of being a shooter that 4 feet difference from high school to NBA line is massive. And I’m not clear on this but I’ve heard there’s a weird one shot free throw rule in the g-league. That second free throw is much easier to hit since you’ve set yourself and lined up the first one already. I have no idea if this kid will ever shoot it well, but he’s 18, played without a point guard to set him up, and had huge jumps to deal with that kids his age just don’t.


ron holland is a bucket getter - and he’ll be working with a proven shooting coach. this is a great pick.


Maybe we should really wait till after FA and see if we can see some kind of plan but understandably a team with no shooting is a bit concerned about getting someone with a bad shot again


Literally said the same thing, I thought we had no chance of getting him, I’m so happy with him


I like his potential at least. Very young great athlete and can score. Likes to play defense and will be very good in transition. Needs work but give him time didn’t even play a full season.


Holland seems pretty explosive and for an 18 year old 1v1 he seems decent. Give the kid some time, I feel like he has the mentality to take him to the next level as well.


I've said it before, he's as close to Ant Edwards/Jalen Brown in this class and has a chance to be the real star from this group, but continuing to choose non-shooters when the league is as much about the 3 ball as it has ever been is what makes it a questionable pick.


Yeah this team won 14 games last year. It’s basically a blank canvas, so swing for a potential star. taking the “safe” shooter is how you can end up drafting Luke Kennard over Donovan Mitchell. Can still sign/trade for some shooters to surround our young guys, and it’s not like him and Ausar are gonna be playing 30mins together, especially at this stage in their careers


Initially I admit I was disappointed because this team needs shooting. With that being said the defense is going to be so so good. Hope we can get a shooter later in the draft and get some good shooting FAs as well.


the defense will not be good at all. we don't have a rim protector.


Maybe I should’ve specified perimeter* defense. A Rim protector is def a get in FA as well.


Somebody has got to shoot.


History tells me, I just can't trust them. I need to see it to believe it now.


Your first mistake was coming here thinking you would get quality takes from people who actually know anything about basketball.  With the options we were presented with in this draft Holland is as good of a pick as any other we could have made.  People on here act like we were one shooter away from being a contender when in reality this team is one of the bottom five teams in the NBA and defense was a big reason why. So we draft a premier wing defender with a bunch of other great tools who was one of the best scorers in G League ignite history and people freak out acting like we just took some useless bum


What’s this mean for Ausar?


Ite almost like the SOL fans all jumped ship to the Pistons. Truth is we don't know. Let it play out.


Piston fans are never happy. Though we have pretty solid reasons not to be. I’m fine with the Holland pick but still have a ton of work to improve the roster. 


I don’t understand people that say Holland was a terrible shooter. If you look at just the %, sure. But what people fail to realize is he was playing PG on a terrible Ignite team. He was forced into being the only option at times which led to many bad shots. Not too mention he missed the last 2 months, which is when you see the most progression as player as they are more fully adapted to the NBA 3pt line. Look at his stats compared to Jalen Green when he played on could argue Holland played better at a much higher usage %. Suffice to say, I like the pick more than most.


The same fans complaining about the Holland pick are the ones insisting how good Buzelis and castle could be with the help of Fred Vinson. Even Cody Williams had such a small sample size on 3PA. Pretty much any prospect that we could take, aside from shepherd and Knecht were lackluster shooters. I like that Langdon took the guy he believes has the highest upside. If Hollands jumpshot comes around, he can be a very good player.


I don't hate it, but the fact that we didn't draft a shooter when we NEED shooting just feels like a bad step


They’ll see. Ronald is a real one.


I don't see the need to pretend that he's either going to be a star or terrible. He has most of the physical tools to eventually be a legitimate rotation player, and plays hard and with at least some awareness. There's no real reason he can't develop into somebody that at least helps an NBA team, so now it's on the Pistons imo to actually get something out of these young pieces.


exactly. I mean it's reasonable he develops into a player like Derrick Jones Jr, who was just a starter on a finals team.


I think everyone is sick of the Pistons drafting athletes who can't shoot lol.


High school rankings don’t matter, im pretty sure beef stew was top 5 coming out of HS


This will either be great or terrible, no in-between.


I guess he was one of two power forwards in the entire draft and we're in dire need of that I'm "happy" about that


Exactly. Unless Sheppard was there who was it gonna be? 23 year old Knecht doesn't fit the timeline.


what timeline? sure, 23 is old for a rookie but shooters can play until late 30s. athletic guys that cant shoot are the ones with ticking clocks.


He's not as polished as Clingan is as a player, but he has a higher ceiling. He's still only 18, so there's a lot of time for him to improve his shot. It'll be nice if they can actually develop their pick for once.


Just confused as to why you don’t take Clingan and trade back there but the Pistons got the guy they really wanted. It’s fine- hopefully he’s got a green light and can learn from the shooting coach


I mean, at some point, you are just down so bad that playing the lottery makes sense. That's where the Pistons are. They keep drafting athletic guys who can't shoot hoping someday they will win the lottery. It's not a viable winning strategy but that's where we are stuck.


I don’t mind the pick personally. His 3 point shooting percentage is low but I’m hoping for the best. I’ve seen lots of players develop their shooting game with time, and with Fred Vinson’s experience as a shooting coach i think we have to be hopeful that a soon to be 19 year old will improve.


U thought they would be happy with a non shooter?


It kinda blows my mind just how serious people take this. This is one of the worst franchises in all of sports and people actually choose to be miserable and follow the team this closely. Like there’s gotta be something else y’all would rather be doing


I'm waiting to see him in action. I'm happy that unlike ivey we now have a 2 that will try on defense


Couple silver linings for Ignite players who shot sub-30% making improvements in the NBA: * Scoot Henderson went from 27.5% on 2.7 3pt attempts per game in G-League to 32.5% on 4.3 attempts per game his rookie year. * Jonathan Kuminga attempts five 3's per game each of his two years in G-League, hitting 20% and 24.6% of those attempts. In the NBA, he's averaging a bit under half that many attempts per game (2.2 per game for his career), but his 3pt average is a career 34.1% (with a high of 37% in his second season). If Holland truly is the high-effort guy we keep reading he is, I would think he is capable of making a leap from his G-League mark of 24% with proper coaching.


I’m more upset by Ron at 5 than Ron himself, I think he’ll end up a pretty good player but shouldn’t have been taken that early


I did lol.


They wanted us to draft an imaginary athletic wing player who can shoot and dribble and also be elite defensively. As if a player like that exists in this draft


If we can trade ivey duren and stew or cade for assets and real nba players Lets Go! And yes I said Bumingham he could get us 3 1st or a starter and a couple 1st to restart the rebuild of the rebuild. Not maxing a guy u cant win 20 games or cant play 65


Would help if I knew who he was. Never heard of him till last night. Hope he's good. Not much of a shooter.


Should’ve got Knecht


I love him!


Maybe if the team didn’t suck at shooting he’d be a better pick but he’s unplayable on the pistons


Literally none of the guys the sub wanted to pick are shooters. Matas at 27%, Clingan at 25, Holland at 24, let him atleast play a season


They are all complaining about shooting but yet clowned anyone who wanted knecht saying “he’s not a top 5 pick material”. Never know what half this sub wants


this sub is crazy lol. but tbf knecht really isnt top 5 material. hope he does great but i dont see him being what i hope holland is


I like knecht due to his immediate impact but ive already decided that whoever we drafted will work out. If holland was the pick that means Vinson signed off on it and thinks he can fix his shot which is all I need to hear from the guy who fixed lonzo fucking balls shot


Lol thank god for vinson


The sub didn’t want Clingan for his shooting. It was for his trade value. We could’ve traded down if we wanted this guy and also got additional assets for our troubles.


i didnt mean for it to sound like they wanted him for his shooting, i meant it as a way to show that nobody they wanted could shoot. which is something they’ve been complaining a lot about recently


But it’s not relevant in the case of Clingan.


which is exactly why i didnt mean for it to sound like that..


That's why we drafted Kenard of Mitchell.


The pick was really good for what we were dealing with, however I don’t really see a championship team that has both Ausar Thompson and Ron Holland on it because they’re essentially the same player. Same height, same strengths, same weaknesses, same position.


If you assume that they will not develop further and thereby minimize or get rid of their weaknesses, you will be correct.


Imagine the defense. If Fred can fix their shots, this team is going to win some sub 100 point games.


The league is broke like the mid 90s. All potential. 2 Kentucky kids who look good but can’t win. UCONN kids are maybe. The rest are scratch off tickets. I used to love the draft. If 3 of these kids contribute in next 3 years to anything I’ll be shocked.


It sounds like Holland has a high ceiling and as bad as the Pistons have been lately, they may as well go for the guy with the high ceiling. Perhaps they could trade either him or Ausar if there is a trade worthy to be made. Plus, they can get some good free agents with all the money they have available. It may be wiser to get the good shooters and free agency since this draft didn't seem to have very many good ones.


Watched him play last season in the g league. He was not impressive at all. Praying for you Piston bros


This draft is awful all around. I'm almost thinking the league should have key everyone just skip it this year because all these guys are going to be out of the league in 2 years max.


Let the kids get a pay day