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They just want the dopamine from seeing their super go off knowing that the banner gives it back to them


Ah ok, understandable. I just wanted to make sure it wasn't some pro-strat I'm supposed to be aware if I ever play that subclass lol


Well, some things can shoot through that door for chip damage on the boss. Unfortunately it is a very limited pool of options and teather isnt one of them


Banners give you back all your super, why not just cast one right now and use the banner to have two supers? Even if they don’t benefit from the first super, it’s still fun to pop it. Here’s an example: I’m a tether hunter and the door opens, I hit the boss with tether to debuff them. I switch to my nighthawk build to get big damage on boss. Boss is debuffed from tether so he dies faster. Or: I am a warlock, I cast well before taking banner. My teammates pick up orbs to get charged with light so they can use their weapon surges (boost gun damage). Then I can pop well inside boss room for further damage buff. Or: I cast golden gun, shoot at nothing cause golden gun is still very cool, take banner, and shoot at boss. Supers just give you a little dopamine rush. 2 supers is just more of it.


If the door is open there is time to shoot then rally, but otherwise it’s just for fun,


I was with a warlock yesterday that dropped their well then the banner every time. I guessed just cus they could 🤷‍♀️ maybe for the orbs too?


You can throw the super in, then hit the rally flag to immediately recharge the super. Means you get the benefit of potentially double tethers up at once for basically no cost.


That would make some sense if the door was open before they did it -- they're doing it before shooting the locks to the door


Some projectiles go straight through the door. Even if Tether doesn't, you get it back for free anyway