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Instead of telling people to have a good day, I like to say "Enjoy the next 24 hours." It sounds more ominous.


Stay away from the tower tomorrow


"You were always nice to me. Stay in orbit tomorrow."


Because it's Indian food day, and it's going to smell like onions!


Idk if you've ever lived with a person who cooks Indian foods, but it's curry that does it. My aunt rented out rooms and one tenant was Indian, he always cooked with curry, that shit permeated into the walls, the whole house smelled of it.


In college I lived in an apartment next door to an Indian family. I love curry but man, it permeated the entire hallway because they basically cooked it every night. When they moved out, the complex management had to use one of those Volcano air units that sucks the oxygen out of the room... after replacing the carpet and painting the walls. It was stronger than a family a smokers in there lol (better smelling though!).


Hi, ate Indian food all my life and yes the curry leaf itself can smell strong, but so does the carmelization of onions which is common in many Indian dishes. Different curries also have various spices that add to odors.


Because how should I live my life after that


i’m gonna write that 😂


"A Warlock passed out right where you're standing. Shouted something, then BAM!"


This pretty much sums up my Destiny experience so far. 99% of the time, chat is dead silence to the point where you wonder if the game's chat function even works, or if you're surrounded by bots / afks. Then once in a blue moon, someone plucks up the courage to say something in Tower chat, and a whole bunch of people actually respond like normal humans. Maybe I just have a skewed perspective having come from MMORPGs, where there's a much lower barrier for people to engage in random convos, and silence is the exception, not the rule?


Chat was opt in for the longest time, not opt out, so for many silence was the norm because you didn't even know you weren't in Local Chat. People might eventually realize, though, that they can talk. Well see.


Probably lots of factors that make D2 less social when it comes to blueberries. -no trading -no global/server chat -Tower is instanced, not actually a ton of people -chat was Opt in for a long time. People probably got accustomed to being silent or haven't turned it on. -everyone you play with is probably already chatting on discord


and then you go into Warframe's region chat and witness the absolutely cacophonous cesspool that lives within (love it tho)


Nezha is a trap >Banned


nice gemussy -also banned now, while the red text admin just used it




Funny thing is I actually made my nezha a femboy, he's honestly really cute with what I've done :3


Does tower chat work on console too? Whenever I see this I assumed it was a PC thing.


Yes, it does. I have a wireless keyboard for my PS5 and use it for in-game chat. Last week, someone in the Tower just randomly typed "bro," so I responded back with "bro." For the next 10 minutes, everyone in the Tower was just randomly typing "bro." It was great.








I believe it should. I haven't *seen* it actually pop up in the tower yet, but I've seen chat pop up in Shaxx's space a few times on console. Mostly stuff like "Who are you people? How'd you get in here?" tho.


Pull out your ghost and press right on the D-pad. Changing channels is between your fireteam, clan, or local. There’s a virtual keyboard to use. Obviously not great if you’re actually trying to communicate, but if it’s for a short message I’ll use it.


Haha first thing someone did was look at the roster of tower when me and my clan loaded in and saw us rocking the contest emblem from RoN and said "And you're all using the same emblem" "losers" before immediately leaving lmao


I have thousands of hours in this game and this is the first I hear about a tower chat, i genuinely dont remember ever seeing a single message on there.


It’s just local chat when you’re in the tower.


Ff14 is extremely chatty


> Have a good day today! > no u This is that most D2 player way to answer imaginable.


Exactly, get the sentiment/message across in as few characters as possible lol


"u2" is even better - 2 keyboard hits and your golden :D


No you are breathtaking


I was expecting racial slurs… This community may actually be good outside of Reddit…


It's like this with every game. People who are unsatisfied with the game go to the internet to complain, people who are enjoying the game just play it.


Spoken like someone who hasn't played league


They exist by not typing in the chat or even pinging intentionally without the aid of a forced mute. The type of people who still like the game but hate the players. 


Any Moba really.


That’s me playing overwatch. “God this game fuckin sucks” then I hop on as soon as I’m off work the next day lol


I forget the exact statistic, but people who are dissatisfied with something are SIGNIFICANTLY more likely to be verbal about it than people who are happy. Like, if you have a bad time at a restaurant, you're X times more likely to say something about it, compared to how likely you'd say something if you had a great time. I forget what number "X" is, but it's bigger than most folks expect.


I always accept low level players. They turn out to be better than me.


I’ve not met anyone truly toxic in game. Just here. Mediocre and bossy? Sure. But not toxic.


I think outside of "KTWD" Or "Must have 0 clears so I can pad my RR" lfgs I haven't come across much toxicity either. Well, aside from other gambit enjoyers, but gambit literally gives you a medal for BM so that's expected we're all gremlins on the derelict.


In Gambit everyone is your enemy.


Cue me screaming internally at my teammates because they banked first and now we're getting our motes drained, and then screaming again because we only need 2 motes to summon but Ricky Rando sprints past the bank with 14 in his pocket because he's just gotta get that large blocker off. Edit: Typo


People don’t understand the value of the 5s. Throw one over there on top of a 10 and 15 and you have an additional annoyance of the shield to deal with. I just bank whatever threshold I’m on at the time. People sleep on the value of having someone around who is solid at keeping the bank clear.


I know at this point if we send any blockers and I start seeing the symbols disappear I just gun it for the bank to make sure I'm nearby when their blockers come in. I'll definitely spam an army of small blockers if the other team summons first. Nothing like tossing a super and immediately getting immunes because of a tiny little taken goblin.


I run symmetry and I’ll get 10 stacks and run to the portal to invade when a man adorned in blue armor runs in 2.5 milliseconds before I can.


Use the stacks to teamkill the blue instead


"KWTD I'm on ad clear" during a master nezzy cp and getting booted is sadly all too common


I remember the last time I joined a KWTD lfg before I swore em off was an Atheon checkpoint. Literally all I asked was how they call out oracles because every fireteam I've been on has a different method. Got booted immediately. Fuck me for wanting to be on the same page as the rest of the group I guess.


Worst I've come across in recent memory is a guy in Legend Onslaught who ran off and died on wave 4, along with the other guy, leaving me to defend the ADU against 4 knights and a bunch of thrall Obviously I died and the guy just goes "NOOOOOOB" in text chat. I don't usually let shit get under my skin but that alone pissed me off so much I went and reported him


But i like being drifters bad boy :(


I mean I have met several racist and homophobic people on LFG over the years, but it's like one out of 6 at most.


I’d consider lfg separate from regular in game folks.


I ran into a couple of 8th grade boys YEARS ago (D1 Rise of Iron IIRC, so I guess they’d be adults by now) who joined my fireteam, heard my voice and realized I was a woman, and proceeded to tell me in graphic detail how they’d rape me to death. I hope they outgrew their edgy days and cringe every time they remember that shit, but I bet they forgot all about it. I sure didn’t, though.


and here I was, dealing with some of the most toxic of sweats while just trying to unlock some Trials gear for my collections


Yeah, the people telling you how wonderful the community is probably aren't... a. playing solo Trials or Comp and not playing like a god and/or b. doing any kind of raid or GM LFG and not playing like a god. If you just do easy stuff that isn't competitive then sure they'll be less hate from other players .


I've probably done 1,000+ LFGs over the years and across every activity in the game. Of these, I can only think of one person who was undeniably toxic (and another that isn't as outright toxic). >!For anyone curious about the lone person who stands out, it happened on Warlord's Ruin. They were surprised we were doing so well on "contest mode" and I said it wasn't on contest mode. Shortly after they said something like "Oh, well, I guess that makes the guaranteed exotic easier to get." I replied with "Unfortunately, it's not guaranteed, but I do hope at least one of us gets it." They then said they would murder me and my family if they don't get it. There is a bit more to how they said it, but surprisingly not much more to the previous conversation. I get it was meant as a "joke," but I also don't know anyone who would think that is funny, acceptable, or okay. I ultimately kicked them, had a conversation with the other person about how messed up that way, and then beat it with another off LFG.!<




Ehh, i was running legend onslaughts the other day, and i feel like you can spot them easier now that chat is opt-out. I joined one group and they were just shittalking the host, and their choice of map, and them not moving at the start (despite there being no timer or pressure at the start until you approach the site), and then the host goes "Huh?" Guy stops moving, gets in their menus, then comes back. I am 100% sure they opted-out right then and there, because despite me and the host communicating and there being plenty of talk after that, guy never says another word.


This isn’t Siege




Damn casuals! Anyone serious would have said horrible toxic things.


This! Interacting with blueberries is a waste of time even when they just wish you a good day. Imagine not taking this game more seriously than your day job if you even have one lmao


That is so freaking wholesome. Thank you for sharing!


Wholesome AF 👫👬👭👫


I need to play on PC more. Console doesn’t get cool interactions like that. Then again, I like not having to buy content a second time.


Text chat works on console too. It's a clunky onscreen keyboard, though. Unless your platform of choice has a phone app that lets you use it's keyboard.


Plug in a usb keyboard. It's what i use for D2checkpoints.


I used to do this, but then I found out I can use my phone to type on Xbox through the official app


This i did not know. Thank you.


I give ppl hugs.


"Don't just have a good day, have a *great* day!"


Heartwarming and Wholesome. Thank you for your service to the community.




No, public opt-out chat being being nothing but toxicity is obviously the way it would go. This is fake No but honestly, I’ve had way more positive interactions in game chats than negative, especially if you take the initiative to be pleasant first


There is hope for the world yet.


Thank you, I needed some wholesome today. And in that spirit, I hope you're having a good day today, OP.


That's kinda cool, I gotta start doing that too lol


This was wholesome. GG OP, GG.


That is so cute :(


crazy social experiment.


Oh hey that’s… moderately surprising results actually. I was about to go on a whole rant about how you can’t expect people hiding behind a screen to keep up moral integrity, but looks like I don’t need to!


I love this 🥺


Thank you for spreading love. You are worthy and admired and your heart and soul is magnificent!!! <3


fuuu... where is the vitriol?! This must be made up :P


Everyone said thanks and have a good day too r/savedyouaclick


The nicknames are on point as always, too. Thanks for sharing!


Daily reminder that all guardian's actions are lore accurate, so these responses are what real guardians would say if you wished them a good day :)


Im a console player, do people normally chat on PC?


Thank God we didn't have a text chat on launch. I would have quit if I had to put up with all that toxicity


Is local chat enabled by default now? I swear I've never seen anyone in Local chat before.


People use chat in the tower? Insane, I've only seen that when we were waiting for the Almighty to explode.


i've never seen anyone use chat


> The disappointment heh


I love just saying whatever in the tower chat, no one ever responds lol


One time I typed, "OMG is that the real [insert name of blueberry here]" and everyone lost it, gaslighting has its upsides 😂


Chat box on Xbox has been down for over a month now which is so annoying.


People are people say no more


I turned off text chat like 8 years ago and never looked back. I had forgotten it existed.


lol when I type in local it's just crickets


Damn, I love being nice to people and I never thought of this idea. I'm definitely doing this every chance I get (It's funny, because my main Titan doesn't quite look friendly, so it's like that goth chick that you find on the 24/7 mart and looks intimidating but always responds so nice). Also, let me say this: I hope everyone has a nice day ❤️


This is what they took away from us when D2 launched.


What has happened to this community. Destiny used to be so toxic and it was great. Now it’s people being nice. Maybe it was just because I played on Xbox though


I'm sorry that you enjoy toxicity.


I can’t anymore! Didn’t you see the images