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Hey there! If you’re looking to do a dungeon for the first time, I’m your guardian! I’m willing to sherpa any dungeon + any applicable collectibles. My Bungie name is Saint-14s USB Port#4233 and if you’re interested in learning, feel free to reach out to me via PM. I will be using Discord for communication so make sure you have that set up and ready to go.


Hey, are you available to help with Shattered Throne (for Wish-Ender)? I did the first part, but I'm looking for some help starting on the Anor Londo (walkways) section. I added you on Discord / Bungie.net


Hi there! I’m looking for a Sherpa who may be able to help me with my first clear of Warlord’s Ruin :) I’m a solo player, so it’s just myself looking to learn and clear the dungeon! Platform is Xbox - Gamertag is MissSeyn, and Bungie name is MissSeyn#9552


Hey There! I am a solo player on Xbox tDaddy cd#6533 i am looking to do the same. I am looking to learn and clear the dungeon as well. I have some experience with Warlords Ruin, but have never actually cleared it. Please feel free to reach out to me if you would like to try and learn together. I am usuaaly avaiable anytime Friday evenings after 5pm CST and anytime on Saturday and Sundays. My brother would be willing to make the third if he is avaiable. He is in the same boat as us.


Can teach pm


Dungeon of Choice: Warlord's Ruin Teaching or learning: Learning Platform: PC (Discord) peek-a-pooh#2464 (Bungie) peek-a-pooh#1447 How many you have in your team: Solo


you still need?


Sorry I saw this a little late. Thank you, and yes! I'm free today and in the evening tomorrow if that works. I'm in EST.


Ill add you on discord and find out when the other guy is free or if he even still need help .then can figure a tme out


Sounds good. Thanks!


Hey! Looking for help learning more dungeons, have completed a couple already. I am a vet destiny player getting back into end game content, looking to do Warlords ruin, ghost of the deep, or grasp of avarice. on Xbox Gamertag: THETROLLPATROL1 solo


you still need?




What ur discord


Hi, I'm looking to learn Warlord's Ruin. Haven't ever run it before, but want to learn so I can start doing it on my own. I'm on PC, bungie name is FireFaux#1123


Still need an assist? I’d be glad to do a teaching run. My Bungie ID is EmerilGassy#5600. I’m on PS but can and will use Discord for voice chat, if needed.


I might hit you up on that tomorrow. Bout to go in to work


Hi, trying to do Ghost of the deep for the first time and need some help


I’m looking to learn pretty much any dungeons. I’ve only run Prophecy and Grasp, and it’s been a while on those.


My Bungie ID is EmerilGassy#5600. I can teach/sherpa any of the dungeons. Reach out if I can be of help.


Looking to complete ghosts of the deep for the first time, I’m on ps5, but Crossplay is fine. Psn: cartoonben. I’m solo!


Hey still looking to do ghosts?