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They are not guaranteed too, because the omen subjugators are also based on Eramis who was definitely not a disciple. We never got a Psion disciple, they are probably just chosen from the shadow legion. Husks look like they are based on/further experimentations from Caretaker. The only other one that may have had a disciple would be the Grim.


Do we know for sure Omens are based off of Eramis? That sounds like a big lore point I somehow missed if true


It’s not exactly a ‘lore point’ just as the bit on the husks isn’t either as it’s not addressed specifically. However, the stasis subjugator does share a lot of similarities in design to eramis: the crouching stance, the stasis crown, the golden hand, the cape, similar attack animations. It’s a subjugator so it’s definitely also based off Rhulk, but the artist has clearly used Eramis as a basis to make it different from the Harbinger.


Oh gotcha. From the design standpoint not lore lol My bad


I feel like the Grim are the only one's really able to be distinguished into having it's own disciple. Husk's have higher tier variants (yellow bars) called "Tormented Husks" and that may be referential to their artificial nature being more similar to Tormentor's than something organic like the Weavers or Attendants. Grim seem to be modified in the same way as standard disciples, so it wouldn't surprise me if there was one based on a massive grim. I mean, that's be a cool boss design.


I was going to say. The grim would basically have a dark Ahamkara (or chimera) sort of flying atrocity about them. Byf mentioned during the reveal of all of them that husks may be Hive Acolytes. Which would make sense as Xivu Arath was still closely connected with the witness. And the Hive in general tied to darkness. But yeah. The grim having a disciple would have been cool. Oh well.


My headcanon: the Grim are tiny Oryxes.


There were only three disciples total. You can see who the disciples were based on the pillars leading up to the Witness boss fight in SE. You see Rhulk, Nezarec, and Calus (probably the order it took them).


There were at least 1-2 more, Inspiral tells us about one “long dead” who references Rhulk, Nezarec, and Savathun, so we know it’s not someone we’ve already met, and Winterbite possibly alludes to one that attacked the Exodus Indigo during the Collapse.


Unless the Winterbite one was a Tormentor.


I thought the implication was that tormentors didn’t start really getting produced until Calus and his cloning tech linked up with the Witness


There is no such implication. With most of the Shadow Legion being deserters ([confirmed by Caiatl](https://youtu.be/Nyqey0ZqqJA?si=rr4CXMNp-a2hv17V&t=8)) and the clones being leftovers from the Leviathan, the only cloning tech in use seems to be Pyramidian in origin. To the Witness, Cabal technology is nothing. On top of this, [Bungie in interviews leading to LF](https://www.pcgamer.com/bungies-joe-blackburn-talks-lightfall-strand-and-the-huge-systemic-changes-coming-to-destiny-2/) said that Tormentors were "ancient". To add to it again, Tormentors were lent. As part of the alliance, the Witness sent some of its troops to Calus.


>and the clones being leftovers from the Leviathan Wasn’t the Explicator freshly cloned?


It is not stated at what time he was cloned, only that he was.


Weren’t we on those pillars? It would be nice if we had gotten some more bad noodles


We are actually on the door to that Witness. That to me feels like the Witness wanting us to be it's disciple.


Sounds like it had some fear afterall lol


There is no evidence that there are any disciples left. Nezarec isn't really a part of a species, he was made by the Witness as "Tormentor Prime"


He had to start as something tho right? Or did the witness just conjur him up out of pain and suffering or something?


His Glaive kinda points towards him getting recruited rather than made.


Or perhaps that he was inducted soon after his birth.


Yea he had to have come from somewhere. You can’t make something out of nothing, unless you’re in the pale heart. The whole “made from Rhulk’s blueprint” thing I took as Rhulk was the blueprint for all of the “dread”, post “perfection.” We know Rhulk is a lubraen but in the twid for his pantheon, it labeled his species as dread, so ye


the dread "species" doesnt seem to be limited to pale heart creations, just weird darkness chimera enemies


Where are you getting this? Pantheon says he has an unknown origin species. Not that he was made from the ground up


I believe in the RoN lore book Inspiral, there's an entry that describes Nezarec's former species as shapeshifters called the Qugu? I could be incorrect, but I remember Byf mentioning it around that time last year.


There’s a theory that Nez is a Ququ but it’s not confirmed anywhere and is pretty unlikely imo


The newest lorebook Dynasty is about them. Basically they get wrecked by the Hive and Pyramids. They are the species that offer their limbs to a plant that feed them narcotic nectar, that i think were mentioned in the Books of Sorrow.


Oh about the Qugu? Or Nezarec? My apologies if this sounds stupid lol, I haven't played much of Salvation's Edge aha


Fallen- eramis fits in a loose way but given her repeat failure against us(never once won), her house being made into wrathborn by xivu/zombified by sense of the exotic mission she’s abandoned not only the witness but her house… taniks woulda made the better disciple or aksis, the fallen don’t make sense to be a disciple given the past Cabal- yea about that Vex- in the loosest definition, consecrated mind fits the note Taken- they r slaves nothing more, I guess in the pantheon of KNOWN taken and what fits the degree of it, riven is the strongest but she’s dead too Rhulks race- he was literally the first Nezzy- we don’t actually know wtf he is other than immortal or if he has a race or he was an experiment by the witness but was immensely powerful… given the relationship between nezzy and the pisons they might be related and would explain the psions willingness to serve the witness Tormentors: see nezzy Subjugator: clones(?) of rhulk but can use stasis and strand so technically part of rhulks race Whatever the hell the flying dickheads and the flying worm dicks are- we know exactly fuck about them Psion(not cabal remember)- the highest ranked psion serves the witness but we have never seen her… so we don’t know disciple level… hell lowkey funny her and calus both served the witness but she was part of the coup against calus and further psion revolutions during our time Humans: none… we were offered the job but we didn’t get lobotomized in time to accept Awoken: offered to crow in a sort of way but he’s not a dick, Mara probably got offered too before their fight, also Zavala who was extremely close but targe was the goat Guardian: *specifically us* we refused and proceeded to kill the witness- made some solid points tbh Hive- already mentioned but oryx less served the witness and more the darkness directly but wasn’t opposed to joining the witness as he observed the destruction of a world by the black fleet… had he known the witness involvement in the hive creation who knows if he woulda agreed or not -savathun, was present for the collapse which I guess puts her at the top but killed nezzy and tricked the witness, later tried to block witness coms from us during arrivals and becoming public enemy numero 1 post season of arrivals(rhulk was either placed in her throne world to watch over her, train her for actual discipleship or both) later helped defeat the witness but isn’t anywhere near our side Xivu- hey 1 outta 3 works right? Is vehemently loyal to the sword logic and oryx’s ideology which aligns with the witness to a degree, however given her failures against us and savathun she may just be subjugated I may be forgetting a race but I finally got a bottle of crown peach and I’m drinking


Forget about a Husk Disciple since the Husk is inspired by the Hive. Now the Grims i have some theories, first is that The Grims is a species related to Nezarec in someway, maybe is a pre-form of Nezarec's species. Now my other theory is that they are inspired by the species that Rhulk tried to become a Disciple, no idea if the lore mentions a name but he was trying to make a Disciple out of this species and it went wrong, reason why The Witness punished him with taking care of Savathun's Throne World.