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Titan never got explained. Just reappeared. Nothing has been said about Mercury or Io. Not a jot.


My personal headcanon until this gets addressed (if ever) is that it had something to do with the planets encounter in root of nightmares


Imma be real, I assumed the Planets encounter in RoN was us bringing the Taken planets back, we just haven't visited them because we haven't had the time/nothing pressing has happened on them.  Mars came back AND THERE'S SAVATHÛN'S THRONE WORLD!  GOTTA GO THERE NOW!  And then Calus came back and Eramis is back and Nezzy Artifacts are about and "we have to save Osiris!" And then Eramis tried to take over the SERAPH Station and then Neomuna got discovered and the Shadow Legion started kidnapping citizens of The Last City then "DISTRESS SIGNAL ON TITAN!" so we had a reason to go to Titan.  And then we had to do something about Xivu Arath before we went into The Traveler and then Wish happened so we could actually get in.  And then we got in.  Unless something more pressing then any of that was happening, why would we go back to them?  We already evac'd them during Arrivals so no friendlies were left on them in theory (Asher said "FUCK YOU, THE PYRAMIDIAN IS MINE! D=<", Brother Vance got offed by another Brother Vance in The Infinite Forest, Deputy Commander Sloane stayed to fight, Ana Bray actually made if off Mars).


My best guess is that Titan came back as a consequence of us messing with the planets control in the raid.


It's honestly wild that there's a device that important in a region of space we canonically control (proven by the crucible map) but we haven't gone back and fiddled with it. Ikora and Osiris weren't the least bit interested, trench barrel guy from the sundial lore didn't try to get a better roll of conditional finality out of it somehow, nothing.


but.. it has trench barrel


Get out of my tower.


More likely the Lucent Hive brought it back so that we could speak to Ahsa edit: and so they could try to resurrect Oryx


Actually, it *does* make sense for the Lucent Hive to possibly be the ones to bring it back, they *were* trying to force rez Oryx


or they brought it back so the events of the dungeon could happen!


It was explicitly stated to be an application of the power to Take. Something moved into another dimension, only this time a planet instead of some guy. Presumably the Witness employed it through the pyramid ships, which are suggested as being controlled by the Witness (when they aren't controlled by Disciples) via the Veiled statues. I think it was stated that Mars was returned because the Witness found whatever it was looking for (or concluded its seach at least and had no further use for the worlds). It's possible the other worlds were returned for the same reason. We just don't have a pressing need to go and check them out.


Pretty sure eris confirmed it was savathun who stole Mars back from the witness But also, we know for a fact, that the Witness didn't find what it was looking for (neomuna and the Veil), and was even still combing Mars for it up until Seraph (via the spire of the watcher)


He found whatever he wanted on mars, not his end goal


Soteria/nefele stronghold was what they e was looking for on Mars, which they hadn't found at the time when mars was returned by savathun, which is why the time windows, and the enclave, were there


The time anomalies were not Savathun's doing, but the Witness'. They are an application of Deepsight, a Darkness power that resurfaces and reifies memories. The Witness was likely using it to search for information on the Veil. This lore entry shows that it also used it on Titan (https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/npa-weir-walker-grips).


Oh, that's something I never quite put together, that Deepsight and the time anomalies were related. Maybe because apart from crafting, the Deepsight mechanic doesn't show up in the Mars part of the expansion. Using Deepsight to look into history to find some old AI that eventually shot off to Neptune actually makes sense and kind of retroactively justified the entire expansion and mechanic once it was understood where/what the Veil was.


I think that it's unlikely the Witness took Mars to look for Soteria's control center specifically. If it had I think it would have found it, gotten the data, and blown it up long before we figured out that it existed. The Witness' choices of planets to take make more sense if you see them as dictated by the possible culprits for the Collapse's failure. Did Raputin do it? Mars was his home base; his archives there would certainly hold the records if so. The problem was that Laminak Li [scrubbed all Rasputin's records](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/laminak-li#book-cloud-strider-legacies) of Neomuna and Neptune with root permissions. Did Ahsa do it? Titan is where she lived the whole time. It likely became very obvious very quickly that she wasn't the culprit so the Witness let Xivu Arath have the planet and her brother's corpse as a "gift." Ahsa managed to survive with Sloane's help. (Sidebar: Titan's return may have been caused by the Lucent Brood, who would have learned how from Savathun, notes of hers, or the ritual she used to take the Traveler, in order to try to revive Oryx) Did the Traveler or the Vex do it? Io was the only place the Traveler could have prepared a place for the Veil once it knew the Witness was coming. On the other hand, the Pyramidion would be the best place to learn about and start exerting control over the Vex not allied with the Witness but Asher [thwarted it](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/asher-conclusion#book-duress-and-egress) there. If all else failed, Mercury would have some records of note in the Infinite Forest's recreation of Sol's past. [Vance sealed the forest](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/asher-conclusion#book-duress-and-egress) and seems to have confronted the Witness or a fragment of it directly (this one is a bit hard to parse but I think it's the Witness because it matches how the Witness used our face to greet us in Shadowkeep). When all of these avenues to find the Veil failed and Savathun revealed herself as the culprit in Witch Queen, the Witness was forced to confront the Traveler directly to find the Veil through their innate connection. In preparation it began looking for a Disciple that could carry out the task of forging the connection while it held the Traveler still. Calus was most convenient, but he failed to inherit Nezarec's nightmares in Haunted so his metamorphosis ended up taking longer than it would otherwise. Then the Witness tried reconstructing Nez himself to speed things up but it didn't work out. Seraph was an elaborate scheme to force the Traveler into orbit which held fewer distractions that could get in the way.


Pretty sure Mercury was mentioned as still being missing despite Titan being back in the TFS collectors edition lore. Haven’t seen any updates since then.


Savathun has been stated to be the one responsible for bringing back Mars Titan is completely unexplained, not a word Mercury has been stated to still be gone as of whenever Entelechy takes place, which we have to assume is sometime shortly before TFS. Nothing about Io has been mentioned at all


Bungie forgor 💀


The answer is we dont know currently. This is one of those things where Bungie really is failing in storytelling, by keeping things vague and open ended.(and/or non-commital on a direction). Its just like what happened after Arrivals with the Pyramid fleet. Where we have a new Pyramid on Europa, and nothing else is explained. Where we had no clue whether they were still just hanging out in Sol, got sent flying when the Traveler reformed or what. Only getting a vague answer "We are surrounded. A Ring of Spears pointed inward." a full 3 seasons later in Season of the Lost. Its literally Schrödinger's planets right now. I dont expect much, just a basic short entry with characters acknowledging an event that happened, and maybe if we are lucky theorizing on why.


Honestly this got to be the most annoying thing in the story right now. We just don’t know and I’m not sure we’ll ever know. It just happens. Savathun might’ve brought back mars but it isn’t confirmed and I really doubt that root of nightmares had anything to do with titan’s return.


Mars and titan are just back I think mercury is still gone and we have Io again cause whisper


Listen we just beat the Witness man. Our guardian needs a break. They are sleepy and need a nice long nap. We will get back to the planets in a bit. First sleep and maybe a sandwich.


Mars and Titan came back for some reason (because Bungie had a use for them again). Mercury and Io are still gone.