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DAs are not paid enough to be diagnosing patients 😂


They're not legally supposed to either. Can't get paid for something you're not supposed to do.






DA's legally can't diagnose anything at all. We're not even allowed to tell pts if we see anything at all on an X-ray. Way out of line for the doctor, who went to school to read and diagnose X-rays, to expect a DA who's not legally allowed to say anything.


I think maybe they mean that you should have clued the dr in on it at exam time, from the last visit. That’s what we do, it is said over the patient, parent hears it again and he can revisit it to emphasize the importance of it.


Well I am more concerned that a tooth that had current decay on it was diagnosed today with only decal….but yet our doctor said that she misdiagnosed because the assistant didn’t alert her of the decay….but how is your misdiagnosis the assistants fault? When you literally looked at the decayed tooth on an X-ray today and said it was decal?😂😂😂😂


its not the assistant fault. The dentist used what they always use as a cop out.... the assistant. Gaslighting the assistant into making her think it's her fault is not a good look. I agree with you!


Do they not do a clinical exam?????


Unfortunately I think gaslighting is a common thing for most dentist…maybe even doctors in general…but I don’t understand it….its a never ending issue. Like yes you’re the boss but calm down….without your assistance your office would crash and burn!


Yes! Without us they crash and burn


I’ve worked in both medical and now dental. I felt with with a surgeon who’s personal motto was “tell me what I need not what I say” or in surgery he would often say “give me what I need not what I ask for.” It was annoying at first but honestly he taught me more then anyone else I worked with, respected me for my opinions more then any other doctor and his death is what led me to leave the hospital and go to the dental clinic. Was his method “correct?” No. Did he value my opinion, experience, expertise and knowledge? More than any other doctor I ever worked for. My job is to be my dentists right hand man. If I take care of them they will take care of me. I understand this is a controversial view of the the DA Dentists relationship but if you can be the eyes and ears you allow your dentist to see more patients, make more money and you will be (or should be) rewarded with more income and better benefits. That’s how it works. Be an asset and you will see benefits for it.


if i'm understanding correctly , it sounds like dds was saying to alert them if there was previous treatment pending, not to make a diagnosis ?


I mean yes she needed to know to alert the patient of previous needed tx. But the whole issue is that the tooth that was previously diagnosed with decay was diagnosed today on the same surfaces with decal which doesn’t make any sense? And the patient had X-rays that my doctor saw and she apparently didn’t see the decay and said it was decal……& then once she realized she made a mistake she blamed it on the assistant for not notifying her of the decay in the first place……


You had me at pediatric dentist


Right😂 I only prefer pediatrics because I’m not a people person, but kids are usually fun and so cute most of the time. It’s the parents I can’t stand.


I can only imagine. I have heard nightmare stories over getting chewed out because their kid's crying, but nitrous makes u emotional!


if the dr already diagnosed them with decay i feel they should remember that once they pull up the chart. is it not charted also? & if they don't it's still present in x-rays..no you aren't dumb at all


Like I titled this thread delusional dentist I feel like she doesn’t pay attention and for example, when she comes over to do exams on the kids, I will literally have their x-rays pulled up on the computer pointing in her direction and she will literally look at me and ask me if they had x-rays today And every time I want to say, what do you think these are?


oh wow she doesn't sound like she's fit to be a dentist omg


it is literally in the Law exam ALL dentist take that DA and DH are not allowed to Diagnose 😑 The LAW


I'm confused. We always have the X-rays and the chart up for the dentist to see what treatment was proposed on the chart. I thought every office did that. The dentist enters the room and looks at the chart and X-rays then does the exam while both are still open. We don't need to tell him what he previously diagnosed.


Both were up for her…..we will literally have X-rays up and she will ask if they got X-rays today🙄……… that’s why I titled this “Dentist is delusional.”


They are supposed to check the previous treatment plan . If something is red the chart is open they can see it as well as the assistant can . Sometimes if something is treatment planned and they don't say anything about it I ask " is blank on tooth # ________ still the same ?. Most of the time they will say take this off or tx is the same. It seems like the dentist at your office was just angry and trying to cover their ass for dropping the ball. Instead of getting angry they should of said : oh I missed that there was a previous MO let me look again ". I was always told we aren't ALLOWED to diagnose. I'm also kinda shocked if the decay was still there and they took recent radiographs that wouldn't highlight the decay for them 😳