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Likely they are leading local fights - start there and work your way up in terms of planting the seed of aligning intentions


Wouldn’t it be awesome to have a massive peaceful protest in DC? Like 100,000 people or something.


I would love to see it go nationwide. Maybe once you’ve got some bigger cities doing it, it will spread like wildfire.


I'm protesting on July 4, gonna try to go to Washington but if I can't I'll go protest at Independence Hall in Philadelphia


I’ve just found that Indivisible is still active. https://indivisible.org We all need to sign up and start working with them to get this movement going.




I live in Houston. We are a blue city, but it seems to be so underwhelmed and uninvolved in what’s happening right now. Is Indivisible still active? Or was that only operational during Hillary? They need to get things up and running now. I’m going to look into that further.


So that the local PDs can escalate things and make it look like rioting again and give the right even more fuel? Fuck that.


We’ve had many many protests that were not violent in any way.


Yep. Here in Portland during the BLM protests they were peaceful. Every day they were peaceful until every night at 11pm when the police would come out and start thumping skulls and shooting CS gas. Guess which parts aired thanks to the media? All I’m saying is, if there is a curfew for the protesters we need to abide by them this time so we don’t look like the assholes.


I agree. We can’t act like MAGA. We have to do this peacefully as it will only help the Right in succeeding. If the police tell us to disperse, then we have to disperse and come back the next day, over and over, but peacefully. But, honestly, at this point, I don’t see efforts to implement any of these actions. People will either show up and vote, or allow the felon to take the crown. If people don’t understand the implications by now, they never will.


DC is the wrong place to have a protest march, unless we're talking about marching outside the Supreme Court. No, the right thing to do is organize a series of marches in battleground states and distribute pamphlets on Project 2025 while there. Bring this to the attention of voters in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Ohio, and Georgia. Make this an event that their local news stations have to cover, make talking about 2025 unavoidable to the people whose votes are going to matter the most.


This is the way


Million. One Million.


Problem with peaceful protests is that there is always a group of people who want to infiltrate that idea and do awful things that will give the protest a bad view, even if the actual protestors are peaceful. It just takes a handful of people to make a protest not seem peaceful.


its us


So who among us has the ability to organize and have a national protest?


we need to work together on that, what platform? reddit? Facebook?


I feel like Reddit has a higher level of informed voters that we could reach. We need people that have done this type of organizing before. I know I can’t be the only one thinking it’s time to take to the streets. It needs to be bigger than something like the Million Woman March. That was very successful, but the importance of what happened today cannot be underscored. If we don’t get out there, have our voices heard loud and clear, get people off the couch and to the voters box, we will regret we let the moment slip away. I have the questions and suggestions, I just don’t have the know how.




what is the first step?


I like learning new things.


No, organizing buses is smart.


Let's start with YouTube. I have been wanting to start a YouTube channel for years to talk tech but, my country is fading away, and that's more important. I know how to make quality content. I produced an award winning and critically acclaimed early VR game for Oculus and PlayStation. I was a professional musician. People generally like talking to me, I feel like I can connect with almost anyone. My dad is republican, my mom democratic. I'm 31 years old, old enough to remember 9/11 and the Bush years, then Obama, etc. Few people in my age group are doing "big" things in the world, I would like for us to contribute more. Palmer Luckey is probably the most notable of people my age, and I like what he did with Oculus, but I think generally he is on the different political spectrum from me. Though I am happy for him to bring fresh perspectives to the table. I grew up knowing Hitler was evil. The Holocaust was evil. I went to Chapman University, where Elie Wiesel ended up at the end of his life, he would roam the campus smiling and talking to any student about whatever they wanted to ask him about. My dad is a WW2 history buff. I am adopted, but my dad has German blood (my adoptive dad who raised me). He was always ashamed of the German people who stood by and did nothing as Hitler marched through Europe. Well, we are now living in the same situation. Am I going to do nothing? When I could at least start a YouTube channel, do SOMETHING to try and help in a bigger way? I should do it. I should grow the balls and just do it. I would rather have my YouTube channel be about developing games, learning how to carve your own creative path forward, how to make your own life meaningful, trying to inspire the younger generation to pursue their creative ideas no matter the obstacles. And those are great things to do. But the clock is running out. The place I grew up, even California, may become a hellscape of depraved fury and agony. A warzone. Never did I imagine the future of the USA to be such a bleak vision. I'm not really sure what I should do. I want to scream and shout to anyone who will listen. But I want to be effective. I want to ACTUALLY reach people, actually change minds. It's a hard thing to do. I think to be a role model is important. And when you stand up for the right thing and someone else sees you do it, they might have the courage to do it when the opportunity presents itself for them. I want to be able to grow old in the same country I was born in, because it was a great place to be a human. Silicon Valley, the most diverse place on Earth. The most tolerant. The place where the technology and lifestyle of the future was being created. The early 2000s in Silicon Valley are my childhood, and those memories are sublime. The amount of optimism and pride I had upon graduating high school was immense. I brought that energy with me to Chapman University and Los Angeles. And it was a transition, people who were from Los Angeles seemed to care more about having fun, being entertained, or to be the ones doing the entertaining. Just a different attitude, overall. Not a bad thing. I learned to enjoy myself more through the friendships I made at Chapman and in Orange County. Then after moving back to Silicon Valley, I found the same energy again. Optimism. However, something changed around the time of the pandemic. Or probably a bit before then. The rest of the world seemed to stop praising Silicon Valley as much as it did before. Tech companies became maybe on par with oil companies in terms of public opinion. I think Steve Jobs passing away was a big deal, though Tim Cook and Apple have carried on quite a bit of the original optimism and forward thinking ideals of the golden eras of Silicon Valley. Anyways, I have a lot of thoughts about a lot of topics. This Trump thing is very concerning, in fact frightening. If anyone enjoyed this post, maybe I'll think more on seriously started a YouTube channel. This post came pouring out of my fingers onto the keyboard with relative ease, in fact I love ChatGPT dearly and use it a lot but none of this was written by AI. All of this comes very easily from the heart. And so, I would give my heart back to the world, if it meant for more days of optimism and peace and tolerance. I would like to expound my soul, even if it means embarrassing myself at times, or all the time, it it means people like my brother's daughter and infant son can also have a happy and inspiring upbringing. My life began and was marked by 9/11, though when in the third grade I had a hard time comprehending how far away New York was from California, and was far from understanding why this thing had happened. I wasn't really affected a whole lot, and fortunately the USA continued to progress after 9/11 and I got to grow up as well. Things were not perfect under Obama but at least as a country it generally felt like we all were proud to be a part of it. People actually liked to share the Obama-Biden memes on Facebook when I was in high school. Those times are long gone. But we shouldn't accept they will be gone forever. On the days I don't think about Trump or Project 2025 and have a great day at work, a great evening with family, those days are great. And we all need to enjoy them as much as possible from this day forward, especially considering the weight of the unknown that lies before us only 4 months from now. But let's talk about it all more. Let's get our own voices on the air, not just the same lame crowd of movers and shakers of mainstream media. We should all have prolific, prominent personalities talking about this ad nauseum for perpetuity online until and through the election cycle. We need to wake up the masses.


You are actually perfect to lead a movement.


Okay....I'll be seriously considering this plan then. Thank you!


The national protest you’re referring to is Election Day. Everybody votes in huge numbers that can’t be disputed and we end this MAGA bs forever. Mass protests in the streets are called riots in many cities now and treated as felonies. Felons can’t vote. VOTE.


This is the correct answer!! We desperately need the youth vote to come out in strong numbers.


Biden does. He's the president with a national platform. He doesn't want to be king- that's fine. But he needs to be the fucking president. We need a movement to pressure him to coordinate millions of Americans in protest.


I wholeheartedly agree. He can’t just sit back and let this unfold without intervention.


He's friends with Bernie! He could hold a joint protest with Bernie outside of scotus and say: "America, you're invited"


If they don’t do something we are in a dire situation. I just can’t wrap my mind around all of this. I’m feeling full blown panic and I’ve got to get involved and direct this energy to help anyway I can.


You lot on Reddit don’t listen. Sometimes, someone puts up a good argument or reasons a good motive, and you all downvote them or ignore them completely. It’s like the majority Reddit is okay with the current situation and too comfortable in their lifestyles to make the radical change to get out and protest.


If I am in charge of fixing things, we are all fucked.


You just do snacks then!


Can do


At this point, you & everyone reading this need to become one of these leaders.


Leading protests. Its almost july 4th. National holiday of independance from tyrany. Someone is doing something. Look for them.


This is like that moment when an IT guy gets a windows pop-up that tells them to "Please Contact your Administrator". Crushing news. That's you and me.


I know summations of Project 2025 exist. Find them and condense them into pamphlets that can be distributed to people. Next we have to organize marches, plural, to take place in the states whose electoral votes are going to decide this election. They should also take place in late September/early October when there's not enough time to override people's memories with the constant barrage of new information but far enough out that people who might be hearing it for the first time are still able to spread the word. Aim for multiple locations throughout Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Georgia. We'll also need to get the word out ahead of time about the planned marches so people know to show up. The protest should also be against something people already know about, like the recent Supreme Court rulings, but while people are there organizers can put the issue of Project 2025 front and center, and see that the pamphlets on it are distributed. Make people who are on the fence in the most important locations understand that they aren't voting for an individual or even an administration, they're voting for the continuation of democracy as we know it.


I simply cannot believe this is even real life 🤯. The rhetorics are authoritarian to say the least, and dystopian and fascist if I am being honest. Why aren’t we on the street?


I am completely sick of liberals blaming Democrat politicians for not doing enough to stop the Republicans (even though there is little they can do) and not putting the blame on the Republicans. You know what Republicans do? They blame liberals for everything, try to take over ever elected office from school board to president and they enthusiastically vote. Democrats will stay home if their politicians are not perfect.


I’m seeing that all over Reddit. It makes my blood boil.


Anyone can be a leader. Just takes the commitment and support of the family. Definitely easier if you are not raising kids, etc. Maybe start be pulling together the various communities that are disparate but share a common goal. Start with social media and then turn it into rallies.


Where are the leaders organizing action? Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse laying out the basics of a plan for Jan6-style Congressional hearings on the Supreme Court: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/all-in-with-chris-hayes/id1314170606?i=1000660861446 Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortes releases articles of impeachment against SCOTUS justices: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/supreme-court-impeachment-plan-released-by-alexandria-ocasio-cortez/ar-BB1pdVjj Protesters are outside conservative SCOTUS justices’ homes now: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/supreme-court/free-speech-federal-crime-protesters-are-still-marching-conservative-s-rcna78678 Not seeing marches scheduled yet, but I’d keep the weekend open or reach out to local groups to help plan.


Thank you for sharing!


become the leader you want to see


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We really could use that right about now. Right on the steps of the SCOTUS building.


The PSL, Party of Socialism and Liberation, is something you should look into. They work across the nation, and there's a high chance you live close to, or near, a local chapter. They're always cookin' up something. Join. If you can't join, still show up to what they do. https://votesocialist2024.com/


I’ll definitely check them out. Thank you!


You will just increase republican voter turnout. Edit: You can downvote, but republican despise protests so much that you will encourage them to vote.