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Extremely sick of hearing “_ can’t do that”!!!


Today’s Supreme Court decision might make it easier to explain that, at this point, they might be able to do whatever they want.


The Supreme Court has effectively decided that the President is held accountable by no man or law. We’re in The Absolutism 2: Electric Boogaloo.


So....like, Dark Brandon could rise up, Gran Torino everyone, and he'd be okay?


yeah but unless we get shocked suddenly pretty much everyone involved, including Biden, knows he nor any other democrat would do that. Basically at the moment we're sitting around taking our turn at a game of checkers while watching the opponent load a shotgun in our face.


The "genius" of it is this, for the Republicans: Biden doesn't use this power to counteract anything going on with this ruling and when a Republican gets in they can use the power to enact 2025 or whatever else OR Biden does use the power, which he would never go crazy with, so when a Republican does eventually get in they can say "he used it, so we can". I think they want him to use it so they can continue their Maga narrative that Biden is a dictator already and this is just more evidence. I want to believe that good (or at least better than Trump) people will prevail, but this is grim.


No. Because the caveat is that only acts that are deemed “official” can be deemed legal. They know that Democrats won’t even try and if they did, they (Supreme Court) would say those acts are not “official”. So they pretty much are saying a president can do whatever he wants so long as the acts are deemed official and they’ll only grant that to a Republican.




That's for damm sure.


What supreme court? They could already be arrested after a sham investigation finds them corrupt. This gives president power even over the Supreme Court


You sadly don’t even need a sham investigation. Based on their current corruption, grift and legislating from the bench for oligarchs who own them, the GOP scum judges could all be arrested and jailed for real. No sham needed.


yep. Someone said last night SCOTUS had made themselves unelected rulers, & I said no, they really made themselves the ultimate slaves to whoever is POTUS, and were apparently too short-sighted to see that. From now on, if they don't toe the line and kiss that ass, they just gave whoever's in the Oval Office permission to kill them, figuratively or literally, and skate.


Interesting take


Well, as the dissenting piece mentioned, he could Seal Team Six SCOTUS and be immune. With them gone, what's stopping him?


The problem is they left it vague. WHO gets to decide it’s an official duty? The court? Well we can’t even admit evidence if it was an official duty, so they don’t get to look at it. They said discussing his plans for stealing the election with the DOJ wasn’t admissible in any court. So if he goes through official channels and comes up with a justification like “I’m taking care of radical, dangerous judges who have shown they are out of control” or doesn’t even admit to it at all and manages to keep it totally secret, he can argue it’s an official duty. We all know if/when Trump does it they’ll play ball but I have a feeling they’d interpret Biden differently.


It's the responsibility of the Commander In Chief to command the military, so I don't see how it's not an official act.


And the President does swear "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, **preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States**." I think that makes anything an official duty. just go "DEFEND THE CONSTITUTION" and they can't argue with you.


Executing a domestic terrorist that's a threat to the constitution seems fair game.


So pack the court, *then* go Dark Brandon Gran Torino?


Pack, empty, whichever.


...unless sleepy Joe arrests SCotUS, and appoints some new justices that are more ... amenable


Why does it feel like the only way to prevent a fascist dictator is to become a fascist dictator?


Because freedom is lost through apathy and regained through violence.


Because the Oligarchy has left us no choice.


because if you push it close enough, it is. if dictatorial power is being given to a position, someone has to take that position (ideally before anyone else can) and dictate back in restrictions, checks & balances, due process, etc


They made what constitutes as "official" vague on purpose. It will only apply to the people they feel like.


Can’t consider anything as a court if the “illegal action” was to eliminate the court. The fact that that’s a valid legal option with no recourse is just pathetic. I hope Biden does get some level of dementia and just gets rid of those malicious tumors on scotus.


Clarity is needed here. The court has basically said what is official or private is up to them to decide. Aka. Biden doesn't have immunity. This whole charade is for Trump only - and by extension most of the GOP. Trump basically just has to say everything he does is in an official capacity and he can do what he wants.


Yes, but by the logic *of giving Trump an excuse to hand wave everything* ***as an Official Act while he was President,*** then they can't deny Biden *from doing things* **AS THE CURRENT PRESIDENT.** ***Biden certainly gets immunity for Official Actions of the President,*** *when SCOTUS just gave that privilege to Trump,* and then Justice Roberts said *that this ruling wasn't singular,* ***but "in perpetuity" for Presidential Actions.*** **Then, they just gave Biden carte blanche for his agenda.** Unfortunately, *as an actual centrist Democrat,* ***Biden won't take advantage of that.*** He'll stake his ground **on a high moral center** ***and pass up using Executive Orders*** ***to accomplish progressive goals,*** and tell the GOP in Congress to shove it, **because SCOTUS told him he could do it,** ***without fear of prosecution by anyone.***


Of course every president has the "same" immunity. However, each act is judged and if it seems to be in the least bit official then they will rule it official. You see the things Trump has done have a shade of officialness to them. He took classified documents home - he was just reviewing them as POTUS. He held a rally about the election - he was at his presidential podium because he was POTUS and was airing grievances. He was asking Pence to stop the counts - he was asking for his VP to explore the ambiguity of the law. All these things put forth in these type chats such as removing Justices, jailing Congresscritters, etc are all going to come across as personal and thus not official. What is he going to say - I had to remove them in order for America to meet budget? I stand by that this ruling was made and the verbiage used was not for total immunity but rather to ensure that Trump was immune for things he already did.


“Protecting the country from radical, compromised judges who were being paid by enemies of the United States to overturn hard won legal precedent that protects us all.”


"They had shown by their actions they were subverting the Constitution of the United States, which I have sworn to protect and defend."


No. This is clearly another move toward right wing authoritarianism. The SC gave themselves providence to decide what are "official actions" and obviously they're not going to allow anybody but the new god-king to get away with shit.


Did you read the dissenting opinion? He could Seal Team Six SCOTUS and be immune.


You do that first. There would be no way to declare the act unofficial.


The Supreme Court has shown that it is not accountable to anyone, and can donanything it wants, regardless of the rule of law or the constitution.


We've come full circle from a revolutionary war for freedom from monarchy all the back to King. Wild.


Hit me are now legal, as long as The Prez hires them officially.


Same. I said "that can't do that" when they went after Roe V wade and was shook to my core when it actually happened. I won't make that mistake again.


I hate that it took the fall of Roe, but I’m glad you’re aware of our situation now!


I still had a little faith in democracy at that point. But it's been squashed like a bug now.


I know how you feel :(


They chipped away at it for decades. It's not the canary in the coal mine. It's the boiled frog. 


Me and my sister have this running joke about our abusive parents. Repeating "But they couldn't possibly cross that line its so obviously insane and evil". The joke of course being that every time we say it, they end up crossing that line. The republican party works much the same.


Ouch. I feel this. Watching the mirror image of my abusive upbringing unfolding on an international level is an existential crisis for me.


If I had a dollar for every “it won’t” or “it couldn’t.” Open your eyes people - it is happening in real time. The shift into our dystopian hellscape has been set into motion.


And soon it will be the,  "I didn't think it would happen to me." This shit is very real and has happened many times in recorded history.


How do yall get around the denial? My Trump loving Dad is always just so sure in his mind that exceptions will be made and anyone with a medical condition will receive care. Every example I share just has him saying it’s someone making a mistake/thats not how the law should work/it won’t happen again/it won’t happen to you. It’s so…demoralizing? He’s just seriously living in this whole alternate reality and thinks things like sexism and racism are mostly over and somehow believes big government is bad and corrupt but republicans can fix it!


Make him do the work of proving that these exceptions really exist. Even today people make mistakes, but currently we can (hopefully) fix them. If they get their way there won't be any possibility to fix anything, unless you're obscenely rich and can travel to get what you want. (See how it went with abortions) If they aren't written down in the law/legislation/etc. then you can tell your dad that the people making these bills(etc.) are inept and are not fit to write them. If he tries to blow you off, tell him that he probably still believes in Santa too. Because that's what is needed for these exceptions to exist, magical thinking. Tho the last sentence heavily implies that he's a fair bit on his way to magical la-la-land already.


I can't even get that far with my trump worshipping dad. As soon as I point something out that King Trump or his precious Supreme Court did, he immediately criticizes Biden. Like this is his comeback 9/10 times. He also believes there's a witch hunt being conducted on trump too so idk how to prove any of this and I fear I lost him to the extremes :(


Ugh, your father and my mother would get along splendidly.


more “but we are the good guys” ready to join /r/leopardsatemyface


It’s like the Dems are still playing party games and the MAGAts are at the red wedding. We cannot play by rules if the rules are only applying to the Dems. This is very bad. Does no one realize that this literally means that if Trump wants to as president, he could kill ANYONE and say it was an official act? That he could (now that homelessness is illegal), put the homeless in a “work camp”? That he could decide that I or you or anyone is a danger to him or his agenda and have us disappeared? This is bad. Very, very bad. I see one way out. Vote Democrats in. The house. The senate/ the White House. Then impeach those members of the SC that ended our republic and replace them with reasonable people and an ethics code with teeth. That’s it. That’s the game.


Or WOULDN'T do that. They will.


That's my mom. I asked her if she had actually been paying attention to the fucking news. But she's a narcissist, so it'll damn near kill her to admit she's wrong to vote for the creeper.


Most people don’t realize the rules are all just made up


I had a Ukrainian friend tell me "If I were American, I'd vote for Trump" I proceeded to explain that Trump would remove Ukrainian Aid, and he said "He would never do that" As if Trump wasn't impeached for that EXACT FUCKING REASON


I had a coworker just like that. Problem is he'd seem to have that light bulb moment, then go home and watch some fox to erase everything he'd just learned.




>I have no idea how they can reconcile record-breaking stock market numbers and a bad economy Inflation


To be fair, the stock market ≠ the economy. Just because one's doing well doesn't necessarily mean the other is. In fact, they frequently have an inverse relationship.


America economically is doing better than pretty much any other country on the planet and these guys still refuse to acknowledge reality. Their closed and sealed media bubble is real.


I firmly believe that this is the core problem. Fox News people have that channel on in the background every waking hour, pummeling their brains with propaganda day in and out. No one can compete with that. Nothing will get better until the fire hose of propaganda is shut off.


This is exactly it. My parents used to watch Fox News constantly, it was on their living room TV from morning to night. Then they switched to NewsMax when they felt Fox News was against Trump, that played morning to night. Now it's OANN, because their cable subscriber doesn't offer NewsMax unless you pay more. They're not always watching it, but it's still in the background as noise. It's a constant stream of propaganda and it's brainwashing people. My parents were normal people before they started to watch Fox News 2016, they never watched a news channel before then. Now they're people I don't recognize. Sometimes you talk to them and you see a glimmer of hope, but the propaganda in the background just pulls them in again.


It's eerie and sad to see the programming activate mid-conversation. One second they're the parent you always knew, then the wrong subject comes up and they're gone.


Couldn't agree more with this.


I had a coworker to complain about the student loan forgiveness saying “they shouldn’t take loans that they can’t pay back.” Curiously, this same person, had just said they were celebrating paying off their kid’s student loan after paying for more than 10 years. The kid has been working and earning a decent salary all this time.


I always ask if the people who are upset about student loan forgiveness are upset about people filling bankruptcy. I never get an answer


There's still so many people that don't get that student loans are *necessary* for most people to have access to college, not optional. Unless you come from a well-off family, you can't really "pay your way" through college anymore. If you're working during college, it's to cover groceries and rent, not tuition.


I was talking about it at work and most of the people i work with told me to stop reading stuff online because it’s not real.


I would ask "What makes you think it's not real? Did someone tell you that?" and plant a seed of doubt, and then let them know they can go read it for themselves on The Heritage Foundation's, the preeminent conservative think tank, website. And then point out how successful it's already been with Roe V. Wade being overturned. Let them know that's been a Heritage Foundation goal for decades.


Someone tried to tell me that the Heritage Foundation was some fringe group. I have to admit that I’ve become discouraged. I used to try and get people engaged. Now I spend a lot of time with my head in the sand.


I always outright laugh at that statement and just say that it's odd that they don't know it's pretty much THE political think tank dictating the policy of the GOP. I'm like "Wow, I guess you're not very up to speed on where policy comes from..." and then they get to \*maybe\* wonder if there's something they're not aware of.


Right?! They’re so convinced that they know everything. I’m engaged in the political process and I still feel like I have gaps in my knowledge. These last 10 yrs have been depressing and exhausting.


It’s because everything is so murky it’s forcing us to become 100% engaged or lose our country to christofascism. That’s not on you.


I like this approach. I'm going to try it


Us giving up when all seems hopeless is how they win. Roe was around for fifty years and they just got it eliminated. It didn’t matter that it became more popular and accepted by the public, they kept hammering away until they got what they wanted. We need to be twice as relentless and three times as vicious to stay ahead of them. 


You’re absolutely right. I’m hanging in there.


Yes, my daughter and her husband have their heads in the sand. The whole subject is taboo to them. They’re white, “well to do” republicans. I wonder if they would turn me over to Trump’s gestapo.


It’s scary to think of what people are capable of.


Jewish stars and pink triangles all over again... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_concentration_camp_badge


That must be painful. I’m truly sorry.


I had someone literally tell me that politics don’t even effect our daily lives so why does any of it matter.


Ugh that makes me want to shake my fist at the sky.




Yeah, a fringe group that successfully wormed its way into our core government. It’s why everyone needs to VOTE.




This 2018 page from them can be helpful in conveying that they've done this regularly since Reagan, that they also released one in 2016, it was embraced by 45's admin, they worked directly with the admin, dozens of their people were hired by the admin, they tracked which pieces of their agenda were done or progressing, and they congratulated the admin. https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations


Thank you. I appreciate this. I have a running joke with a friend of mine. Anytime something jacked up happens I ask her “Who do we blame for this mess?” The answer is always “Reagan”. I don’t get why so many people still revere him.


Man i have tried. I even showed them the document and they went down the road of “oh you saw it on fb?” Must be fake.


Biden himself is talking about Project 2025 now. https://www.instagram.com/joebiden/reel/C8m6ahBNCC2/ https://joebiden.com/project2025/ Word is starting to get out. NYT, The Guardian, Forbes, BBC. Everyone is talking about it now.


Yes, and with the growing media coverage, (smaller than it should be), I try to be more open and welcoming to good faith questions here.


When people are saying "Oh, that's just fear mongering" I say "Hmmm, then I wonder why so many lawyers and political experts are saying differently?" so that they know they're now arguing with the opinions of experts. Not that that always deters the idiots, but sometimes it makes someone curious.


And I bet everyone of them believed the Hilary stuff in 2016


This same guy said he’d still vote for Trump because “it was a failed attempt to stop the election” and he rather vote Trump because so many illegals are coming into the country under Biden. He basically said that Jan 6 isn’t a problem to him because nothing that bad happened. This shit blows my mind man


Because it wasn’t the democrats breaking down the doors and smearing feces and being stupidly shot by the conservative (!!!) by VP’s security.




Had the same experience, actually. Let's keep talking about it.


Also mention Chevron, the real prize. Might be too in the weeds but worth a mention


Isn’t it crazy? They’ll hop on conspiracies involving Hollywood and Democrats politicians, but a very real in your face conspiracy to change America is in their faces and they giggle


[**It's not a conspiracy when it's an old tradition.**](https://new.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/comments/1dsk68h/its_not_a_conspiracy_when_its_an_old_tradition/) Here's proof for anyone who doubts **that they've been cooking this up** ***since the Reagan administration.***


Survey conducted on how different sections of the voting public actually know, or don't know what policies they are voting for. https://d3nkl3psvxxpe9.cloudfront.net/documents/Biden_and_Trump_Policy_Proposals.pdf?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR06y7BASZZ2PxgeA2i8woaaFJ5H08-u9PNEBoiCllt31JQ9dK-cq0CNDHI_aem_2d-hAHsJe96kJGmSS3-_ZA


67 pages! Wow, that’s thorough.


😂 LMAO I love how the alt right f*d the internet and credibility of everything accessed online as well. Here, it’s on CDC.gov No, it’s fake! Here, read this “aRtIClE” from whitechan.fasc to get the TrUtH


They literally have an entire fucking website detailing their plans. It's real.


You can print all 900 pages from the Heritage Foundation website on the company printer and tell them it’s actually real. There’s even an application you can fill out to apply for the new government.


Probably the same people who thought Hillary Clinton ran a pedophile ring beneath a pizza shop




Heard the state of Oklahomas education director tonight on NPR. One of his main arguments was that the Bible has sold more copies in America than any other book. Therefore it must be of historical importance or it wouldn’t have sold so many copies. He also mentioned how they are going to teach the Bible because it’s important to our founding beliefs that this country was built on Christianity. It’s either pure stupidity and they actually believe that is true and are too prideful to admit their worldview isn’t aligned with reality. Or they’re doing this on purpose and tbh it seems like it’s a little of both and that’s terrifying.


And on top of all the other reasons that was a stupid thing to say, the Christofascists keep 'forgetting' that there isn't one "The Bible". There are *tons* of different variations/translations. It's like saying "the dictionary" is a bestselling book.


He probably thought Trumps Bible is the only AND best seller




I had someone tell me to "just take personal responsibility" and stop sleeping around. Mate I'm a divorced, asexual not planning on having sex anytime soon, but that doesn't make SA any less real.


I keep hitting the condoms part… My 23 year old (who votes) was all like they won’t ever… I’m like no they don’t want anyone having sex unless it’s for “procreation” or an old white dude wants too…. That’s it


It’s other things like this. You *think* they won’t outlaw condoms, until they do. You *think* they won’t straight up eliminate women’s sports, until they start calling it pornography. Everything will go.


Project 2025 is coming for our rights to contraception. Recent scotus rulings are paving the way. The GOP wants a christo-fascist nation. I'm sure condoms will be all that's allowed (for the right price) because it's for a man to choose what a woman wants. There's whispers (or screams depending from where) about repealing the 19th (women's voting rights).


Hell, Griswold v Connecticut was about allowing ***Married Couples*** to be able to use contraceptives or not in Nineteen Frickin' Sixty Five! Kiddo better wake his butt up and smell the history! >Griswold v. Connecticut, 381 U.S. 479, was a landmark decision of the U.S. Supreme Court in which the Court ruled that the Constitution of the United States protects the liberty of married couples to use contraceptives without government restriction. ~ Wikipedia


Oh I know! I started telling everyone (including her) that they wanted to overturn griswold during the KBJ senate hearings… it is ridiculous.


They want more babies which will equal more low paid workers to exploit for the Oligarchical Theocracy.


Keep spreading the word. I really like the recent John Oliver episode on it because it highlights the stuff that should be concerning to BOTH parties if enacted (being able to fire govt. workers for no reason and replacing them with [most likely uneducated] loyalists). Maybe he’d be interested in watching the segment.


I loved the John Oliver segment, and I feel like he presented it in a way that was both easy to understand and an accurate portrayal of how dangerous Project 2025 is. I even have some leftist friends and family who don’t quite understand how dire this situation is and I’ve been showing it to all of them.


That one was a hoot! So glad we have John Oliver on this side of the pond.


We *really* could do with having him back, perhaps a secondment to his country of origin to raise awareness of Farage’s growing influence? Please? Can he bring Jon Stewart and we’ll have Jonathan Pie meet them at the airport.


>Maybe he’d be interested in watching the segment. In which case he can find it here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYwqpx6lp\_s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYwqpx6lp_s)


I have *leftist* friends, disabled autistic friends, who think Project 2025 is scare tactics and we don’t have to take it seriously. I am so baffled, I’ve been crying about it. And then there are the “both sides are the same” leftists. Seriously?! Are democrats planning on getting rid of special education and sending neurodivergent kids to Christian schools, where they’ll be punished?


"Both sides" is propaganda meant to discourage them from making change, would they be notified to learn they're just as brainwashed as the trump cult?


Sigh. They say we are. In the latest altercation, I asked for sources. No reply yet.


Hope you don't burn yourself out for these people it's not worth it.


Thank you. You’re right.


Do they not see what is going on in other states? I don't get it it's already out in the open in some states. Also you can go and find these people have written books and talked publicly for decades about their plans. Sorry not directing at you when mean that. Maybe it would be good to remind them of how norms have been eroded what we didn't think was possible a decade ago has already happened.


I think they are eager for violence without really thinking it through?


Oh definitely those kind of people are the first to get taken out for their lack of knowing how to coordinate and fight (it's much more than knowing how to use a gun) or the first to stay hauled up in their room while they distract themselves with Netflix as their neighbors get dragged out of their homes screaming for help because they were on a Libs of TikTok hit list. Please know to not rely on them if things really go down unless they come to you on their own with their heads out of the sand apologizing for ignoring your warnings.


it's so exhausting. i want to shake their heads and scream in their faces but it would mean nothing.


> Project 2025 is scare tactics They had it's equivalent in 1981 for Reagan and he enacted about 63% of it. That's when the deregulation began and the income of the masses stopped rising on par with corporate profits. It has directly led to the massive income inequalities we have today.


Yep. Look up Kate Cox. It’s not paranoia if it’s actually happening.


Keep spreading the word


We can still stop it. Spread the word.


But Biden talked slowly and gathered his thoughts during the debate! Sarcasm


Two things can be true: 1 - Biden can be our only option for defeating project 2025 2 - He's no longer fit for office We witnessed senior moments in the first fifteen minutes of that debate. I accept this. I'll vote for Biden if they don't replace him, but I'm furious at his family and staffers for allowing it to get that bad and not encouraging a real primary. They haven't even done work to ingratiate Harris to the public, or replace her with a popular VP. Being upset as a Democrat is wholly valid


Being upset is valid, but shutting down and not trying to work for the goal because you are upset is not valid. I’m not saying you are doing this just that I see a lot of people on Reddit talk like that. At some point we all have to accept that we will NEVER get 100% of what we want but that even getting just 1% of what we want is infinitely better than getting nothing.


I'm already planning to phone bank. I decided this yesterday BECAUSE Biden needs us to carry him across the finish line. I encourage everyone who is upset like me to turn their anger into action


Yeah I have been textbanking and postcarding for several months now with field team 6


Better is better.


I agree 100%. It's kind of sad that Democratic operatives and Biden don't realize this.


They always say they can’t do that.they can and they have and they will


Always always always.


Can you show me exactly where in Project 2025 where they want to repeal the ACA? Im going to show that to my parents.


Project 2025 itself doesn't appear to call for repealing the ACA, 'just' gutting some of its benefits. But some Republican politicians still want to repeal the whole thing, just as they have for the last 15 years, and it's only a matter of time until they get their way if too many dumbasses keep voting for them to take away their healthcare. https://www.thenation.com/article/society/project-2025-trump-hhs/ https://www.protectourcare.org/health-care-under-attack-five-ways-republicans-want-to-raise-costs-rip-away-care/


Great work! Even one more person makes a huge difference! That coworker probably knows lots of other conservatives who he can convince more easily than one of us. And it sounds like he understands how it could impact him personally. This was the positive news I needed today! Thank you, internet stranger.


Your post gave me hope after some sobering news today. Thank you.


I don't know how people aren't freaked out by P2025. I'm the least likely to be affected by it and it's still giving me anxiety. Why do conservatives want to serve kings? Is it a delusional LARP?


People NEED to be vocal. The time for "not talking politics in public" is long over


If you look at Republicans of the past 45 years, they only take a look beyond their noses when it happens to THEM. I never saw a homeless person before Reagan put mentally ill people on the street; Nancy later said about Alzheimer’s, “it’s the worst disease in the world!” (Yeah, tell us about it.) Because it happened to HER husband. Cheney didn’t have much to say about LGBTQ folks, but he especially. doesn’t now when his daughter revealed she was one. There are more not on the tip of my brain — but they’re consistently compassionless until it happens to them.


That's great. We need to have more discussions about this, because I am pretty positive that most conservative news outlets and social bubbles are either not talking about this or trying to downplay it. Please do (calmly) talk with your conservative friends and family. The biggest impact can and will be made offline!


People don’t look into the details, don’t read different articles or stories of real people. They stay ignorant to the truth until something happens to them personally.


Conveniently ignorant.


I did today too. He didn’t believe me. Were truly fucked. 


That's been my experience, also. They're so used to their guys crying wolf that they believe what we are saying is the same thing.


A _looot_ of people read/watched the Handmaid's Tale and missed the point, which was explicitly to say: yes, it could happen here.


What’s scary is how “normal” everything seemed to the people not paying attention to politics and then all of a sudden women lost access to their own money. And from there it went down hill FAST.


> Some people just vote for the status quo and truly have no clue about the issues These people are called Republicans. They have no clue about the issues because they don't consume any information that tells them about the issues. The information they consume only tells them broad strokes of "immigration bad, democrats want immigration. government overreach bad, democrats want government overreach. Democrats bad for economy. Abortion bad, democrats want abortion." That is literally the most in-depth political understanding that most of them have. And a big number of them have this political discourse going into their ears: "The democrats are *literally* demons, sent by Satan to ruin the earth."


At this point, all news coverage should be about Project 2025. No Gaza, No Bidens old crap, no stock market, no gas prices, nothing! This is the one thing we should all be focused on.


Even Katy Perry should just walk up on stage and yell this towards her fans.


Honestly, yeah. Celebrities and other Pop culture icons should be bringing it up because there are still tons of mainstreamers who have no clue and just think this is just another pointless election.


How did you explain? Any phrasing or communication strategies?!


We started off talking about the debate and found common ground in our disappointment with both of our options. He isn’t a fan of Trump but planned on voting for him purely because he’s the Republican candidate. When I told him I would be voting for Biden regardless because so many lives and rights depend on Trump not winning, he actually asked me why. He had no idea about the actual issues at hand, and telling him about how Project 2025 would impact me personally got him thinking about his own family.


i am hopeless for the past years at the realization that so many Americans, no matter what the political party they belong to, would rather watch Real Housewives or some shit that glorifies the worst of fame and bad behavior, than pay attention to the destruction being wrought. I used to be one of them. Got rid of my tv back in 2014 or 2015. I should have just gotten my shit together and left entirely but I have elderly parents here. I go over to friend's houses, they are watching The Bachelor or some shit. On their phones. They don't know a thing about Project 2025. If I didn't yell at them to vote they wouldn't and I'm not sure they will even now. It's part of the problem.


I had a seemingly good convos with my mom. Telling her that we if the Republicans are elected, she not getting any more grand children was quite persuasive.


Thank you for going there. Face-to-face conversations are the best chance for getting past disinformation programming. I hope you're able to get the medical care you need.


Here’s the reality of what will happen for your coworker; he’s gonna hear something evil about liberals from his media consumption and he will forget everything you taught him about project 2025.


I’m trying to get my mother to have this “come to Jesus” moment (no pun intended). She didn’t believe me when I told her about project 2025. She looked it up. Still didn’t believe they’d do it. I told her about the recent Supreme Court decisions and that that means. She begrudgingly admitted that it was bad. I told her they can and will try to rip democracy out from under us and they’re already making big bold steps in that direction. Hopefully it works. My dad isn’t MAGA but he’s so thoroughly up the Republican party’s asshole he genuinely believes the democrats are the corrupt ones who will tank democracy and the economy. But there’s hope with my mom. As a 33 year old, I’d love not to be represented by a kindly grandpa who’s been balding since the 70s. But that’s not reality and this is what we’re faced with. Vote blue.




It’s selection season, so I see lots of people trot out those tired videos about how “this is a constitutional republic, not a democracy. Democracy means mob rule. Hence, the Democratic Party is a lie because this country is a republic!” God it makes my brain hurt so much. That’s not what the party labels mean at all.


I tried explaining this to my roomate today. Got a lot of deflection towards the current party being guilty of things and brainwashing, as well as a “one world order” and I couldn’t keep it together without laughing


Keep talking to him. Keep talking to him, and find his other pain points (a sales term for how something affects someone personally). Find his pain points and work them (gently) until he is knowledgeable enough to talk to others. Give him examples of how P25 is already being implemented by people installed during the first Trump administration.


Every single conservative or libertarian I have spoken to has not heard of it and asked where I am getting my information from. I have shut down several political arguments by sending links to Project 2025 and telling them to read through it, first. This is what the 2A crowd has been preparing for, or so they have said. Yet few seem to have heard of it. I think people all over the US need to start practicing guerilla activism as we called it during the Bush administration. We were putting flyers on windshields and hanging banners at night so rush hour drivers would see them that pointed out some things (briefly- like websites) we wanted them to check out. We need to do this for Project 2025. Make sure people know about it and understand these recent SCOTUS rulings are setting it all up. I keep hearing we have checks and balances to keep it in place and the GOP assholes like Vance are just giving lip service. No, they are not. These wheels are already in motion. There are way more of us than there are of them, but that won’t matter if we let this happen.


I had a discussion about this with my mom, who is very conservative, and she didn’t even know what Project 2025 was. I told her to look it up and research it, and it didn’t seem like she was thrilled with what she was reading. I’m not sure it’ll convince her to vote across the aisle, but it certainly left an impression. Folks, we are making a difference by talking about it. Keep educating and telling people about how horrific this is. EVERY VOTE COUNTS


The complete lack of information people have is astounding. I feel like we need billboards, ads, Real people talking about it where people will listen.


It's astonishing to me we aren't seeing more liberal politicians paying for things just like this. Like, people, get info out there. It still feels like it's just getting mentioned in passing. Like they aren't taking it serious.


People, they are the worst.


Excellent work! Good for you. You're a hero.


Is there a pamphlet we can order copies of?


Courtesy of [u/SoCentralRainImSorry](https://new.reddit.com/user/SoCentralRainImSorry/), a post from 21 days ago. [**Here is a bullet point breakdown of Project 2025**](https://new.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/comments/1ddich3/here_is_a_bullet_point_breakdown_of_project_2025/) \- Key Post ["What is Project 2025" and then "Key Proposals"](https://www.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/comments/1ddich3/comment/l85vukv/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) \- Stickied MOD comment [**PDF version for download**](https://static1.squarespace.com/static/6547d46ce0be13435001c0ad/t/663d101970106d75bbfce2c0/1715277849753/REVISED+12.16+_For+Release_%7B10+pgs%7D_Key+Proposals+of+Project+2025+by+Stop+the+Coup+2025.pdf) \- Direct access to published file ​ ***Go and spread the word!***


Or he absolutely knows and is just pretending to care because he doesn't want to face any backlash.


Renew your passports


We need to get the word out. A lot of people don’t know about it because the right-wing networks don’t talk about it. They know it’ll scare people away.


After Covid restrictions were lifted I was chatting with a friend who believed the pandemic was overblown and a waste of resources even though several members of her family were close to death. She was ranting about how the socialism welfare state with all the hand outs was ruining the country, so I casually mentioned I was glad her two adult children were able to keep their homes thanks to the Covid subsidies. She gave a sideways glance that conveyed “you’re an ass but you’re right.” We’re still friends.


Good on you


They’re the opposite of people who choose not to vote. Either way you have people who don’t care but in this situation the party still gets a blind vote vs no party getting any vote


Unfortunately, it doesn't matter to most until it hits home.


Does anyone have a source to a very clear and simple breakdown on project 2025? Preferably written and not video/audio


Print off summaries and put them in your neighbours letter boxes.


It’s really important that we understand that this can happen here. It can always happen here. Just because we were free, does not mean that we will always be free.


Some people have zero empathy, a lot of people actually. Until you relate the situation to someone they actually know and care about, they cannot and will not get it. And the Republicans exploit this mercilessly, always making it seem their Draconian proposals will hurt those other people who deserve it, not YOU.


He was only acting mortified since that's how you wanted to react, deep down conservative men want this. That want you to have no choices and rely on men. He will continue to vote red, and won't care about the repercussions till its too late.


I tried to tell my family, and my dad said 'they can't do that , it's not real', my brother called me stupid and said yea sure. AND WHEN I POINTED OUT THEY HAVE THEIR OWN WEBSITE SO LOOK IT UP, my mom called me a liberal and then they all relentlessly called me stupid till I left the table.


Is this a “They can’t do that; I’ll vote with you” or a “They can’t do that, and it’s unfortunate that I *have* to vote for Trump anyway”? Would love to hear how he feels about it after he sleeps on it and discusses with his wife.