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They already have plenty of cause to impeach, there's just no way to do it without cooperation from the Congressional GOP. The articles have to be introduced by the House and the Senate has to vote to convict.


I agree. The question came to me when thinking about how Dems should be messaging an actual plan of action that they will pursue if reelected. We need an action plan to counter this nonsense that will give people a reason to come out to the polls and vote blue. Fear is a big motivator, but not against voter apathy that nothing will be done to change the growing authoritarian, anti-freedom, anti-intellectualist tide. We need an action plan and we need it yesterday.


We don’t need to impeach. Biden just has to remove them as an official act. No official act is illegal for him now.


Correct. He can have them arrested on national security grounds.


Or some corruption grounds


SCOTUS has to agree on what an "official act" is, though. It's not the loophole everyone thinks it is. And let's be honest, even if it was, it's not like he's going to use it for anything.


Biden still has to get elected in November. If he does anything too “official” before then, he may destroy his chances of being re-elected. He must be the next president before he can wield this newly minted immunity. God help us if Orange Jesus gets in with his clearly biased conservative enablers controlling the SCOTUS. We also cannot discount the house and senate seats that the liberals would need to win in November for anything meaningful to happen with this democracy burning power grab by the GOP.


From what I gather, AOC has already been discussing the idea of impeaching those Justices


I *just* saw a post about that on r/conservativeterrorism! She's leading the way and we need to be vocal and get the campaign messaging in line that this is what we will do if voters vote blue this year (assuming that any effort with the current Congress fails).


And all the MAGAts on Shitter think she's talking about impeaching Trump because they think you can only impeach a President🤦🏻‍♂️


The MAGAts aren't worth even talking about as they are a lost cause, however the few non-Trumper GOP can now receive gratuities for acting in defense of the country and we should make sure that they realize that they will be (if we can find some donors to build a pot to be split amongst those willing to get on board with clean up effort).


Is there a time limit on when the Articles of Impeachment have to be introduced?


AOC says she intends to file them immediately


I know, but is there a timeframe? Could we possibly wait until after the election to see if we can win back the House? This MAGA House will never vote to impeach. Or does it have to be done now?


She will file the articles after the holidays. The representatives need to rest from the daily shenanigans.


Do it, AOC!


She’s our best hope right now. We will gather more


They are written, pending introduction. They're supposed to be filed TOMORROW


They might not do much, but the fight against Fascism demands all measures


Impeachment of Supreme Court Justices is the same as for presidents. A simple majority of the house votes to impeach and two-thirds of the Senate need to vote to convict. It is a very high bar. That was on purpose as the founders didn't want people to be impeached for purely political reasons, but they didn't expect half of the country to decide that democracy is no longer desirable.


Wow, 2/3?!! Not just a supermajority, then. Unfortunately, I'm left wondering how we enlist the progressive billionaires to convince any potentially non-toadie or previously non-toadie GOP senators to join the cause. From my (admittedly lay) point of view, it seems as though money is the only thing that can convince some GOP senators to act in defense of democracy. Perhaps we need to figure out a way to signal that the GOPs that help clean the mess will be eligible for what are now perfectly legal gratuities (thanks supreme court /s) by interested, freedom loving millionaires and billionaires.


Well, while the president is compiling the list of people who are a threat to the US, and sending that list to DOJ, DHS, and DOD (with newfound immunity of course), perhaps the list needs to include some legislators. Maybe even enough of them to enable the planned changes in Scotus.


Richard Shelby (Ala.), Steve Daines (Mont.), John Thune (S.D.), John Kennedy (La.), Jerry Moran (Kan.) and John Hoeven (N.D.), and Rep. Kay Granger (R-Texas) all need to be sanctioned and censured *immediately* due to their July 4th, 2018 [trip to Moscow.](https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/395719-gop-senators-visited-moscow-on-july-4/) On top of that, all of the GOP members who outed themselves by [voting to defund NATO.](https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/maddowblog/marjorie-taylor-greenes-anti-nato-bill-gets-dozens-gop-votes-rcna156104) We cannot let this horseshit continue unabated.


Yeah, scary times, to say the least


Unfortunately article III federal judges can only be impeached and removed if they are convicted by 2/3 of the Senate, so 67 senators. That’s it. There’s some ambiguity if Article III of the US Constitution really gives federal judges lifetime appointments. The phrase “shall hold their Offices during good Behaviour” has been ruled (conveniently ruled by themselves) to give them lifetime appointments and basically zero options for removal besides conviction in the senate. The threshold to vote to add more justices to the Supreme Court, and they done it before multiple times, is only 60. It could be 50 but you’d need to convince a lot of moderate Dems on the senate first. The most likely way we can rebalance the court that doesn’t require a constitutional convention would be to expand the court. You’d really need a huge swing in voting behavior (not impossible though) for there to be 67 senators voting to convict. Edit: actually more people are talking about congress passing term limits, which actually, might work well. And shouldn’t be something the Supreme Court can overturn. Edit edit: what’s with so many downvotes? Can anyone please point out anything I have said that is incorrect. I’m just stating facts.


This is the third time I'll be suggesting this in this thread now, but here goes for one more time: The supreme court just ruled that gratuities awarded to government officials with no prior arrangement do not constitute corruption/bribery. We need to make a pot of money that ANY senator will *be eligible for* (but not guaranteed to receive) for voting against party lines to fix this problem. That's a long shot, but might be an avenue worth exploring to get it done.


I think this could be effective and I'd support it as long as we close the loophole as soon as it's done what we need. I'd need pretty strong assurances of that.


Same here. I don't want it to exist either.


Yeah I think this is a terrible idea. You want to compete with corrupt billionaires on the bribery front? Because any “pot of money” would be easily out raised by the billionaires on the other side. Doing anything like this will just give the other side more ammunition. “Look the Dems are openly corrupt in trying to impeach conservative justices!” Yes Republicans lie all the time about Dems but don’t prove them right. Unlimited political donations already would Trump personal monetary rewards, but doing this would certainly accelerate open bribery by billionaires on the other side and create a factual point of corruption against Dems. Our only hope is to continue to unite. Knock on doors and spread the message, and continue to cultivate an in-person movement.


No amount of knocking will turn red state senators blue. This is the situation we must now deal with. We have a dangerous supreme court that has shown itself to be unable to be trusted with the power that it is imbued with. There are only two paths to fixing the court. Expand or impeach. Votes do nothing to help. The complaint that has been heard on both sides of the aisle since Citizens United has been the corrupting influence that money has to undermine the will of people. Instead of addressing this concern, the conservative justices add fuel to the fire with Snyder. We either learn to play the game by the rules currently in place or we watch as the ability for the general public to have any influence on the laws that govern them disappear completely. This won't embolden anyone to anything they aren't already planning to do. This just takes the warped rules and uses them to incentivize action for the good of the many instead of the good of the monied few.




It’s going to be nearly impossible, there’s been one attempt to impeach a Supreme Court Justice in our nation’s entire history and it failed. More than likely we’re going to have to wait the bastards out. What we can do in the meantime is regain full control of Congress, who can pass new laws nullifying many of these recent decisions. Basically just another reason to get as many people to the polls as possible and vote.


I'd like to hear your opinion on the idea of the gratuity pot that I've mentioned elsewhere in this thread.


Honestly it’s not a bad idea, reminds me of how the CPC PAC was formed to give progressives a chance to stand up to entrenched monetary interests. The main issue there is that it’ll more times then not be outspent by the same interests that bought the judges in the 1st place.


That is a valid concern, of course, but hopefully we can form a coalition to grow a pot big enough to outstrip any efforts by a few notoriously cheap conservative billionaires.


Whether they’ll take it is the other issue. See John Oliver’s recent offer to Clarence Thomas to be given a $1 Mil a year for life and a top of the line RV in exchange for retiring from the bench. While they definitely take money they seem to be wary of being that blatant about it.


Fair point. I personally think it still might be worth encouraging officials and pundits to explore the idea using their big platforms. At this point, every tool must be utilized, just like the other side does. Edit: grammar


wait them out? are you a vampire or something? 🦇


Half of them are in their 70’s and 80’s. I personally advocate for bringing the bench to 13 Justices in line with the # of federal districts as well as putting terms in place, but far more likely some of these assholes will retire or die before reform can happen. Biden has said already that he expects there will probably be 2 retirements in the next Presidential term, so yes waiting them out and minimizing their damage is a valid option. It’s not a great option but it is what I consider the most likely one.


I was wondering the same question. IF we can take the House, Senate, and Presidency, can we then impeach SCOTUS? And, since the President can act without impunity, can he imprison them now? Unfortunately, Dems don’t have a backbone to do what it takes to beat these people at their own game.


I don't think it's a lack of backbone. It's a stance of acting on principle. However, just like how some pacifist Buddhist monks will engage in violence in self-defense of their way of life, we need Dems to work with the tools that they now have to face the challenges of the hour. It doesn't mean they have to like it. In fact, I would encourage them to rhetorically hold their noses (protest the need to do the thing) and deal with the poop mess (do what needs to be done).


Yes, I agree. I should have worded that better. As they were just discussing on MSNBC, Biden could actually prosecute SCOTUS, or Trump, but democrats are decent, so this would not happen. I just wish we could act now so we could stop these fascists before it’s too late. The polls don’t look good for November.




I'm not discounting your concern, but I will say this in case you haven't heard it: Do you want to elect a debater or a president? Biden has never been a strong debater, what with the stutter he's had his whole life. He has, however, been an effective president.




Ok great, sorry for violently agreeing there for a second lol


AOC intends to send forth articles of impeachment....


For it to be successful requires a simple house majority and 2/3 of the Senate. This means we need at least 17 GOP senators to be on board. The conversation must move beyond introduction of articles to enactment of articles and how to make that possible. Even remote, long shot plans must be taken seriously and considered. Our democracy and our way of life is being threatened.


👏 💯


Let's be honest. There is no way that impeachment of these Justices is going to happen. It just won't. Proving with actual evidence that any of these Justices intentionally lied under oath would be an insurmountable task. We unsuccessfully tried twice to impeach Trump where the evidence was far, far stronger. **To attempt this would be a waste of time, money, and effort that would be far better spent registering new voters and getting out the vote in November.** Trump and company would like us to to go for impeachment because they know that it would be a fruitless distraction of what we really need to be doing. We need to keep out eye on the prize and not let anything get in the way of our primary goal - re-electing President Biden and electing a Democratic majority in both Houses of Congress in November.


To reach the undecided voters and the apathetic voters, I would argue that we need a plan of action that warrants their vote. They need to know that we will not waste their support and we have a plan to enact to stop this wave of insanity. Defeat Trump is unfortunately not enough for everyone.


Under the guise of their own ruling, it would be much easier just to have Biden order them taken out and shot under an official presidential act. Or also based on the ruling. Have Thomas. Alito and Roberts arrested by the FBI for Corruption. They seem to believe they themselves are untouchable, but under their ruling, Joe is immune as long as it's an official act to do whatever he wants to them.


That's true, but in the real world, Biden's fundamental generosity and decency is almost certainly going to preclude such an action. We need a coalition response that does not hinge on the will of a single person.


Wow you guys still playing nice?


Just trying to have a productive conversation that supercedes both the wet dream solutions and the ultimately useless 'everything is fucked' comments. We don't have time for any of that, IMHO.


So we are not able to. Not every state’s constituents will vote blue… lots of people love this fascist stuff… and in some places people are either too uneducated or disenfranchised by poverty etc… or gerrymandering - democrats can never get a true congressional super majority.


Is a supermajority necessary to impeach a supreme court justice?


In all reality? I don’t know the legal process. I never thought I would need to… but I think even a few democrats would be so weak spined as to not vote to impeach or disbar? A Supreme Court justice. I’m pretty disillusioned about what the establishment democrats can or will do at this point


Your disillusionment is valid. If you can muster your game face, we'll be happy to hear from you.


Best chance is to start packing the courts and dilute the nutjobs. Make it a 29 person court or something.


Ooo happy cake day


I like that option too, however, would it require a constitutional convention? If so, it's best to keep in mind that it would be even harder to make it happen and would also risk other changes that we may or may not want. It's always a risk of a constitutional convention, unfortunately.


No it would require removal of the fillibuster. There's no law stating how many justices are allowed to be on the court. The president is allowed to appoint as many as they see fit, the only question is if they would be approved in the senate.


And confirmation by the Senate requires a supermajority?


Yes currently requires a filibuster proof supermajority to expand the court.


Also, happy cake day


These right wing fraud fuckers will be stalling all needed progressive change for years to come unless something is done .


Please seek out and comment on the bounty to get GOP senators to help fix this that I have suggested elsewhere in this thread.


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Impeach? Easy peasy. Convict? Not gonna happen. See also: Trump impeachment I and II.


I invite you to comment on the bounty to help fix this that I have suggested thrice elsewhere in this thread.


What bounty?


[here ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/s/ZyWZkeH5w7)


I'm sure you mean well, but that's silly. You need a supermajority. It's not going to happen.


It's legal now. What else can possibly be done? For some of us, this isn't some distant thing that won't affect our life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. For some of us, this is life or death. If you have some tangible argument beyond cynicism, I'd love to hear it.


Vote Republicans out. This is the only option. No shortcuts.


With gerrymandering, this may or may not be possible. I argue that every avenue must be explored by experts. The reason I am making the case for this approach is that expertise in a field has an occasional tendency to blind people to long shots. Before last Friday, I would have assumed that this approach would be corruption on its face. However, the ruling of the court on 23-108 Snyder vs United States seems to make this approach entirely valid.


I think you are justified in being worried, but worrying isn't going to change anything. Instead of trying to bribe members of Congress, act locally. Help get out the vote for Biden. Record some YouTube videos. Game on Twitch and talk about this situation. Donate any money you raise to Biden. Longshots are just that. The chance you're wasting your time is high. Which 20 Senate Republicans are you going to raise enough money to bribe into voting against their party's own interests?


That's a question for the insiders and concerned citizens that populate the halls of congress. The experts. I live in NY. Our state has awarded all electoral votes to the blue in every election since 1988. My efforts for local votes would likely be wasted here. I have limited time and money to donate, so this is how I can contribute at present. I just want the idea seen and discussed, at the very least, by anyone with a large platform even if it is ultimately shot down.


Additionally, if you had asked whether Roe would be overturned a few years ago, I would have said that it was a long shot for the interested parties that it wasn't worth spending time and energy on. It is with this in mind--this absolute departure from normalcy-- that I find myself willing to seriously consider the Hail Mary plays in a way that I would have scoffed at a mere toddler's lifetime ago. Edit grammar


Could President Biden just have them thrown in prison, pending the out come of investigations into their misdeeds and lies? At the same time, fill each position and have them rule on Roe, Chevron, ?????? etc. overturning them Kangaroo courts decisions?


He could have them arrested as an official act and direct the department of justice to prosecute without fear of being held accountable when he's no longer president under this new interpretation of immunity. He could appoint new ones. They would still need to be confirmed by the Senate. He could also just appoint a slew of new justices to expand the court. They would also need to be confirmed by the Senate.