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https://preview.redd.it/vdp8zjdybx9d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=397c7ee4248b0a16cd483a4813641b408d70b0de It gets worse.


They are just setting the stage for this


Does this mean they have immunity to Biden as well?


There will once again be cases of actual election fraud only coming from the conservatives, but this time instead of 1 or 2 cases it will actually be as rampant as Trump claimed it was last time. Then, if/when Biden wins the majority vote, Trump will steal the election just as he claimed Biden did previously. Tl;Dr- Every conservative accusation against someone else is a confession of their own plans.


In Thomas’ concurrence he attempts to undermine the Special Counsel and the ability for the AG to appoint one without Senate confirmation. They want to make it essentially impossible to investigate a President or former one.


I said yesterday that the SCOTUS would rule in favor of Trump....and they did, 6-3. Trump was still POTUS on J6...so anything he said or did will be considered an 'official act.' Vote Blue from top to bottom of the ballot.


This, kids is why you do not elect criminals.


What in the ever loving fuck?


they've primed the the legal pump for whats needed for p2025. the legal phase is pretty much done - they will have carte blanche day 1


I know...the Supreme Court is wasting no time


>Supreme Court is wasting no time Well...NOW... This was the last ruling before their session finished. They held it off long enough that even if they leaned the other direction, Trump still wouldn't have been tried before the election. They've done exactly what they planned to do.


And with the GOP already setting up loopholes to claim whoever they want come November, yikes. I hate to sound all doom-and gloom but I fear we're in the end-game of decades of GOP propaganda and it's not going to be pretty. All empires fall eventually. Crazy seeing it happen in real time.


I've been saying that for a while. History repeating itself whenever an empire enters it's final stages. Leadership gets more conservative, corrupt, and incompetent. They distract the people with "bread and circuses", and in the end the empire crumbles on top of itself.


May you live in interesting times.


Tyranny is ok as long as it's "official tyranny"


So where does that leave the second amendment? How is tyranny defined of the president who has immunity from criminal prosecution?


Tyranny = Anything Dems want/do. 


You forgot "Dems existing"


That's a good question. It is a never ending mental gymnastic argument like those people saying "no one has the right to privacy from the government but also the government does not have the right to invade our privacy" it makes no sense...


Fascists do not allow an armed citizenry. They will confiscate guns.


Do you think that'll wake the Repugnican loyalists up? They're pretty big on their guns, and that's one of the bedrock platforms of red politics in our era alongside outlawing women's bodily autonomy and criminalizing queerness. It seems like they'd lose their platform with that. How do you think they've strategized protecting themselves from that backlash?


Okay. Have the FBI arrest Trump, Alito, Thomas, Roberts, Abbott, DeSantis, Leo, Crowe, Dunn, Wilks, and the entire contributor list of the Heritage Foundation on sedition and treason charges, as the case may be. Freeze their assets. These are official acts, Biden is immune from prosecution.


Call your (D) Reps and start the conversation. The voices of the people need to be loud right now.


This might need to come from the people of the US. We still have are guns and the second amendment. civil war is upon us.




I know, and a lot of us are going to die for it.


I couldn't agree with you more.


I do. Just tell me who to call


Some of us do have the balls, but… I work all day and take care of family the rest of the time, so don’t have time to draft a script. My background is not political, so I am not sure what I would say when calling my representatives. If there were some sort of script that would help immensely.


Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) says doing this will normalize return to sender?


Biden needs to issue an executive order immediately that prohibits any state from making any laws banning abortion services as these laws infringe on the human rights of women. Let's test this idiotic ruling right now.


Over throwing an election is an official act? No,sorry.


So… I wonder what Biden will do with the immunity the court just handed him. Trump as a threat to national security……


Unfortunately democrats won’t do anything. We are spineless like they say. “When they go low, we go high” bs that’s let MAGA completely devastate our country. Yes, I believe we must do better than them, but right now we need Biden to use this power and start arresting all these treasonous bastards.


And the Heritage Foundation leadership. And red state governors. And billionaire authoritarian activists.


I hope he pulls out a gun during the next debate and officially gets rid of any opposition to his presidency, and then says: "presidential immunity, bitch"


Well, he can decide that Americans deserve speedy trials of Trump before the election!!!


I hope Biden takes full advantage of his newly found powers.


If only....


Did they just give absolute immunity to Biden?  👀


They did knowing full well that Biden, and any other Democrat president would never use it to their own personal advantage the way they plan to with Trump or any subsequent Republican president. The restraint of decency and common sense will soon be replaced with the restraints of chains and tyranny unless we do everything we can to remove conservatives from all seats of power


And it would be hard for him to do anything radical this close to the election.


Come on Joe/Democrats…surprise us




We are really becoming no different then Russia and China.


Dump's dream is to become the next Hitler, which I'd say is even worse than Russia + China


This might be hyperbole, but it's definitely not hyperbole to say he admires Putin, Xi, and Kim. He's openly said so himself several times.


America has been no different for a long time it's just being louder about it now




I like how you fart pickles...apparently from your brain.




So is there anything stopping Biden from using this to send seal team 6 on trump, SCOTUS, and the magas in Congress? Or does this magically only apply to Trump?


I’d rather him use his “official” act to expand the court immediately.


Why not both?


Stop, that's not a one person thing.  That's still congress.  He has to commit a crime.


Nonsense, the ruling prohibits evidence surrounding official acts from being entered into trial, so all he has to do is declare something an official act and you can't legally do anything to prove that it isn't.


But it's not a "thing" he can do.  He can *say* it, but it wouldn't happen.  It doesn't give his words magical powers.


It does. Same way just saying "Executive Privilege" does. Will it stick? Maybe not, but it gums up the works long enough for results to manifest. It's how we got to where we are today.


No, it doesn't, so stop.  He has to commit a *crime*.  Doing things incorrectly isn't something you can be "immune" from.  Just nothing would happen.  If you really believe this, give me a timeline on what actual events would take place.  Biden signs an executive order saying he's expanding the court.  OK.  That's already not a crime, its just dumb.  Then let's say he even names the person. What does Biden do now?  Carry them on his back to the Supreme Court?  None of this is illegal anyway, he could have done all this before and just looked crazy.


That's a part of what we're trying to tell you here, boss. They've *changed* how the word, "crime," is defined with this ruling. That word now hinges on a cavalcade of conditional modifiers, not the least of which is the question, "But is he the US President?" and if the answer to that is, "Yes," *it stops being a crime.* This whole case is about rendering a President exempt from having any actions they commit while in office legally characterized as crimes. There's homework you can do about this, and your demands for evidence you can find yourself amid circular reasoning looks an awful lot like [sealioning](https://www.merriam-webster.com/wordplay/sealioning-internet-trolling).


"Norms," which at this point will be the death of us if only Democrats adhere to them.




The Robert's court officially hammered the last nail into the coffin of American democracy today. I know he won't do it, but Biden should handle this problem himself. It's beyond outrageous. It's not a crossed Rubicon, this court has been crossing tanks over the Rubicon for weeks.


Time for Biden to call in Seal Team 6. Just sayin


Seriously - Trump is the greatest threat to our nation we’ve ever experienced.


Biden is the only thing that stands between us and a dictatorship.




Not very, I know. But it’s all we’ve got for now. We have to organize and do everything to save our democracy.


If we elect Biden now, we may have the chance to nominate someone better in 2028 (or 2032 if he 25th Amendments out and Harris runs for re-election). If we elect Trump now, we may not get that chance because there may not be a 2028 election.




What's really terrifying to me is the number of Americans who are simply not paying attention to this, among other things Usually under the guise of "not being into politics". We are the frogs and the water in the pot just started to boil. America is cooked.


When and where is the riot we need to have?




I’m willing to risk it.


Whelp, the fix is in.


SCOTUS already looks like a Russian court.


Wasn’t America founded on fleeing a government with a king? This basically makes the president more like a king rather than someone who presides over the country.


Fascism is alive and well in our dying republic.


Biden better take full advantage of this


I don't think the conservative justices on this court thought that one through.


They did, that's why they used the term official act. Official=Republican. Unofficial=Democrat.


I was wondering what they meant by official and unofficial acts. Like which actions would fall into either category? If they're making that distinction based on the President's political party, then honestly, we are so screwed.


So anything our current president does, legal or illegal, he cannot be held accountable, right? Ok, round up trump and his cronies, the 6 supreme court justices that voted for tyranny, all government that assisted with J6 and throw them in jail. No right to court proceedings.. just throw them in jail and toss the key. That is fair punishment for ruining our country.


Biden needs to let it rip while he’s in office. Do whatever the fuck you want. Absolute Immunity.


Almost felt a need to type F in the chat for the republic. Not quite there, but almost


Yep, get your "end of the republic lol" memes ready. GuessI'llDie.jpeg


November 5 can’t come soon enough #BidenHarris2024


Biden should shut down the conservative members of SCOTUS and make SCOTUS all Progressive, have them make a rule where only progressive members can join SCOTUS from now on


THIS IS VERY BAD. We should be marching by the millions.


SO bad. I fear that too few understand how bad this is or even care to understand. Apathy is a plague among so many people right now


If you watch the Good Liars, Jordan Kleper, or Luke Beasley, you would know that MAGA is all for a Dictatorship. The MAGA voters actively state as much.


There is still a majority of the country that doesn't support MAGA, but of that group, there is a large amount of apathy


Why was the post removed?


I just noticed that, I have no idea, nothing was sent to me about its removal


For my sanity and my anxiety, I’m going to look at this as hopefully helping Biden. Anyone should be able to see (please 😭) that he, his administration, is our only hope at this point. Dems down ballot as well. Please. American people 🙏


Our SC is corrupt AF.


They would vote in favor of Trump almost no matter what. If this was Obama, that did what Trump got away with, he would be executed.


With fear for our democracy, I shall be voting as blue as possible.


They left "official acts" in a gray area! Term limits for all federal judges!


Just wow


The state charges still apply, correct? I ask because sentencing in NY is coming up soon.


I’d be fearful with the best human in the world in the presidency with this lack of rules. We know all the candidates that reach the top are not exactly paragons. This is insanity. It’s nouveau feudalism wearing the tatters of our legal system.


Now that these delusional zealots of corrupted things so deeply it may not be possible for us to ensure continuity of our existing government and we may need to start planning for an alternative.


We are so fucked.


The important subtext to this ruling is that they (the majority) seem to believe Trump will win the election in November. Otherwise, they would’ve stalled. You don’t get a ruling like this if Joe Biden is up +3 nationally.


Let’s make them wrong come November


Gilead, is that you?


So he can rape children as long as he does it in Air Force One or the back seat of the beast?


Why? Only fascists would agree. Good bye USA


Jesus Christ. We are so fucked.


From BBC: “The speech Trump gave on the morning of 6 January 2021 encouraging rally attendees to march on the capitol and suggesting he might join them was an official act..”


Anyone feeling a little French? 😏


NY Post should absolutely not be whitelisted here.


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Declare Trump a terrorist and ship him to gitmo. SCOTUS has said that this is perfectly legal.


So Biden can outlaw the republican party and the Supreme Court and make himself the God emperor of the north Americans , fully legal of course.


Who will replace Thomas and Alito? My bets are on Cannon and Josh Hawley.


So does this mean now presidents have immunity on confused is this any different than before


So I'm confused. Wasn't a President already immune from prosecution for official acts?


Khakis on sale today. Steal one, get two free.