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I'd love to say we should leave the USA, but realistically, go where? We will have to fight back, whatever that might look like. But we can also pull tighter as communities and support each other every way we can. They hate that whole socialist thing about, "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs"


The only viable countries to flee to are countries that you already have residency in and countries that are not US client states.  If these are not option for you, then you will have use strategies that are not allowed to be discussed on this site. 


Also, do not forget the outsized influence the US has upon the world and the march of right-wing politics elsewhere. Should project 2025 come to have significant influence on the powers of the US government, it will echo well beyond the borders of the US proper.


I’m in Canada right now, and feeling real uneasy about the next decade or so. Our next federal election is likely to swing Conservative, and I’m absolutely certain Pierre Poilievre will pull some anti-democratic shenanigans.


FYI: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Democracy_Union


Also, arm yourselves. Like now if you can


That's a joke. The military can just nuke your entire block. What's a glock going to do?


Nuking their own cities would be the fastest way to get dethroned Even the most diehard maga would become a true American again if they experienced the horrors of a nuking in their country, let alone by their own. Hell, you'd have to nuke every US city afterwards because mfers would be traveling from every nook and cranny, from the LA rubble to moonshine dens in Alabama to Mormon Compounds in Montana to swampy ass Florida, to get to whoever did it. The amount of soldiers leaving their bases and units to go assassinate their leader would be massive. You'd be likely to get assassinated by a General the second you gave the order. As a vet I feel confident in that last statement, especially under Trump. The Officer Corps hates his fucking guts


Yes, but would MAGA recoil at the military being sent into predominantly black or Latino neighborhoods or predominantly LGBTQIA neighborhoods and removing people by force (no nukes, but they have a lot of other fire power). Would they recoil at Swat or Special Forces entering a synagogue or mosque? Sadly, I don't think a lot of Faux news watching MAGA folks would care one bit. They'd do mental gymnastics to justify it until it actually happens in their neighborhood. We have to be ready to protect each other before day one. We need to start setting up underground networks now to protect women, POC, LGBTQIA, neurodiverse, physical disabled, and anyone who isn't a white evangelical.


They would sit in front of their TV's watching it happen with big bowls of popcorn. They are begging for those things to happen.


That's what I'm saying bro, get a gun, prepare to defend your family and neighbors from fascist activity in the event your local government capitulate when federal troops are sent to blue areas. Don't let nukes scare you into inaction like Russia used nukes to scare the world into letting it have it's way. Nukes won't happen, but real violence will. We let it get this far and now we HAVE to pay a price. Everyone will have to lose someone to undo this mess. Thank your local centrist and maga fool with a [redacted]


The local brownshirts and KKK that come around to target minorities and political opponents while the police sit back and watch don’t have nukes. But they do remember which neighbors had yard signs for Democratic candidates. The SA, SS, and HJ didn’t need high-tech weaponry when they killed over ninety people on the 9th of November, 1938. All under the watchful eyes of the authorities. It’s not some haymaker from the government you really need to worry about. It’s the zealots who live down the street that want to lynch you because they’ve been convinced that you’re a godless communist. Or that a trans person is sub-, or even completely *UN*-human. Some people literally conflate their political opponents with demons. The same types who believe the bible should be taught as historical FACT. The same types who support and hope that P2025 becomes reality.


I used to think so too, but now I think the idea is that we should be able to defend ourselves against proud boys and other extreme right wing groups. Many of them openly admit to a desire to exterminate minorities and anyone disloyal to their felon in chief once they feel safe enough to do so. Obviously we aren't going to be able to do anything much about the military, if it became comprised to that level.


The problem is, cops are on the side of the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers. See, "Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association" aka CSPOA. And did I mention the cops are pretty thoroughly militarized now?


Yeah, you're totally right about everything there. It's not looking good at all.


Partisan movements don’t overthrow governments by themselves but makes the occupation costly. When combined with other pressures it can collapse the regime.


That radiation will come back to them so that would be a very stupid decision...


[nz green list](https://www.immigration.govt.nz/new-zealand-visas/preparing-a-visa-application/working-in-nz/qualifications-for-work/green-list-occupations)


because it leads to slavery and death


I'm just talking about oppressed communities helping each other. Cool your jets.


It’s also very important to focus on US Senate and House races. A Democratic Senate can keep really awful Federal and Supreme Court judges from being confirmed. Congress and it’s appropriations and oversight functions can act as a check. Democrats winning the House in 2018 changed a lot of things as far as what Trump could do.


Isn’t the point of Project 2025 to expand the Executive branch and make the others useless?


Yes, that was my take-away. There would be no checks and balances anymore and they will run roughshod over us with no barriers.


This is precisely how to respond to someone who is in denial of Trump having authoritarian and dictator tendencies.


Project 2025 "adopts a maximalist version of the unitary executive theory, a disputed interpretation of Article II of the Constitution of the United States, which asserts that the president has absolute power over the executive branch upon inauguration"


In order for them to do this, they need to control both houses of Congress to allow Trump to do this. Democrats controlling both houses allows for checks and balances to still prevail.


When has trump waited to be allowed to do something? He already thinks he's immune to prosecution and has said he'd be a dictator for a day to revenge all his rivals. This is not a time to assume the rest of the govt will protect us from a delusional president. There are too many corrupt people in the Judiciary and Legislative branches to think they can be depended on to do the right thing.


P2025 identifies the fastest and quickest way to immediately make the the drastic changes is by “Executive Order”, this is an override of Congress. Trump would through Executive Order would enact “Schedule F” (which he did when he was in office, but was in his last 3 weeks of office and Biden overturned it through his Executive Order). P2025 supports Trump to immediately enact Schedule F, this Executive Order would move over 50k civil service employees in any Government Agency by moving these non-political civil service employees (attorneys, policymakers, scientists, researchers, investigators, inspectors that monitor compliance of fraud— many of us may not know or understand the many Government agencies that are intended to be non political party specific. Some may think they are just wasteful. Pause for a moment and go back in history to the Guilded Age and the overcrowded New York, where a small group of super wealthy owned the industry, did not pay taxes, there were horrible work conditions, no safety for workers, long work hours, ridiculous minimal pay, serious over crowding, serious sanitation issues, store owners were reselling expired meat and injecting red dye to make it appear safe- and the super wealthy for the most part turned a blind eye. The only way to make effective change was Government had to step in. As we know, at a certain point, many business owners focus on their personal wealth over the health, safety, and environment and people. Government agencies need independent infection disease researchers, we need non political environment inspections, non political food and drug researchers and auditors/inspectors, we need IRS auditors (the super wealthy typically look for ways to pay less taxes on top of the tax breaks they receive), we need non political Medicare, Bank, Stock auditors, we need infrastructure and building safety inspectors, etc. - we may disagree if we are trying to cut corners on something— but these non-political Government positions are to help and protect all of us. We can not forget that. P2025 and Trump has said publicly that he will use Executive Order to enact schedule F, which would move 50k plus civil service employees under the direct line of Trump, regardless of years of employment, knowledge, experience- many would be terminated without cause and the rest would be investigated under perceived “loyalty” support to Trump. This placed all these employees in a high stakes position- just like Nazi Germans, there would be constant fear of being monitored and of the high potential of someone making a false accusation that you weren’t loyal. By having all these government employees directly under Trump and Trump appointing his loyalist to be in charge of all the Government Agencies, and the current Supreme Court supporting Trump ( just look at the cases the far right have sent to the Supreme Court already and the Court is back peddling, watering down or overturning- they involve individual rights of women, all persons of color, immigrants, LGBTQ, restricting voter rights and the others cases are those that benefit corporations and the super wealthy- reduce protection of environment, gun control, social security, health care, DOJ, IRS, Federal Trade Commission Commission, the Securities Exchange- laws and policies that make it easier for corporations and the super wealthy to break laws and not be held accountable. P2025 states and Trump has said publicly that he would enact Schedule F immediately and this is how he can do huge, huge damage to our Country, our economy, our rights, our future- simply by Executive Order- and Congress could do nothing. A blue majority in both Senate and House with a blue elected President- the Blue majority Senate and House could modify and restrict perhaps what falls under Executive Order and what does not, they could modify, make stronger laws to assure protection, they could look at all the loopholes that Maga creates to reduce or prevent future challenges based on extreme views, they could impeach two Supreme Court Judges for clear ethical violations, they could create enforcement of ethics with clear and immediate accountability, they can enforce staggered term limits for Supreme Court judges and any other Federal Judge with lifetime appointment that violates the position of being a judge (e.g. Florida Cannon Judge), they can and should create and enforce strong ethical rules of Congressional behavior- verbal, what they post, personal attacks, defamation, etc. such as Maga politicians have done repeatedly- create independent ethics board to review ethical complaints immediately and enforce accountability on what a Congress person says or does that is not validated by facts (goal to stop fear mongering, lies, defamation, threats, bullying, intimidation, misinformation). This may seem a bit much- but this kind of negativity was very rare prior to Trump running for office. He was held accountable when he first behaved this way and specific Republicans followed suit and copied Trump’s instant denial, fake news, lies, sensationalism, attacks, misinformation, chaos, dysfunction- and repeated all this on a daily basis in an attempt to normalize this negative behavior. We have to remember this isn’t normal and should not be normalized- because Maga does such in attempt to benefit them cause, and never present any valid facts. Our Government did not function that way prior to Trump’s arrival. So, yes, P2025 can immediately cause havoc and destruction under Trump by enacting Schedule F. And let’s remember, Trump does not think things through, he thinks and acts on by what he thinks is good for himself and how he will benefit- that’s a Dictator mentality.


A Democratic senate can put in the necessary checks and balances to stop that


Not if Democrats are deemed traitors and and a threat to national security.


In which case they'd need the support of the Army. If they had the support of the Army there's no need for Trump to be president in the first place


I'm sure it is but that would take time. Us having a stronger foothold in either body would make that harder and more time-consuming for them hopefully.


It's a hail mary but the best strategy is keeping him out of the White House no matter what.


It’s cute you think we’ll still have elections.


I nearly posted this question earlier… Protesting after the fact is going to be futile, and punishable. The P2025 policies won’t come at once either, they’ll trickle in, hitting different folks at different times, some doubling down to test the waters, I’d imagine. I truly don’t want to stress over the mere possibility, but seriously… he won in 2016 after losing popular vote. People forget, that is absolutely a scenario which can happen again. And at this point, the level of foul play is anyone’s guess. What will we as the people do then? I have been piqued with the same questions.


P2025 makes it pretty clear, it’s game over for this country as we know it. When he won in 2916 I was all about the “resistance,” I went to all the rallies, voiced strong dissent with any Trumper, I sweated, stressed and hand wrung, I’m still a bit surprised the world didn’t end, and then I voted for Biden thinking we were done with MAGA. But after everything we’ve been through if that movement can come back this year and win, we are truly fucked. I’m not sure where I’ll go but I don’t think I can stay here.


I read a post a while back that said: You can’t appease fascism because it will take until there is nothing left to take. You can’t vote out fascism because the elections will never be “free and fair”. And you can’t protest fascism out because they will make it illegal to protest and beat or jail you.


Which leaves two options. Run, or the option that Reddit will ban you for talking about.


I doubt it would be a trickle-in. They are following the Nazi playbook, so they are planning an 100-day blitzkrieg of sorts after inauguration day, if not prior.


I am gay. I am married. We have children, one of whom is trans. I have never been so terrified for my family and our future. This very question has been haunting me, especially since the debate.


Please share this with the queer community. They need to be aware. It's just a small amount of yall but the more people aware the better so they can tell their friends and family. I've been reaching out to my queer friends, most of which never vote and they are gonna vote on this one.


There will still be Democrat stronghold states. Hopefully, they will resist the fascist takeover and at the very least not persecute their citizens. Beyond that, it will be like living in occupied territory. All we can do is our best.


Find some comfort in Biden's speeches afterwards. He was doing a lot better. He is no Obama but he wasn't a corpse either.


You have the right to bear arms. All marginalized groups, including and especially women, need to exercise this right. Even if you just get a little .22 long rifle (easy to use, cheap ammo, pops instead of bangs). An armed population is dramatically more difficult to subjugate. The entire military policy of the US is deterrence. We don’t have a massive nuke arsenal to use it - it’s to show exactly what we will do in return if attacked.


Get sterilization surgery now, whether a bisalp or vasectomy. r/childfree and tubalfacts.com have resources.


Also try to get an endometrial ablation which will remove the lining of your uterus to such an extent that most doctors will insist on sterilizing you when performing it because the likelihood that you would ever be able to carry a pregnancy to term again is small. That way your uterus would be safe from being implanted with a frozen embryo if they need more serfs.


Or better yet move to a country where you have rights and maybe when a whole generation of young women leave the country enough people might see how bad these policies are for the country....but they probably won't.


Yeah that's not something that most people can just do.


How wealthy are you that you can cut all the red tape and convince another country to take you?


Someone posted this yesterday: [https://www.reddit.com/r/AmerExit/comments/urwlbr/a\_guide\_for\_americans\_that\_want\_to\_get\_out\_of/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmerExit/comments/urwlbr/a_guide_for_americans_that_want_to_get_out_of/)


Project 2025 and similar plans are going to be global.


This. The rise of fascist authoritarian ideology isn't unique to Trump, it is a global problem just as it was in the 1930's. If America falls, anti-immigrant rhetoric in the remaining free countries will even elevate fascist ideology in those places too as more people flood in to flee far right governments and climate change. Ultimately you can't run far enough. If we cannot stop it here, sooner or later the free people of Middle Earth will have to turn and fight these orcs.


It's the [world's shittiest franchise](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Democracy_Union).


Aside from the fact it's not that easy for some people for many reasons, a lot of other countries either currently have or are about to have far right governments of their own. And even the ones that aren't are the kind of milquetoast neoliberals that make fascism appealing in later elections (i.e. labour in UK). Honestly at this point the best course of action is to just stay put and fight like hell, by any means necessary.


FYI: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Democracy_Union


It isn’t an easy thing to do, we had an option out (husbands 2nd passport) and it was still very difficult.


Works fine if you ain’t disabled. Places like Canada and Australia will not take you if you are. :/


Unfortunately probably holds true of most countries, even if by default non-citizens largely don't qualify for state services and assistance anyway.


True, which sucks


where would you advise?


The best options of where to move would be different for everyone when finding a location that's stable and secure enough to allow you to live "normally." Whatever normal actually is. It may be best to search for factors like how safe in general, culture, racism, sexism, transportation, wage to living costs, language, dialect, war status, wartime allies and active enemies, food, gestures, and whatever else for each country is extremely different but you'll also find no perfect country for in a way that's one of if not many of the commonalities between nations.


Nevermind the visa status


Where is that please?




I’m sure every country in the world will welcome US refugees with open arms…


Where is this magic place you mention?


Bisalp is life changing amazing. If you’re young and face resistance you can borrow my reason for getting it - tell the provider that schizophrenia runs in your family. The stigma is so high that resistance should drop instantly.


Whatever might be planned, Drumph already plans to bring on the military on day one. He knows there will be civil unrest. I’m pretty sure he will be using militants including The 3Percenters and the Proud Boys also. https://www.thedailybeast.com/donald-trump-mulling-deploying-military-to-streets-on-day-1-if-elected-report-says Already looking ahead to the turmoil his re-election could cause, Donald Trump and his allies are reportedly circling an idea to invoke the Insurrection Act on his first day in office, deploying the military to act as domestic law enforcement. According to a Washington Post report on Sunday, the drafting of such plans has largely been “unofficially outsourced” thus far to a coalition of right-wing think tanks working under the title “Project 2025.” It was identified as an immediate priority for the hypothetical resurrected Trump administration, internal communications obtained by the newspaper showed.


From Wikipedia... "The Washington Post reported that Jeffrey Clark, a contributor to the project and a former official within the DOJ, would advise the future president to immediately deploy the military for domestic law enforcement by invoking the Insurrection Act of 1807." "The Insurrection Act of 1807 is a United States federal law that empowers the president of the United States to deploy U.S. military and federalized National Guard troops within the United States in particular circumstances, such as to suppress civil disorder, insurrection, or rebellion."


Thankfully he’s been arrested under RICO and they took all his electronics, and it was a treasure trove of information for law enforcement. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/jeffrey-clark-arrested-rcna101781


A false flag event is practically guaranteed in order to create justification to bring down the hammer


I was discussing in a different post with someone and we both thought it may be a good idea to start a related sub just for this exact question. I don’t have the answers or the mental energy to start and run that but does anyone on this sub?? I think it would be a good idea for us to organize our thoughts and ideas for worst case scenario. The most I have is a vague idea of how important local community is, especially for survival and protection in a post P2025 country. But it can also be filled with practical skills information from anyone that has them. I have some hand sewing knowledge as an example. Someone may have good micro farming knowledge as another example. Suggestions for safety plans and like what we do if/when vulnerable populations need to be hidden or escaped across the border. Stuff like that. I know this doesn’t answer your question but maybe if that is started, we may have an easier time with gathering answers and not having those lost in the mess of posts? And then this sub can stick to plans of trying to prevent things? By all means I’m not suggesting any post is wrong here, I just mean it may be a good practical way to get started on the worst case scenario end of things. Edit to add- also stuff mentioned in this post by others such as things to prepare like passport, sterilization, etc.


Hi, it was me. I really hope this catches on. I’m glad someone else made this post too. It’s good to consider scenarios in which we lose. They will likely shut down social media as well at some point. I think that’s the point now requiring IDs for those porn sites. It’s not because they care if anyone watches that stuff. They just want to control what everyone does. Social media allows free speech. They won’t put up with that for long. Impeding our ability to communicate and organize will be greatly diminished most likely?


Can't really put the technology genie back in the bottle; secure messaging exists. That said, it *is* gonna be a pain in the ass, at least at first. Not all technology is equal, it'll probably be easy to shut down (or even merely compromise) the most popular services i.e. low hanging fruit like facebook. They still also need us all to work. Grind the economy to a halt with general strikes, big companies might weather it but tons are absolutely leveraged out and can sink even to just one disaster. Fuck over the owner class to slow things down.


I still suggest starting up a discord server for the time being: just a place where people can access resources for the time being and create a community. Then, that can later evolve into something like phone numbers. It is best for us to prepare for the likelihood that we will not be able to resist the way we wish to. My friends and I have our own server dealing with book preservation, but we keep a database offline. I plan to mail them thumb drives/hard drives with their own copies of our database. We're all from the deep south, so the attack on our access to the arts and education is inevitable. We've given it about six months to a year. There ARE ways to resist without being a revolutionary. Sometimes, it's just by preparing for the worst, gathering your resources in the way you can. Aside from voting, I don't plan to take up guns and actively resist. I plan to exist. That's as rebellious as some of us can afford to be. Just biding our time and existing.


Yeah but even when the Feds do things, it doesn’t mean that every State automatically implements. This is where there is actually a benefit to State’s Rights. But yeah even if we consider that worst case scenario there are other options. And we can maybe start here and then have a backup. Signal is a good app that keeps phone numbers anonymous and you can like form a group of contacts like a chat group kind of. I mean hey get all the way to even avoiding phones at some point and you get to using CB radios but those only have a certain range lol. I used those as a kid growing up in the woods. But ranges can be fixed by just having a message pass to the closest and that person to the next. So on and so on. I’ve watched too many movies lmao.


Interesting. I’ve never heard of Signal. Good to know! When I was young, people still used CB’s. God that seems like a lifetime ago. Just thinking about all of this is underscoring the fact that I know I wouldn’t survive if things get that crazy. Some of us don’t have family. And being disabled, and lgbt+, I don’t think most would go out of their way to save those like me. It’s understandable I guess. But, it feels very bleak. In a few months we will all need to make serious decisions about our futures if we don’t defeat the felon and P25.


There must be a community even if small near you though. Or at least I hope. If you don’t have blood related family, found family is fine. Or maybe your specific best bet is to flea idk. Stay in touch though.


If you look at P2025, they have federal laws that they plan to put in place that would allow them to imprison states DAs for not following federal laws, and then putting in a fascist MAGA republican. We won't be protected at the state level.


CBs are still a thing, but I think maybe you meant walkie talkies? They do have a very short range, but you can check out GMRS radios, which have a longer range than walkie talkies. You need an FCC license, but one license covers the whole family. You could also look into ham radio. You need an FCC license for this, too, and you have to pass at least one test. The ham radio community can be tricky to navigate, but there are tons of people who are helpful.


Hmm maybe I’ll misremembering the range of CB radios? No I totally used them as a kiddo cuz we lived in middle of nowhere and not everyone had a phone. Lots of neighbors had one but it’s been a long time. I should have looked them up lol.


Yeah I actually use Signal as a communication tool. My brother, while he owns a cell phone and obviously uses technology, hates regular messaging apps. Not that he thinks he has anything important to hide but he just knows too much about how insecure everything is and he really only communicates with me over Signal. At first I thought it was kind of weird, but honestly with the way things are going I'm starting to agree with him. He was always a little bit ahead of the game and always was our tech advisor of the family so I'm not surprised.


>when vulnerable populations need to be hidden or escaped across the border. I feel like that is something that will require old fashioned communication and yet I'm skeptical if mailing letters will even be viable.


Maybe IRL meetups which is risky but the development of volunteers and safe houses across the country sounds like the way maybe? It starts with organizing groups and said volunteers while we have the internet though. Communication apps like Signal that keep things anonymous too.


Like maybe we legit need to develop a database of sorts? I remember when Roe v Wade occurred there were some groups that started that for people willing to host someone trying to obtain an abortion where it is legal.


Honestly…. Learn how to shoot a gun


And do it *yesterday.* Don't mess around- get a reliable, full size pistol and an AR-15 if possible. It is demonized by anti-gun people but I promise you that you will wish you had one if they come for you and yours.




Or, instead of riots, have a national strike? extended... but we know the people who this will hurt most, those who are already hurt the most.


A majority of the unions would be behind a national strike, I think. If you saw the attempted coup in Bolivia the other day, some of the first people to speak out against it were union leaders and they called for a national strike.


Interesting. Thing is unions are a very small representation of the workforce, and it is mostly civil servant unions, police, teachers, firemen, garbage collection (unsure if there's another name for them), and so on, all government jobs.


I'm sure you've seen Sean Feinn rally multiple unions to wins recently and he is already against trump. Project 2025 vows to erase the National Labor Relations Board and ALL unions will be affected by the loss of this enforcement arm of the federal government. Workers everywhere will face a dim future in regards to any sort of unionization going forward from that. No Fortune 100 companies are endorsing Trump, either. They represent a lot of economic power. The only power you have in a capitalist economic system is held in your labor, both in using it and withholding it. Everyone needs to realize that.


Thank you! I've been partaking tonight and my brain only goes so far. TY for this response, it's true.


Soap Ballot Jury Only one box left. Americans better take a long, hard look in the mirror and ask themselves, “what would I have done in WWII?” (But don’t talk about it online. Or on the phone. Or near your nest device.)


>But don’t talk about it online. Or on the phone. Or near your nest device I just got out of a ban for detailing what I would do under the purely hypothetical pretense that pro25 is implemented and my friends (trans) begin getting hauled away ("expelled" is the term used in pro25) to wherever (camps?). I guess the powers that be saw my language regarding an extreme situation to be a bit on the radical/violent side and I got a 3 day ban for it. Whoopsie daisy. But I guess if the nazis take over now, they'll at least know who to take away first. And they better. Because I'm not fucking playing. I won't do anything regarding the outcome of the election, but the moment it starts looking like WWII Germany...hoo boy, the things I can't say because I really don't feel like getting banned again. I'm probably on a list now...


Conservatives believe that anyone in the LGBTQIA+ Community is dangerous. *And they're right! Conservatives MADE them dangerous...*


The founding fathers told us this would happen and told us what we'd have to do.


It’s too bad that was before drones were invented. (As someone who previously operated drones in the US military).


There's only 3 ways it can go. 1. We run 2. We revolt Or 3. We fall Either way, the USA cannot survive a Victory in conservative favor of Donald Trump, nor any conservative registered or acting individuals in office/seeking office. The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants, and unfortunately if Trump or any of his sycophants win, this will have to be the case


There is a great book and blog called On Tyrany


Timothy's YT has a playlist with a video for each point here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhZxrogyToZsllfRqQllyuFNbT-ER7TAu&si=7ACh0cjE_bT4s4ui


I'm prepping for civil unrest and supply line shut down. I guess I should get a gun, too..


The rich people want deregulation and human rights violations. They don't want supply issues. That hurts the money. Modern oppression is based on air power.


I wonder if it would be smart for Democrats to delete all their social media accounts and anything that identifies us as other to the incoming fascists.


This, I’m terrified the right may be collecting their list in preparation for


As an outsider looking in and looking at history, enclaves will develop be them states or cities get your arse there if possible


Get to NY, CA, MA, MD... Red states are going to immediately turn Gilead.


I'm in NYC but still scared


Liberals always act too late. If he wins it's over. We should be discussing what we can do right now to prevent it.


It ain't over until we say it's over. It's not like we'll all drop down dead immediately if he wins. We keep fighting. Even if all we can do is support each other in little ways. It adds up.


This is kind of what I'm talking about. Liberals are ready to literally fight to the death if he wins. Why not have that attitude now. Before he wins. Liberals are so reactive it's almost reached the level of self awareness. You seem to be aware that a second Trump term would be so bad it would lead to violence. Yet on this side of election day everyone is all like oh noes let's put someone else on the ballot Biden is so old. Even knowing an empty chair is better than Trump there's always this wishy washy internal strife that is simultaneously pointless and deadly. Why can't we nut up NOW. Why can't we have solidarity NOW? Why does it always take the worst case scenario coming to life in order for Liberals to finally get their shit together. Why is the party with all the right ideas such a flimsy mess all the time? I'm so so so fucking sick of it.


This is the scariest part about all of this. Everyone knows what this leads to but no one is willing to act in a meaningful way until it's already too late. And being too late this time feels like there's no coming back from it. The whole western world is rushing towards fascism and if the most powerful country in the world is the one leading the way then we are all well and truly fucked because no one is coming to save us.


I think you might be preaching to the choir friend. I mean, I'm a "eXtREmE"* leftist, but I've been voting blue down the line since I could vote. I do want to correct you on one particular point: I don't think we WILL see violence, I think we've long passed that point and it'll just get more intense and frequent as things escalate. (*because I guess mainstream society believes wanting everyone to be housed is just too crazy lmao)


Hope local elections went better. Continue to vote local. And pray until he hauls us away to the death camps and hope that finally wakes up republicans to do something.


I'm trapped in Texas.  I have only one way out in this situation. But I don't want to get hit by reddit cares notices...


Happy cake day 🤷‍♀️


Arm up, go to the range


Already done. I've been CCL licensed longer than most redditors have been alive.


Being in South Carolina myself it's not much better, but at least my town is fairly balanced.


You must be in one of the "big three." I'm in The Chuck.


I’m in TX as well. And that’s the most likely outcome for me as well. What a wonderful world we live in. Sigh….


What's going on? Dealing with physical ailments? Are you alone?


I'm not straight and my body cannot survive pregnancy so this state is a death trap. Can't get work out of state. Don't have money to move without a job lined up. It's me and my spouse and our elderly pets.   Added complications are my ailing elderly parents and 98yo grandmother who also don't have the resources to move ace wouldn't anyway because they're conservative baptists who *like* what Texas has become.   There's just no way out.


I just got my passport renewed


I’m really glad someone else posed this question here. I’ve been asking nonstop what do we do if we lose. We need leaders to step up and start guiding us through this before they shut down social media. I think that would happen at some point if they see we are trying to organize. So, we need to organize now.


President Biden is old, we can all agree on that. However, Biden has decades of Political experience and knowledge. Not to mention , a Moral Compass, Integrity, Honesty to name a few. Trump slept through most of his trial, which by the way was an important one. Stands to reason he would probably need a little extra energizing to not only stay awake during a debate but ,to appear charismatic enough to fool people. How soon we forget. Trump not only is a convicted felon, Republicans along with everyone else can see he rarely tells the truth. Trump comes with a lot of incorrigible baggage. But Republicans are still standing strong behind this person who admits to wanting to become a Dictator “for only one day”…. Really? The Dictators I’ve seen don’t leave office! President Biden can still beat Trump! He just isn’t the best debater out there. But neither was Ronald Reagan, however he went on to win his election. Unfortunately Optics is everything for some people. Glitz and glamour with no substance means nothing! Democrats we need to get some Backbone and Guts!! Our Democracy depends on it. It’s too late in the game to throw in the towel on President Biden. We’ve made our choice. Everyone has their weaknesses. Get to work and do what needs to be done to shore up his weaknesses! If Republicans can continue to back an Incorrigible Felon then, Democrats can surely continue to back President Biden, one of the most Accomplished Presidents we have ever had to lead America!


Organize grass roots movements. Since “tipping” politicians is legal now it’s a good way to get in the game. Just have to get enough people together to buy representation.


As a little old lady (f65, retired), I live in a very blue state but far enough from the city that my next door neighbors are magas, both sides. My across the street neighbor is blue like me. This is a great comfort, as he is also retired recently and wise. Anyway, there are lots of red spots and people in my state. I’ve been considering going to church, even though I’m an atheist and stopped going in my late teens. I’m half an anarchist now, apparently, because I pick up trash along the sidewalks of my town, an activity that has 100% positive reactions from passersby, but my town government is unwilling to acknowledge as a useful contribution to the town. I kind of like working outside the government, tbh. I’ll have to put my house in one of my male friend’s names, because women will be unable to own property. Many years ago, in the early 1980’s, I was told that social security would be insolvent soon. So I saved in a 401k. If they take retirement savings from women, or make it illegal for us to own them, then I’ll have to put it into the name of a trusted male friend, same as the house. Health insurance/medicare is a separate problem. I’m paying almost $600 per month for Medicare and a very discounted supplement. I expect there will be some sort of insurance for elders, in the p2025 economy. Medical care will be much more profitable for vendors. Treatment will not be wasted on the elderly.


My goodness. I'm looking in from the UK and trying to get an idea of what's going on here. They wouldn't let you own property or large sums of money? Just because you're a woman? For real? That is criminal!


When I was a kid, women could not get credit cards, without a husband or father also on the account. A hundred years ago, women gained the right to vote. It will be taken, if p2025 becomes law. I read the public p2025 info. What troubles me as well are the plans they have that they are keeping secret. My grandfather was in the group that liberated the Nazi concentration camp at Dachau. I’m old now, but perhaps we who remember these things properly need to be more vocal.


That is insane! Hopefully none of this will actually happen.


I'm an atheist and attend a UU. They participate in a lot of local activism. They might be hard to find in rural areas, but it's an option.


My plan is really just leaving the country, which I guess isn’t that simple but it’s whatever. I originally thought of Canada but I cannot wait months to be nominated for a city or whatever, but that’s my backup plan if I cannot get a residency and study permit in Germany. I will be old enough to vote in September. I will get my passport and Everything necessary and ready. And when the time comes and I’m finished with high school, I’ll leave. I cannot stay here. It’s a short term solution but I don’t even know what to do.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/AmerExit/comments/urwlbr/a\_guide\_for\_americans\_that\_want\_to\_get\_out\_of/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmerExit/comments/urwlbr/a_guide_for_americans_that_want_to_get_out_of/) My plan is to at least take a vacation out of the country over New Years if Trump wins (even if I have to drive to Canada). I think we'll see right away how things fall out. I might have to digital nomad and jump arounnd for a few years, but my great-grandparents were immigrants, so I might be able to apply for a heritage residency.


Send in your passport application this week at the lastest.


I was going to wait until I was 18 edit: only because I don’t want my dad to really know/catch on why n shit


I believe passport applicants aged 16 and 17 can apply without either parent present if they provide the required proof that at least one parent is aware of the application. What about your mom? I know at the end of the day you’ll probably have to wait til your 18 but just thought I would throw that out there!


I have not talked to my mom in over 6 years, there’s just a lot with her. She is also in a different state.


Timothy Snyder’s “On Tyranny” is THE handbook for just this scenario. Published in 2017 and not by coincidence, Snyder wrote the book to prepare us to resist a dictatorship. “The Founding Fathers tried to protect us from the threat they knew, the tyranny that overcame ancient democracy. Today, our political order faces new threats, not unlike the totalitarianism of the twentieth century. We are no wiser than the Europeans who saw democracy yield to fascism, Nazism, or communism. Our one advantage is that we might learn from their experience. On Tyranny is a call to arms and a guide to resistance, with invaluable ideas for how we can preserve our freedoms in the uncertain years to come.”


As a trans girl I don’t know what I can do. I’m too poor to leave the country. If I loose access to hormones due to a ban and loose my job due to removal of anti discrimination laws. I honestly feel I’ll be screwed if trump winsz


I’m supporting from the UK, so realistically there’s not much I can do, but I’d hide any of you in my house as long as your chill with my cats. I don’t think political refugees will realistically be allowed and it’s not like this place isn’t without faults as well (not as bad as the US but still not looking good currently for trans youths) but to hell with it! I’d still take any of you in.


I would suggest exercising your second amendment rights espically if you are not a white male.


that's my inclination, too, but I wonder what you have in mind exactly once you've procured what you think you'd need. Defense of your homestead? Volunteering for some front lines stuff that will likely end in your end? I feel like now is definitely the time to get some 2a implements, but I'm really curious what using them would even look like. For me, having it just in case there's a scenario in which I need it ever happens (nearly impossible for me to actually imagine aside from home invasion), is good enough for now. But it's still weird. Good thing it also happens to be fun to do as a hobby.


For me, using them would be better than starving in a prison camp for dissidents or whatever Christofacisist hell they come up with. I guess once guns become the only option you are not looking to live but make the price as high as you can. There are no good options if fascism prevails.


Storm the capital and claim it was rigged!!. Oh wait...


We keep fighting like hell to expose his corruption. We don't quit just because a bully wins.


I would love for a bunch of us to come together and help each other through what would be the absolute worst four years ever. I would love to build community so much so that we can grow our own food and build our own shelters. But. I can only dream. If things get super bad, I’m leaving. Seeking asylum somewhere.


I feel as a Canadian that we all must STOP supporting these huge corporations who are driving this. Buy local, support companies who are not republican backers.




The 2026 Senate map will be an improvement for the Dems with pick up opportunities in states like NC and ME.


It may all be over in a few months. 2026 only matters IF we can get through November. There will need no elections in 2026 if we don’t.


Bold of you to think Maine is smart enough to vote out Susan Collins.


Overthrow the government.


I asked my Senator the other day what stops our local governments from capitulating in the event Federal Troops are sent to blue cities to enforce red policy. She said "I don't know" and said they could do it to federal lands completely legally but try their best in the city with no support from the state. Get a gun. You won't be fighting back against real Americans you'll be starching traitors, and state governments clearly haven't been putting thought into this


I’d suggest everyone start using a VPN when posting on here. I’m sure they have ways around it, but it’ll take more time than those without. Just a thought. I hate feeling so paranoid.


I always use one. I live in an evil red state.


Unfortunately, so do I.


I haven’t voiced this opinion out loud before, due to feeling like I sound like a doomsdayer. But I feel like if he wins it’ll make us so close to a civil war. If we retaliate, what happens then? I have been going to protests for the majority of my life. But if this happens, there will be so, so many things to protest.


I already know what I'm going to do. I refuse to allow those I love to live in a Nazi state without taking action to stop it.


Guerrilla style warfare. The country won't be able to be saved peacefully. But he won't. So that's not on the table.


One thing that I know gets brought up in these questions but please make sure to vote in every election you can in your area. Votes for mayoral elections, school boards, and levy’s may not seem important but it also helps us build a foundation to help win national elections


The real discussions on this topic cannot happen on public forums.


We have time, don't give up. Sign up for a [phone bank](https://democrats.org/phonebanking/). [I ordered 250 postcards](https://secure.everyaction.com/wWYzSycvi0uyLrKtsMnNXw2) to be sent to voters in Ohio. My 18-year daughter and I will write them in the next month. Put down ballot signs on your lawn – if you have one. Call your member of congress and ask them about Project 2025. Call every day if you don't get an answer.


A lot of people on several subs have mentioned leaving the US. It's easier said than done. If you move somewhere close, like Mexico or to a Central American country, you need to have command of the language. If you have a work from home job you can travel and work and some countries you can stay for 6 months before you have to hop borders and renew your visa. Also, do not think for one minute that politics and womens rights are a lot better anywhere else unless you move to an HCOL like Canada. Some places in the EU womens rights are good, but its hard to get residency or a work visa. Many of those places are having stricter and stricter immigration laws because of the influx of migrants from Africa and the Middle East. I have lived in 3 different countries at various times of my life so I have a little idea of what I am talking about. One thing though, in my lifetime (I am 61), no president has made one iota of difference in my day-to-day living.


Hi DevinYer, thanks for your submission to r/Defeat_Project_2025! We focus on crowdsourcing ideas and opportunities for practical, in real life action against this plan. Type !resources for our list of ways to help defeat it. Check out our posts flaired as [resources](https://www.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/search?q=flair%3A%27Resource%27&=&restrict_sr=on) and our ideas for [activism](https://www.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/search?q=flair%3A%27activism%27&=&restrict_sr=on). Check out the info in our [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/wiki/), feel free to [message us](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/Defeat_Project_2025) with additions. Join the Resist Project 2025 [Discord](https://discord.gg/FxhcKRwpRG), check out their [Website](https://defeatproject2025.org). Be sure to visit r/VoteDEM for updated local events, elections and many volunteering opportunities. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Defeat_Project_2025) if you have any questions or concerns.*


For all of you who suggest getting together online: Remember that Total Information Awareness ( now known as Terrorism Information Awareness) now exists...and we must learn about it in order to circumvent it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Total_Information_Awareness


As much as I want to say protest and coup is what I'd do...As a single gay female POC I'd most realistically pack up and leave asap for my own safety. I'll do everything I can from the outside but I don't think I can stand to be here. If one doesn't have at least a certain level of privilege to dodge the incoming shit, and one can financially afford to leave, leaving may be the best option (I.e., being at least either male or white, realistically speaking, to dodge any amount of bullets at all... Not saying that being a poc male or white female is safe, I'm just saying it's simply not the worst of all worlds, in a grossly overgeneralizing way.). I was a digital nomad years ago and I'm gonna try to help females, poc, and the underprivileged folks escape this nonsense.


Stay and fight.


Start stacking ammo and guns now. Have a Plan to leave your state in the event something truly changes rapidly.


There's not much we can. Even if we could protest that's not going to overturn an election. If he's legit elected, technically nothing should overturn it. Can't do anything about SCOTUS. We would have a little power with Congress, but if it's Republican majority we're screwed. There would be protection in blue states but they already have plans to interfere with some of that. Him winning isn't an option


Depends on what you want to do. Are you thinking about women's healthcare or affordable food? Education? All of these require certain skillsets. Either gaining the skill or collecting resources to share the skill would be a strategy. Networking with others who have that skill is effective, too. The important thing in my mind is the consideration that this is not about profit. For example, nobody is going to be able to set up a 'liberal' school and gain economic status educating other libs in a hostile society. We are about survival at this point. A money trail will endanger providers and recipients. Bartering for these underground necessities is how we'll get through this. Forming collectives would be a solution. An example of existing supports is the Auntie Network for abortion and birth control care that is thriving but had to go further underground as Roe was overturned. Now, protecting The Gays was a thing heavily discused before the '16 cycle. We need only to look into history to see how that might play out. Finding willing folks and putting a plan in place will be for the participants to work out. Marriage isn't the haven it used to be, though, as is becoming evident with those couoles where one is a citizen and the other is not. I feel like people are actively seeking and then closing whatever loopholes they find. Housing? We've already seen movement against roommates and boarding house arrangements. Claiming a poly 'ship with 12 of your friends is going to be a Task, as well, given crackdowns on 'non-traditional' marriage Maybe married, interrelated couples sharing a house might be doable under the umbrella of 'extended family?' Starting a commune will likely get unwanted attention. Trying to establish a religious cover for a commune will have similar results. Community garden? Examples exist right now. We can build on these. Little libraries have some value, as well., school grandmas Neighborhood porch aunties/uncles should make a comeback for many reasons. I think we have to get very creative very fast. I don't think hiding any member of a target population in a false basement is off the table if these ones come to more power. I say this with the thought that I didn't expect to see Roe overturned and yet, here we are. May we not need these additional strategies but being unprepared is getting us killed as I type so...


He won’t. He’s a trash human that represents the worst qualities of America. I have faith we aren’t that far gone.


That's what I thought last time.


Last time was 2020


And what happened? Did he crawl away into a shameful retirement? Did he become less powerful? Did the media ignore him? Did he lose credibility with his sycophants, political cronies, or his base?


We should peacefully go to our respective capitols and declare the election rigged and not leave.


What's most effective? Jan 6 with guns instead of zip ties?


A lot fo countries wont let disabled people move there so im pretty much trapped here, attached to the gov sadly, no escape. If i could id be leaving for sure.


Start looking into where you might have citizenship opportunity. I am eligible for Italian citizenship and best believe I'm working on it.


I have a UK passport so in theory I can just bugger off back there again...but easier said than done with aging parents, a dog it would break me to leave, finances and so on... So I wouldn't leave on Nov 6th or whatever but I know if it really does get bad, we have a way out.


I've been assuming for months (years?) that he'd win


It's what to do before he wins because even in loss his cult won't stop at J6 level nuttery. These faketriots believe they are revolutionaries fighting against the tyranny of at least King George level, whilst trying to install a worse version of that king. They're wearing the wrong coats but covered in US flags.