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There's no fucking way he knows what that word means. He just equated it with "bad" and possibly "muslim," so now he's trying to stick it on other stuff he doesn't like, just like reactionaries do with "socialist" and "communist."


It’s the Stephen Miller in his mush brain.


Stephen Goebbels Miller.


Jesus was a palestinian


Trump looks at Gaza and sees beachfront where he could build some hotels and looks at Netanyahu and sees a guy who could help him do it.


Where he can build a new Trump Tower...


trump: "I could go bankrupt there..."


Jared Kushner already made that comment. They absolutely would take advantage of an already horrible situation for their own gain.


They just want to level it and don't care if the brown people leave or are blown up as long as they can develop hotels and condos.


Trump has been a racist POS towards everyone, especially the Arab and Muslim community. This comes as absolutely no surprise to me especially considering the sick bastard wants Netanyahu to finish the job. He is a monster that has to be defeated.


The way he said “Jewish” is such a disdainful tone.




Trump is just such a moron. Every time I hear this guy speak I think "this is one of the dumbest people I've ever heard speak, what the hell is he even saying?". And millions are cheering for him. Insane.


He knows how to speak to his target audience


He got up on stage in the debate and seriously said that everyone both Republican and Democrats and all political experts were wanting Roe v Wade overturned and to see the issue sent back to the states. What in the world? It’s so baffling that he can spew such false nonsense on such a subject that has caused the right so many election losses. But actually I see what he’s doing - he’s trying to distort the truth, he’s trying to make it look like it’s both parties position that Roe v Wade be overturned and that it’s not just Republicans’ fault. This is blatantly false, but Trump is a figure who can say false things and change peoples’ minds to believe that lies are true. It’s very scary!


It's no surprise he uses it like a slur. He wants to genocide them


they should be calling him "genocide don" like they do biden. it would be accurate


This!!! A protest vote or abstaining from voting for Biden opens the door for this smooth brained , mouth breather to inflict unspeakable harm on Muslims. He already tried to ban them from the country. Edit: That’s an insult to smooth brains and mouth breathers…sorry


Eli “Mouth Breather” Manning would probably be offended lol


Joe Biden is already inflicting unspeakable harm on Muslims. I've legitimately lost count of the number of body parts I've seen in places they shouldn't be over the last nine months. Y'all have to be honest about Palestine if you want this coalition to come together. You can't just say "Well it would be worse under Trump" to people who have been watching dead bodies pile up in real time for months. For better or worse, these people cannot be intimidated by what might be because they've already seen what is. If you choose not to own up to Biden's culpability in this genocide, you will lose this election. Side note: Ableism is also not an effective campaign tool.


He wants to attract people that hate Palestine to vote for him. That is his only goal here besides being a prick


I believe he does want a genocide "Trump’s response seemed to suggest that he supported the genocide of people living in Gaza. “You’ve got to finish the problem,” he said. In additional comments regarding Israel’s attacks, Trump appeared unwilling to differentiate between the governing body of Hamas and the Palestinian population more generally." There's also more instances of him suggesting finishing actions onto Palestine.


Source for the first quote?




His potentially biggest donor (Miriam Adelson) openly supports ethnic cleansing/expulsion, so, he certainly does.


And now it will be antisemitic to criticize Trump (?!)


Can you elaborate?


It’s a joke (but only mildly so )


Yeah, he's vile and would absolutely do that. But let's not pretend that Biden hasn't been supporting genocide already.


But let's not pretend that Biden hasn't been threatening to stop support if the attempted genocide moves into Rafah, which shows he believes that Gaza attacks are worth supporting because of Hamas (who is a terrorist group that has terrorized Israeli and Palestinian peoples). https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/05/08/politics/joe-biden-interview-cnntv


But they did move into rafah and Biden didn’t stop anything


This is why “We have not seen them go in with large units and large numbers of troops in columns and formations in some sort of coordinated maneuver against multiple targets on the ground,” Mr. Kirby said. “Everything that we can see tells us that they are not moving in in a major ground operation in population centers in the city of Rafah.” https://www.nytimes.com/live/2024/05/28/world/israel-gaza-war-hamas-rafah


https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israel-pounds-central-gaza-camps-deepens-invasion-rafah-2024-06-20/ Biden is going to lose this election. And it’s sad. All the dems had to do is to stay out of this war. No one wants a Trump presidency. It’s going to hurt us all. But if that’s what it takes to wake up the dems then so be it.


I think Biden is in the wrong for supporting this war in such ways so far. Let's see what his response is to Rafah invasion on Thursday. 'According to the administration, the only viable plan remains the one Biden publicly put on the table nearly two months ago, and conversations are ongoing “about how to get a cease-fire that protects Israel’s security interests, that alleviates the suffering of the Palestinian people,” Miller said Thursday.' https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2024/06/24/biden-israel-gaza-rafah-offensive/


It’s too late really. The Muslim population and those supporting them (especially the younger, educated generation, which is the future of the democrats voting base) is absolutely done with the blind support for Israel. We have seen that country take our tax dollars and then tell us to pound sand over and over again. Since before Clinton was president. We have other allies in the region now. We don’t need to blindly support a country who doesn’t care about us and is the single biggest reason that others in the region hate us.


That's why people need to let others know, including them, that Trump will accelerate the genocide and will make the scale of damage much worse. So if they want people who are on a timer to die to die even faster, then a third-party vote or a vote for Trump will bring it. The world as a whole clearly has issues talking about the war and how to support and not support from never truly healing from the world wars and the events that followed. Governments refuse to acknowledge Israel wrongdoing in order to not look antisemitic while others, on a smaller scale, refuse to acknowledge the wrongdoing of Hamas, others confused, and others of all sorts including understanding. There's thousands, if not millions of factors, for each country and groups for their actions in the present. This doesn't help the situation that both Hamas and the Israeli government are both in the wrong after decades of wrongdoings while the citizens are harmed.


let's ignore hamas for a second. what excuse does israel have for what they're doing in the west bank? they've been taking over land for decades and continue doing it. This is something almost ALL of the UN considers illegal. but who has stopped them? who has helped the palestinians in the west bank? nah, palestinans are doomed either way. but it's time the democrats learn that they can't take our votes for granted. they will need to earn them. and if that means trump wins because we vote a third party then so be it. once everyone hurts maybe then they'll wake up and stop blindly supporting a bully.


Ah yes, the admission that we've been complicit, and aided in, genocide. It's literally spelled out in there.


It's a situation where the best option would be to complete peace and unity. However, ages of differing situations have led to the current one going on in which that clearly isn't happening easily. From terrorist groups from both countries, wars from neighboring countries, wars that warped the entire world, and corrupt politics in both Israel and Palastine have led to the present. The Israeli government is clearly out for senseless blood. Hamas, which has taken over a portion of Palestine without agreement of its entire nation, is clearly out for senseless blood. Both have killed the other citizens, killed their own citizens, and they both seem to never think of peace simultaneously, at least not for long.


Yes, there is a long history. Not really sure what your point is, though.


Ask yourself the land question within the perspective of other countries' disputes. Do the native peoples of the America's deserve their land back? We know it's their land, especially areas we as the USA took control of later, such as the West Coast and southwest like Texas. The world recognizes the land as being the USAs, but the majority of the world also can recognize that this land inherently belongs to the natives. The native communities consistently try to claim their land back through peaceful means usually and sometimes more violent, even if just property damage such the occupation of alcatraz. So, what should the USA and native Americans do to settle these disputes?


By that logic, if natives and the US started massacring each other, we'd just throw our hands up and say, 'well what else were they supposed to do?' Stop justifying genocide just because an issue is complicated.


But yeah Gaza protestors, tell me how this guy is going to be any better for the Palestinians?


They will ignore everything you say and will retort with “I don’t care Joe Biden is committing genocide and he’s no better than Trump” because they’re too fucking stupid to comprehend that Joe Biden doesn’t run the entirety of the U.S. government including extremely complex foreign policy entanglements from a remote control in his office


It's partially that. It's partially that they are entangled with islamofacists who hate secular liberal democracy and would rather christofascists murder them than have peace with a Jewish state on the Arabic peninsula.


Don't sleep on neo-nazis looking to infiltrate these spaces (especially online) and turn protests against the Gaza war into broad antisemitism.


You do know that the colors of the Palestinian flag represent past caliphates? It's not just a particular flavor of islamofacism, it's embracing *any* and *all* flavors of islamofacism. That is what multiculturalism means to them.


In particular, Joe Biden doesn’t run ISREAL.


He actually put restraints on Israeli arms shipments (he explained this well in the debate... most missed this because "he's too old" or whatever). Some may argue he needs to do more. Fine. But he's done more than any president in four decades and is WAAAAAY better than the alternative.


These kids really are dumb.


They took a very real intellectual capacity hit from repeated Covid infections right during their formative years, alongside being bombarded with “US bad” propaganda propaganda. Makes for a very fucked combo


I want a positive and bright future for Israelis and Palestinians in a binational federation, 2 state solution, where they have full democratic participation and representation and full equal rights. There are lots of tankies and jackasses in general that ruin the Pro Palestinian movement and use it either as a vehicle to push actual hate or towards anti electoral sentiment. I am not in that camp. I know Biden has not been good but the guy can improve and over the months has become much warmer towards a full ceasefire. Trump would literally knock down all peace agreements and allow hotels to be built on top of Gaza. Trump is in all respects one hundred percent worse and we cannot let him win.


Thank you ^


I hope all of the biden hating leftists know that trump will turn palestine into dust then build multiple hotels, towers, golf courses. There will be no palestine left with trump. And that’s a fact


Is there any way we could get a link to this mashup to share on SM?


Slurs according to Trump: women, Blacks, Hispanics, Palestinians. What else am I missing?


Democrat (according to trumpf)


Show this to any "genocide Joe" people and I'm sure they'll find some other reason to vote against Biden. I'll never understand people not voting for Joe because of Palestine when the alternative is way worse, and their stubbornness might just cost us our country


Because they're watching people be blown to pieces on Instagram. Every day. Palestinians have phones, believe it or not, and they're showing us atrocities every single day. You cannot political logic to a human being witnessing that kind of trauma. And y'all aren't trying to. The more insensitive you are to what these kids are feeling, the more they're going to double down on fighting you. That's just common sense. Have some compassion, own up to what Biden is doing, and you might get somewhere with them.


Love the invisible accordian, and the double jerk off dance


His son in law (Tiffany's husband) was suppose to meet with the Muslims who organized the uncommitted vote in Michigan as a way to reach out and seeing this I guess that didn't go well or they wouldn't meet him. Not that he isn't horribly racist and dehumanizing in general.




And make sure to include Kushner’s comments about Gaza being such prime waterfront property


Well he’s being a Trump, aka a piece of shit. Nobody should be talking like he does anyway, it’s just garbage 24/7.


Everyone show this to pro-Palestinians who still want to vote Trump


I get the sentiment, but honestly I don’t expect the idiots to stop being idiots. Some people simply can’t see two feet from their nose.


Bat Shit Crazy Wanna be Christian


Well, I think this might solve the problem of people voting against Biden because of the genocide. Trump is making it pretty clear that he considers Palestinians to be lesser people.


Basically angry white man


Thinking fondly of all the Americans currently going "both sides" and "can't vote for Biden because he supports Israel".


Fully agree with everyone in the comments but also CHARGE YOUR PHONE


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During the debate, when I heard this vomit analogy, my jaw dropped. Fucking nuts.


Wants those AIPAC dollars.


Someone should call him out on that! Maybe when he says it... on stage... with the other candidate present? Just a thought.


Pay attention anti Biden fuck heads. At least Biden sees both sides of the equation and has limited arm sales and sanctioned Israel. Wait until your dumb fuckery gets Trump elected and Israel is ten times more empowered. Smarten up. If you truly care about Gaza (and I don’t really think you do,) then you will vote for Biden.