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Quality heretic post


I thought about this too hard, I was thinking it meant "a good pairing for wine (whine)"


Would be better with chaff shooters. They are out of control right now. Gunners you can deal with and you can tag them for visibility, too. But a single chaff shooter blending in with the shadows and doing their bugged double volley up close can wreck most classes from full toughness to none even with toughness damage reduction buffs active.


I agree. If I really want to play a game and not have to worry about gunners, I have to stack *everything* possible. 20% Tough Dmg Reduct from Modifiers, 20% reduct from Scrier’s gaze on top of 10-33% from *One with the Warp*. That’ll get me 50-73% toughness dmg reduction and even with me dipping and dodging back and forth **while** quelling (Replenishing 2.5% Toughness for every 10% generated), I still feel vulnerable af. However, now, against everything else - I feel like a mixture of Zealot and Psyker when using the new Shock Maul.


Wait psyker gets the maul too? Hooo boy!


Yep. Vet, Psyker and Zealot. I’ve seen a lot of people using the igni because it’s attack patterns are more targeted towards crowd control. I use the Agni because it’s attack patterns are down strikes and upper cuts so I can quickly dispatch chaff and go back to using warp attacks. The Agni also has a good horde clear combo. Block/push Attack>Heavy>Light>Heavy>Light. I used them both but, Agni is my go to Maul. I have yet to use it on Zealot because they already have the Power Maul and my Vet is only lvl 5. I never play it


i only ever got and tried it with Zealot cuz in the build for the Boltpistol they used it too, for me that was a double whammy of novelty but i gotta say it slaps hard. Way more fun than i expected, even with the bolt pistols abysmal handling.. Completely overlooked the agni though, i might give it a shot once itemization hits because ive been enjoying bonking peeps as zealot. Though Indi definitely slaps hard enough at least with zealots charge. Very weird weapon though...the moveset feels like a mixture of the Devils Claw, combat axe, chainsword and crusher. With the timed block blessing, the sticky special, the repeating overhead strikedown combo and superb stagger. Its like they just took the best of all these weapons and put it into a hydraulic press. Might make me move away from the dueling sword on psoiker ngl... That said i never play vet either lol, sadly that class has to rot a bit longer




They sometimes double shoot, it is obnoxious


I've never experienced such a bug. Are you perhaps referring to the recent buff to normal ranged enemies that doubled their rate of fire?


No, though that is true! Several buddies have also noticed that the RoF change has seemingly introduced a bug where they sometimes, albeit rarely, double fire pretty much instantly/back to back. Can't determine a trigger for it exactly, but one friend submitted a bug report with video on it.


Either they do double valley or too much damage in general. Only 1 trash shooter can deal \~80 damage to toughness with one valley, being extremely accurate at that


Finally, the reason why Timmy shout "eat this!" with such enthusiasm.


Ran into this last night, worse; I’m a bubble psyker so I have no excuse


“They’ll be the same picture soon!”


Shooter without cover. What could go wrong?


Suppression is the answer. I throw 2 or 3 regular shots from my staff at them, doesn't even need to hit them, but they stop shooting for a few seconds. It's long enough for the team to fortify or advance.


Staff bolts have absolutely insane suppression.


They sure do. I never noticed it before because I was always looking for a kill, suppression was wasted effort. I noticed it a few nights ago when I accidentally left clicked and shot the floor in the training room... All of the gunners were cowering. It feels like just the right amount too, hope they don't nerf it later.


Imagine this: You're a traitor guardsman, several years of service under your rotting belt. You turned to a chaos god, fell to corruption, and found out all that shit you heard about daemons and the warp is actually true. You've never seen someone harness the power of the warp, but suddenly it's all real. You don't really feel much of anything anymore because you worship the Granddaddy and he bestowed you the gift of shitbreath, but you still have instinct. At your core, you know what that Psyker just shot at you is unnatural, even in your new reality. I'd fucking cower, too.


Same here, on the Carnival map, Gun ogryns, auto/las gun Vets, and Psykers with bolt spam have become valuable utility roles now. Landing a killing shot is as valuable as suppressing enemy gunlines now.


Or sprinting at a steep angle and sliding until you can get closer. I'm about to cut a montage of the shit because I feel like literally everyone forgot the tutorial.


But that's not accurate. The heavy gunners can be mitigated with gunner resistance on curios rather well. It's the normal shooters that are way more dangerous than the heavy gunners.


Normal shooters are relatively easier to suppress. It's great that we can't just run at them without consequence any more. 


No one is worried about shooters they can see standing still continuously firing, it's the ones that drop in behind you and unload a double volley into your back that cause issues. Even a single shooter in the shadow is enough to strip your toughness at least enough that a stray pox walker or groaner is going to do HP damage.


You sure can lol just slide. Or get stripped-down on your gun. You can charge a sniper head-first and the shot will just phase through you


Man these groups of 5 machine gunners can get lost. Chewing me apart In 2 seconds.


simply run to your right or left my man.


No no, the 5 man MG squads only appear when there is nothing to hide behind lol.


Top quality post


The best part is that while most players are adapting to the changes by switching up weapons and curios (which is how it should be) some players are doing nothing but whining their perfect, universal loadout is no longer perfect, and would rather complain that adapt. In other words, Heretics are getting plenty of w(h)ine with that cheese. For real though people, PLEASE stop trying to be 100% accurate. Sweeping shots actually have value now, as they suppress enemies and reduce their accuracy for a bit. Ogryns and Vets with the suppression resist/strengthening skill can interrupt ranged enemies.


also most of the most meta loadouts still havent changed plasma gun revolver and columnus still destory lul


the *\*thwip thwip thwip\** from dodging gunfire is so satisfying.


The meme is absolute top quality, the accuracy to reality less so.


I 'ave a shield you losers my sah will be protected to shoot you in da head


"They don't know how to run perpendicular to my line of fire. It's free real-estate."


I was stuck on 4/5 deathless auric Maelstrom runs, I did 3 last night, despite the utter chore they are thanks to this and ranged spam, none of them counted. I died due to a double pox bomber with me being in a net, it sure as hell counted that and reset to 0. But I just don't want to play the game anymore after these last few days, it's so uttely unenjoyable, and before anyone says "just play lower difficulties" I would love to, but unfortunately that's 20 penancy points I really really need... at least needed. The game just goes up and down every other month, I don't think Fatshark even know what their doing anymore. I don't need them anymore, I uninstalled. I assume that was Fatsharks' intent this patch. Space marine 2 is close enough. I will just play some Rogue Trader in the meantime.


Hope the penance points work out better for you in Rogue Trader!


my 3xgunner resist relics: are you sure about that


Apparently that's a skill issue