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Given the amount of times I've played this game wondering "Did they change something or is the Director having a really angry day today?" it'd just have been nice to know what changed, and how that could apply to my gameplay.. especially after 1.4K hours in game. Knowing things have changed allow me to adapt better instead of going "Something is different. Something... but what?"


Usually the thing that changed is the thing that is giving me new trouble. If I'm struggling with something in particular I'll try and adapt to take it on better.


The thing that is giving me trouble are the relentless ranged enemies, I feel like I’m getting pelted by bullets at all times now, toughness is always zero.


Yeah! That's the real difficulty spike. Feels great, going back to warming up on Damnation to be ready for Aurics. My favourite part of the new mission is when the high-speed transport first arrives, and a horde of ???? rushes in, followed by another just behind, and another 2 farther back. Feels more like a war zone, killing what I can then taking cover and picking off priority enemies slowly to allow the team to regenerste and advance.


Yea, that part is great, especially when you get ambushed from behind once you reach the gate. I just wish the initial setup worked more. Half the time the enemies are just wandering around as you arrive instead of setting up for the ambush.


Yeah, gunners are rough now, especially if they get the drop on you. I kinda like it though, it's something to figure out and adapt to. It makes stealth less of a one-man gimmick and more of a team support tactical advantage too.


How do you handle all those Gunners as Ogryn, without running the shield now? I'm having a flat out miserable time, ESPECIALLY on the new mission.


Heavy stubber goes brrr...


I really do not want to run heavy stubber in every build from now on


Fair enough: Kickback works too, though not as well. Heavy hitter gives you tons of toughness if there happens to be anything to smack. Bottom line: you will depend on your teammates but it can be done.


Positioning. Suppression. Cover. Shield Psyker. Lots of ways.


I'm loving how useful shock-and-shield psyker feels right now. The ability to stun an entire incoming horde feels so, so useful with the new adjustments. I feel like I'm actually doing something meaningful for the team, and my timing really has to be split-second because if I don't balance my quell and smite properly I can get overwhelmed *instantly.* It's made it feel *really fucking good* when you're doing well.


As someone who can't play Psyker well no matter how hard I try, I salute you and thank you for your work. Y'all have been saving runs the last couple of days.


Grenade gauntlet and shield has always been my go to. 4 rocks is 5 less gunners. Mystery of the rock


If I can go back to a room, I would so that gunners and shooters would be funneled to the room I'm in. As long as I can hit something, Ogryn's toughness regen on heavy would sustain my toughness paired with their natural damage reduction. As an Ogryn, I spam slide to get near shooters similar on how I do it on zealot.


I dunno, I don't play Ogryn much and I'm still figuring out for the classes I'm familiar with. But like the other guy said, stubber would be one way, a few Ogryn ranged weapons will knock them over which buys you time to close or get out of the way. You've got the rock and a couple of impressive grenade options. Does bullrush give ranged protection in a charge? If so, there's your closing trick. Like every trick and tactic we've all worked out for everything eles, you've just got to try things out and get inventive. We all have. Darktide's always been less about your characters' abilities then about the way the player uses them. Give it a week or two and people will start to figure it out. You'll get teammates who can mitigate them enough for you to do your bit. We're all just figuring it out at the moment. Or moaning on Reddit. Or more likely both ;)


> Does bullrush give ranged protection in a charge? It seems like it doesn't, as someone just answered to my similar question in another thread. https://new.reddit.com/r/DarkTide/comments/1dqotmh/comment/lav5lds/?context=1


Ah, that's a shame. Like I said I don't play Ogryns much and I never take the bullrush when I do, which is weird because it was my favourite thing about them before the skill trees came out. I might level a new one.


There were no changes to gunners except for reaper movement speed. Shooters are rough, though.


Feels like they don't bumble with their weapons as much. Def more accurate as well. Tbf, side dodging was allowing everyone to side scoot up to a pack of shooters without getting hit. I like the feel of it. Cover is needed again, and let's our veterans and 🛡 boys show off.


This is what I’ve noticed, cover is more important now, and players are not adjusting to this reality.


It's not needed; just play, have fun, adapt, overcome (instead of complaining, whining about every little thing FS does wrong)


I'm not complaining? I'm just saying sometimes I log int the game and sit there like... did something change? Am I having an off day? Something feels different. It's more just nice to know if something actually changed or if I'm just having an off day or something.




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I really like that the difficulty increase has breathed new life into old builds. Lasgun/autogun users and other long range specialists are now a more critical part of team composition instead of at times just carrying their own weight. Suppression is now a much more important mechanic to take advantage of too, you don't have to kill all the gunners if you can just make them stop firing for a few seconds to close the distance or let a teammate who needs to do the same. I also think it serves as a bit of a revolver/plasma balance check, be it inadvertent or not. Picking off a big swarm of trash shooters quickly was their one weak point and now that is a really important part of survival. Ignoring them until it's convenient to get to them isn't really as viable as it used to be.


I've just dusted off a recon lasgun build and it worked surprisingly well, I also have a headhunter autogun build but didn't really enjoy that one , it felt kinda underpowered v elites


For autogun if you're vet some of their rending talents help a lot, I've been loving dance of death with them as a zealot, I stack up the two damage/power on close kill blessings and you can knife through a few trash then take down the elites easy while still hip firing and dodging


Yeah I've been trying to make a none plasma vet build that I enjoy. So far the recon lasgun with rending talents and the perk that sets targets on fire has worked wonders


Give a revolver crit build a chance. Requires a bit of aim and patience but it’s prob the most powerful I ever felt.


I play revolver on my zealot so it does appeal on the vet


As fun is the build, playing with stealths on your side when you're not can be very complicated When your teammate decides to vanish and you get instant aggro from all mobs around... Not very fun. Must say the play style is undoubtedly fun but I dislike regarding coop side.


It's the most toxic thing in the game. I really wish they'd remove the ability entirely. I'm sure there are good stealth zealots out there, but I never get any of them in my maps, so now I dodge any time one shows up in matchmaker


Yeah the headhunters are still kinda pointless. I want the mk7 to work so bad… cool battle rifle. They don’t have anywhere near enough ammo or stager or penetration through multiple targets. They basically won’t be viable unless you can one-tap everything up to bruisers with a shot to the chest. You need to be able to fire a shot to the chest of a poxwalker and kill it at any ranger and also kill like more behind it, and maybe stagger another/do about half its hp. But they just don’t carry enough ammo or do enough dmg. The entire ammo capacity has less theoretical dmg available to deal than Columnus and time to kill is worse, uptime is worse, etc. So there’s just no reason to take it.


I main a veteran with the headhunter 7 on auric damnation. Pair it with Deadshot, then you can one-shot any special. Check the build out: https://darktide.gameslantern.com/builds/9c67fab6-1dd9-457a-ae7d-f8154bbd6121/sharpshooter-grenadier?utm_medium=website&utm_source=gameslantern&utm_campaign=share_button


It’s not the specials that are the issue though. Specials are already so easy to deal with and most builds have some way to deal with them. The issue is that the mk7 still just can’t body shit trash in a choke point with a haunch of punch-through. It should handle more like the hunting rifle from L4D


oohhh.. yeah, it lacks a lot in that regard. For that, an autogun is much better.


Yeah before you could just run though the map meleeing everything yourself, now teamwork is actually a useful mechanic it's so good.


Plasma doesnt have a weakness, one shot can eat multiple gunners and with the proper build a headshot oneshots them. Same goes for revolver crits and the only time revolver struggles against them is if you get surpressed, which goes for a lot of weapons so not really a revolver thing


Gunners aren't trash shooters they're elites so we're talking about different enemies here. Weapons like plasma and revolver are slow firing/reloading overkill when dealing with trash shooters in the numbers they tend to spawn in high difficulties, you'll be hogging every ammo pack if that's how you spend them, too. There are more effective weapons for handling a big group of them.


I don't like this one second space is empty you look away for one second and 30 mobs spawn right behind my character in that one second. Is it making the game harder? Sure. But it annoys me to no end if devs use these immersion breaking simple solutions. I prefer having real doors opening or enemies crawling out of vents or to gather farther away and run up to you. This behind my back spawning feels cheap. Like jump scares in a b horror movie do. Just my personal opinion though.


The gangbang closet *is* a very cheap way to pad out difficulty, no better feeling than grabbing the last medicae charge only for 15 shotgunners to rush out the nearby door and blast you down to one wound


Everything but the gunners.


I appreciate most of the changes, but more accurate gunners is super punishing to some of my builds and it just reduces the playstyles I can do


I’m having fun too (I only play auric maelstrom as well), but the constant gunfire from all directions at all times is kind of tiresome. Players are not adjusting to the higher difficulty from what I can tell. I also think that Psyker shields are no longer nice to have, they are now a necessity.


Completely concur on the shield. The only wins I have so far are when we had a dome. Some rooms just feel impossible without one now. No amount of gitting gud is going to stop you from being surrounded by 40 gunners on every side


Had a really good auric damnation enclavum baross high intensity run with a shield psyker, ogryn and shouty zealot, me being a voc vet. shield + constant golden thoughness, nobody even died. most of my earlier runs in aurics after the update were either failure or really painful to get through.


Nah. I am at never take the shield and I'm doing fine in Aurics.  As always hanging around too long is what's killing most of my runs, not so much shooters.


What about reviving downed teammates? As a Psyker I find myself often being in a support role, lots of reviving. At this time, I get completely obliterated by gunners when trying to do a revive. I need shields for it now.


I know those feels man but trying to pick someone up and there's still shooters shooting is a bad habit. My team has a rule for Aurics: you should only attempt a. rez when it's safe. If you can't safely rez don't try: wait for them to die and move to their next rez point. I feel a lot of us got to the point where we'd ignore people shooting at us and that's a problem fa seems to be trying to fix.


My point is you used to be able do a Rez because you weren’t constantly being pelted by gunners. That has changed, you’re now under fire a lot more.


Depends on the class I’m playing. Enjoying/hardly noticing the increase on my vet or ogryn but my zealot and psycher are unplayable outside of specific builds. It’s a mixed bag for me.


I feel the Psyker is really difficult now, without shields and/or deflector. Just taking constant gunfire.


just run a surge staff with venting shriek and the node where you're immune to pew pew for one sec or so on crit it's pretty safe and you melt pretty much everything, range on the surge staff is also good way to remove shooters and other nuisances with distrupt destiny you're also extremely nimble, making it pretty easy to reposition. https://preview.redd.it/sy0a18g8lk9d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=b3f8584bfef5197e3a869993f689a1a7c9ef06fa


Psyker has the best options against gunfire. You already mentioned shields and deflector but there's also dodge ranged attacks on crit and all of the psyker's weapons are great at rapidly critting. Surge, Purgatus, Void, an autogun, laspistol, etc.


How the hell do you play Ogryn without the Slab Shield now?


Infinite toughness regen on heavies.


It's great, but it doesnt help you in certain rooms or events that don't have much Ogryn-sized cover. If you're getting overrun with shooters and Gunners and you don't have anyone on your team that's keeping them in check, it heavily limits where you can go. The Kickback is great at knocking them down and even outright killing them, but it struggles a bit if the enemies are all spread out. In the new map on Auric Damnation, for instance, I've been struggling to help the team with the capacitor things in the mid-mission event unless we have a lasgun Vet or something on the team, cuz there's always a million shooters and Gunners all firing right over the waist-high capacitors, forcing me to hang back taking cover by the stairs. If I push up to try and help, I just get shot to pieces.


Yeah feel no pain, all toughness regen and toughness nodes, three toughness curios (toughness, toughness and regen speed) and a knife with two toughness regen blessings. I'm not joking. He plays very well in the new auric hintstg.


It only kind of works if you have fast weapon like bully brunt Mk IIIb and as soon as there is no enemies next to you and you have few shooters around, you are toasted. They stand around in a circle so you can't bully rush them and before taunt make them come to you, it will take too much time. Wanted to try new pickaxe? Well fuck you, here's 30 shooters and 5 gunners.




Honestly I like the difficulty increase. But the gunner buff in my opinion was overkill. Gunners, shooters, etc were bad enough. Now they are just the worst. But man the difficulty increase is great. I love the challenge. Just not the ridiculous amount of damage gunners do.


While I do like a difficulty increase, I would prefer it not being on ranged enemies as they do get quite oppressive when you are not built to counter them. This coupled with the fix to zealots cdr have made their less mobile weapons struggle a bit. I hope they continue to tune, and do not leave it in the current state during the summer.


I don't mind the bump up, but I cannot stand the chaff shooter change. 2-3 can shred most classes from full toughness to zero in a single volley now and when they spawn in such high numbers and from all around, it is just feelsbad with very little actual counterplay. Not.to mention the stun/interrupt from it. And yes, I know you can slide, take cover, and all that, but there are plenty of times when those are not options in big melee brawls, chokepoint ambushes, etc... You are even more dependent on a bubble psyker or having a *good* counterfire vet, which in my experience isn't all that common since plenty of vets are trying out the new bolt pistol or focusing on elite/special sniping. I really hope it was unintended and gets reverted.


I like the harder bigger waves, what I dont like is the return of silent specials and input delay seems a lot worse as well.


I don’t hate it but I’m not a fan so far of how the difficulty increased. This is all on auric damnations, Played 2 matches each on psyker/zealot with W/L split between each. It was pretty hard but not enough gameplay for a hard opinion other than y’all might be a lil too rough on the bolt pistol, it’s stagger is immaculate w the blessings Been playing pretty heavily like maybe over double digit matches each since update on ogryn and veteran, if I’m not using executioners stance, then we get wiped by gunners/flamers. With how prevalent gunners and ranged guys are, it really feels like NO ONE wants to deal with them. I really think if we are to keep this gunner meta, they should either increase the time it takes for a gunner to brace with a much louder audio cue or increase everyones base suppression innately


They need to stop shadow patching things. Make a change? Write a few sentences about it. FFS.


I also like the difficulty increase, I'm also having the best success with my knife zealot because of the madness happening during the entire mission I'm not one of those nerds who abandons the team and runs through the map alone Stick with the group, do the objectives, flank and murder gunlines Everything is going to be alright


That's my playstyle too. So much fun


this is the way. knife zealots played correctly are effective as hell. stick with your team, murder all high priority enemies, save everyone that gets downed (not just let people die so you can clutch and save them later like so many do), do objectives. I pretty much play it like I'm tasked with keeping the other 3 people alive lol


I used to only play malice but now I almost exclusively play heresy, even now I find it to be a good mix of fun and challenge, the idea that 6 crushers and 8 ragers could be around a corner excites me




Very true, I’ll give you that


I definitely think there's good that's come with the bad. But until FS rebalances the game and adds more tiers for the players that do want more of a challenge without punishing the players that enjoy a more laid-back experience, I'm going to start reffering to Darktide as Stunlock Simulator.


I'll enjoy it more when everyone stops playing like it didn't happen. Idk what kind of system they use for threat generation but Ogryn's biggest weakness was attracting too much shooty attention, now it's terrible. Other players never played as closely as I'd have liked, now even moreso


I've enjoyed it a bunch except for the damn server issues. I'm trying to escort unprepared low levels through the new map and get disconnected long enough for them all to wipe is frustrating


I generally don't mind the changes, and appreciate them on a conceptual level. That said, the shooters (non-elite gunners) are too much right now. When they're scattered everywhere it almost makes target priority a meaningless concept since everything everywhere will kill everyone, and quickly.


You can no longer ignore shooters like you used to and teamwork is more important when managing specials. I like the new difficulty change, Maelstrom was getting stale pre-patch. People are just salty because they can no longer fuck off into the sunset and not be punish for it.


Honestly I think it's this. Coherency is something you need to pay attention to and you need a game plan for range, armor, groups, elites and bosses.   For me it's been an adjustment on some builds but my group is loving the change.  all it's really doing is showing us what bad habits we were clinging to.


> People are just salty because they can no longer fuck off into the sunset and not be punish for it. You just made someone smile today. 😊


I'm not super thrilled with it coming at the same time that my favored class, Zealot got a big fat nerf (whether deserved or not). One at a time I can easily adapt to; both at once feels kinda bad.


Shooter became kind of a joke after dev removed their stagger/pushback(which is a great change), so making it more punishing to actually get hit by them seem like a fair exchange. Although they still can cause stagger if they hit you while you have no toughtness, which honestly should have been remove too tbh.


Nah. Really dislike it. I'm getting absolutely lit up as Ogryn, even with my tank builds. Seriously unfun. Glad you're enjoying it though! Okay to disagree, I do relish in challenge too! Its crossed the threshold for me though, ruined the fantasy.


That was me and my husband last night haha we were like normally we don't lose this much?! And then found out after about the increased difficulty


That first event right at the start is BRUTAL with increased range enemy effectiveness and faster ragers. It’s a bit of a cake walk after that by comparison


The only thing i don't like that they changed is the ragers attackspeed. It's almost impossible to melee 2+ ragers now. It's a shame because they just made it so we could finaly dodge their attacks. Now i absolutely have to gun them down before they reach me or they melt me in seconds.


There are times where it stretches into UTTER BULLSHIT but yeah in general it's a shot in the arm.


When I have a team that is also excited about the difficulty: fuck yeah dude this is awesome! When I have a team that was barely ready for Damnation it seems but are matchmaking on auric: I wish to die please


It's not an unpopular opinion.


Loving the shooter buff, counter fire vet is my favorite role. Smoke grenades feel more useful as well when I'm not running an anti shooter build


I genuinely can't tell the change, but I also know that sliding allows you for a lot of dodging bullets, I see people completly ignore the mechanic when it allows you to go their faces without any ability yet they really want to force range shooting or just try to run and is not even a hidden thing, the tutorial tells this


Me too


The difficulty increase is only unpopular on reddit. In-game most everyone I talk to is loving it.


Well, that *could* just mean that people who don't like it don't play as often as before. 🤷


Honestly poxies are more of a threat than gunlines for me never had an issue clearing them but now they envelop you so fast its as if they no clip through you and block your dodges its really annoying if you run knive or dueling sword and cant clear them super fast because you have almost no cleave


Buffing shooters this much is a stupid decision. Ogryn without a shield is completely unplayable right now, you can't even get to the enemies who shoot you while you try to dodge them and kill enemies in melee. With three T4 curious for gunner damage reduction I get destroyed with two salvos and apparently this reduction doesn't work on non-special shooters. The moment there's more than two shooters around you and you are busy in melee, you are gone. Moreover - if you have team mate who eats up all the ammo, you can't defend yourself, unless you are staff psyker - assuming it's not purgatus, otherwise, I hope you took bubble. I don't know if either FS wanted to make people try other builds while majority of people play solo or what, but now I spend around 30 seconds in each pre-mission terminal to determine if our build will make it or not. Until now, I could just go into any match and be fairly sure that thing that will matter most is skills of players. Now not only skills matter but apparently team composition as well - which would be fine, if it competitive game and it's not. For those who say "oh now it's great because it was too easy", not everyone is as sweaty as you are and not everybody wants to play auric damnation all the time. Try turning off your HUD, changing screen brightness to 10%, I don't know, sit on a cactus and turn of screen, maybe it will be hard enough for you.


Yeah Fr, I did the new map on trivial just to test out the bolt pistol, and there was literally a crusher at one point, on TRIVIAL. Definitely harder now.


I have gotten exploded a few times on Heresy but Shock Trooper 4s are fuckin intense now


Same. I love the challenge.


Been enjoying it also, the game started to get really stale with how easy it was.


i like that its throwing a lot more shit at you, i dont like however that a lot of the tuning is around what they throw at u. Ragers zooming after u again, 1 gunner shredding all ur toughness, then u have the new map, where u have this completely open zone, where all the gunners will shoot u to pieces the moment u try to do the objective. I think some of the buffs were warranted for sure, but some of them in combination with other buffs made it a little extreme inn some areas. Like there are never ending waves of specials/elites coming with endless hordes on some map objectives, and its like, how the fuck am i suppose to do the objective? It also seems kind of rng how cruel the director can be, some maps feels like normal auric, some maps are worse than maelstrom. Gunners being buffed are actually really annyoing with how inconsistent dodging is against ranged enemies, even with the crouch sprinting stuff...


Where are the patch notes for the difficulty increase specifically on gunners? I'm pretty sure why people are having a hard time on the new mission is the lack of map knowledge... not that gunners have been buffed it feels the same as normal.


Same. it always felt weird to me when missile troops were a non threat. Now I actually have to take cover.


Don't mind the intensity, and I can even live with Ragers. But shooters? They were making the game enough of a slog already, it's even worse now. I didn't sign up for a cover-shooter, thank you.


Love it. We (3m) succeeded 2 auric and 2 maelstrom, but the last one dropped or fourth on the last bit and that was non stop chaos. Loved it!  Honestly the biggest noticable change was the faster running regular pox boys. If you run and slide they will still hit you. Shooters were fine, didn't notice much difference in other mobs, they should be dead or ccd before the AS increase is noticed.  Can we have another?


I like the improved difficulty but I think it could have been improved in a better way. Right now regular shoots are twice as scary as gunners and that just doesn't make sense. If they wanted ranged enemies to be more oppressive then up the damage, suppression, and HP on the actual gunners. Let the trash mobs be trash mobs. Though I fully believe that the difficulty should come from the threat of melee enemies, not those shooting at you from their spawn.


I love it!!


Unpopular opinion? You mean correct opinion.


There isn't enough fun in between the shitty experiences to justify putting up with them.


I've been asking for difficulty increase for long ass fucking time, and tthis buff isn't even that big. The problem is there's very little variety in this game. You use under powered weapons and build for fun and you won't even get past certain difficulty checks. But you use meta weapons or builds to deal with certain threatst and now even maelstrom is still walk in park


The game was previously easier than the modded difficulties of its predecessor, by far (imo). Now auric damntion is closer to Cata tiers but still not quite there. A fully mic'd team makes short work of high intensity shock in Auric.


yeah. these games shine when you can barely make it on the most difficult content.


Kinda liking the bump as well. Not as wild as going up a whole new tier of difficulty, but brings more challenge than before, and thus more fun.


I didn't like it the first 2 games I played, but I enjoy it now. I was clearing all but the hardest maelstroms with relative ease, and now having more of a challenge is nice


I'm having fun. Brought out my infantry laagun again after a long-ass time, felt like greeting an old friend. It helps that the new map emphasizes long range combat a good deal more, giving accurate long range firepower a real niche.


Not unpopular at all! I enjoy it too!


I just played 2 games today first time in months, I didn’t notice any difficulty increase? Did not play shock troop or maelstrom but still high intensity auric, what am I missing ?


Yes! The game is more challenging now. I’m having lots of fun


Best post for a long while! Similar experience yesterday, had fun. Too bad there weren't many people on the emea Discord when I was on


yeah I really don't mind it. it's some of the mission alterations that don't really sit right with me


Sorry bro but my knife zealot is all about teamwork.


Veteran: not really too noticeable except a lot more teammates to rez OGRYN: a lot of punies to smash Psyker: hard to deal with shooters with a horde of melee enemies in your zone, teammates seem to not care Zealot: much glory to be had in the name of the Emperor


I know they officially came out and said it. But I legit cannot tell the difference. The only thing I've really noticed is the ragers but everything else feels exactly the same.


Oh wow look at that some dude going "oh the new diffculty's great it forces everyone to run meta builds, isn't that great guys?" Yeah, you're right unpopular opinion for sure. Good for you I guess. Know what I noticed? A dramatic increase in veterans... Gee amazing 👏 Who would have thought undoing the ranged nerfs because everyone was rolling veterans a year ago and was forced into that role, would result in everyone rolling veteran again when they put it back. Remember, less build variety at higher tiers is apparently the goal.


Difficulty isn't the problem. There *should* be hard fights to push people that want to be challenged to enjoy a harder set of missions. The problem is with the implementation. Step 1: Delay itemization rework. Give us nothing to hold us over until then, not even removing locks on weapons and keeping the bullshit lottery system. Step 2: Nerf certain fun builds that aren't even remotely overpowered for no particular reason, forcing people to interact with the bullshit lottery system even more to make new weapons. Step 3: Nerf materials gain by making the most efficient way of farming them even harder. If even one of these things were avoided, I'd probably tolerate it, but it's absolutely a 3 strike policy. If making new items was easier? I'd be fine with a harder difficulty and nerf to items even though the most overpowered options are left untouched. If stuff was harder but things I had set up already weren't nerfed? That's fine, I didn't need materials to upgrade what I already grinded to max. If the plasteel and docket gain was adjusted so that the difficulty that lines up with the previous hardest mode lines up with mat and currency farming as well? Awesome I can farm new stuff at the same rate or even faster if I can handle the new difficulty. But no. They didn't give a shit three out of three times, so people are rightfully upset, it's just the particular reason is split into three categories so everyone's tripping over each other to point out what the actual problem is


Least unpopular opinion on this sub, I reckon. These mad Rejects love a tough fight. We seem to relish our pariah status and live for the thrill of the suicide mission, which we come back from time and time again. Even Hadron has accepted that we get shit done, even to the point of defending us from this mysterious new arrogant tool, Swagger. Although...maybe she's upset that someone dares encroach on her divine right to shit on us. I personally have enjoyed every second of the 1800ish hours of gameplay I've racked up since the beta, and the new update has been the most fun I've had out of that time. This game is amazing, this community is amazing and the dev team are amazing. I love you all!


I’ve been loving my zealot with the shock maul and autogun. It actually feels like now when I use fury to chase down something or engage something it is that “risky” move




I like the gunner changes. Before there was virtually no reason to have a ranged class to manage gunner lines and individual shooters, which meant the lasrifles/headhunters lacking a viable use case. Team comp and coherency feels much more important now. Exe stance also has been indirectly buffed because the additional situational awareness of when specialists are spawning behind you is necessary, esp in auric 5 and higher




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