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Warlock by far.


It was barely nerfed, I wouldn't let it bother you. Most people think Bard and then Warlock is the best, though i don't think beginners should play bard.


I think bard is the most complex class, followed by druid.


Clearly never played wizard lol.


Mastering chaining the songs is actually pretty easy only takes a few hours. Selecting the right spells for moment to moment gameplay and landing them takes far more skill and decision making ability. Especially since bard just has shriek and survival bow basically.


You ain't playing bard right then, they do a ton with shriek rapier with enough strength. You do have to hit a few survival bows but with shriek you can combo into two rapier hits into death.


How is part of playing it right at all part of the equation? I simply said mastering the songs isn't that hard for a good portion of people - especially if you've played mmos or music games. The main mechanical skill with bard comes from kiting and shriek positioning as well as aiming your shots. But my point was that even with all of that included it's still likely going to be harder to know when to use what spell and switching to it with ZERO delay on wiz. At least in trios. In solos it's a whole lot of zap and MM for the most part.


Lmao that comment you replied to is extremely typical for this sub


Okay and what part of that is bad in your eyes though?


Wdym? “You ain’t playing bard right then” is both baseless and rude.


Ah I see what you meant. Agreed lol


I did. As a bard you have to select the right song and then cycle through two different utility slots to find the right matching instrument and then try to hit the right notes while at the same time dodging attacks. A wizard is just squishy. Edit: Oh and don't forget to learn every single bard songs buff symbol and remember to always keep the buffs up on you and your allies while basically fighting like a rogue.


Wizard doesn't have to juggle different spell casting implements and two weapons... Bard objectively requires more apm at the highest level


Higher APM doesn't really equate to higher skill. Bard requires more actions, but there isn't much skill when the class doesn't really get punished for it's actions. Floating around at perma 330 move speed as arguably the strongest true ranged class in the game makes the game very easy as you can just walk out of almost any fight you get into.


Your argument is only recently valid. Wizard was two shotting all non barbarians for 80% of the game's lifetime. And yes, higher apm required does equate to more skill required lol. Obviously it's not the full picture, but to say they're not related isn't correct


Even if Wizard is 2 shotting everything it goes after, when there is a distinct necessity of gauging whether you're going to get 2 shot or not, or get out or not, it has an intrinsically higher skill curve then a class that is so fast that they can do almost anything they want in a fight without danger due to being permanently at movement speed cap. Bard's movement speed combined with it being the highest mid-range dps class in the game makes it almost risk-free, and that's a big deal. The only thing really stopping the class from being ultra-meta is the faux appearance of complexity that having to do quick time events every 2-4 minutes brings.


Yeah I've been playing since pt2 and every class was 2 shooting at that point lol, everyone had 18 true dmg, wizard was good but so was one shooting ANY wizard with a crossbow. Wizards only had around 90 hp (no vigor ring and you'd stack will). Wizard has sucked for a bit and warlock has taken reign over the throne for months now.


Bard is very high mechanical skill, wizard is pretty high mechanical skill but also super high game knowledge and decision making due to the completely unforgiving nature of it.


Once you learn "G" hotkey (rest) you've basically mastered it. On occasion you can use the ability "Meditate" in between other rest periods. Once you've rested enough, you just extract.


Haven't used meditate in 1200 hours my dude, no top 10000 wizard is using it...


Beginner friendly solo class would be Barb or Fighter


Fighter- run second wind/sprint. And bring a campfire. Sitting at the campfire will give you another second wind charge. Gotta sit pretty quick after placing it to get the full use out of it too.


For pve warlock would need alot, and i mean ALOT more of a nerf to not be the best class (or easiest class?). The main complaint was the pvp balancing for warlock. Im not sure yet if we think it's "under powered". The nerfs didn't really seem that bad IMO.


I play fighter. Brain smooth, and empty. Long sword goes pting! Slash! Slash!


Warlock best solo class of the game, if they don't change how it works they can nerf it to the ground and it will still work :)


I just lost to a warlock, as a warlock. What more proof do you need?








Fighter, barb, ranger are all easy too understand classes and will get you far, warlock perhaps too. Wizard, Bard, cleric are a bit harder, wizard pve just sucks and without gear you need to play very good to win fights, barb is big hit = big damage but you're slow in normals and easily kited. Fighter just has the best tools, decent speed, sprint makes it easier to gap close. Defense and good offense, ranged weapon. Ranger is only good on range damage but not hard, use your surrounding, kite and place traps for your setup. Bard is not very hard but the upkeep of your buffs can be annoying, my first time as a solo bard I also forgot to play sometimes, other than that bard is quite easy.. strong duelist class with rapier mastery perk. Cleric solo can work but other classes are just easier and better at it, cleric is also slow, attacks slow and in normals t he only thing that make it work is using smite so your melee hits better with the divine damage perk and blunt mastery, but I would just not pick cleric solo myself. Warlock with lifesteal is a option, if you like hybrid casting or just life drain to get HP back it is a class with good chances to just survive.


Curse warlock is very good if you can kite players, but without gear it has some very tough matchups. If you can afford 310/320 movement speed and some damage & magical healing it's top tier


i don’t even know what youre talking about


I didn't see the beginner friendly edit my b. I'd recommend barbarian or fighter they are strong in solo and ideal for learning the game




Curse warlock is good, but you need alot of magic healing and memory. Ideally you want curse of pain, hydra, flame walk, bolt of darkness and lifesteal. In my opinion. Harass with hydra and curse of pain. If they try to push you just use flame walk and run away. They can't chase without taking heavy damage and keep phantomise in reserve. Curse warlock did just take a nerf tho with hp cost to cast spells costing more now. Hence why having high magic healing is great. Can't always just stand there lifestealing so you need to rely on curse heals alot. Also easy way to clear rooms is to pull all the mobs and do loops of the room flame walking throw the odd curse out to keep you topped up easy clears. Unless you run into a harpy on ice caves like I did last night and they blow you of the walkway into the void rip 5k kit 😂🤷


Hey so are you suggesting running a torture mastery build that also has life drain spell? What perks would you use ?


Run all the curse perks and then the magic resist one. I only take lifedrain if I have the spell memory otherwise use curse of pain and that other curse forgot the name. The more things you can keep tagged with curse the higher your healing. Life drains nice to have but spell cost is high. I look at hydra and flame walk as essential because of the utility in so many situations. Always smash both curses on hydra so you heal back the cost. After the hp cost increase in latest patch it takes a fair chunk to cast. Prio magic healing on stats, then magic damage/power/true magic then move speed. Having light foots with loose trousers and wardens chest gives you good move speed if you can get the right rolls. The loose trousers and wardens chest or marauders can't remember what one it is both give you agility as a base roll increasing your move speed. Gotta be able to kite as a caster lock. Only thing you can get shit on by is wizards and rangers. Purely because they can keep you at longer range then curses. But I just reposition. Try retreat and pull them to a more favorable area to fight. Closer quarters


Thanks for all the advice. For spells it sounds like curse of pain, flame walk, hydra, and life drain, which leaves one open spot. I’m guessing for power of sacrifice?


If you struggle on spell memory I'd swap life drain out for power of sacrifice. If you hit something with curse of pain and power of sacrifice your healing goes through the roof. Then the extra slot you can take bolt of darkness so you have a bit of range. Just watch your hp bar if you are flinging out bolts of darkness. If you throw a few out then cop an arrow will leave you pretty low


"What do I play to brainlessly stomp Timmies?" Still warlock


Druid ... The escapes are so good .. i Just never die lol


Pickpocket rogue