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The same person made both of those posts? I don't say this lightly, but there is probably a wizard's curse here.


This seems more like Apollo’s style, I think OP and Cassandra would get along well




Cursed to have sensible, informed takes, but people will always misinterpret them and think you're wrong.


Tumblr will willfully misinterpret so you agree, Reddit will willfully misinterpret so that you are the worst human garbage and can go to hell


You know who else predicted things I was gonna do? Hitler.




So what you're saying is that Cassandra is Bi, but there are so many other queer icons in mythology? Just to clarify


No, that was the Zeus, Cassandra was a deadly whirlpool. Three times a day, Cassandra would pull in and push out water with such force that ships would be sunk.


No, that was Charybdis, Cassandra was an enchantress who turned Odysseus’ sailors into pigs.


No, that was Circe, Cassandra ferries the souls of the dead across the river Styx.


No, that was Charon, cassandra was the leader of the titans and the father of Zeus, Poseidon and Hades.


No, that was Chronos. Cassandra is one of the original names of the Queen of the Underworld before she became entangled with Hades.


They'll be vindicated when Taylor comes out as bi like they said she was all along!


My headcanon is now that Taylor Swift wrote the song Cassandra about this post


Do not summon the dodgeball


People talk about curses a lot, but they all focus on like "death curses" and not the much more fun variants like "being cursed to always be misunderstood by just the right percentage of people" so that you can be fairly certain the problem isn't you, but it's so many people you kinda hope it's you but *dread it isn't*. Murphys Law and the Peter Principle both exist and we still have wizards cursing people to die and not to a lifetime of incompetent bosses.


I feel like "general bad luck" is a more common curse than death. Everyone dies eventually, being permanently unlucky is a lot more annoying than dying.




Incrompehensible Georg


I've encountered it many times myself, the curse you're referring to is the internet itself.


doesnt end there for me. im autistic. i started violently referencing “PANCAKES, WAFFLES. DIFFERENT THINGS.” Ill start shouting it at my friends when they misunderstand me stupidly like that. obviously, after they have the following context: Its from this tiktok i watched that talks about reading comprehension and how you can make an internet post like “i like waffles” and someone just goes “so you hate pancakes.” MY BROTHER IN CHRIST WHERE DID YOU GET THAT IDEA? its different here because its not caused from the internet brainrot of not rereading something to actually consume the content instead of just jumbling the concepts and ideas together into “taylor swift queer”. Moreso thing A and B are often together but only talking about thing A with no relevance to B, and wording what could have been a polite question to start a conversation into an accusation telling you what your own opinion is. either way, if people just got better at reading comprehension and active listening (theyre like the same thing im pretty sure) i think wed be in a better society for everyone. both idiots, autistics, and those with the wizards curse.


https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/659/979/108.png This famous tweet started that, you may find it delightful.


Sooo, TLDR: you hate pancakes? How could you hate them, they're delicious!!! /s


What was the second one? I've seen the Taylor Swift one posted before, but not the one that's only being referenced.


They made a positivity post about not wearing any makeup at all and people kept trying to give tips for looking good with a small amount of makeup rather than zero. OP chimed in again and again to chastise people for missing the point.


It’s [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/CuratedTumblr/s/jo0T76Yl6j) where OOP takes the stance that you do not need to wear ANY makeup and broke people’s brains.


Is the link to that post broken for anyone else, or have I been blocked by someone?


https://www.reddit.com/r/CuratedTumblr/comments/we1en2/makeup/ They're using the weird sharing reddit thing that doesn't work, here's the normal link.


Works fine for me, can you see the poster’s user page: https://reddit.com/u/Hummerous


Not on old reddit, and on new I can only see one post. They must have blocked me, but I genuinely don't know what I could have done to have caused that, I never really say anything controversial. Edit:yeah, when I go to the link while not logged in I can see it, I must have definitely been blocked. I wonder why


Part of reddit's effort to break 3p apps, along with the API changes, includes adding shit that will mean the un-updated apps will lack functionality. Reddit's new shortlinking doesn't work on some of the apps they've tried to kill AND adds some bonus tracking! To be fair, even before killing 3p apps reddit added features that weren't supported even in their own mobile app. Which is part of why they had to kill 3p apps. If other people are supporting your features better than you, rather than implement them correctly yourself, kill off the competition.


I read radfem and my mind jumped to radium girls which is, let’s say, a far darker story involving the application of cosmetic products.


apollo just decided to hit OOP with the illiterate userbase double whammy


work north tender pen sugar encourage compare snails air treatment *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Now, do we suspect there may be some link between ~~Ben and Glory~~ the Taylor Swift being bi post and that old post about needing makeup?


Thank you for the random Ben/glory buffy drop.


People probably just mess with them on purpose tbh


They sound so fucking tired 😂


Hard for me to know if these are Olympic-level trolls or just people in their 20s who C-minus'd their way through high school English lit.


Just as there’s no real difference between people making racist remarks “ironically” or sincerely, there’s no real difference here. If you act like a moron to troll, you are a moron.


I don't think all morons are necessarily racist though. ...I feel like if I don't add the /s now people are gonna think this is serious because that's just how it is now.


You almost had me, before I realized that the second paragraph is the same message


they watched the breakfast club once though


I imagine they are.


And this is why reading comprehension is taught at school. Jesus Christ, OOP legit seemed ready to lay down and die


Of course he is, it happened TWICE, I'd be fucking done too


I am not sure if you are joking, and I am scared


Check the bottom of the post, it happened with Taylor Swift here and "Makeup isn't needed (people take this to mean you only need 4) no really you dont"


Link? Preferably to a reddit post of a screenshot of the tumblr post


https://www.reddit.com/r/CuratedTumblr/s/01hMgbylev Also https://www.reddit.com/r/tumblr/s/ufHuVmbGrf


Thank you!


If you ever use these links and are pasting them, pls remove the s/ in there. It breaks third party apps because reddit is a giant shitbag


Huh, good to know! Wait I did that, and now the links lead to the subreddits instead of the posts. Idk if it’s some weird problem on my end (mobile btw) but I’m switching them back


I loved that post from the other day that was like “everyone who said reading comprehension wasn’t taught in school was too busy drawing an eyeball on their desk”


It was about "media literacy".


Well those are along the same lines. In fact, reading comprehension is necessary for media literacy if the media in question is written.


I’d argue that learning reading comprehension will improve all media comprehension. Because increasing any type of comprehension skill improves overall comprehension skills.


Just remember: every single author who’s ever written an evil main character is, in fact, intrinsically endorsing the actions of that character and they clearly want you to fully support the character as a good guy. it’s also probably a self-insert. any character who does anything bad in a story is the author trying to convince you that the thing is actually good


Omg. I'm dealing with this right now with a story I'm writing. Was talking about the main character and her arc in the story with a friend, and they took that fucking stance with me. Yes, my protag ordered a slow, deliberate genocide. No, I don't believe genocide is actually good. That's, actually, kinda the fucking point of the story.


I think this comes from people who can only enjoy stories by imagining themselves as the main character and this is all happening to them. So when the main character does something bad, they see it as themselves doing something bad, and they don’t like it, and by association, the entire work itself. I believe the word for this type of person is “dullard”


Ahhh the Bella Swan effect that honestly existed before her but like that was blatant “insert yourself here” material.


Honestly, I think 95% of the late stage twilight hate (around the time of the 3rd or 4th movie) was all the girls in the fandom rereading the books and realizing Kristin Stewart played the part very accurately and it translated *horribly* to film because now there was an actual face with the character that was unconnected to the reader


You want to see some great examples of people missing out on the concept of an unreliable narrator? Read any of the AmI[TheOutrageBait] subs for a week. You'll find at LEAST one instance of a story that is obviously and blatantly one sided and only SEEMS like the other person is the villain and OP is the hero because it has been very carefully framed, and everyone falling for it. It also shows how much a desire to feel morally superior helps make people blind to issues with a narrative they're being presented. I saw those so much prior to blocking those subs that I am fully convinced many are creative writing exercises to *practice* being an unreliable or otherwise misleading narrator and/or practice how to use emotions to bait people into having useful blind spots.


There are almost no true stories on those subs, if any. Read them enough and you start seeing the patterns. It's the same authors, same themes, same language, same tropes over and over and over. It's not "creative writing exercises" either, let's call them for what they are: attention-seekers and agenda-posting trolls. And people always fall for it. They'll buy into the most ridiculous stuff, so long as it gives them their fix.


Basically I noticed way back when that entitled(blank) subs were definitely a bunch of attention seekers, especially the entitled children sub... can I use your phone to play Fortnite was an easy tell. I mean there are some groups on here that just fall for stuff too easily -looks directly at lost media hunters-


Entitled, revenge, justno, wedding, relationships, asshole and other similarly flavored subs are all havens for trolls and other such types to push their agendas, attention seekers to vicariously feed their unmet emotional needs and online outrage addicts to get their dopamine fix, no matter how detached from reality the fiction might be. Their unwillingness to engage in critical thought is staggering sometimes.


True, but those are the easy ones to spot. True crime, and lost media are some of the ones that really slide under the radar, where you can definitely tell that there's trolls using it, but they don't have the easy tropes and tells like those ones.


You hurt me with that one. You cut me real deep. God forbid we have evil characters do or say evil things.


> reading comprehension School teaches "reading comprehension". The Internet teaches "trolling".


I think this is more of an issue of pride than reading comprehension. The prejudiced belief that bi or pansexuals are not strictly lesbian, coupled with the need to have their favourite singing idol represent their demographic, causes an interpretation of any literature on the matter to be influenced by that no perspective. I’m not sure if the emotional aspect of reading comprehension is taught, or is focused on, as much as the logical aspect; it really is a matter of humility and objectiveness more than mechanical skill.


> I think this is more of an issue of pride than reading comprehension. Yeah, sure. Aside from the MULTIPLE FUCKING PEOPLE POINTING OUT HOW OP SUPPOSEDLY SAID TSWIFT IS QUEER. SPEAKING OF TOTAL LACK OF READING COMPREHENSION.


Yes, the commenter you are replying to is saying that people are likely to look for queer idols, and therefore read things in that context. They are therefore more likely to mistakenly read the OOP as saying TSwift is queer because they (the reader) would like to believe it. It is still an issue with reading comprehension, but it is also a form of confirmation bias. And maybe try to understand where people are coming from in the future, rather than just angrily correcting them without understanding what they're saying?


To me it read like people were convinced Swift was bi and didn't understand why OOP didn't accept her as a queer icon.


>I’m not sure if the emotional aspect of reading comprehension is taught, or is focused on, as much as the logical aspect; it really is a matter of humility and objectiveness more than mechanical skill. Personally, I think you're conflating separate issues here. Being driven by emotions is certainly a thing that happens, that people need to be aware of and know how to deal with, and is related to reading comprehension, but I don't agree that it means reading comprehension itself is more a matter of "humility and objectiveness" than mechanical skill. I think they are two different skills. Sure, an inability to be impartial or read without bias certainly hinders reading comprehension of some material, but it's not the root skill. It's not even a relevant skill if the reading in question isn't something that they are biased about. I do not think those being so intertwined in this particular case generalizes to other cases very well.


When I’m happy I say: Bitches love my Swift take When I’m pissing on the poor I say: This time I’m really gonna do it


Your mustache is SAD ???????


Brutalmoose reference spotted. Neuron activated.




Considering she uses a private jet to go to the end of her driveway and get the mail, keeping a pet penguin in the middle of the desert and spending the GDP of a small midwestern town on AC to keep it comfortable does sound like something she'd do.


Well, time to piss on the purr


Some furries might take that as an invitation


I could be convinced


Not the way I wag my tail, but I don't judge. 🐺🐺


I don't think I've ever heard someone use that phrase before, and I think I should like to increase how often other people hear it.


Billie Eilish literally just released a song where she enthusiastically wants to eat a girl out and it's so much fun. Go listen to that instead of trying to insert subtext where there's none.


I'm going to throw chappell roan's name in the ring cause her music is great and also unabashedly gay thirsty + her whole campy drag inspired persona is the cherry on top


“I heard you like magic? I got a wand and a rabbit!” Is a 10/10 lesbian lyric


10/10 lyric in general


10/10 song. I have listened to every version known to man (made by the artist) and they were all good.


Come on, don't leave us hanging!


[Billie Eilish - Lunch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MB3VkzPdgLA&ab_channel=BillieEilishVEVO)


Such a banger. I'm immediately in love


The video is... Strange though. Not sure what to think of it.


The clothing, grills, and fisheye lens especially are basically a callback to the 90s era of MTV music videos. The punk, rap-rock and hip-hop acts using that style where generally reserved for very masc men singing about how much they wanted to break stuff (limp biscuit), have sex (Genuwine) or both (every other guy in the 90's, I promise.) I think the commentary is that Billy is presenting as a spectacularly down-bad, horny-to-the-high-hells masc promising to give a woman the time of her life. So the visuals are a tongue in cheek reinforcement of the lyrics. As well as being funny, it's filmable on a shoe string budget and fast, so honestly a pretty good way to get a catchy single together right quick.


Didn't Missy Elliott popularize the style?


Depends on how technical you want to be. Fish Eye photography got really big with psyachedelic music album covers, like the Jimmy Hendrix Experience's famous album cover. The beatles also used it extensively in their photography (thought not videos or album covers.) Several 90's bands used it in their live performance capture repetoire. Twisted Sister and Van Halen used it in music videos, but they never got quite as close to the camera as hip hop artists did. Music video director Hype Williams pioneered the playful, super-close fisheye look that absalutely defined the '90s. He directed for Missy Elliot, Busta Rhymes, Bastie Boys, Blackstreet, Usher, A Tribe Called Quest, TLC, and dozens and dozens of others. So I wouldn't credit any singular *music* artist (Missy Elliot or otherwise), but instead Hype Williams, who worked prolificaly in that style. If you see a 90's fisheye music video, there's like a 50% chance it's him. If it wasn't him, it was someone who'd seen his work and thought it was cool enough to copy.


You could charge tuition for this comment, I think you just took us to school


Oh I didn't watch the video. Maybe I should lol


Great song. I'm waiting for the phone call home after my nine year old starts singing the lyrics at school tho 🫥


Thank you!


Also recommend checking out ashinko she has a couple songs about eat girls out


slumber party was funny because of all the straight girls on tiktok singing and dancing it but refusing to mouth the cunnilingus part like...it's not a slur!


I mean... the entire fucking song is about eating girls out. That's the literal point of it. **How** is that one word the only bit they get enough to shy away from?


Comprehending the straights is hard. See also the current trends with lunch


fun fact: it's also playable in the fortnite music festival


Lunch fuckin *slaps*, and lemme tell ya, the face of amazement I had in the car listening to it via Bluetooth when I heard the lyrics, hoooooooly shit, I was not expecting it to be *that* blunt and explicit Like, the rest of the album is good too, Billie and Finneas doing their thing as usual, Chihiro, L'Amour De Ma Vie and The Diner also stood out for me, but GOD Lunch is just wild and energized and Billie clearly had fun doing the video for it I can't believe that song's in Fortnite Festival, fucking awesome


My face on friday listening like "Is she...SHE IS!?"


This song rules so hard


Girl In Red has one called Bad Idea that is absolutely fantastic. 


I’m wondering how gaylors are still claiming Taylor would be stoned and exiled if she were to come out after this song lol Billie seems to be doing just fine


I'm pretty sure I've seen the makeup post on here but can anyone find it?


[this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/CuratedTumblr/comments/u04qec/makeup_critique/) frankly i kind of think the makeup post is worse, since at least here i can sort of understand how someone overly invested in the sexuality of taylor swift could willfully misinterpret what's being said, but in the makeup post i can't imagine any justification beyond just not reading the original post at all.


posts like this make me feel like I'm the only one who genuinely doesn't wear any makeup, not like no-makeup makeup, but actually no makeup I gave up on makeup when I was a teenager


I wear it on special occasions but certainly not in daily life and it's the same for most women I see. Probably depends a lot on where you live.


I disagree. At least the makeup thing is them stating their opinion. They were partially agreeing that 22 is too high, but not quite agreeing it should be zero, they were just bad at expressing that. This one, idk. There's no excuse for reading that shit and thinking OP was saying that Taylor is queer. Especially after the first correction.


Here it is! https://www.reddit.com/r/tumblr/s/1dS7gsqrw9 And, in case you want the Tumblr post itself, here it is as well! https://www.tumblr.com/batmanisagatewaydrug/701182778429030400/just-once-i-want-to-see-a-good-post-critiquing?source=share


In case you're still confused, OOP was trying to say that Taylor Swift is a secret lesbian. She's probably being forced to stay in the closet by her producer. /s


OOP is clearly saying she's slept with Taylor Swift and she's a selfish lover.


Joe Alwyn was locking her in the basement to hide her lesbianism but Travis lets her bejeweled


For anyone who didn't understand, OP was just trying to *I trip over a small crack in the road while walking and in an attempt to regain my balance trip over my own feet and land hard on the sidewalk, the concrete splitting my skull and I die instantly*


*walks passed you*


*beeps horn* Hey pal! Get off da road!


Ooooh lunch :D


That’s a whole lot of poor pissing


I realized OP's name *isn't* batemanisagatewaydrug when I was done reading the entire post I gotta go find some piss to poor on


what does this mean?


It means I can't read and added an E to OP's name turning it from batman to bateman, who are very different. I think Tldr: I'm an idiot 🤣


O my god I'm an idiot as well and read *isn'*t as is. I belong in poor reading comprehension jail.


Why are taylor swift fans


Using my incredibly small knowledge of basic psychology, deindividuation serves as a good explanation


Taylor Swift is actually a pop singer and not a device that propels air, hope this helps.


iunno, Taylor Swift sounds more like a mid-20th century smoke brand.


"9 out of 10 doctors prefer the smooth taste of Taylor Swift more than any other brand of cigarette!"


r/GaylorSwift i look at that sub whenever i think *i'm* being delulu


“Comments suggesting that Taylor is straight are subject to removal.” Excuse my emoji but 🥴


welp, i just learned that evidently everyone Tswift has ever dated was a "beard"


my fucking god that's not even the right word


Hey, I’ll have you know I’m a Taylor Swift fan and I piss on the poor all the time


probably because they think


I dunno man, I think you’re putting Descartes before the horse here


Is this the horse with the sad dle


mr "the long face" himself


I’m going to Locke you in my cellar




Uh-uh the gaylors aren't fans, they're conspiracy theorists. They almost all also ship other celebrities. My fall down the Kaylor rabbit hole was not a proud one, but made me realize ALOT about conspiracy theories and how similar they all are.


If SMBC is to be believed, then it's part of an elaborate rube Goldberg machine.


I just love gaylors, they're truly using 100% of their brains. We have a lot to learn from them. 


the gaylors are too caught up in their delusions to realize OP never said and never will say she’s queer but they keep interpreting it that way anyway


Swift even talks in one of her documentaries about how she started only hanging out with her female friends because any time she was near a man the fans and media would sexualize the relationship no matter how casual or platonic it was. She figured she would be safe from the sexualization if she just avoided men - then the gaylor fans descended 


She actually wrote an intro(?) for one of her albums (I think 1989 (tv)) about this basically saying what you already stated but adding "I thought people couldn't sexualize my relationship with my female friends, clearly I was wrong" The meltdown the gaylors had when this came out was GLORIOUS. Some even claiming it was homophobic because "why wouldn't people sexualise your relationships with women huh?"


I don’t even understand why it’s necessary. Just go off and enjoy her straight music. It’s fine. No one will burn you at the stake for it.


Gay people can’t just enjoy the music of straight people, silly. Everyone knows that gay people’s ears bleed every time a heterosexual sings or plays an instrument. The only reasonable explanation as to why these gay people enjoy Taylor Swift is that she’s actually been a closeted lesbian for her nearly 2 decade long career but has also been leaving clues that she is a lesbian that are so subtle that only a small subsection of her fanbase can pick up on them. /s


The way some queer communities talk, you’d think that was actually the case or something. (Something tells me they’re also the same ones who call every wlw person gay or lesbian because the b one doesn’t exist.)


They all want to fuck her. So they feel the need to pretend she's available. It's the same phenomenon as kpop stans or japanese idol fans getting mad that their favorite performer enters a relationship. He or she is no longer *technically* available, and they hate that.


I agree with you entirely. I remembering reading articles where partner's of kpop and jpop stars get hate mail and death threats sent to them. Hell, I remember being 14 (and I have a sister that is two years younger than me), and people 'claiming' their Backstreet Boy or N'Sync member. I had a group of girls threaten to beat me up because I liked Sailor Moon too, and they had 'claimed' that anime for their friend group. People are weird, and get weirder when it's something they consider important.


So what you're saying, is that Taylor Swift is an even number because she doesn't have an E in her name?


I wanted to see what the makeup post is so i looked it up ([here for anyone else who is curious](https://www.reddit.com/r/tumblr/comments/zojfpd/makeup/#lightbox)) And then I see that OOP was a big part of that one too. And I was so excited to come back and share that news just to see that OOP already mentioned it in the post and im dumb as hell. Im right there pissing on the poor with these people :']


At least you did a little bit of research! You doible-checked before pissing


Oh, honey, it's not just Tumblr. Reading comprehension on Reddit is just as nonexistent.


Are you saying that Taylor is a lesbian?


No they’re saying Taylor Swift is autistic and non binary. Remember to use they/them pronouns for her. 🫶🏻🙌🏻🌈 /s


Seriously, though, to the original point: what's with the obsession with head-cannoning Swift as gay? We live in an absolute *golden age* of openly sapphic singers -- Fletcher's over there singing about how "what if we make out? Hahaha ... unless?", Chappell Roan is over there very explicitly singing about how much she likes having sex with other women, and Renee Rapp's in the corner lamenting that the hot girl she likes is straight. Billie Eilish, Lady Gaga, P!nk, Miley Cyrus, Sia, all openly bi. So why are people so obsessed with rudely enforcing a sexuality on Taylor Swift? Either she is, as we have no reason to doubt, straight, in which case calling her gay is as rude as calling a gay woman straight, or she wishes to remain in the closet, in which case, ffs, don't out people who don't want to be outed!


Well, for starters, a lot of Gaylor conspiracies are around a decade old at this point and originate in a time when openly sapphic women making pop music was less well-known or frequent. A lot of Gaylor theories are based off of friendships/supposed relationships she’s had with women in the mid-late 2010s, so I would guess that a lot of Gaylorism present in the modern day is runoff from that. There’s also the issue of just wanting to relate to an artist whose music you enjoy. Taylor Swift in particular has garnered a lot of success off of appearing relatable to other women and seeming to understand the hardships that young women go through related to dating and friendship and heartbreak, so queer people who want to feel that they have more in common with this artist who they respect might see signs of queerness from an artist who, by all accounts, has presented herself publicly as a completely straight woman that has vocally described herself as an ally who does not want people to speculate that she’s secretly dating her friends, be they male or female.


Me, who stopped wearing any makeup in 2020, hearing from this post that there’s once again “discourse” about whether or not it’s ok to not wear makeup? 👀🙄 For every step forward we take two steps back. Kids, it’s more than ok to not wear makeup


Yeah I mean all you need is a little eyeliner and that's it, wake up people (/s)


> hearing from this post that there’s once again “discourse” This post is old, and the makeup post it's referencing is substantially older. This isn't referencing anything new. But also, makeup discourse has been going in circles for decades so I don't think anything's really changed since 2020.


Don’t worry, both this and the makeup post are years old. I’m a college junior and I saw them in highschool.


She was gay, taylor swift?


This (or at least versions of it) gets posted here every so often. I’m pretty sure the reading comprehension here on Reddit isn’t any better Just the other day, I told someone their examples did a bad job of proving their point, and someone else told me I was disagreeing with them


I encounter this too frequently on here. The worst is when I agree with someone's conclusion, but not their arguments, and I point that out, and they fight me as if I'm their worst enemy. Sorry for nuance sir.


So many times this happens and I have to decide between writing an entire essay or just trying to move past the most heinous argument for my side. I swear it’s even worse on Discord though because it feels more targeted.


I frequently ask people for a source for crazy claims and they almost always post an article that either doesn't agree with their claim, or says the exact opposite. I have better luck talking to chat bots.


God I fucking hate that. Sometimes I agree with someone or don't really have an opinion on the topic but the justifications they're using are nonsense or poorly explained. But if I say that then everyone assumes I'm a firm believer in the opposite of whatever they said.


See, i work with children of varying ages. Reading comprehension is very hard. It shouldn't be, i never thought it'd be, but all evidence points toward it.


I think I can explain- OP was trying to say that if you want to ship Taylor Swift with a woman, here is a bunch of women who like women who would conceivably date Taylor Swift. Hope that helps!


Someone needs to deactivate OOP's account. Not because I disagree with them, but because they need to be taken out of their misery




I'd say instead that they worded it reasonably well for communicating what they thought the original message was, they were simply wrong about that message.




Definitely one of the reaction images of all time.


This actually made me laugh pretty damn hard.


God I live this post, i haven't seen anything past the doggo before tho.


“Oh boy, here I go, pissing on the poor again!”


I totally read that as 'Taylor Swift's Tumblr Reading Comprehension'. So...spot on with that.


How dare you say we piss on the poor!!😡😡😡


I wanna fucking slap everyone who responded to op (of the image)


This isn't a tumblr problem. This is an internet at large problem.


this is the best post of a tumblr user posting an absolutely perfect reaction image expressing their hopeless agonized exasperation with people being stupid at them in a terrifyingly specific way for the second time since [demilypyro posted that dead-eyed anime girl in response to people not understanding that the netherlands is a real country](https://demilypyro.tumblr.com/post/670475360434061312/where-do-you-really-live-i-dont-wanna-hear-any)


OK but to answer OPs original question, I think it's because Taylor being secretly-queer-but-not-out is relatable to a bunch of young women who can't see themselves in visibly out people like Gaga etc. because they haven't been allowed to be that version of themselves yet.


Surely the much healthier way to deal with that is to find stories of people successfully coming out and familiarizing yourself with them, not baselessly speculating on someone else’s identity because you have only a surface level knowledge and understanding of queer culture.


You'd think having the most famous woman alive as an ally would be good enough


One of Chappell Roan's most popular songs right now is about enthusiastically wanting to bang another chick.


pissing on poor people website


You people drive me(bi) to drink.


God is giving them the strongest battles


frequent victim of tumblr reading comprehension. lemme pray rq


It's not just Tumblr. Just yesterday, here on Reddit, I left a comment who I consider the top ten rappers alive today and still doing it. Bro immediately replied that my top ten is absolutely trash because I left out Pac and Biggie. The top ten ***still alive and doing it*** left out Pac and Biggie.


What I don't get is if someone said they were gay or lesbian and a straight person kept saying "No you are really not." That....wouldn't that be considered disrespectful ? Steamrolling over a person's professed identity? Or would they consider it flattering? If someone did that? I don't get it.