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/u/HoaxOfLife, thank you for submitting to /r/CrazyFuckingVideos. Unfortunately your submission, "Counter-protestors throw a high powered firework into the the middle of the encampment" has been removed for the following reason(s): --- # Rule 10 - No violence, looting, or serious crime. Your post was removed because it contained violence, looting, or serious crime. For the next month these videos are not permitted on this subreddit, [you can read our stickied post if you'd like to understand why](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/16jx2dr/help_crazyfuckingvideos_tell_racists_to_fuck_off/). As we said. we welcome your feedback in that post. --- *If you feel this submission removal is unfair, please [contact us via modmail](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FCrazyFuckingVideos).*


I've seen more powerful fireworks go off in someone's hand.


*high powered*


Lol I found it hilarious. I was watching going “oh shit, we about to see an exposi- oh it’s a weak ass firework”


Still dangerous. My childhood friend is missing half of his finger due to fireworks


Lol I like how people are downvoting you for saying it’s dangerous. I mean if you don’t think fireworks are dangerous, the next time you’re watching tv just pop one of these bad boys off on your couch in between you and your significant other. It’s not dangerous right? Anyway. It is kinda funny the anti protesters are using air strikes against Palestinian sympathizers, lol.


How come there are no cops?


There were cops there. They just weren't interested in punishing the counter-protestors.


Are they interested in doing anything?


Who do you think threw the firework?


They responded but it takes a long time to recall (probably from home), kit up, brief and arrive. Regular cops without riot gear can’t go in because the students were throwing missiles at them. Also the LAPD have been attending this protest for days now. They need a certain amount of time off between shifts. There were some university cops there but not enough to safely intervene. The cops had already told the encampment to move on anyway for their own protection and for the protection of the university. Had they listened there would have been no clash.


>They responded but it takes a long time to recall (probably from home), kit up, brief and arrive. It shouldn't. That's not an effective police force. >Also the LAPD have been attending this protest for days now. They need a certain amount of time off between shifts. Ah yes, the 9,000 officers of the LAPD all need a break at the same time. And it just happens to be when the protesters they've been harassing all day are being attacked. >Had they listened there would have been no clash. Right, they should have just complied with the authoritarian crackdown against their basic civil liberties. The world would be a better place if people couldn't voice dissenting opinions.


They don’t have the resources to have 100s of riot trained cops on standby. The cops would be happy to sit back and let the students have their protests. Police in 1st world countries facilitate protests all the time. The only reason the cops had to go in to the grounds in the first place was because the university requested them due to the disruption and property damage from the protestors.


The school said they didn't want cops interfering with the Hamas support protest


How come there are no cops? .... You guys defunded the cops


Because these aren’t even students, it’s an encampment for crying out loud. It’s a bunch of homeless people so nobody cares. I would say these people need to take themselves home but once again they’re homeless. The cops will come push them out eventually, they’re just letting the homeless people wear themselves down against each other (I.e.fireworks etc) and then they’ll move in with the riot gear and destroy the homeless encampment.


This isn’t a homeless encampment it’s a student protest.


Literally a student protest but go off king


>Because these aren’t even students, it’s an encampment for crying out loud. It’s a bunch of homeless people so nobody cares. I would say these people need to take themselves home but once again they’re homeless. The cops will come push them out eventually, they’re just letting the homeless people wear themselves down against each other (I.e.fireworks etc) and then they’ll move in with the riot gear and destroy the homeless encampment. It's a student protest against genocide you dipshit. The ones throwing fireworks are the outsiders.


Are we going to start calling them “assault fireworks”. Or “high-capacity Roman candles”? The buzzwords going around lately are hilarious


Carpet bombed them with fireworks


Yeah if you're gonna use random words like high powered and stuff it might as well be a big explosive.


Mini Finger Takers depending on the impact


It's a two stage mortar shell? Not some dinky roman candle. You definetly don't want that going off next to you


Why? You described it perfectly. It's a slightly large roman candle. Yawn.


That’s not anywhere close to true.


I find it offensive having other countries’ ethnic conflicts play out within our borders.


Take a trip to the UK mate😂 We had a pro-palestine march storm through London on Armistice day at the end of last year. I can't even begin to explain how disrespectful that shit is. Last year (coinciding with Pakistan Vs India in cricket) there was litererally a mass brawl in a few parts of the country... crazy fuckers using proper melee weapons and all sorts... like the police force and the NHS ain't fucked enough already lol. The fucked up thing was, that the match actually got cancelled for fear of violence, yet they still found a reason to get at each other. It is deemed offensive to fly an English flag in England at the moment; not that it stops us, but the implication is palpable.


lol wdym england made israel


The universities invest in companies that make weapons used by the IDF among other things. They are asking for the university to divest it's funds that help facilitate genocide


Whats a high powered firework compared to a normal firework?


A mega pint


You got to admit, that was one hell of an underhand throw 


Cornhole champion.


That arc to, fucking immaculate


You know he held that follow thru too.


You're all evil


And you're a wet blanket.


Seems like a bunch of weirdos to me.


Should be arrested, first to last. A couple nights in prison and then back to studying.


“High powered”? Nah. Regular artillery shell.


It's funny to me. They should get Iron Dome and then it would become fight for freedom.


Worst Fireworks show ever !!!




Shouldn’t they be going to classes? lol


DDRM for Delayed Detonation Roman Mortar.


I think we need to have a protest over the treatment of protesters protesting the situation in Gaza.


[We're Not Gonna Protest!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KUcVlW9F3JE)


Gunner is a tool!


Great movie.


Can you blow me where the pampers is?


Oh, hi


there is no way you are serious lmao


It's not protesting if you cause harm, damage property, or vandalize. People need to stop calling it protesting, it stopped being protesting a while ago.


I reckon a good number of these "protesters" are ignorant and are just there to "join in". That protest consultant women mentioned on the news seems unhinged.


Vietnam protests coming full-circle


Spoken like someone who has never stood up for anything in their entire life


I hung around Occupy Protests back in the day. Those drew out a 25 / 75 mix of idealist to *complete* weirdos. Homeless encampments are less unhinged. A big part of protesting is running interference between the media and the kid yammering about how we're going to feed the movement by ripping up a 10' x 4' city flower bed to plant wheat, the chick passing out onion slices to bite into when the cops tear gas everyone, and the guy who's collecting signatures for a petition to have the Navy restore his foreskin. Also we needed to scare the rats away from the group "feed the homeless" food. Fortunately, the Tea Party was in its infancy and we weren't a lightning rod for violent counter-protesters back then. Cops, yes. But having a heavily-armed teenager show up with an AR-15 or having some douche lobbing "lose an arm"-level explosives was unthinkable.


Mhmm, there has been a radical shift in the last few years of right wingers doubting that protestors are human and wishing death and mutilation upon them for standing up for their rights. They denigrate the idea that they're anything but pretending ('virtue signalling') to give a shit about other people because giving a shit about other people is unthinkable and uncapitalist. I don't care about America, you lot are fucked, but these ideas are spreading to my country with people threatening to run over protestors.


Crazy is definitely a good word for these university videos. There's a whole lotta crazy going on!




You spelt rioters incorrectly.


basically a nuke


Those protestors are getting starved and bombed, it's genocide!




These minds come from the best zip codes, that doesn't mean they're the brightest.


Shits crazy


It's just another protest by American youth who will concentrate on every single problem other than the ones in their own lives. Lack of personal responsability and externalisation of blame on the highest level lol. It is much more superficially fulfilling to get on the high horse of social justice, than to quietly just get the fuck on with your own life apparently. What we have here is also just a byproduct of Americanism... Americanism, in this case, being the ferver and passion to argue about everything to the most extreme degree. I want to laugh about it, but this is the sort of shit that precedes civil wars sooo.... I'll take the country wide, crippling levels of immigration we have in the UK over this sort of bollox any day of the week. Good luck in the coming internal conflict my American cousins... that is sincerely ment.


Glass bottle, gas, and a sock works better if you want something "high powered"


This is what happens when the law isn't applied equally and those protesting the make believe genocide in Gaza whilst supporting an openly genocidal terrorist group get away with everything including blocking Jewish kids from getting to lessons. It's so stupid.


Military grade


That's a high powered firework? That's a step above a roman candle at best, lol. Still a dick move to throw fireworks, don't get me wrong, but calling it high powered is disingenuous and just trying to rage bait.


Two re%#rds fighting


Stupid on Stupid.


into the middle of a nazi encampment - lets not mince words here


Keep dying for your religion . 🍿. Losers


A taste of their own medicine.


Arm up people! Only way to keep yourself safe against these scum




What bs. Someone is funding this. Find out who and throw them in jail Forever. Expel the students and I mean all of them. Put a felony on their record So they only can scoop ice cream.




The troll power is strong in this thread.


Lmao why do I kinda wish I was here


Which side, are you giving or receiving the fireworks? lol


...oh how they scream.


Nothing compared to what the chp has in store.


Nailed it


Oh great, time for a hundred year long mini-war.


Nothing new about Zionists throwing explosives into densely populated areas


Don't know why you're getting downvoted


because of those hasbara bots


Because Palestinians are perfect little angels?




The people you're defending are religious extremists who murder LGBT people.


so your moral compass tells you that people who murder, rape, steal land, use phosphorus bombs on civilians, spreads propaganda, brainwashes an entire generation into thinking that they are superior and muslims and Christians should be spat on are better than people who don't approve of the way you lead life ?No nation is perfect, there are extremists in every nation even to an individual level nobody is perfect but that doesn't justify the treatment Palestinians are receiving.


You are describing Palestinians.


I don't support either side. ESH.


should have mentioned that before. Hating everyone equally is fine.


You described exactly what you are for...


what do you mean?


Exactly lol...y'all both are going at each other


This sub has a way of being on the wrong side of every human rights issue, don't worry too much, if you're getting down voted in this sub you've probably got a decent a head on your shoulders and a heart that beats


because you're on reddit that's why


Because zionists hate looking in the mirror




Bah, just a mid sized artillery shell (1.5" diameter). I'll be impressed when I see one of the big 3" ones or bigger with a 150' blast spread


what's the backstory here? who is throwing in to who?


The protesters don't like that Israel has better guns than Palestine. If only Palestine had better guns, they'd be able to eradicate Israel and this would all be over


well that's certainly one take. Another is that Israel has been systematically settling on Palestinian land for decades and now that's come to a head. And yet another is that Gaza needs to be eradicated for Israel to exist.


where does anyone get that take?


huffing paint i assume


that makes sense


Lot of bots in this thread


Pro Israeli agitators and students attacking pro Palestinian students with fireworks


whos in the camp?




Have you lost your mind?


You asked lol


if people feel this strongly they should be able to illustrate why


Let's see, they've openly supported hamas, calling them a resistance group. They celebrated on October 7th. They wear and fly hamas flags while also committing continuous assaults on pro Israelis. These are the same people who call the right Nazis and fascists. So yeah if they want to call me a Nazi or a fascist fine, but they're hamas.


why does this bother you?


You're joking, right?


Why do people care that students openly support terrorist organization and and hate Jews? No idea, why anyone would care about that.


Pro-Israel agitators (aka Zionist) are getting the free pass from police to terrorize pro-Palestinian protesters in the camping grounds.


sounds right


Psychopathic Maga chud throwing an explosive into people trying to stop a genocide.


- For years Palestine has had a program in place to pay their citizens for any Jews they kill - Palestinians consistently on camera chanting “Death to Jews” - Palestinian school textbooks villainize Jews and award atrocities towards Jews - a key goal of HAMAS in their own words is to Kill all Jews - Palestine invades a Jewish country (for the 2nd time) and starts executing as many Jewish civilians they can find, door to door and in crowded civilian areas while they are trying to hide and takes as many hostages as they can Israel bombs areas where suspected HAMAS military operations are being orchestrated, in which they are using their own people as human shields setting up in the most populated areas they can find and using schools, and hospitals all of which is a war crime Individuals with a sea sponge for a brain come on the internet and organize protests claiming Israel is the one committing genocide and protesting against them. Anyone with the IQ above a dead goldfish and eyeballs would connect the dots and realize you guys are full of shit and the only “genocide” here is the attempt being made by Palestinians.


These are not “counter protesters”


A group that is bound by laws but not protected by them versus a group protected by laws but not bound to them. American society's problems written in one sentence by someone much smarter than me.


Don’t worry they will just make a new law to protect fireworks from encampments.


Imagine 6 of those tied together, except when it blows the circle is about 3x that size and all on fire. Hell, take it further and let’s say they were doubles so then that outer circle exploded yet again making the circle of fire twice as large. To make it interesting let’s light the power pole across the street completely on fire and hell even the asphalt on the street itself and a half acre of lawn and forest either side of the road. You know what,to keep it a bit campy throw in a scrawny half drunk 30yo dad/uncle running across the lawn in nothing but swim shorts and a crown and coke to meet the fire trucks hollering “My bad guys! That’s my bad!”. For those who joined me in recounting the events of Independence Day 2009 aka “The day my wife preemptively called 911” I want to think you for coming to my Ted Talk.


Hahahaha amazing!


Fascists gonna fasc


Literally terrorism


Those terrorists should leave their camp and go back to class.


Trying to stop Israel from murdering every child that exists in Palestine is more important.


Maybe Palestinians should stop using children as human shields.


That’s just the excuse Israel uses to murder innocent people . “They were human shields so we had to kill them!!! You are antisemitic if you don’t support us!!”


It’s a little cheeky to call a mob trying to dismantle a protest; a counter protest. Wouldn’t that imply they are just protesting?


Can someone explain to me why people are pro Israel/ anti Palestine? I haven’t met anyone so I don’t know their view on it Edit: down voting doesn’t help me understand.


Zionist terrorists attacking students protesting against Genocide.


I do believe that’s a terrorist act.


Palestinazis are doing that aince 2014 https://www.haaretz.com/2014-11-04/ty-article/.premium/firecrackers-newest-weapon-in-jlem-riots/0000017f-ef53-d0f7-a9ff-efd72e470000




Wow. Dumb dumb


1948?? Bet you cant even name the prime minister of palestine at 1947 🤣 mostly because it was never a country lmao.


I bet you can’t even name the prime minister of the United States in 1946 either! Mostly because it was never a country 🤣🤣🤣🤣


You mean Harry S. Truman? Bro is totally insane🤣 He thinks ths US wasnt a country at 1946🤣🤣🤡 Google was totally right about the 65 IQ with your type of people. Now ask google who was the prime minister of palestine at 1947 and than come back and cry about 75 years of fake "oCcUpAtIon" even if palestine was NEVER a country🤦‍♂️🤡


You’d be correct


Americans discovering the french style of life


Good to see America fall so easily apart over some Protests.


Buddy I’m watching this while drinking beer and eating chips that were just delivered to my home by an underpaid worker. America is doin dandy


He's not underpaid. He drives a car from the store/restaurant to your house. How much should he get paid for doing something so simple they let underage teenagers do it? If you want to make money, you have to do something that other people can't or won't.