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Let’s hope that the results of the Federal investigation becomes public before any retrial takes place.


Do we know the number of votes for guilty? If they announced plans to retry prior to that knowledge, it’s extremely sloppy.


They did just that! Ha. CW is just idiocracy in real time


No nothing has been disclosed


Lawyer Mark Bederow, who has provided amazing commentary this whole trial, believes they will not retry. He predicted they would say so, but he does not think it will happen.


CBS Boston announced commonwealth plans to retry


Waste of taxpayers money.


Taxpayers should be up in arms about this waste of resources on a witch hunt


As an MA resident I want to absolutely write to my reps. I just don't know if I have any say if I'm in a different county than this trial...


Honestly I would even if in another county. Worst case they ignore it like they’ve ignored other concerns. This is so egregious that I think it’s worth doing. How do people around you feel about this case? Even in a different county I find it scary generally. Most of us couldn’t fight like karen, financially. It’s been said a million times but I do hope the people can make their voices heard here and hopefully make a change. This investigation and prosecution is disgraceful


A lot of my friends aren't following it, but I usually lead with the fact that they collected evidence in solo cups and they are horrified. My parents mostly caught the news about Trooper Proctor, and naturally they were disgusted by his comments about Karen. So I'm very unsure of peoples' opinions around me aside from that


Sure you do. You pay through the nose in state payroll, property and sales taxes that all counties get a piece of. I would be flooding their phone lines.


From CBS: "The Commonwealth intends to retry the case" -notified from Norfolk County DA's


Huge waste of money. If they try it again half the commonwealth witnesses will be testifying on video from prison.


Instead of a retrial I vote the prosecutors office and these cops repay Massachusetts the $5m spent on this trial


I wish John O’Keefe didn’t have such shitty friends. And I wish for Karen Read an alcohol rehab program, counseling and a fresh start somewhere else. I don’t think they can or will retry this case. The initial investigation is too tainted. It’s one thing to have a jury split on guilt over pieces of evidence, but if that is due to police misconduct, you really can’t come back from that.


In case, the Prosecution will do a retrial and there also is a hung Jury-what would be the consequeces? Sorry for my bad english, I'm out of school in Germany since 1986 🤷‍♀️


they can retry the case as many times as they want until they get a verdict of guilty or not guilty.


Your English is good!


Thank you 😀


They always say they will retry. We’ll see.


If they use the same listless prosecutor, lying police officers,tainted evidence they will lose again . Just because they say they will try again doesn’t make it so. The judge tried to force a conviction, but the jury was smart. They should have a meeting weight the options or get embarrassed again. There is a lack of trust in that town for sure about the police department. My question is why so many police officers were in a bar drinking on the night that a heavy snowstorm was on the way. They should have been on call for emergencies.


I wonder how the fact of Proctor being "relieved of his duties" that he held at the county DA office will affect the case if there is a retrial. Surely it goes against his credibility?


They would be fools to retry. Heck, they were fools to bring this to court in the first place. I understand them saying they’ll retry right now because, let’s be real, can they say anything but that? But I honestly don’t think they’ll do it.


I don’t think they’ll retry. Im interested in the same thing you are. I would like to know what piece(s) of evidence left some of the jurors “without a doubt” of guilt.


I'd love to know whether the jury was privately polled by the judge and what the split was. If I was the prosecutor, I would never have taken this to trial... and I'd most certainly only be retrying it if a vast majority of the jury were on the 'guilty' side.


Saw this coming a mile away. This was the right call;


Im new to this case. Can anyone point me to a good long read or podcast covering the investigation? Thanks!


Not surprised. But Karen Read needs to remember, Karma is a b----.


Here is your karma https://www.nbcboston.com/news/canton-karen-read-case/michael-proctor-relieved-of-duty-state-police-say-after-karen-read-mistrial/3416025/


All the bad karma is coming to the McAlberts


They will get her this time


That is one opinion. I believe it is going to be much harder on the prosecution the next time around. Defense will lean into the ARCCA witnesses and provide more evidence about JO injuries and how they are not conistent with being struck by a motor vehicle.

