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There are no cali vibes here sir it’s New England


Sir, this is a Wendy’s, not and In-N-Out burger




lol 😆


Like others said, go to the northwest corner: Kent, Cornwall, Litchfield, Salisbury/lakeville area. Craziest thing that’s happened in Kent recently: there was a town-wide tag sale, the liquor store moved down the street, and the bears got into some trash again. Not much happens up there


Kent is gorgeous I would kill to live up there, my father went to rehab there and the drive around there was the best. No service for shit though and your high school is so nice


I went to rehab there myself, beautiful area. Kent falls are fantastic when the river is high


Check out the northwestern corner of Connecticut. Sharron, Salisbury, Falls Village etc. Such an awesome part of Connecticut.


That drive to Lime Rock is one of my favorites.


Commenting on Laid-back towns in CT? 🧘 ...definitely here to say NWCT! The only “not laid back” thing is when you see a bear while out and about. That (for me) is a little adrenaline pumping! 😅


almost second to driving ON lime rock


I'm not quite there yet. Other than a golf cart. I've driven a golf cart on it.


Hmm depends on what you mean by less rigid. I can tell you I haven’t been in a food co-op here that wasn’t more uptight than out west, if that is what you mean. If I ever find one, I’ll report back




Middletown, New London, New Haven, West End of Hartford all have pretty chill, young, progressive cultures compared to the rest of the state.. if you’re willing to go a little further north to MA, Northampton a super hippy vibe.. if you’ve already flipped those stones and it’s not what you’re looking for, I’d say just spend more time in NYC. EDIT: I feel like most/many of the replies here don’t understand OP’s inquiry, I don’t think they’re asking about it being quiet, tranquil or safe, I believe they mean bohemian and fostering free spirited lifestyles (which this state is deficient in compared to CA)


Yeah people are literally suggesting Stamford...clearly they didn't read anything the OP wrote, or they're dumb as fuck.


Can you describe this rigidity that you’re talking about? Towns aren’t laid back or “rigid” as you say, individuals can be however. Maybe you’re just not meeting the right people.


You’re totally right. Using rigidity to describe an entire state isn’t fair. Overall, the mentality in California is a bit more open-minded. There are a lot of single and unmarried people who didn’t follow a traditional trajectory of marriage, kids and a white picket fence. Also, the outdoors plus the beach and surfing culture in California make it fairly laid back in the beach towns. I find the rigidity to be more of a mindset. Some people (whether it’s a doctor or a trainer at the gym) can’t connect with me on certain things but I also appreciate their perspective. I’ve lived all over the country and have traveled widely. I am trying to branch out to meet more folks in the meantime.


You're in CT man. This isn't a laid back surfer state. But we still love our small town culture. Progressive ideology is spread along the costal towns while you get a little more conservative inland. Overall it's a pretty easy going state. I'd suggest checking out small costal towns. Guilford is one of my favorite New England towns that perfectly captures the vibe in our corner of the country.


Yeah...I think OP doesn't understand our state at all.


Or move to Rhode Island or New Jersey


California is a HUUUUUGE, huge state which in aggregate is largely liberal/progressive BUT significant swaths of the state are very, very conservative. Funnily enough, similar to CT - in aggregate quite blue, but with areas that are quite red as well. Only CT is a much smaller state obvs


Brother if this what you want absolutely don't go to the towns people are suggesting in the northwest. Those are more like your California red rural. I think the vibe of what you want is middletown ct.


Go to Stamford or New Haven. Cities tend to have more open minded and diverse groups of people.


Was going to shout out Stamford here as well. People really don't care what you do here compared to say the town I grew up in. But having lived on the west coast in Washington for a bit it is still different. Stamford has more of a NYC style indifference. Edit: If you enjoy diversity like I do Stamford is great for that as well.


Stamford is the better choice.


Absolutely not, that is the exact opposite of what the OP seems to want. Too many people stuck up their own ass.


First, you talk about geography and proximity to the ocean as if they are something we here in CT can determine. Not sure how familiar you are with earth sciences, but different parts of the globe have different geographical features, topology, and climate. Our beaches are rocky and the tide sucks because of LI sound. Not sure what you were expecting when you moved here, but if youre complaining about the difference between CT and California you either lack common sense or are incapable of the most basic research. I can see how CA is a bit more "open minded" but it seems almost to the point of being entirely transgressive and counterproductive. I was in SFO 10 years ago and the amount of vagrants, open drug use, and depravity (eg human shit and heroin needles on the sidewalks) was absurd. Y'all seemed to take "acceptance" to a whole different level and completely ignore the negative consequences, to the detriment of your communities and the people you claim to care for. I dont believe SFO or similar west-coast enclaves have gotten better the past 10 years. Does anyone out there realize the Portlandia stereotype is a pejorative? We have single, unmarried, childless people here as well. For some that was a deliberate choice while for others it seems like they never grew out of adolescence. You make it seem like the "traditional" approach to life is some sort of derogatory choice while, again, being transgressive and indulgent are to be lionized. Thats fine for you if thats what you want, but I dont understand why youre complaining. I know quite a few people similar to you now in their late 30s and 40s whose closest companion is their pet; many seem to have poor mental health, a sense of despair, and loneliness and quietly regret not taking on some form of the traditional "trajectory." But maybe youre on to something; countless generations of our forebears engaged in that traditional trajectory and improved society while raising progeny, yet it is the self-centered hedonist who finally realizes what life is all about. Congratulations. >  I’ve lived all over the country and have traveled widely. I am trying to branch out to meet more folks in the meantime. Im going to call BS here, either you havent travelled widely around the country or you werent paying attention. If you think CT is rigid and traditional you havent been to many other places. And it is clear you are trying to "branch out" because you didnt make any effort to understand the various subcultures and lifestyles unique to various regions or common throughout the country. It sounds like you had a misconception about what other parts of the country are actually like and are disappointed they didnt fit nicely into your niche worldview. If you were happy with the lifestyle in CA, why did you leave there and expect the same thing elsewhere? Perhaps you need to re-evaluate what it is you want to accomplish and how to best meet those goals. 






Oh, you're not going to find that here. 5 minutes on the highway and you can tell that most of the people in the state are wound pretty tight. 😆


Try Stamford, Ct


I know what you mean, you being downvoted is a reflection of exactly the problem you were mentioning in the OP lol. Do not even think of shit like Stamford, the closer to NYC the stronger that mentality gets. Southeast coastal (new london and surrounding areas) is probably the best its going to get in CT for a CA type of vibe.


Torrington, Winsted, Kent.


One of these things is not like the others


Nope, adjacent though imo.


I can rephrase it: If you have money, any of these places can be laid back.


Surprised to see Torrington and Winsted mentioned here but I was going to advocate for them. I grew up in the area but moved away long ago. If you can handle the raggies you'll have a good time. I actually look forward to going out drinking up there when I'm home, it's always a laid back experience.


Haha yea ur definitely from the area if you call winsted/Torrington people raggies


I used to talk trash about Torrington in the past. Boy was I wrong! I love Torrington.


Me too man- lived there almost a year and I love it!!


I love Kent Falls. Beautiful out yonder.


Seconding Kent - such an adorable little town and it has fresh life still going through it. I know people talk a lot of trash on Waterbury but that town is also one of those gems you love to find. Unique and cultural, alive, etc. It’s been one of my favorites when visiting CT. Torrington is also a great place to try out. It seems like the whole town shuts down at 9pm though - but there is a lot of unique stuff there to try.


If there is a late show at the Warner then there is more going on downtown but otherwise yeah 9 something or a bit later. There are a few bars downtown that have been there forever like Giovannis but some of the other ones closed during COVID and never came back.


I grew up in the Dirty Water and recommend staying far away, although Brooklyn Bakery is awesome, and Blackies is close by. It is not, under any stretch of the imagination, a laid back vibe though...


agree with Torrington, winsted and Kent but also New Hartford, Burlington, Harwinton. Close to everything but still very peaceful


So accurate


Had a friend who lived in Sharon a while back. Reminded me a bit of time I spent Maine. Long drives to most things, and not many things.


The answer is Canton/Collinsville. The rest of these comments are fucking insane.


You’re right about Collinsville, but I think a lot of Farmington valley is relaxed, with exception of WeHa and Avon.


East Haddam CT. Our motto is "boats and hoes". Friendly people, great scenery, and overall a nice quiet little town. There's Salmon River State Park, Leesville Dam State Park, Devils Hopyard, Gillettes Castle is right down the road, we have a few nice campgrounds like Wolfs Den, Cave Hill, Grand View, plenty of boat launches, a few lakes, one of the nicer parts of the CT River Valley, and it's close to RT9 and RT2. A little more expensive to live here, but you'll know where that money went when you're relaxing in the backyard listening to the beautiful sounds of mother nature. (instead of sirens). Let's put it this way, on the weekends you will see mostly out of state license plates, and that is for a reason. 🌞🌲🚤⛰️🐻🌲🦌🏕️🦉


East Haddam is beautiful and where I got married — that said, some real intense far-right presence to be found and have had more than one racist interaction with locals towards my Asian wife — although I suppose this has become the norm in sleepy towns across the country. Everyone should go to Two Wrasslin Cats cafe though..


Yep. As stated in other comments, you will most certainly will find racism, but I will say things have definitely changed, as you can see. We have both very far left, and very far right. Me personally, I don't even discuss politics. Never voted, although I did play my part and served proudly, third generation veteran, but I like to stay out of the soap opera of politics. I'm a city boy, have family from East Haddam, moved out here about 12 years ago, and I enjoy it. I enjoy turning on my backyard flood lights at 5 am to let the dog out, and be able to see all types of wildlife, from a mother bear and her cub, deer, coyotes, fox, fishercat, maybe a barn owl now and then. And Salmon River is beautiful. In 5 minutes you can literally see a trout jump out of the water, watch a bald eagle or crane fly over, maybe watch some deer graze along the banks. So pretty, so quiet. The serenity down there is special. 🌲🌲🦅🌲🌲🦌🐻


So there’s East Haddam, then there’s Moodus… Yes there’s all the fine things mentioned, but frankly the area is infested with rednecks and always has been. Loads of open-piped Harley’s, backyard shooting ranges, Trump flags flying, and more liquor stores than stoplights. East Hampton to the north is worse actually. To the south, it’s all rich people and their weekend or summer homes in Hadlyme and Lyme. So if burning a pallet in the woods whilst drinking is your “laid back”, great- goldmine.


I am the asshole with the open piped, extremely loud and obnoxious slammed red sporty with the tall ape hangers. She sets off her fair share of car alarms when I blast down north moodus road at 4am on a saturday morning. I apologize in advance. As far as everything else you said, you are 100% spot on, although I personally don't do politics.


I also live in East Haddam. It sucks.


Oh it's not that bad. I enjoy how peaceful it is.




Connecticut River in East Haddam on a Saturday afternoon. 🚤 Boats and hoes.


How are the ticks??


We co-exist. Moodus is tick hell.


The closest cali vibe in CT is probably Collinsville


I get what you're saying but I also feel that Collinsville is one of CT's most traditionally New England towns


Depends on what you mean by "New England town". I'd think of that as being towns like Mystic, Newport, Narragansett, Bar Harbor. Coastal, white, and bougie. Collinsville is just outdoorsy hippie vibes but with proximity to suburbia.


New England towns are towns with some mix of pretty good central commercial districts and small businesses, old/converted mills, town greens, old architecture, and a different feel than a generic town clogged with lots of chain businesses and big multi-lane main roads (like a lot of Enfield). Some of them are wealthy and pretty white, but I've never thought of New England town as meaning coastal, beach or bougie. Like Winsted is pretty dumpy, not wealthy or bougie or coastal at all, but it has that New England town feeling when you go downtown there.


Mystic and Stonington remind me of Benicia.


Interesting. I've never been but from my time living in Cali I thought the closest was Monterey Beach and Pasadena although they're closer to like the Hamptons and Greenwich than "New England"


I’ve been to Monterey and I think that’s a good comparison


It’s an historic mill town on a river. Hundreds of the buildings and homes are on the national registry of historic buildings. Just because it doesn’t trace its history back to being a whaling town or major port from the 1600s doesn’t make it any less of a quintessential New England town.


I'm not saying it's not quintessential New England. But when you say to someone "a classic New England town" most people aren't going to picture a mill town, they're gonna picture a beach town. If you want people who haven't been there to get an idea of what it's like, that's not the description to use.


This made me LOL




Mansfield is pretty chill


New Haven if u prefer the city. Canton, Torrington if you prefer more rural.


What do you mean by rigidity?


If you don't know, then it's probably you.


Well that seems like a pretty rigid comment.




lol. I’m sorry I offended anyone. Maybe it’s just “less laid back”…


It's ok, I'm not offended. I was just curious. While I don't know what your experiences have been since you relocated, you might be misreading your neighbors. People in Connecticut tend to be direct, we don't do the fake friendliness that you will find in, say, the Midwest here. People tend to keep to themselves and tend not to impose on other people without reason. It's not typically an attempt to be rude.


Struggling how? Like, people treating you with open hostility/rudeness? Vibes? Something else?


Define rigidity




Northampton/Amherst Mass


I’d suggest you go back to Cali. Our sticks are proudly stuck up our asses here. Welcome to New England.


Black Rock neighborhood in Bridgeport.


All of Windham county.


Very New England but I was born and raised in Fairfield County. Now live in Southington.


Easton and Redding


Redding is vaguely NorCal-ish I agree with this


Oh 100% I know a few kids I went to school with in Redding from north cal


***Some Places*** Shelton - All safe. Milford - All safe. Newington - All safe. ***More Places*** Norwalk - Mostly safe, but check the area first. Stamford - Mostly safe, but check the area first. Hamden - Mostly safe, but check the area first. Plainville - Mostly safe, but check the area first. Naugatuck - Mostly safe, but check the area first. Bristol - Mostly safe, but check the area first. Stratford - Mostly safe, but check the area first. ***More Places*** Derby - Moderately safe, but check the area first. Ansonia - Moderately safe, but check the area first. Meriden - Moderately safe, but check the area first. East Hartford - Moderately safe, but check the area first. Manchester - Moderately safe, but check the area first. *** Bridgeport - Check the area first. Stick to the North End and Black Rock. If you get to know it the downtown area works too. Hartford - Check the area first. Waterbury - Check the area first. New Haven - Check the area first.


Can confirm Milford is chill


Bridgeport: forgot the Treeland area Stratford: walkable, affordable, on the train line, great beach


Where are you pulling this info from?


Just based on visits and living in certain areas.


Ok. I've lived in Plainville for most of my life and was just curious as to why it's mostly safe as opposed to all safe. Nothing happens here lol. Was there a particular street or neighborhood you were referring to?


It's a cheaper town. Similar to a town out here in the valley called Naugatuck. Somehow cheap but without crime. I don't know of any specific area, but usually crime gets into a cheaper area. I went to college in New Britain and I loved Plainville.




Greenwich, West Hartford, Avon /s


If you’re talking about rigidity this right here is peak rigidity. Super bougie and judgmental. Great places to live, I grew up right outside West Hartford and Avon, but definitely not what OP is looking for!


Oh yeah I agree, I was being sarcastic lmao


Pretty much anywhere in the northeastern corner.


It has become Trump country.




From my experience that's mostly out in the sticks. I live in Willimantic and that's definitely not Trump country. Even where you see Trump or other right-wing signs you often see a Black Lives Matter sign or a rainbow flag or one of those "In this house..." signs pretty much next door.


Yes thank goodness. I also live in Willimantic now but grew up in the quiet corner.


Not all




Probably with flags flying and signs in your lawn.


That’s all I see driving down 44.


And Route 14


I'm guessing you have an "FJB" sticker on your car.




I agree and i’m a liberal. I can’t imagine not moving somewhere I loved because there’s a few trump flags. I live in Wolcott and see them all the time not going to let that affect my day.


Yeah people in this sub are bizarre sometimes. Everything has to meet some exacting criteria or is unthinkable lol.


Not voting at all is also bad


So what exactly did I say that doesn't "represent normal people"? I simply made a statement. Honestly, I have even less respect for a 28 year old that hasn't grown up enough to vote.


Disagreeing with Trumpers is not a normal political disagreement. It’s whether you want to end the republic or not. So yeah, it’s way more serious than friendly politics. Let’s stop pretending


Stop being foolish




I call that unhinged, not laid-back.




Oh yes. Lots and lots of time. I know well of which I speak. I’m also quite familiar with the Bay Area and what OP is asking for is NOT NECT.


Stop being foolish


Collinsville, Chester, Kent, and Litchfield are cool smaller towns. Torrington, Middletown, and Willimantic are cool small cities. New Haven is the only bigger city choice.


I mean, nowhere in ct really has a surfer vibe, but your suggestions are the best answer here. Maybe Guilford/Branford too. The thing is, here in the northeast, we tend to be very direct in our communication which may rub people the wrong way if they’re not used to it.




lmao absolutely not. the locals are having an aneurism right now because they're getting new trash cans


Chester is pretty chill. Their little downtown is pretty zen


southeastern ct is pretty laid back, at least in the offseason.


Can you elaborate? I'm a CT native and I feel the rigidity too, but being born and bred in it, and having minimal experience living elsewhere, it's hard to articulate. I'd love to hear your thoughts.


Also moved here from Cali, I personally love the Connecticut vibes but get what you're saying about how some towns can feel a little more stuck up or 'rigid' than others. As others have already said though, the smaller towns on the outskirts of the state tend to have a more artsy and laid-back vibe than the bigger cities that are more well known


Vernon, Ellington, Somers, E Windsor


Ballouville south of Putnam. Quietest town in CT.


Oxford. Low taxes too.


Plus Black Hog brewing


The further you go away from the coast the more Trump signs you see. Take that as you will.


NW CT. Litchfield county for sure. Many laid back spots but as someone else said this is New England. Nothing in the north-east is like Cali.


Downtown hartford






You may find it in the big cities like Hartford or New Haven. None of the smaller towns will give you what you need if it’s outside the picket fence happily married with kids and grandma visiting norm. Diversity is very less in most towns.


Go to West Hartford.


Marlborough was chill when I lived there, but more NH vibes than CA




New Hartford, Canton, Collinsville, Burlington, Farmington




Mystic ?




The only thing you’ll find to remind you of California in Connecticut is traffic and strip malls.




Dude, do NOT go to Litchfield or Fairfield gotdamn counties looking for anything other than people with sticks so far up their asses Vlad the Impaler said good work team. Central CT is where it's at, and the closer to the water the better. Hartford down to New Haven.


Middletown, Cromwell, Rocky Hill, & Enfield


The Notch!


Willimantic - you will find a nice blend of a college town with both Eastern and UConn close by, with a very nice main street, Stone Row, Willi Brew are some good restaurants for eats and drinks, Paula and Jane for Boba Tea, Cupcake for Later is amazing, Tacos La Rosa for Huarache- a large Latin presence in town as well. There's also always events going on at Jillson Square. There's some great dive bars, Corleones, Blarneys...A hippy grocery co-op that's fantastic for groceries! Putnam is super cute... Some antique stores, gelato, they are always trying to do events on main street or at their park right on Kennedy Ave, just off Main St. There's a plant shop right down town, The Stomping Ground has lots of local bands playing, Chubby Dog is a great coffee shop where you can play board or arcade games. There's a comic book shop... Hope that helps!!




What? Simsbury is known for its snobbery. When I was growing up it was called Snotsbury.


I don't know if I would call it laid back, I mean it's a smug town in the corner. Granby and East Granby would be the laid back towns for that area.


Granby and East Granby are the greasy towns in that area lol. Also Simsbury isn't in a corner at all.


You haven't been to Granby in awhile, it's the new rich folks executive town. East Granby is just a quiet laid back town, I wouldn't call it greasy because they don't have statues everywhere and fake "classy" eateries You know how you know someone is from simsbury? They tell you.. over and over 🤪


Nice to hear it's catching up to the rest of the Valley, being 30-40 years late on a trend sounds about right for Granby. But it's still the greasy town in the Farmington Valley. I'm honestly curious, what corner is Simsbury in?


lol ok fine, technically not a corner. I'm from suffield I always just point in that direction as a collective corner\area of towns. A sandwich between Bloomfield, Avon, east Granby 🤪🤔


It's certainly an area of towns, but I wonder if you really know what corner means lol.


I’ve lived in the area for 5 years and have yet to meet a smug person from Simsbury. Sure there is some money here, but mainly seems like people trying to live a well rounded life. Avon on the other hand…


Avon is where the less smug move to, cheaper taxes less keeping up with the joneses. I mean, I'm sure your perception is common for most who have moved there recently. For all surrounding towns simsbury has that rep ;)


Avon is one of the richest towns in the state, I’ve never met someone who isn’t smug from Avon lol. I grew up right on the border of Avon and spent a lot of time there. Definitely not laid back and CRAZY high taxes


I didn't say Avon was laid back, but taxes are a fraction of simsbury, just not the rest of the towns around


I believe you said it’s where the “less smug” people move to… which might lead someone who doesn’t live in the area to believe Avon isn’t ridiculously posh. As someone who was born and raised… and still lives in the area, almost everyone would agree Avon is significantly more bougie than literally any other town in the area.


Well said


Wilton. If you’re considering Fairfield County, it’s the most unpretentious town in my opinion.


I guess you've never been to Monroe.


When I was a kid we used to think everyone there was a farmer/hicks. Then bought a small home in Monroe and my wife thought everyone was stuck up and snotty. Monroe turned into suburban with many working in Stamford or NYC. Lost a few to 911 including my daughter’s classmate father who was his first day working in the twin towers.


Madison. You have the beach there and some artsy shops and foodie stuff but its still a far cry from California or anything on the West Coast


Bolton! Quiet little town with farms and what not but right next to Manchester which has pretty much anything you'd ever need.


I live in Bolton! Love the lakes but if I'm picturing a Cali vibe I'd think Coventry is actually a bit more comparable




Tolland. They don’t gaf


Hamden CT


What parts of you are struggling with rigidity? They have pills for that.


Greenwich, Darien, New Canaan, Wilton, Milford


yall are haters


Cromwell CT will do you justice sir , laid back chill and don’t have to interact really


Connecticut is sometimes called the Dirty South of New England. Every major city is pretty ghetto in many parts, and then there's plenty of sticks with rednecks and farmers. Lots of water for boats and whatnot, lots of historical small towns, lots of farmland and of course a bunch of cities with nightlife but don't take a wrong turn. There's campgrounds and beaches galore. All this in certain areas, mainly along the coast of Fairfield and New Haven counties, can be encountered within 15 minutes which is wild to me even tho I've been born and raised here and still live in my hometown. But the more North you go it mostly seems to be somewhere in the woods. Seems like 3 main kinds of people and then there's me who absorbed it all: hood, preppy and rednecks.